The silence in the car was stifling as they drove up the mountain roads. Kara felt as though she might choke on everything that was unsad. The arrangement had been that everything would take place at the cabin. Nothing before, nothing after, a ‘what happens in Vegas’ type of agreement. But nothing had been said about the trip there. She didn’t quite know what she had been expecting from the journey. She’d been so focused on what they were planning once they’d gotten there, that she never considered that the trip would be anything other than loving or, at the very least, friendly. As the car climbed the winding roads, however, he couldn’t have felt more alien to her.
Kara shifted in her seat, not sure what to do with her hands or where to look. Up until now, their desires had been held only in talk, emails, and dreams. Their physical contact, however, had been limited to the occasional hug, high five or secret brush of a wandering hand. Each touch, each stolen moment had broughtht a rush of joy and excitement to her. The idea of being able to finally openly cares each curve of his face, to be held lovingly in his strong arms, to feel his desire for her was all that had kept her going for months.
There was no point in dwelling on the reasons behind their current circumstances. They were unavoidable and unchangeable. Not that they would change them if they could. They loved their respective lives, Even if it means keeping the more unconventional side of themselves under wraps.
This weekend, however, promised to be a time when they were going to able to be their true selves, if only for a few days. They had discussed everything down to the last detail, not wanting to waste any of their valuable time together. Between notes of love and longing for each other, they had outlined every rule, every expectation, every Wandering thought. There were some basics that were cornerstones in any BDSM situation such as names for each other, safe words and basic positions. Then there were the rules more specific to them. The do’s and don’t’s, the turn-ons and things to be avoided that came with any arrangement of this type.
They had both agreed that the training period should be as brief as possible to make the most of their time. It was Kara’s first time as a pet, but she had thought about it so often that she hoped she could please her Master right away. While Punishment had been discussed, she was determined never to disappoint him enough to deserve it.
But, in all of their discussions, nothing had been said about the journey. The musical choice had been his and she dared not ask him to change it. It wasn’t her favorite style of music, but she could tolerate it. Early on in the ride, she had placed a hopeful hand on the center console between them as he drove. It had sat there for a solid hour, itching to be held by the hand which rested on his knee. With a heavy heart, she had finally moved it back to her own lap when he didn’tso much as give it a second glance. He seemed intentionally cold in his lack of eye contact, touch or even conversation. A stark contrast from the words of love, affection and admission that had been shared over the past several months. Kara was half afraid that when they arrived at the cabin, Jack would produce a book, insist they simply read for the entirety of the weekend and that she had made all of their sweet nothings up in her own head.
Her fears only increased as they finally pulled up to the cabin high in the mountains. It was completely secluded, surrounded by nothing but trees for miles. The view was absolutely gorgeous, as he had promised, very different from the urban jungle she was used to. But as he exited the car, his demeanor didn’t change as he gathered his things, heading straight into the cabin without a word. Before she knew it, he was already inside, leaving her in the car. She didn’t know what to do. Should she wait for him or go inside? Had they started already and she’d missed it? She felt her heart sinking as she sat alone in the leather clad interior.
Her phone buzzed, sending a little shudder of hope and anticipation through her as she read. ‘Come to the cabin door in three minutes wearing only the items discussed. Leave your other clothes neighborly folded in the car. Turn off your cell phone and leave it, too. Do not disappoint me.’
With a renewed pep, she hurried to obey. Her hands shook from her nervouss working on overdrive as she folded her clothes. While it was a nice day, the air was still biting as it hit her previously covered skin, causing goosebumps to rise almost immediately. With a shiver, she stood in nothing other than a lacey thong and a tight, white t-shirt. She was suddenly extremely grateful for the thick tree cover on all sides of the cabin as her tits perked to sharp peaks under the thin material.
Kara climbed the wooden steps, careful not to get a splinter. Being hurt for her Master would not bea good start. At the three minute mark, she knelt before the door. Her head was bowed, her feet spread, and her ass rested on her heels. She wished she could rub her thighs warm as the cool mountain air began to take its toll, but she kept her palms flat and still, just as he wanted.
But the seconds became minutes, the air seeming to grow colder as she sat motionless. She tried to keep track of the length of time, but lost all sense of it as the chill began to penetrate to her very bones. Soon, she began to shiver, though she tried her best to hold still. Had he forgetten about her or perhaps fallen wait? Was this a cruel joke? But still, she didn’t move, not wanting to displease her new Master, as the chill air seemed to blow right through her.
When she felt she could stand it no more, the door finally flow open. She could see nothing but the tops of his shoes, brown Italian leather. As the warm, inviting air of the cabin met her frozen skin, she let out a small whimper,fighting the urge to run inside. But still, she did not move, not wanting to risk disappointing him.
When he spoke, his voice was lower, more commanding than it had ever been before. “Is this a pet I see on my doorstep?”
Her voice shook with cold as she spoke, low and tiny. The smallness of her voice surprised even her. “Yes, Sir.”
“Who do you belong to, pet?”
“You, Master.”
“Do you promise to be a good pet to your Master?”
Kara felt her knees begin to painfully stiffen as he spoke, but still, she did not move. “Yes, Master, I promise to try.”
“Trying isn’t good enough. Will you be a good pet or not?”
“Yes, Master I will be a good pet!” She heard her voice rise as she spoke, wanting desperately to earn the right to come into the warmth of the cabin.
“Good.” Though she couldn’t see it, she could hear a distinct smile in his voice.
With a gentle, strong hand, he took the back of her hair, gripping loosely. Leading her gently, Jack walked into the living room. On the way, Kara tried to stand, her knees aching from kneeling for so long. She was met with a low growl as a hand pushed down on her backside, causing her to crawl again. “Pets don’t get to walk.”
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” Her knees were now screaming with pain, but she knew, or at least she hoped, it would be worth it in the long run.
As they nearly the living room, Kara felt the warm air envelope her and smiled brightly when she saw the fire. Jack stopped her so that she was just on the soft, fur rug covering the area in front of the large stone fireplace.
“First resting position.”
Without hesitation, Kara returned to the pose she had taken on the porch, grateful this time for the silky rug beneath her tender knees. Jack left her for a moment, returning with a woven blanket that he placed over her front. She shivered as she felt the heat from the fire and blanket see into every pore of her frigid skin. He was still standing ashe spoke, his voice sweet and low as he stroked her hair.
“You have passed your first lesson. You are a very good pet…” He trailed off as he sat behind her, one leg on either side. “And good pets are rewarded.” He placed one hand on either of her arms and began to stroke lightly, up and down, just the lightest touch from his fingertips. As sparks flew under his touch, Kara Couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as he did so, basking in the long awaited care.
“Relax, my pet.” She didn’t need to be asked twice. With a contented sight, she sat back, letting her cold skin melt into the heat of his chest. She let her eyes close a little as he began to stroke her sides, letting his fingers trace every detail of her ribcage.
Any doubts she’d had about his intentions for the weekend dissolved as she finally felt her core thaw in the pleasantly comfortable atmosphere. He began to hum softly in her ear, enjoying the closeness perhaps more than she was. It was the longest theyhad ever spent in each other’s arms, a fact that did not escape Kara. She was determined to enjoy every lingering moment of it.
After a long while, Jack whispered, his breath hot and sweet in her ear. “If at any point it becomes too much, if you want to stop, just say the word. And we’ll just have a regular weekend away like normal people.”
Kara turned, looking at him face to face for the first time since they’d left for the cabin. His eyes were soft, as they were every time he spoke this way to her. She gave him a coy smile, finding it hard to keep back the joy she felt in that moment.
“Now, why, on Earth, would I want to be ‘normal’ when I could be my Master’s pet?”
She gave him a small nip on the lip before going in for a deep, password kiss which set a new fire in her center.
**Special thanks to MSA6572 for all of his wonderful help, in more ways than one.**
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