Jason and Katherine sat cuddled up under a quilt on the swing bench in the backyard of the rental cottage they had through the end of the weekend. It had been a long fun filled week. Filled with hiking and fishing, and cool nights by the fire and beds to warm up in. This weekend they were looking forward to the arrival of a few close friends to share the weekend with. Jason was tall and lean muscled, his head was shaken. a haircut chosen as a result of his early onset baldness in his twentyties and his time spent in the army which required a clean haircut at all times. Sometimes it could make him look fierce and intently serious, well until he broke into a smile that seemed to shine out of his soul. Katherine was shorter and 140 pounds. not super slender but not a rock either, with long brown hair.
It was autumn and there was a distinct chill in the air as the sun faded from view. There was a cool breeze from the north fire burned low in the fire pit. Overhead the Moon sat in her radiance surrounded by stars as they blinked into existence in the fading light. The perfect stillness and tenderness of the moment contrasted strongly with the request Jason had just heard fall from Katherine’s lips.
“So you’re telling me you want me to basically surprise fuck you sometimes when you don’t know it’s coming?” Jason asked in a slightly perplexed quiet voice.
“Yes, but don’t think of it as rape… It’s ravishment… well, when you want it.” She replied consistently. “it’s been a fantasy of mine for years and I think I’m ready to do it.”
“But not see it coming?”
“That’s right. I want you to take me hard and use me. Make me do whatever you want!” she responded.
“Within Limit’s I hope!” he questioned…
“Well Of course silly! The usual limits apply. Well the hard limits anyhow. I want you to think of 2-3 soft ones to stretch a little bit.” She replied finishing with her lip twisted in a pensive thought.” Then she cut him off as he opened his mouth to speak.
“No, I don’t want to know what ones. I want intensity, giving my soft limits a stretch should do the trick and if I know it will change things.”
“There is that.” He said thoughtfully. “And actually I can play with that too, you not knowing what ones I’m actually going to stretch ” he added as a devilish little smile grow on his face.
“Oh no… what did I get myself into?!?” she suddenly looked nervous. “no. don’t tell me… I trust you.”
“Don’t worry Katherine. I’ve got just the perfect twist! You’ll love it… Or kick my nuts to Venus over there.” he replied as he turned his head up to sky and point at a single bright star with his right arm.
“which is Venus? She asked snuggling in closer and trying to look down his arm and pick out what star he was pointing at.
“She’s right here” he said pointing at the bright star and dropping his hand to wrap around her and pull her closer. “Can’t you see her?”
“No” she replied coyly suddenly catching onto his game.
He turned to her and looked her in the eyes and said quietly, “I said she is right here.” He said softly and then devilishly added ” Maybe… well what do you think?” as he pulled her even closer.
“Maybe huh? Only maybe? Maybe I think shes at the zoo looking at monkeys too bad for you if she is…” She hotly managed to get out before his lips found hers and silenced the rest of her retreat.
They sat like that for a long while staring alternatively up at the blazing stars, down then down at the dying fire. Every so often they would giggle for variation and look instead at the blazing fire in each other’s eyes before sharing a kiss.
Finally the wind turned cold and the fire was too low and they skulked back to the rental cottage behind them. At the door Jason caught Katherine’s hand and pulled her close and looked her in the eyes.
“I’ve been thinking.” He started.
“I noticed” She responded sarcastically with a grin, “you certificatenly weren’t kissing me enough to distract me from noticing.”
“Hush you” he responded with a shake of his head and seriously added “For you, I think I can do what you asked. I think I know what will work for you.”
She nodded her head at him as she wrapped her arms around his and then rested her head on his shoulder.
“I’ll take good care of you, I promise.”
She squeezed him tight and twisted her head up to kiss him passwordately till he broke away and looked her in the eyes mischievously.
“And no, I won’t tell you. No matter how much you try and sex it out of me… Though it might still be fun to let you try though.” He said with a wink.
“Might huh?!?” she said archly as she broke away.
Then a Look entered her eye and much more seductively this time she said “Might huh? let’s see what I can do about that.” And she firmly shut the door behind them.
The only sound from inside the cabin was the finality of the deadbolt sliding home.
Back in town Mac and his girlfriend Amy are in town picking up supplies and there way up to the cabin. “Hey babe we need to worry they expect us” Mac said across the store “I know I know i just want to read this that’s all” Women can live with them and can’t have great sex without them as Amy finally puts down the magazine they walk out to the car and get back on the road. As Mac and Amy were driving Amy decides to tease Mac a little she removes her panties and places them over Mac’s face with a little snicker she leans the chair back reach over and grabs his hand. As Mac plays with Amy’s pussy she takes her top off her beautiful round 26 DD breasts and starts to play with her hard tanned nipples with every car passed Amy gets more and more aroused Mac decisions really get her going he sees a semi truck just a head he speeds up and stays with them she still hasn’t noticed the driver watching the free show. Amy’s pussy is so wet from having every car see her play with her tits, but as see opens her opens her eyes only to see the semi truck driver jacking off she goes into overdrive sand begins to orgasm wildly she blows the driver a kiss and lips him a thank you. Mac reclaims his hand and drives away “that was pretty good babe how about you go to sleep well be at the cabin soon” Mac said “Ok” she closed her eyes and drifted off, but little to Amy or Katherine’s knowledge Jason’s plan for an awesome weekend for the girls is about to start as soon as they get to the cabin.
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