Chapter 2: Sherry’s Story
This is Part 2 of the Cabin story. You will not need to read Part 1 to follow this story line but it might fill you in on the rest of the story, so to speak, if you do.
My husband, Greg, and I had come up to our lakefront cottage in Northern Ontario. It was near the end of the summer and the boys didn’t want to come along and that was Just fine with me. I needed some space and some down time. I was so tired of being “Boss, Mom, Go-to Girl for the world.” I just needed to unwind. I thought a relaxing weekend at the lake would do just the trick – little did I know how much.
We left Guelph at noon on Friday. My husband, a family practice physical, seemed abnormally anxious to get out of town. I usually had to drag him from the office. I had a helpful assistant who would make certain I was gone when I needed to be. No so for him and his nurses. Sometimes I think they delighted in keeping him in office. Not that I thoughtanything was going on between him and any of them. I just couldn’t see him getting up the guts to pursue one of them. This Friday, he was waiting for me at the hospital, where I am the business manager, before I came out. I don’t know what was up with him. I think he needed to get out of town as much as I did.
The 2 hour trip to Bancroft was full of the usual chit chat about kids, hospital gossip, and things we need to do around the house that the time passed quickly. We stopped for some groceries along the way. We always grill at the lake. We trade duties up there – he cooks, I clean up.
I wanted to catch some sun so I immediately went to change into my bathing suit. When I had finished changing, Greg was still unloading groceries and opening up the cottage, even though we had been up here only last weekend with the boys. I had bought a new lavender suit that showed a little more cleavage and rode a little higher on my hips than usual. If Greg noticed, he sure didn’t leton. I don’t know what had him all fired up to get up here but it sure wasn’t me. His buddies that he usually hangs with up here weren’t supposed to be coming this weekend, according to him. So who knew.
I walked out the patio doors that lead onto the deck and down to the lake. Picking my way through the vegetation, I finally reached the dock, grabbed a lawn chair out of the deck hanger, and stretched out into the warm August air. Maybe later, Greg would come down and we would take a quick boat ride around the lake.
Without realizing it, I had fallen wait. Greg was shaking me to get me wake up. He was afraid I was going to burn, even if I did have a pretty decent tan, it being late in the year. As I woke, he mentioned that the suit looked good on me. I looked into his eyes to see what he mean by that. I couldn’t read a thing. I asked him if he wants to take a ride. He said no, maybe tomorrow but he had just put the grill on and the coals would be ready in about 30 minutesso dinner was an hour away.
I lingered at the dock for a little while. I was frustrated. I didn’t know what I was going to have to do to get my husband’s attention. Our sex life, well, it was just boring. I had needs that just didn’t get met. Oh, it wasn’t like we never did it. We did. It was just routine – on both our parts. Same positions. Same activities. You could script it Without nary a thought. I was starting to get older and I wanted some pizzazz before sex was impossible. I was still a decent looking woman, I thought. My breasts were full. Yeah, they had sagged a little but people with 40DD’s often did even before they were 45. My tummy wasn’t flat but I had had 2 children and was desk bound most of the day. I tried to get a little exercise and I wasn’t ashamed of my body. Maybe I could work a little harder at it – maybe that would rev things up a bit. In the end, I thought, it would probably require me taking control and making it happen like I did everything else. I just didn’t want to do that. I wanted Greg to make it happen – to want it as much as I did, to want me as much as I still wanted him. Oh well, time to grab a shower before dinner.
Dinner was good – not great but good. As I got up from the table to start to clear the dishes, Greg looked at me and said, “We are going out tonight. Go get dressed and put on something sexy.”
I glanced back at him as if to say, what’s gotten into you but he shook his head as if don’t ask and told me to GO. He said it with such authority that any thought of questioning him further evaporated. Where did he get this sudden determination from? I wondered.
I went into our bedroom and sat down at my clothes cupboard. “Shit,” I muttered aloud, “what did I bring up that really qualified as sexy, except for the new swimsuit I had just forgotten and been basically ignored in.” Looking in my drawers, I found a yellow sweater that was just a tad too small, a flowered cotton skirt that was pretty flouncy, justin case we were going to a dance that I didn’t know about. Now for the underwear. He may not see it but it affects how I think. I wanted to wear something hot to make me hot but I really hadn’t planned for that. Maybe now, I know why our sex life was so routine. Note to self, buy sexier undergarments. I finally found a navy blue lacy bra and panty set. It was the best I had and was going to have to do. I searched in the closet and did find a pair of high heeled sandals. At 6’3″, Greg was 7 inches taller than I was. Bancroft periodically had dances so I brought these sandals up here so I could reach his chin. At four inches, I always felt like they were issuing a invitation for sex – but then, wasn’t that what I wanted and what he implied I was going to get?
When I emerged from the bedroom dressed as sexy I could get in a cottage in northern Ontario with no pre-warning, Greg looked up and down my body apparently. I didn’t get the idea that he was burning holes through my clothes but he was definitely checking me out and appeared to approve. We walked to the car without any words between us. There was a tension in the air. It didn’t feel like sexual tension, yet, but it was tense.
We headed for town and having asked if we were going dancing and told no, I couldn’t figure out where we were headed. When we got into the middle of town, Greg asked me to put a blindfold on. I was confused at this new attitude in my husband but getting no answers that would explain it, decided to cooperate anyway and placed the blindfold over my eyes. A little while later after he had driven around in circles several times, he headed down a gravel road. It didn’t seem familiar so I had no idea where we were.
All of a sudden, I felt his hand against the outside of my sweater. He tweaked my nipple, which is extremely sensitive. “Ooh” I responded. A few moments later, his right hand was caresing my breast continuously.
When he stopped the car, I thought I was goingg to get to take the blindfold off. Instead he gently helped out of the car, along a gravel path and into a building. I couldn’t see a thing but it seemed darker than before. He sat me on a chesterfield. I started to reach up and take off the blindfold but he barked at me and told me to keep it on. I didn’t understand where this new found command was coming from but I obeyed and dropped my hand back into my lap. I felt vulnerable. It was an interesting feeling – almost sexy in its own way.
He guided me up and then walked me forward. Eventually, he helped me up a little bit onto a firm surface. I didn’t understand where we were or what I was sitting on. I heard some rustling, saw some light through the blindfold, heard the door shut, and then the blindfold came off.
I was sitting in a doctor’s examining room. I was on an ob/gyn table. I could tell by the stirrups at the end. In front of me stood Dr. Greg wearing a white lab coat that nearly covered his shorts. There was a small stool like all doctors’ offices have and set of drawers that all females over the age of 15 know have all types of cold metal instruments. Greg and I had occasionally fantasized about making it in a doctor’s office but our reports mean more to us than the risk of getting caught. He must have found a way.
“So what brings you to the doctor’s today?” He asked in his best doctor tone.
Playing Along and suddenly getting very interested in this little game of his, I immediately responded, “I have an itch and I think you need to look at it.”
“Well, I know that it has been awhile since you have been in, so I let them book this appointment, but all my nurses have gone home. Is that okay?”
I nodded, with interest building in my eyes, as well as other places.
He had me undress from the wait up, as he watched. The setting made it very uncomfortable even though I had dressed and undressed in front of this man for 24 years. He laid me back on the table beforehe caresed my breasts and tweaked my nipples which were growing rapidly. Declaring them fine, he made me finish undressing. This time, I put a little swing into my hips and watched his eyes as they heated up at the sight my blue lace panties. Shoving them down my legs as erotically as possible, I wondered how hot and bothered he was by all of this. He was showing no signs of emotion.
He placed my feet in the Stirrups and snapped a rubber glove on one hand. I felt him enter me with one of his large fingers. It wasn’t as good as his cock, but it felt wonderful. I am sure I moaned with pleasure and compromised some. The next thing I know he was telling me that if I didn’t stop moving, he would have to restrain me. He had to complete his exam before he could find the source of my itch, he told me. Not really believe him, I settled down just to play along.
I heard him reach for something and the next thing I knew that largest finger was lubed and plunged into my ass. I yelled asthe pain turned to pleasure. His other hand took over my pussy and as his thumb hit my clip, I was going like a bucking bronco. The next thing I knew, he was grabbing restrains. Sure enough, he means it. I guess I had wondered what it would feel like, so now was as good a time as any to try it. I kissed his arm as it came over me to restrain my midriff. Next my feet secured to the stirrups and then he pulled my arms above my head and locked them so I couldn’t move.
My juices were flowing so hot right now I was amazed the plastic on the table didn’t melt. I hadn’t been this turned on in years. It wasn’t the way he touched me – that was normal. It was the location, the being bound, his dominance, his authority over me that made me so hot I was already on the edge. Next he started eating me out. Now Greg is not opposed to this but it isn’t in our normal repertoire. Now I was really hot. I can’t move and my pussy is on fire. I want a cock in there now – his preferably but you couldhave probably served me King Kong’s and I would have taken it without complaint.
In the next second I am over the edge from his nibbling, shuttering with an orgasm. “Please put it in me, I can’t take anymore” I yelled. He withdraw his mouth, substituted his finger and I came again in great big gushing tremors that were all the larger from the restraints that had me bucking in place. “Please put it in me.” I cried.
Playing with me, he smiled and asked, “What? What is it that you want so much? Have we found the itch you were talking about?”
“Yes, yes, you’ve found it. You are a son of a bitch. I need it now. Put it in?
“What, my finger?” He pushed fingers into my hot, juicy pussy.
“NO, you asshole, your cock! Your Dong! Your Penis! Or whatever you want to call it, just get that hot, thick piece of manhood in me now.”
The next thing I knew his shorts were off, his lab coat still on, and his cock jutting straight out from under his short lab coat. His 8″was harder and stronger than I had seen in a number of years. All of suddenly, he punched a few buttons on a remote control and the exam table moved and whirred and I was half standing, half laying with my legs wide open, right at the height for him to enter me without straining.
He put his hands on my knees and began thrusting in and out like a kid pumping a well handle. After a few minutes of grunting and stroking, he slowed, pulled my legs together and gave it two or three deep thrusts, balls to ass and then I could feel his hot cum spraying against my pussy walls. He was hotter than I was!
He collapsed over me and gently nuzzled my breasts. When I could get my breath back, I told him I love him and loved what we had just done. He asked me if I minded being restrained and I told him no, I had actually enjoyed it. He looked up at me from between my full tits and smiled.
In a few more minutes he got up, took his lab coat off, hung it on the back of the door, slide offHis shirt and shoes and left the room. When he returned he had a pan full of warm soapy water and he proceeded to wash me up, leaving me fully restrained. There was a warm returning to those regions as he carefully spread my labia and wash me, playing particular attention to my clip. The roughness of the washcloth almost had me going again. But then he stopped. I glanced down at him and he was starting to get some life back into his manhood. I smiled, thinking, this night is not over next. What is after this?
When he asked me to wear the blindfold again but not to get dressed, I was confused but I now trusted him to believe that I would enjoy it. So I donned the blindfold and then I felt him remove the restraints. When he got to my arms, he left f the soft cuffs wrapped and secured to one of my wrists. I just couldn’t Figure out what was up. He used the remote again to lay the table flat and then gently pulled me to my feet. His mouth met mine and we stood for a few moments deeply kissing, his tongue playing over mine like it used to when we were courting. His hands played along my back and sides with his thumbs seeking out my nipples, which were once again becoming hard. My nipples get to be very large, about the size of dimensions. I believe it was all the nurses I did. I didn’t wean my boys until they were nearly three. Greg believed that the mother’s milk was essential to healthy babies. He said foreign countries nutsed until the child was 6 or so. I had to wean my oldest when my youngest needed more milk than I could produce feeding a 6 month old and an almost three year old. I nursed continuously for almost 6 years. My nipples had become very large and very sensitive because of this. Greg was using this to his advantage now.
Pulling away, he guided me out of the room and across a floor. He stopped me and then told me to knee carefully. I felt something that felt like a mattress under my knees. He urged me on so I crawled upright a little further untilhe told me to hold up. I heard a door close and then I heard a lock snap shut. I wondered why he felt the need to lock the door. At this point, he took my blindfold off. I looked around. The room was fairly large. The size of a second bedroom in a house, about 10′ by 10′; but the floor was covered by mattress, which was covered in tyvex to be waterproof. I wondered where someone bought their supply of these giant mattress covers. The mattress went right up to the wall. The only part not covered was inset for the door. There were cabinets hung on the wall at the four foot level or so. Clearly places where one would not bang their head. I noticed a completely mirror ceiling, a television mounted on the wall, and intimidating eyesbolts mounted every few feet along the entire wall. Pillows were thrown everywhere and were of every shape imaginable. In one corner laid a pile of covers, neighborly folded.
“Where are we, sweetheart?” I asked.
“We are in a bedroom for lovers.” he responded.
“Well obviously,” I answered. “But where is this in Bancroft? We didn’t go that far away.”
Greg just smiled at me. There were no windows in this room to help me get my bearing and the only lamps were sconces on the walls above the cabinets.
I stood up and headed for the door. Greg just laid there in this Adonis looking pose, leaning against a pillow with his hands behind His head. God, I didn’t realize how good looking he still was. Blond hair, with just a touch of grey at the temples, broad shoulders, and a wait that wasn’t as slim as it was 20 years ago but was still damn good looking. His tanned and muscled legs were stretched out comfortably while his cock and balls rested on his thighs. His cock was stretched out too, not yet hard but definitely interested in Continuing to play. Me too, but I was still curious about where I was. This mattress was not easy to walk on. I finally reached the door. I tried to open it but I could not find the lock that I heard Greg click.
Then I heard Greg chuckle as he held up a remote. “You might as well just crawl on down here and play because you aren’t getting out until I say so.”
Now the spirit of competition was setting in and sex was taking backseat to proving my dominance once again over my husband. I dropped to my knees and crawled towards him hurriedly.
“I knew I would have you crawling on your knees to me,” he laughed mercilessly. I tried to change my movements but I realized that my large tits were swinging down seductively as I crawled on all fours towards the man in front of me. With my just fucked look on my face, I knew that I was looking more like a slut looking for action than a woman on a mission.
When I reached him, I pulled at the arm that had the remote in it. He didn’t release the remote but he did show it to me. It was a coded number remote. He had locked the door remotely and could only unlock it by tapping in a code. In fact all of the functions on the remote needed a code to use. He could let me play with it all I wanted and I probably couldn’t get it to do a thing.
“So what if I need to use the facilities.” I demanded.
“Oh, we have help.” He replied, reaching up into a cabinet and withdrawing a medical bed pan.
“AH, your doctor friends. Which doctor have you made friends with in Bancroft that keeps such a little sex pad in his Office for his trysts.”
He just smiled and shook his head, telling me that he was not saying.
He stretched back out on the pillows he had propped into position and patted the area between his spread legs. “It is time you returned the previous favorite, don’t you believe?”
I started to scoot over to him but he said no, he wanted me to crawl down his leg and up and again so he could enjoy the view. I am sure he did as his cock must have grown another inch in the time it took me to crawl into his crotch.
I took him in my mouth and he instantly started to harden and continued to grow. I was amazed. We haven’t done it twice in one night for several years. I swirled my tongue and pinned my mouth to generate friction. He placed his hands on my head and moved me regularly up and down. As I glanced up at his face, his eyes were intently watching my boobs as they bobbed up and down against the mattress. After a few minutes, he reached down and pulled me up off of him. Grabbing my boobs, he urged me up his body where he hugged me and just held me for a few minutes.
He rolled me off of him and onto the mattress below. He stretched my arms up high and I knew what was coming next. Being restrained was still new to me and a little panic went through me but I remembered how good it felt before so I forced myself to relax. Greg placed the edge of the soft cuff that I had have worn through the eyebolt and then around again. He snugged up the straw good and tight and then grasp my other wrist and secured it as well. I was now captured in this monster bed of a bedroom. I felt tingly all over.
Greg gently probed my mouth with his tongue and toyed with my breasts. Running one hand down to my pussy, he slipped his fingers into me and caresed first with one finger and then with two. Dragging his hands out my box, he spread my juices up my belly. He went in for more and this time he pulled away from my mouth and feed me his fingers covered in my juices. I don’t Know where he had gotten this idea but I was incredible turned on by it all.
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