The Cabin Ch. 02

Jack let the passwordate kiss linger for quite awhile before gripping the back of Kara’s hair. She let out a small squeak as he pulled her from his lips, looking deeply into her eyes. “That is the last time you kiss me without permission. Is that understand, pet?”

Kara bit into her lip as she nodded against his grip. Everything he had done to this point (ignoring her in the car, leaving her on the porch, dragging her to the fireplace, warming her back up again, kissing her more lovingly than anyone before) had caused her to grow wet and wanting.

He gave a devilish grin then a quick peck to her lips. “Good. Now, t-shirt and thong off. From now on, you’ll wear nothing in my presence. Is that understand?”

With a giggle, Kara nodded, striping her t-shirt and thong with ease.

Jack’s smile grow as he looked on her naked form for the first time. A thrill of excitement filled her as he looked on. Months of talking and he had never seen her completely unclothed. Not rEally, anyway. A few naughty pictures here and there, but nothing like this. She leaned back into his chest, ‘accidentally’ brushing him, just to check that her body was having the desired effect. It most certainly was.

He cleared his throat and tried to regain his stern composition. “First resting position, pet.” He gave her shoulders a little push forward, getting her to her knees faster.

Kara let out a satisfied huff as her palms hit the fur rug, catching herself. “Yes, Master.”

Seconds after she was in position, she realized that he was standing behind her. Lazy fingers traced from one shoulder, across and around her neck, to the other. A whimper slipped from her, catching in her teeth as they bit her lip.

Jack walked around her and Kara caught sight of how aroused the situation was making him, as well. As he spoke, the deep, commanding timbre returned to his voice. “How badly do you want to be my pet?”

“Very much, Master. I will do anything, Sir.”


“Master, anything. Anything for you, Sir.” She was breathless already.

His voice was almost hard as he paced behind her. “Would you move off the rug? Kneel directly on the hard… cold… stone floor? No padding, no comfort, just bare knees on rough stone?”

Kara practically turned at the idea. Even now, on the softness of the fur, her knees were Beginning to ache again. The thought of prolonging her pain was almost torture in and of itself. But she didn’t want to disappoint him, not now, not ever. So, the good little pet nodded deeply. “Yes, Master, I would do that for you.”

The sudden crack of stiff leather against her ass sent a shriek racing out of her throat. She looked around in shock and horror. Where in the hell had he gotten the riding crop from?

Jack flexed the black stick in his hands, a sharper edge to his voice. “That’s try that again. Pet, would you have a problem with getting on your hands and knees, crawling to the sandstone, and kneeing there for a prolonged period of time?”

Kara was confused, not quite knowing what she’d done wrong. Again, she nodded, though the idea still made her sick to her stomach. “No, Master, anything for you.”

And again, the riding crop came down with such force that it caused her cheats to jiggle. The shock of the blow made her bite into her lip, nearly drawing blood.

Jack moved in front of his kneeling pet, now tapping the crop on his leg so that she could see it even with her head bowed. “Last time. Go knee on the stone floor. NOW.”

Opening her mouth, the words failed her. She didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what he wanted. But she was afraid to ask. So, she rocked forward, preparing to crawl to the hard surface.

A soft, strong hand braced her shoulder, pushing her back into a Sitting position. With kind eyes and a soft voice, the tall man looked deeply into the younger woman’s eyes.

“Do you know why I punished you?”

Kara shook her head, but still couldn’t find the words. Her eyes were nearly brimming with tears now as she looked into the deep caramel pools.

Still kind and low, his voice seems to rock her very soul. “You lied to me, pet. This doesn’t work if you don’t trust me. You have to trust that I don’t want you to hurt you. Don’t want you in any real pain. If you need to stop, you have to tell me to stop. I won’t be disappointed if you say something. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t. Now…” He stood, regaining his demanding tone. “Crawl to the stone. Now.”

The new pet looked up at her loving Sir, a single tear now rolling down her soft chef. “Please, Master. I.. I can’t. My knees…”

Without a second thought, Jack stepped forward and scooped Kara into His chest. Her arms barely had time to wrap around his neck before he was setting her down on the black leather couch. With gentle, caring hands, her traced up her legs until his lips found the cause of her pain. Heat filled her body as hekissed and massed her aching knees.

Soft moans left her lips as he worked his magic. Her eyes began to close as the sweet care continued. A sight of contentment and bliss filled her lungs as she relaxed into the soft skin of the sofa. If this was BDSM, what the hell had she been so nervous about?

Then, Jack made his true intentions very clear, indeed. Zip, rustle, tie, knot. Before Kara even had time to open her eyes, her feet were bound to the short low legs of the couch and her hands were well on their way to the same fate. Forgetting herself for a moment, she gasped and started to struggle, only to be met with the strong grip of his hands on hers.

“Stop, pet. I won’t thank you if you make my task harder.”

“Y-yes, Sir. Sorry, Master.”

But the effect of being restrained wasn’t what she’d thought it would be. Not at all what she thought it would feel like. A rush of fear filled her as she realized just how helpless and naked she truly was. Her breath began to speed and her eyes grow wide, locked onto his hands as they tied the last knot. When he turned his back, she tried desperately to free her hands and feet, but it was no use. She was very secure in her current position.

Jack turned back, looking her up and down. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized just how flush her body was. She blushed even more as he continued to scan her naked spread body with his hungry eyes. With a soft tone, a low rumble left his lips. “Are you alright, pet? Do we need to stop?”

Kara gulped hard, closing her eyes for a moment. She could do this. She could DO this. This is what she’d wanted for months and months, and that hadn’t changed, now. After a deep breath, she will her heart to slow, opening her eyes and shaking her head. “No, I’m fine. Really. I’m ok, Jack.”

Jack squared his shoulders and practically grew. “Master.”

With a small voice, Kara Shook her head again. “Yes, Master, sorry Sir.”

Taking a few steps back, the imposing man made his way to the side of the fireplace. Grabbing a tall, plain wooden barstool, he set it halfway between the fire and sofa. Her eyes nearly popped from her head as she saw him place a simple wooden spoon on the seat. She knew very well what those objects were for, and it made her heart race again.

“I see you know what these are, pet. You’ve said repeatedly that you will be too good a pet to earn any time over my knee. Over the next few days, we’ll see if you are right.”

Kara gulped hard as her lover made his way back to the couch. He grabbed a throw pillow from the ground, bringing it near her hip. “Lift.” Without a second thought, Kara’s hips bucked and the soft microfiber covering was slipped under the small of back just above her pert little ass. The effect was instant as her body was shifted, her back now against the corner of the sofa back and seat. She felt her legs open just enough to send cold air rushing to her wet lips.

As he knelt down beside her arched back, a devilish grin crossed his lips. His fingertips grazed the soft skin of her stomach causing her to moan and pitch against the ropes. Being restrained like this was still causing her distress, but now that his hands were dancing above her… A blissful sight left her lips as his face began to line up with her pulsing center.

Seeing her reaction, Jack took his opportunity, spreading her legs, the cool air tingling the dampness already starting there. With a blank face, he spoke, his deep voice reverberating Kara’s very being.

“Do not cum.”

Eyes wide, the young woman looked up in shock. “What?!”

His eyes burned as his demeanor hardened slightly. “Do. Not. Cum.”

Kara’s mind was wrapped with confusion. Wasn’t cumming… the point? Why was she not supposed to cum? And how, on Earth, did one stop oneself from cumming?

As her mind reeled, Jack buried his face between her legs, kissing her lips gently. The effect was immediately,causing her mind to blank. As the wonderful sensing washed over her, her entire body contracted. Her hands and ankles bound, she could do little more than buck and twist. Steady and sensitive moans filled the air as sparks flew before her eyes.

“Oh, my- God! Ja- Master! Please, I-“

As his tongue explored each fold and crevasse, Kara pulled desperately at her restraints. She needed to touch him, cares him, push him closer. But the fact that she couldn’t touch him, couldn’t control where his tongue went next, somehow made the entire experience hotter.

Within moments, she had completely lost all sense of reality. Pitching up into his mouth, she came with a scream, ecstasy pulsing through her, every nerve on fire. When she finally came down, she noticed that he had stopped, now looming above her. The look on his face quickly removed the smile from hers.

“What did I say, pet?”

Fear gripped her once more. “You… You told me not to cum, Sir, but I…”

“And what did you do, pet?” His tone was no nonsense, stern and strong.

“I… I came, Sir. I’m sorry, I tried, but I…”

Almost as quickly as he had tied them, Jack had removed the ropes from her wrists and ankles. Without another word, he gripped the back of her hair, forcing her to her feet and towards the stool.

Kara’s heart rate skyrocketed as she realized the consequences of her Misstep. “Master, please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

Her words of protest were cut short is the handle of the wooden spoon was placed between her teeth. A large finger was waved in front of her face as Jack let go of her hair.

“Do not get teeth marks on my spoon, pet.”

Kara’s jaw instantly released as much as it could without dropping the spoon. As she stood there, her body shaking with terror, she could hear her Master behind her as he untied the ropes from the couch legs. Before he came into her line of sight again, a strong hand found the back of her neck and pushed her forward, bending her in half over the stool. The blood quickly rushed to her head as her hands and feet were bound once more, this time to the legs of the stool.

Her breath hitched in her throat as the true helplessness of her situation sunk in. A hand came down, removing the spoon from her teeth. A soft hand caressed her bottom, making her jump and the sudden touch.

“This is your first indiscretion, pet, so I shall be lenient. But if you cum while I’m giving you your punishment, you will find out what true punishment feels like. Do you understand?”

Fear stopped the words in Kara’s throat, so she simply nodded. Then, the hand on her cheek moved to the small of her back, allowing him to bend over and whisper in her ear. “Do you remember our safe words, love?”

Angain, Kara nodded, his words seemingly calming her just a bit. She had a way out, if she needed it, and that made all the difference.

Before she had even registered that he was once again upright,a flat sting radiated from her backside, causing her to squeal. As the flesh jiggled with the force, Kara felt the mark began to rise. Gasping, she turned her head just enough to catch the extremely satisfied grin of her Master.

“Count for me, pet. Do not lose your place. If you do, I’ll be forced to start over again. Understood?”

Another breathless nod as the blood continued to pour into her ears.


No sooner had she said the word than another blow landed on her round mounds. A gasp, a shudder and a whimper all fell from her lips within seconds of each other.


Over and over the strikes landed. Some in the same places, others as if he were trying to paint the entire surface of her ass red. This had been what she’d wanted. She’d said as much several times. Now that the time was finally here, she couldn’t see how cumming during such a spanking was even possible.


Tears were now brimming from her eyes as she tried desperAt least to maintain her composition. Well, as much as she could in that position. The heat from her skin seemed to radiate several inches from her backside. She was gasping, desperate for air as the blood pooled, making her face just as red as her singing cheeses.

She jumped slightly as she felt a hand come down on her smarting skin. But this time, it wasn’t a short, sharp motion. Instead, his hand rested gently, caressing her swollen mounds. A sight of relief graced her lips as he rubbed her softly all over the parts of her bottom he had made sting just moments before. A deep shiver ran through her. He seemed to be trying to erasing all of the pain he had just inflicted. And it most definitely was working.

She exhausted, relaxing into the touch, mumbling something about being thankful it was over. But a soft chuckle made her looked back as best she could at the evil grin slowly growing on her captor’s face.

“Oh, I’m not nearly finished, mine. Merely taking a small break.” As he spoke, his fingers ghosted over her aching lips, causing them to spark. “Fifteen is not near punishment enough. You disobeyed me, and though you are a new pet, you’ll never learn if I’m soft on you.”

Just as Kara was getting comfortable again, another sharp pain shoot her red curves, causing a high pitched squeal to be called from her lips.


His hand had already Begin to stroke her again, causing her to moan out the word.


Another three smacks in quick succession, then a teasing care.

“Seventeen, eighteen… Oh God, nineteen!”

Six moves blows fell, all harder than the last. Kara was gasping out the words. The last shuddered out as a large finger pressed deeply between her lips and into her hot wet hole, driving her so close to the edge she saw stars.


Before the word had completely left her lips, Jack leaned forward, pressing quick kisses in a trail from her dimple, up her spine and endingJust below her ear. His whisper was heated and lustful as he pressed a finger to her hard, wanting clip.

“Now… Cum for me, mine.”

That was all it took for a screaming shudder to exit her lips, ringing out about the high ceilings of the cabin. Her climax was so strong and so complete that she thought she might pass out. As she came down, gasping, her smiling Master leaned to her ear once more.

“Good girl.”


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