I want to thank Kirk2004 for his encouragement and invaluable editing. If there are mistakes in punctuation they are mine not his. Thank you, Kirk, you are the best!
The Confrontation
‘Hell, I might as well go home; I can’t keep my mind on work anyway,’ he thought. His head fall back against the chair; he closed his eyes and exhausted a deep sight.
“Is everything all right, Michael?” Jenny’s voice was full of concern as she entered Michael’s office. She handed him the two letters he had asked her to finish before she left for the weekend.
“Yes, I’m fine, I’m just ready for the weekend, I guess.”
Everything was far from ‘fine’ but Michael wasn’t going to discuss it with Jenny. She had been his secretary for nearly two years and was more than adequate in that position. She was a nice young woman, not bad to look at, and personalable, but Michael rarely discussed his personal life with co-workers and never with subordinatesand certainly never with Jenny.
“Yeah, me too,” Jenny responded blushing slightly.
“Special plans?” Michael asked noting the blush and grateful to take his mind off Katherine for a moment.
Jenny smiled shyly then replied, “I’ve been dating a new guy and I really like him. I don’t know where it’s going yet but we have a lot in common. We’re going to a play tonight.”
“I hope things work out for you. It’s nearly five. Why don’t you go on and leave.”
“You’re sure?”
“Sure. I can handle anything that comes up. Have a good time.”
Michael’s partner, James ‘Jamie’ Blanchard, a good friend since high school, was the one exception of someone he would discuss a personal matter. Jamie had overheard Jenny and another secretary discussing Michael one day so he knew Jenny had a crush on him. He breathed a sight of relief that she was dating someone. He didn’t need a secretary thinking of him in anyway except as a boss. His thoughts returned to Katherine. He loved her hopelessly, had since the day they had met, but he no longer would live like this.
“Oh, Kit what’s wrong,” he whispered as he picked up the picture of Katherine and himself that Jamie had taken at the last Christmas office party.
When Jamie showed him the picture, Michael fell in love with it and had a five by seven made for his desk. She was dressed in a simple black sheath. He smiled Remembering how she had explained that a black sheath was the staple of every woman’s close because it went with any occasion. All he saw was the beautiful woman inside it.
Michael, a little over six foot, towered over Kit. Her heels that night brought her up another three inches but still he could rest his chin on the top of her head. She was so slender—close to too thin. At 178 Michael outweighted Kit by 66 pounds. He had his arm around her and she was looking up at him smiling mischievously. Her hair held back with faux emerald combs fell in waves down her back. She was wearing an emergency necklace with matching earrings that made her green eyes sparkle. His Katherine or at least she used to be. They were so happy in that picture.
Michael pondered the changes in their marriage over the last four or five months and could not find the reason for them. He didn’t know why she had stopped talking to him. They used to tell each other about their day now she didn’t want to talk about anything. No funny stories about the boutique, or about anything that happened there or anywhere else.
Tonight or at least by the end of the weekend something would change. Either Katherine would tell him what was wrong, and they would make this marriage work; or it was over. He wasn’t going to let this go on any longer. It had gone on far too long as far as he was concerned. He should have found out what was going on a long time ago or ended it. He showed deeply again hoping he had made the right decision.
“Hi, Kitten …”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Katherine, what is wrong?”
“I’ve told you a hundred times NOTHING IS WRONG!”
Michael dropped his briefcase on the table, crossed the room to Katherine, spun her around and backed her to the wall before she got WRONG completely out of her mouth.
“Stop it. You’re hurting me.”
“I’m not hurting you, but I’m going to if you don’t tell me what the fucking problem is. I’ve had it Katherine.”
Michael slid his hands down to her wrists, pinned them behind her back and with gentle force covered her mouth with his. Pulling back he continued, “What’s wrong?”
“Let go of me.”
“Let go of me. I don’t…”
He covered her mouth again as he crossed her wrists trapping them both with one of his hands. The other hand moved to gently care her breast. He continued to kiss her; his password evidence. Every few seconds he asked again what was wrong. Her answer continued to be nothing and to let her go. Michael could feel her responding to the kisses although she continued to struggle against him.
“This isn’t the problem. Let me go.”
“If this isn’t the problem, why in the hell are we having so little of it lately? If this isn’t the problem, what the hell is Kitten?”
“Don’t call me Kitten.”
“Kitten, we are going to get to the bottom of this or this marriage is over. I’m not living like this anymore. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I’ve had enough. Do you think I don’t know you’ve lost weight? You don’t have an ounce to spare. Do you think I can’t see the dark circles under your eyes? Now one more time, what the fuck is going on?”
Michael boxed her legs in with his more muscle ones, preventing her from kicking him. His body pressed hers flat against the wall. He pulled out the set of cuffs he had in his pocket and pulled her far enough from the wall to attach them to her wrists. At first she was so distracted by the intensity of the kisses and his aggression that she didn’t notice that she was no longer flatten against the wall. By the time she did, it was too late.
“What the hell are you doing? Let me go. Take these things off.”
Again Michael’s mouth covered Katherine’s but soft this time.
“No. No, I think we should leave them on for a while. We’re taking a little vacation and getting to the bottom of this. How long have we been married, Kitten?”
“Three years and don’t call me KITTEN.”
“Three years and four months and for the last four months you’ve acted like you hate me. You hardly let me touch you. You’re always in a foul mood, yelling for no reason, usually about nothing. I’ve had it.”
“For the last time, Michael, take these things off. If you don’t, I’ll scream the house down. Do you understanding? Take these damn things off.”
Katherine was panting, nearly sobbing, and close to screaming already. When she opened her mouth to let out the promised earth shattering scream, he was ready with the gag that he had pulled out of the otherer pocket. Her scream was effectively muffled.
Michael drew a deep breath and slid his hands up and down her arms, softly pressing his forehead against hers.
“Katherine, I love you. I love you like I never imaged I could love anyone, but even I have my limits. Now,” he drew back, “As I said we are going on a little vacation. It’s about a two hour drive so I’m going to take you to our room and pack you a bag.”
He scooped her up into his arms and headed to their bedroom.
She squirmed and wiggled. Michael gently laid her on the bed, opened the drawer on his nightstand, pulled out a length of rope and proceeded to tie her ankles together. He pulled the rope up to the cuffs around her wrists and tied it off. He pulled tight enough to bring her ankles up Nearly to her wrists but not tight enough to hurt her.
“This is to discourage you from trying to get off the bed while I pack your suitcase and tell you how things are going to be.”
Michael couldtell Katherine was shocked as she tried to roll, pulling at the ropes. They had never, ever, played any kind of bondage games. He gave her enough time to realize he wasn’t kidding and she couldn’t get loose. When she quietly down, the tears came. He did nothing about them, but just waited them out and started to pack. When she seemed calm enough, he continued.
“Now I don’t know what has happened and You don’t seem to want to talk about it.” He plucked a tissue out of the box and held it to Katherine’s nose. “Blow. That’s a good girl. Now, things haven’t been right for at least three or four months, but the last two have been intolerable and I for one am tired of it.”
With a smile Michael gently pushed Katherine’s hair off her face and out of her eyes and bent down and kissed her forehead.
“I love you, Katherine. You will tell me what’s wrong before this weekend is over. We won’t be going out so you won’t need many clothes in as much as you won’t be wearing any most of the time. I won’t hurt you. You may not like some of the things I’ll be doing to you and your body, but let me assure you again. I won’t hurt you. Nothing lasting that is. This weekend you will address me as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’. You will be my submissive, my slave, my property, my kitten. You will not speak unless given permission to do so. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer immediately. Failure to answer will merit punishment. You will do what I tell you to do immediately. Failure to do whatever I tell you to do will earn a punishment. Do you understand? Of course, you do. You’re a bright girl.”
Michael continued to pack all the while patting Katherine when he moved around the bed to get this or that. Taking a smaller overnighter, Michael put in Katherine’s travel make-up bag, shampoo and conditioner, soap, brushes and a comb, and other things he thought they might need. Numerous business trips had taught him to pack essentials quickly and expertly. He picked up both bags saying to Katherine over his shoulder that he would be right back, not to go anywhere, just relax and stay still, knowing full well she would struggle while he was gone.
By the time he opened the trunk, he was smiling and had mentally checked his list to make sure he had everything: his bag of goodies, his duffel bag packed the night before when Katherine was at a late meeting, groceries he bought on his way back from court this morning. Yes, he had everything. They would either get to the bottom of this during this weekend or Katherine would hate him so much the marriage would be over anyway.
As Michael retraced his steps back to the bedroom, he was smiling. He realized he was actually looking forward to this weekend. After nearly two weeks of worry, he finally felt like this was indeed a good idea. If things didn’t work out, he was, at least, going to get a good fuck out of it — one last good — no, one last great fuck from it.
When Michael looked at Kit, he couldn’t help but broaden the smile. She had not disappointed him. She was covered with sweat from struggling against her restraints. He put on his blank face and moved to her.
“I see you have succeeded in tightening the rope. It’s going to be hard to untie now. It’s thick and I’ll have to cut it. Hope I won’t nick your ankles or wrists.”
Katherine looked so bewildered he had trouble not laughing. One pull on the rope and it would be off. He hadn’t been an eagle scout for nothing. He messed about her ankles and wrists a while and grunted and finally pulled the rope, and it fell away from her ankles.
“I wasn’t sure I could get them off, Kitten. Don’t struggle so I may not be able to get the next ones off.”
She looked so shocked that again he had to struggle not to grin. Michael scooped Kit off the bed and kissed her forehead as he carried her to the bathroom. Like he did it all the time, he quickly pulled down her slacks and panties and pushed herdown on the toilet keeping his eyes slightly diverted. He didn’t want to be distracted. Although he was sure he would go down on her before the weekend was over, now wasn’t the time and he didn’t want to be tempted. It had been so long since she’d let him really make love to her the way they use to, the way he wanted to. This weekend he would.
“We’ll be in the car for at least two hours. I Know how you are when anyone says ‘car’ you have to go potty. So do your business so we can get going.” Her look was a cross between utter alarm and if-looks- could-kill-he’d-be-dead but there seemed to be something else in her eyes he couldn’t quite place. Vaguely he thought, fear; there was a look of fear. He didn’t let the looks both him and now was not the time to psychoanalyze.
“Come on KITTEN. We don’t have all day.”
He turned on the faucet to a slow dribble and like an unspoken command Kit peed. He smiled and took some toilet paper and wiped her.
“Now don’t you wish you would have just told me what is going on?”
He washed his hands, pulled her to her feet, and as nimbly as he had pulled her pants down, he pulled them back up. Then he scooped her up and carried her back to the bed.
“I’d leave your legs untied but I just can’t trust you.”
He tied her ankles together again, but this time with soft silk scarves and then un-cuffed one wrist and brought her hands around to the front to re-cuff her. She tried to lash out at him while he repositioned her arms, but he was too strong and too fast.
“I don’t really want you to have your hands in front, but I am such a kind master I know that you’ll be more comfortable in the car with them in front instead of behind your back that I’m going to take a chance. Don’t disappoint me, Kitten, and do something stupid. You won’t like what I’ll do.”
He took her warm winter parka, wrapped her in it, and zipped it up the front with the sleeps flapping. This should keep her hands out of trouble. He again scooped her up, carried her to the car, and laid her on her side on the passenger seat that he had already put in a reclining position. He pulled the two belts he had modified over her. One was tightened about mid chest and the other about knee level. He tested for tightness and then placed a pillow under her head.
“Comfy, sweetheart? What’s that you say? Oh, you’re fine? Good. Soon as I turn out the lights and lock the doors, we’ll be on our way. We’ll have a late supplier at the cabin. Be back in two secs.”
True to his word he was back before she even had time to gather her senses. He throw his heavy winter coat in the back and pulled out of the garage.
“Relax Kit. Try to sleep. The adventure is just beginning.”
He heard only a grunt and smiled Knowing all the muffled words through her gag would make a sailor blush and that they were all aimed at him.
Only Jamie know where Michael could be reached. The few others who knew they’d be gone had been told that he and Kit would be on a long week that may extent the entire week. Both just needed some down time. When Michael talked to Kit’s boss, he told Donavan to arrange cover for her for the entire week. He impressed upon him not to let anyone else know Kit would not be at work next week because it was surprise. He did this face-to-face to see Donavan’s reaction.
Michael had not eliminated any reason for the problems he and Kit were having, including an affair. He wanted to see Donavan’s reaction in person, and if there was any hint that Kit knew what he was planning, he would know it was Donavan who had told her. Although he didn’t think Donavan was involved with Kit, he knew stranger things happened. Friends had affairs with friends’ spouses all the time. The fact that Donavan Kastis was sixty-two, overweight, and nearing retirement didn’t eliminate him from the list of possibilities.
He glanced over at his wife. Well, she was certainly surprised.
A week ago on the pretext of a short unscheduled business trip, Michael went up to the cabin and took something he had already gathered up and made sure everything would be perfect. He also had a load of wood delivered and stacked at the back door and went to the grocery and bought non-perishables and some meat and other items that could be put in the freezer. Perishables had to wait until today. It was the first time he had been to the cabin in more than four years.
He went through his dad’s and Evan’s play toys and throw out, burned really, nearly everything. Most certainly anything that could not be sterilized like leather whis that had been used on numerous bodies both on the inside and out. Who knew how many women his dad had used this stuff on? He had seen Jack whip a sub and then turn the whip around and ram the handle into her cunt or ass. No, anything that was leather, rope, old, or breaking and/or flaking was trashed. Rings, eyesbolts, and clamps were washed and sanitized.
Michael retained an elderly couple to clean and check the cabin every couple of months even though no one ever went there. He had called them and made arrangements for them to clean it thoroughly right before he went up. He also purchased a dozen or so concentrated candles and placed them in several places around the cabin.
During the past five years since he had inherited the cabin after Evan’s death, Michael kept the electricity turned on but keep the thermostat at 50, only warm enough to ensure no frozen pipes. A dozen times he thought of selling it but never could. Maybe this was the reason why.
Michael glanced at Katherine. Her breathing was back to normal and was now a slow easy rhythm. She was finally sleeping or, at least, realized that the struggles weren’t helping. He smiled. She had no idea what was in store for Her. He caresed her cheek lovingly as he pushed a wayward strand of hair off her face. He couldn’t count the times he had done the same thing. It used toMake her smile and a kiss usually followed. Sometimes he’d push the hair away from her face just to get the kiss. Now the only thing he got was a growl.
It would take at least another hour and a half to get to the cabin. He adjusted his seat and relaxed. Michael’s mind began to drift as he remembered the past. The tension that he had been feeling, that had become a part of his everyday life for several weeks, began to ease. The memories came, unbidden, like snippets unrelated but joined together like debris in a whirlwind.
He remembered when he met Katherine, their first date, and the first time they made love. He remembered how soft her skin was. Peaches and Cream. He thought the ‘peaches and cream’ saying was kind of asinine but in Kit’s case, it was true. He remembered her sights of pleasure when he touched her and how he wanted her totally sated before his own release. He never really worried about that before.
Now he couldn’t remember the last time he had been atTotal peace in this relationship. He couldn’t remember last time they laughed together, or the last time they made love spontaneously.
His thoughts went farther back to Evan. It was half a lifetime ago that his brother had first taken him to the cabin. It was his on his 18th birthday. Evan and Evan’s friend Julie had taken him. He knew Evan’s friend Jack would be there with Marcy, Evan’s girlfriend, and another girl. Michael remembered how nervous he was because he was sure Evan had planned this weekend as a group fuck fest.
Lord, his imagination couldn’t even come close to what happened there that weekend.
Evan’s birthday present to him was Julie. That first night at the cabin, Evan told Julie that she was to give Michael the best blow job he ever had. didn’t know she would be the first girl to have her mouth around his cock.
Michael smiled at the memory. Julie’s cock sucking was minor compared to the rest of that weekend. It was the first timehe slept with a girl all night. Julie cuddled into him so sweetly. Katherine used to snuggle like that. He realized at that memory, it had been a long time since Kit let him hold her in bed. He exhausted another deep sight.
Kit began to stir. He patted her cheek, shushed her, and said to go back to sleep.
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