I want to thank Kirk2004 for his invaluable editing. Thank you, Kirk!
Arriving at the cabin, the confrontation continues
They were nearly to the cabin and he thought Kit probably wasn’t going to find the weekend as enlightening as he would because, before it was over, he was going to find out why she’d been acting so differently the last few months. If isolation and insight didn’t get her to tell him what was wrong, he would do something he had seen Evan or Jack do to Julie or Marcy. If that didn’t work, he’d resort to more drastic measures. He saw a lot during the years he used to come to the cabin; something would come to mind.
They reached the cabin only moments later. Michael pulled up as close to the front door as possible and stopped the car. He carried in all of the bags before he released the belts from his struggle wife. He carried her to the couch, took off her coat, and wrapped her with the warm down-filled comforter.
“Kit, it’s only 50 degrees in this cabin. If you try to move off the couch or struggle and the quilt falls off, it stays off and I’ll strip you. While it will only take a little while to heat the room after I turn up the thermostat and start a fire, during that time you’ll get very cold. I would think twice about trying anything.”
He went to the door and locked the deadbolt. She wouldn’t be able to get out without the key giving him enough time to restrain her if she ‘misbehaved’.
Michael turned up the thermostat, got wood, and started a fire, and then lit several candles. He put away the groceries and put their bags in the master bedroom. Within the hour the cabin started to warm up and Michael knelt beside Kit.
“I’m very proud of you, Kitten. Now I’m going to take off your restraints and pull out that nasty gag. If you continue to be a good girl, you won’t have to have them put back on. If you scream no one will hear you, and I’ll do nothing until it annoys me andThen the gag goes back on. If you try to run, there’s no place to go, but if I have to chase you, I’ll restrained you again. If I have to restrain you, it won’t be comfortable like now. You won’t like it. I’m going to take the gag off now. The first thing I want to hear is ‘I understand, sir’.”
Michael took the gag off. He watched Katherine struggled with thoughts of screaming, cussing, and telling him just what she thought of him and with merely saying yes sir. Wise woman that she was and knowing he had the advantage until she was unrestrained; she lost the battle raging within and said, “I understand, sir”.
Michael smiled knowing it cost her to answer as ordered. He would have to keep an eye on her. He released her ankles and wrists rubbing each to ease the soreness then asked, “Are you hungry, pet.”
Again she fought the battle and then answered with mock colleagueness, “Yes, sir.”
“Come then. We’ll warm up the spaghetti and bread I got from Pasqualie’s and make asalad. I got some of that wine you like.”
All during food preparation and eating, Michael could hardly restrain a chuckle watching Kit plot and plan and struggle to maintain a meek, sub attitude.
“You’ve done well Kit. I didn’t expect you to last this long. It was a joy to get through a meal and not have you act like a shrew.”
Of course this brought a scowl to Kit’s face, but she stopped herself just in time from unleashing a bevy of profanities.
“Let’s clear the table. The dishes can wait until tomorrow.”
It only took a few minutes to accomplish the task. Michael took Kit’s hand and led her to the couch where he sat down pulling her down beside him. Then immediately deciding that wasn’t good enough, Michael easily lifted her to his lap and turned her into him.
“Ah, this is better. It’s been forever since we’ve snuggled this way. I didn’t realize how much I missed it, Kitten. Now don’t spoil the moment by telling me not to call you Kitten. Since I’min such a good mood you can ask me any questions you have, and I’m sure you have questions, before I start grilling you. I reserve the right not to answer the ones I deem inappropriate. Okay, Kit, here’s your chance. Ask away. It may be the only time I give you this opportunity. Use it wisely.”
Michael could feel Katherine’s continuing initiative and the raging battle to fight, but she fought her rage and found enough control to ask questions.
“Where are we?”
“The Cabin, mom use to call it. I inherited this cabin along with my brother from our father. When Evan died I became sole owner.”
“Butwhereare we?”
“Sorry Kit, I’m not ready to tell you precisely where this cabin is located. Let it be enough to Know that we are still in California.”
“How come you never told me about this place?”
“I didn’t think I would ever come here again after Evan died and have been thinking about selling it for a long time.”
“It’s…it’s…. Why sell it?”
Maybe it was the wine that mellowed her and temporary dulled the humiliation she suffered at being tied up. Whatever it was, she had calmed down.
“It’s what, Kit?”
“It’s beautiful.”
Michael looked around. He had forgotten how beautiful it was. He was going to sell it because of its history.
“Yes, it is, isn’t it? I had forgotten how beautiful it is up here.”
“Why sell it?”
“It has some good memories, but it has some bad ones too. My mother hates the place. I think my father use to. . . . Well, anyway. My brother was killed on his way here only a few miles down the road. Mom says it was the evil that was done here that caused his death.”
“Evil? What kind of evil?”
“Later in the weekend I’ll tell you more about that, next question.”
She thought about how he had brought her here and after a slight hesitation Kit continued, “How long are you going to keep me here?”
“As long as it takes.”
“What do you mean by that?” The seditious Kit was back.
“Exactly what I said. As long as it takes.”
“Takes for what?” she hissed.
“Until you tell me what’s wrong, and why you’ve been acting so strangely, so differently for months.”
“I haven’t been acting like anything. You’re—”
Before she could finish, Michael grabbed her wrists and pushed her far enough away from his chest to look directly into her eyes.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. If we have to stay here for a month of Sundays, we’ll stay. I’m not leaving here without answers. What the hell is going on Kit? We haven’t sat like this cuddled up in front of a fireplace in forever. We used to do it all the time. You almost never let me touch you. We could hardly Keep our hands off one another until a few months ago. What happened? What changed?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Katherine huffed out trying to pull her wrists from his hands.
“Goddamn it, you do too! What happened?”
Michael didn’t let her finish. His mouth covered hers in an angry kiss. When she started to fight him, he pinned her down and tore her blouse open, pushed her bra over her breast and took her nipple in his mouth. He fought her clothes until they were a shredded heap on the floor. Screaming she tried to stop him as he pushed down his own pants and plunged into her when he felt how wet she was.
“Stop. Don’t.”
Even Katherine’s sobs didn’t faze him, at first, but the tears on her cheeks brought him back under control, and he became a bit gentler as he slowly rocked against her. He cupped her face and whispered to her.
“Tell me Katherine. Tell me goddamn it.”
He didn’t know who was more surprised when she started responding to him. Her arms Pulled him down into a kiss. Her hands stopped pushing and started kneeling his back. When he felt her climax, he let himself go. When he could, he moved them so they were side-by-side and pulled the comforter aroundThey and pulled her tighter into his arms.
“Tell me, Katherine.” She only cried. After a while they fell asleep not making it to the bedroom.
In the middle of the night Michael woke to the disappoint of something wrapped around his legs and a roughness across his hips and pressing into his groin. Then he remembered he had taken Katherine so quickly that he hadn’t taken his pants completely off and now they were trying to tough him. Kit was still pressed securely against his chest. She was exhausted. He gently eased himself away from her and managed to get off the couch without waking her. Holding his pants up he walked into the master bedroom and turned on the electric blanket to take the chill out of the sheets. Then he took off his pants and made use of the bathroom. After checking to make sure that all the candles were extinguished, he closed the fireplace doors, pulled down the covers on the bed and walked back to his sleeping beauty.
It had been months, Michael thought, since he had gazed at Kit this way. Her beautiful auburn hair cascaded around her face and shoulders. Her pouty mouth slightly swollen from his kisses was relaxed in sleep. For the first time in months, she looked almost peaceful. He wrapped the comforter around her and ever so gently picked her up. Her head snuggled in the curve of his shoulder. He turned and headed towards the bedroom. About half way there, Kit, in a grocgy sleep, put her arm around his neck, lifted her head slightly, kissed him and whispered ‘I love you’. The act surprised Michael so much he completely stopped and stood still for minute. Then he realized she was still sleep. He eased her into bed and crawled in behind her turning off the blanket as he pulled the covers over them. He snuggled Kit against him again and fell back to sleep.
Kit woman to the smell of coffee. A shaft of light was just beginning to filter through the French doors. The sun, a bright red haze, was just startingIt climb over the mountains. Michael watched her try to remember where she was and how she got there when she suddenly stiffened. He quickly slide his arm over her naked body and pressed her on her back, sliding between her legs so fast she didn’t have time to react.
“No you don’t, love. Last night was fun but much too fast.” Michael started to rock against her pelvis. His hands found her breasts and started playing with her nipples. His mouth covered hers. She tried to push him away but only succeeded in turning her head. He just went for her neck.
“Stop it. Stop it! Don’t. I don’t want to.”
She tried to struggle but this just increased the pressure on her hips.
“I want to,” he whispered as he ignored both her cries to stop and the struggles to unseat him. Slowly and gently he Continued caressing her. As he hoped, she began to respond to him. He slipped his left hand under her right leg, pulling it up enough to cause his cock to press harder against her climates. He brought her to her first orgasm just by the continued rocking of his groin against hers and his fingers and mouth on her breasts. She barely recovered from the first orgasm, when he franticly kissed down her body and took her with his mouth. In his need to bring her to multiple orgasms, he barely noticed the ugly S scar in her public hair. When she orgasmed for the second time, he slid back up her body and thrust into her. He covered her mouth with his and both could taste her on his lips. Their moans were muffled in each other’s mouth.
“Let go, Kitten,” Michael whispered.
When she climaxed the third time, his control shattered and he climaxed too. When he could breathe even again, he throw back the covers and plucked Kit off the bed and headed to bathroom.
“Damnit, stop. Let me down. What are you doing?”
Her words and struggles fall on deaf ears.
He held her wrist while dropping her to her feet so he could turn on the shower. Michael smiled when hesaw Kit trying to look around and still maintain the act of trying to get away.
“Do you need to go the toilet? I don’t think you’ve been since we got here.”
He lifted the lid up and pushed her down. He did give her a tad bit more privacy this time by turning away and getting out a couple of big towels and two washcloths. As soon as he heard her wipe, he turned and grabbed her wrist and shoved her into the huge shower.
The shower was big, really big, at least five by five with black shiny tile on the walls. A duller black tile with a little rough texture was on the floor. Michael smiled when he remembered Evan showing him the shower for the first time.‘You don’t want to fall and take a chance of hurting a sub or worse yourself. Safety first, my boy!’Yes that was Evan, safety first. Michael had to smile at the memory.
On the corner opposite the three showerheads were two very well anchored grab bars, the kind hospitals used to ensure the safety of the patients. They were placed about one and a half foot from the corner on the walls at right angles and about four foot from the floor. Under the bars was a triangle seat. Placed at very interesting intervals were hooks and eyesbolts. A sub could be tied in very fascinating ways in that shower.
“What are you doing? Get out! Stop. What are you doing?”
“I’m getting shampoo for your hair,” Michael said as he pushed her under one of the showerheads and later her up. He hardly finished with her hair when she felt his hands all over her body coating her with her favorite body soap.
“Stop it. I can wash myself.”
“I know you can, love, but I want to do it. I want my hands all over your body, my body I should say. You and your body belong to me. Mine.”
“What? I don’t belong to you.”
“Oh, yes you do, my pet. You gave yourself to me three years ago. You wore that lovely white dress and pretty little veil. You looked like a goddess or an angel, my angel. You wereso beautiful, so perfect. Remember? And I belong to you. That’s the way it works. Something’s happened to that, and I want to know what, and you’re going to tell me.”
He turned her around, cupped her sex, and then slowly pulled his hand up until his finger could trace the scar. Katherine went perfectly still. Fear filled her eyes. After a pause Michael continued in the same light voice he had been using but now tempered with a steel undertone.
“I assume that this has something to do with the change in you these last couple of months. It looks like it’s a couple months old. How did you get it Kit?”
“Don’t.” Katherine tried to push his hand away. It didn’t budget.
“How’d you get it, Kit?”
“It’s none of your business.”
“Everything on Your body is my business. It belongs to me, remember.” Michael gripped her upper arm and calmly took the detachable nozzle from its holder and sprayed the soap off himself and then off Katherine and pulled her out of the showere. He handed her a towel and took one himself. While she was still shaking from Michael’s discovery of the scar, he finished drying, walked to the bedroom, and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and T-shirt.
Katherine walked out of the bathroom into the master bedroom and looked around for the suitcase Michael packed for her and started towards it.
“Here,” Michael said handing her a black gauzy-silk robe.
“I’m not wearing that,” Katherine hissed at him and turned again to the suitcase.
“It’s this or nothing at all.” Michael grabbed her, pulled her to him, and turned her around to face the French doors. “See that snow. We got four more inches last night. On top of what was already here we have about a foot. It’s 18 degrees out. The wind chill makes it about 4 degrees. If it Continues to snow each day like it has, I’ll have to call the plowing service in town to get us out when we’re ready to go home. So put on the robe or nothing. You can’t go out in this weather witout a death wish. You’ll freeze before you find another person. We’re secluded here, Kitten. You’re at my beck and call. I’m going to make breakfast. If you come out in anything but that robe, I’ll tear it off of you and it will end up in shreds like your clothes last night. By the time we’re ready to leave you won’t have anything to wear and will have to go home naked.”
With those last comments, Michael turned and headed to the kitchen.
Katherine stood in a stupor for at least a minute. She turned and looked out the window. The wind was blowing. The snow glistened and the pine trees swwayed. She finally picked up her cosmetic bag, went back to the bathroom, dried her hair and brushed her teeth. She put on no make-up but rubbed on some face cream and body lotion all in a trace-like state. Returning to the bedroom, she looked down at the discarded robe on the floor.
She remembered the last time, the only time, she destroyed the robe. Michael had called her from work saysng that he would be late and to eat supper without him. He would be eating with Jamie and one of their clients. She had picked a few things at the mall earlier that day, and saw the robe in one of the little intimate apparel shops nestled between two larger department stores. She bought it.
That night when Michael got home, the house was nearly dark. She had taken rose petals and made a trail from the door to the candle-lit bedroom, and, as she knew he would, he followed the fragment path. When he reached the bedroom, he leaned against the door frame and said ‘nice robe’. She was on the bed in a sexy pose and a sexy smile and answered ‘I’m glad you like it. I bought it for you’. After pushing off the wall he undressed keeping his eyes focused on her and then slowly peeled the robe off. They used to do things like that all the time, spontaneous things. He brought this robe to remind her of what they use to have.
With the memory still lingering in her mind, she picked up the robe and put it on as if under a spell and walked to the dining area. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes and in a whisper soft voice she spoke.
“I’ll get cold with only this on.”
“Come and finish the eggs and I’ll start a fire in both the living room and bedroom.”
Without looking to see if Katherine would follow his orders, Michael picked up an armful of split wood and carried it to the fireplace. A roaring fire followed. He returned and got another load of wood and walked to the bedroom. When he returned, Katherine had everything on the table.
“Good girl. It looks delicious. Can you feel the heat? It’s getting warmer in here already.”
They sat down and Michael filled his plate and chattered about nothing in particular, and then commented on her near empty plate.
“You need to eat, Kitten. You’re going to need your strength if you intend to continue fighting with me, and I want that weight put back on. You’re at an unhealthy low right now. Eat.”
At least she had stopped telling him not to call her Kitten. He scooped up a spoonful of eggs and put two strips of bacon on her plate. As she took a bite, an unwanted tear slide down her cheek. He reached over and brushed it away with his thumb. Finally, in silence she ate what he put on her plate.
Coming soon: Michael tells Katherine about the Cabin
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