The form letter flatly stated that my grade point average had fallen below the University’s prerequisite for living on campus, so it was either apply for special dispensation, or find an apartment. I decided that four years in residence was more than enough for this girl, and hit the want ads that very afternoon. My friends thought I had lost my mind when I soon chose to move into an apartment with two rooms; Both of them male!
The two men were in their late twentyties; and both were quite handsome. Tony was an engineer and Norris was an Air Canada pilot. Neither seemed the least bit troubled, or overly excited, by the fact that I was a woman.
The interview had been very pleasant and businesslike, and I immediately fell in love with the place as they showed me around the spotless, well appointed, three bedroom flat. I made up my mind the moment I saw the spatial, furnished room that would be mine.
Based on the tasteful furnishings, and the pristine condition ofThe apartment, I had assumed from the start that Tony and Norris were gay lovers. We became fast friends over the next several months, sharing meals, evenings of television watching, and lots and lots of discussion—although the subject of sexual orientation never came up.
Those many weeks did little to dispel the notion that they were not the least bit interested in girls, as I rarely saw them with anybody other than each other. It wasn’t long before I became very comfortable with them, and often walked around the apartment in various degrees of undress. In spite of my familiarity with the two men, I realized I didn’t really know them all that well. When they were not in the apartment, I had no idea where they were. At best, I knew them superficially; like one knows the people one works with. That all changed on a warm, spring afternoon in early June.
“Hey Lexie,” said Norris, “my laptop’s in the shop. Is it OK if I check my webmail on yours?”
From within the showerI answered, “Oh…sure, I guess. Go ahead.”
I was in a bit of a fog, both from the steamy water, and the fact that I was in the middle of a self induced orgasm at the very moment Norris had made his request. Just before entering the shower I had been reading a very erotic BDSM tale on a website that I had been frequently for years.
Then I panicked! It suddenly occurred to me that I might have left the story on the screen! I quickly dried myself, wrapped a towel around, and stuck my head out the bathroom door, “Oh Norris…can you wait a bit? I…uh…need to check something first.”
“It’s okay,” he said from the living room, “I’m already done. Thanks Lexie.”
I breathed a sight of relief. The fact that he was already back in the living room means that I must have remembered to exit the website. I finished up in the bathroom, throw on some sweats, and then went into the living room to find the two men sitting on the couch, passing sheets of paper back and forth. Bother were sporting very large grinins. It seemed like all the blood in my body rushed to my face when I realized what they were reading.
“Well!” said Tony, “It seems there’s a whole side to our little Alexandra that we didn’t know about.”
I flumped down in a chair and stared at the floor. I could not remember a time when I had been more embarrassed. After a few moments I raised my eyes and looked at the still smiling men, then I jumped up, ran to my room, and slammed the door behind me. There I just sat and wept in silence.
I couldn’t even imagine what they must think of me, and I wondered if I would ever be able to face them again. I thought I might even be forced to move out.
Ever since puzzle I had been secretly intrigued by the BDSM “lifestyle,” although I had never divulged…or indulged. I had several boy friends over the years, but none had even the slightest inkling that I harbored a yearning for submission…a yearning to be someone’s slave. My favouritestories were those of submissive women in relationships with dominant, but caring men. I have never considered myself a masochist, but the very thought of being bound and whipped to orgasm, by a man who truly loved me, triggered instant and fearsome arousal.
Almost an hour had passed when, from outside the door, Tony said, “Lexie? Sweetie, we’re really sorry. We didn’t mean to embarrass you that way. Come on out and let’s talk.”
Then Norris said, “It was an accident Lex, I just moved the mouse and the screen popped up with that story on it. I couldn’t help but read it…I shouldn’t have printed it out…That was an invasion of your privacy, and I’m really sorry. Come out now, okay?”
I was about to yell at them to leave me alone when Tony said, “Were both Really sorry Lexie. We were just teasing, but we understand…Norris and I have been into the lifestyle for years.”
Holy crap!? What the hell did he mean by that? Had they were in a Dom/sub relationship all along? Is that what they did when they went out for the evening? My mind raced, trying to picture the two men…trying to decide who was the Dom and who was the sub. Neither fit the sub category in my mind.
My curiosity was beginning to overpower my humiliation, and I slowly built up the gumption to return to the living room. Once there, the two of them probably apologized for their accidental peek into my secret world…and then they explained Tony’s prior statement…
“Norris and I have been best friends since university, and it was there where we were introduced to the lifestyle. We are both Doms; and no Lexie, we are not gay. For the last couple of years we have been going to this ‘dungeon,’ a BDSM club, and having sessions with willing subs.”
Norris added, “It’s not great, but it’s the best thing available to us at the moment. It’s not easy to connect with someone who we both could care about and who would feel the same about us.”
They went on to explain howThey had joined the ‘dungeon’ and would hook up with different submissives—always women—and have “sessions” with them for the evening. The club was similar to a dating service, where Doms were ‘matched’ with subs. Their original hope was that they could find willing partners that they both liked and could build relationships with. It was important to them that the relationships would not interfere with their own friend, so their options were somewhat limited.
Life was different for us after that, and for the next couple of weeks we rarely spoke of the secrets we had uncovered about each other. The ‘gay’ thing became a running gag, with both men sometimes acting blatantly efficient and teasing me relentlessly. The biggest changes, though…were my fansies. I found myself unable to shake thoughts of being a sex slave to these two men. Occasionally I would daydream while watching them go about daily routines around the apartment. On at least three of those occasions, I had toretire to my room for a little…maintenance.
One evening we were all sitting on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie. I was sitting in the middle wearing only a te shirt and sweatpants. The movie was so bad that we were laughing and yakking away through the whole thing. To this day I am not sure what prompted it, but I suddenly blurted out, “What about me?”
It was obvious that I was not the only one with new fans over the past two weeks, as it was immediately clear that both Tony and Norris instantly knew what I was referring to. For the next couple of minutes the only sound in the room was that from the television.
Then Norris picked up the remote, turned off the TV, and said, “Are you sure about this Lexie?”
Although I could feel that I was blushing terribly, I looked him in the eyes and said, “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and yes Norris, I am…pretty sure.”
I turned to Tony and continued, “But…I need some assurances…some ground rules.”
We spend the next twenty minutes laying out the way we were going to proceed. Both of them were terribly sweet; bringing up points that I would never have thought of—one of which was the safe word. We all decided that we would start slow, with that evening being fairly simple. There would be some innocuous “slave” stuff, then I would be bound to the couch and lightly “toyed” with; a little touching, some light flogging, etc. I was to address them as “Sir” for the evening, and all I had to do was say “Stop” and everything would halt immediately.
I suggested that we spice things up a little when the time came for the flogging. We had all agreed that there would be no intercourse that night, but I knew it was inevitable that I would enjoy at least one orgasm before we were done. That seemed a little one-sided to me, so I proposed that they flog me until I “relented,” agreeing to administrator to them orally. They both said that wasn’t necessary, but I intentioned—fair is fair.
We also agreed, that when the night was over, if I was not comfortable with what went on then that would be the end of it. We would not speak of it again, and we would try to just go back to the way things were before. Realistically, that was probably impossible, but we all silently hoped that things would go well.
Finally, we were done talking and Norris said, “Please stand facing us, my pretty slave.”
It had started! The fantasy I had harbored all my adult life was about to become real, and I was so excited it was actually difficult to stand. My heart was racing, my breathing changed to light panting, and a warm glow was building in my tummy.
Tony said, “Please remove your tee shirt and sweats now, then assume a stand with your hands behind your back, Your feet at least thirty inches apart, and your eyes to the floor.”
I stripped off my clothes quickly, throw them to the floor, and stood as instructed. The warm glow in my abdomen was rapidly changing to a raging inferno! I stand five foot seven or so, and I have a pretty trim body with, not huge, but ample boobs, and long, straight, jet black hair. I have had many men look luxurious in my direction, but never like this. I was on display, an exhibition—and not for my fashion sense, or poise, or demeanor. I was showing casing my body; my sex, and all I wanted was for those two men to approve and Desire nothing else but to ravage me. As their eyes surveyed every square inch of my nakedness, I became a little light headed.
After a few moments they stood and began to run their hands all over me. My shoulders, arms, sides, hips, thighs, tummy, abdomen, and finally, my breasts. I closed my eyes as they softly fondled me and rolled my rock hard nipples between gentle fingers. I was noticeably panting, and I had enough moisture between my legs to lubricate a bullet train.
Then Tony said, “Do you enjoy it when your two masters touch your body, little slave?”
Breathlessly I panted, “Yes Sir.”
“And,” said Norris, “are you becoming aroused, my pretty slave?”
I had to fight the urge to look in his eyes as I answered, “Oh Yes Sir!”
“Would you like to have an orgasm now, little slave?” said Tony.
I almost cried as I panted, “Oh yes please Sir…! OWWW!”
At that very moment Norris smoked the top of my bum with a rattan cane. It wasn’t a terribly hard hit, but it still stung quite a bit. Then he said, “Very well, my beautiful slave. Master Tony is going to treat you to a wonderful orgasm, but it will not be free. You will receive a healthy caning while he pleasures you. Are you still eager for him to continue?”
My butt was still smarting, but if anything, it seemed to the Increase the fire in my belly, so the answer was simple, “Yes Sir, please. I beg you Sir, please!”
Tony immediately knelt in front of me and moved his head between my legs, and…HO L Y CRAP! It was like my pussy was a paint by number set, and his tongue was the perfect brush; hitting the right numbers in the perfect order…Then Norris again snapped the cane a little lower on my bum.
As before, it wasn’t really hard, but the pain was sharp. It caused me to recoil, which pushed me even more into Tony’s expert tongue…Then another smack.
I almost screamed, “OhhhGEEEZ!” as I came virtually the instant the cane touched my tender butt. My head flew back, I grabbed Tony’s head, and mashed my sex into his face with all my strength. Both men increased their actions; Tony sucked, and licked, and probed like he was searching for gold, and Norris rapidly could have my bottom like he was trying to swat an elastic bug.
The orgasm was as intense as I’ve ever had. My insides felt like they were liquefying and oozing out my vagina. Finally my legs buckled, and I collapsed in a heap on top of a somewhat started Tony.
Norris quickly came to my aid, helping me stand, and sitting me on the sofa, “Are you alright Lexie?”
I was gasping for air, panting like I had just scaled Mount Logan, but I managed, “Yes Sir…just need a minute.”
Tony knelt beside me and held a much welcomed glass of cool water to my lips, which I sipped between breaths, eventually downing the entire contents.
I began to settle down, and my mind slowly remembered the sting in my throbbing bum…which immediately relit the fire in my tummy. Normally I would have moved or readjusted my position to alleviate the twinge, but I just sat there, relishing the prickly burn. Then Tony said, “We can stop now if you like Lex.”
Composing myself a little more I said, “No Sir. Please, I would very much like to continue.”
He smiled, kissed me on the forehead, and moved aside allowing Norris, holding a length of smooth, white rope, to move in. He motioned for me to hold my wrists together in front, then he bound them together, pulled my arms up over my head and behind me, and tied them off somewhere behind the sofa. Eachof them took a length of rope and tied one end around my ankles. Then, with Tony on my left and Norris to my right, they slowly pulled my legs apart until I was spread very, very wide. They completed the task by tying off the ropes at each end of the sofa. Other than my butt, I had never been so “accessible” in my life!
I supposed they could have simply asked, but both men felt it necessary to rub and probe my womanhood to see if I was all set for stage two. They held their glistening fingers in front of me and smiled; it was clear that I was indeed ready to go. When they each held up a soft, rubber flogger for me to see, I was sure that I must have been dripping on the couch.
In unison they began to whack the outside of my legs, from hip to ankles. My eyes snapped shut and my head flew back as if by reflex. It was the first time in my life I had ever felt the touch of a flogger, and the sensings running through my body were overwhelming.
The two whips moved up theinside of my legs, and when they reached the tops of my thighs, I uttered a long, “OHHHGAWWWD!” My head was spinning so, that it sounded like someone else had said it.
The whips strolled up my body in perfect harmony; on my sides, my arms, then gently up my arms to my elbows; my masters being very careful not to hit my face. They moved the floggers down to my chest; Tony just above my breasts and Norris just below. I was writing in my bindings, shaking my head violently back and forth, and clenching every muscle I possessed. My body had never experienced anything like it; the electric tingling, the sharp stinging, and the overpowering arousal—all at the same time. Then they started on my boobs.
Tony on the left, Norris on the right. First the tops, then the undersides. I gasped then held my breath as the pain grew and grow. It was like spiked balls were inside my breasts, desperately trying to scrape their way out. I was close to failing when they stopped; gave me aboutt five seconds to catch my breath, then began alternatively swiping the floggers on my yearning pussy.
I came instantly with the first hit. Both men were timing it perfectly, like two guys driving in a circle tent peg. Then Tony moved back to my aching boobs, but much, much softer. Norris had lightened up as well, but he kept whacking the whip between my legs as my orgasm seemed to crest, then fade, then crest again. The room was spinning and I was sure I was blacking out, but mercifully they stopped the floggers and gently used their hands to massage and fondle me as my climax finally waned.
Norris and Tony then sat beside me and just kept softly touching me—essentially petting me—as I slowly regained my ability to breathe normally. Tony remarked at how quiet I had been throughout, especially When I orgasmed. I just smiled at him, not revealing the fact that a girl living with two men must learn how to pleasure herself silently…and own a very quiet vibrator.
“You look amazing Lexie; like you just ran a hundred click marathon,” said Norris.
He was right. I was shiny wet with perspiration from my forehead to my toes, and I felt like I had just run a hundred kilometers as well, but it was a good race. No; a great race…! And I won!
Tony said, “You look exhausted Lex. I think we should call it a night.”
I was about to agree, but then I remembered, “Oh…no Tony…I mean Sir. I…uh…give in. I will pleasure you with my mouth.”
“Listen, Lexie,” said Norris, “we had a great time with you tonight. You don’t have to do that. I’m sure there will be many more opportunities—”
“No! No Nor…er…Sir. Please! I really want to do this. I beg you Sir, let me do it.”
It was true. For the first time in my life I really wanted to have a man’s cock in my mouth. I wanted to lick it, suck it, and savour his warm sticky cream. I craved it, and it showed. No further begging was required; my two general Masters decided to let theirlittle slave have her way.
Norris removed his track shorts, stood on the sofa straddling my hips, and moved himself forward. He was quite large and I was grateful that he didn’t ram himself into my mouth. Instead he let me take him in at my own speed, then he just moved gently in and out. His rock hard warrior barely fit, but I was still able to suck and lick to his obvious approval. Understandably, the evenings activities had gotten both men quite horny, so it wasn’t long before Norris erupted; and I sucked as hard as I could, determined to get every last drop. I was surprised at my eagerness, and the fact that I actually liked the taste of his cum…kind of nutty.
After he stepped off the sofa, Norris leaned down and kissed me, then gave me a few sips of water. Tony then stepped up for his turn. He was substantial, but not as large as Norris, which gave me a little more leeway to move his grateful ramrod around in my mouth. Tony didn’t last long either, and his face scrunched up like he was delivering twins as his body reluctantly gave up its fluid. His was a little different; sweeter…like honey; it was quite pleasant. Before that night, I would have scoffed at anyone who said that I would ever make that statement about a man’s ejaculate.
Once Tony recovered, they untied me and covered my with a warm afghan, then they both sat beside me and we all just cuddled for the next few minutes; none of us said a word.
A little later we all said goodnight and went to our respective rooms. Once in mine, I just let the afghan slide off, slipped naked under my cozy warm comforter, and curled up into a ball. My body was pins and needs and still singing, but in seconds I was fast wait.
The next few weeks went by as though in a dream. Our “get togethers” were more or less variations on that first night, and my two masters were both perfect gentlemen throughout; letting me acclimate at my own speed. We had frequent sessions, but only if all three of us were present. Norris was a co-pilot on international flights, so his schedule would take him out of country for a few days at a time; and while the temptation was always there, Tony and I would not “play” when Norris was away.
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