The C Suite

The Upper Hand


Lisbeth woke up earlier than usual this morning, the sun only just beginning to peak through the window shade. Her body was saying sleep, but she was full of heady anticipation for the day to come. She replayed in her head the steps that brought her to this day and thought about where her path may next lead. A few deep breaths later she wiggled and stretched her toes under the comfortable and set out to own the day.

All of the scrubs, oils and conditions that enhanced her natural glow stood ready in the bath. She used all of them, in the same order, every day. She enjoyed the dopamine hit from the compliments, from men in the office and even from the women she didn’t know. Her legs got special attention of course. She worked her way up from her ankles, around her calves and to the top of each leg, gently, as if nudging each delicate hair away. Between her legs she erased the light blonde patch above her pussy and propping a leg up on the shower bench, she shhaved away the last bits of soft fuzz. She thought about how it made her feel when a man first slides his hand over her freshly shavled pussy. She imagined it was his hand, closed her eyes and breathed a little deeper but stopped herself.

Lisbeth bought the outfit months ago, to celebrate this day when it came. It was an inky blue sleepless pencil dress, accented with parallel piping from the neckline down. Designer of course, Karen Millen, couture line. She had it tailored so that it modeled every curve of hers without a wrinkle. The piping drew in the eyes as the two lines flowed over her bust. The scooped décolletage dipped just low enough for her to twist her body or lean forward to reveal a bra strap or the lacey edge of a full cup when tactics required. Closed toe heels said “conservative,” but their Height caused her butt to jut back and breasts to reach forward. Powerful and sexy. Matching earrings, bracelet and necklace completed her look, the silver and gold cable braid popped with her blonde hair. She’d cultivated a look that said “I’m the alpha. Maybe you can fuck me . . . but you don’t get to decide.”

But she was ready to decide. Between the stress of the job over the last few weeks and the excitement of the promotion, she was craving a good fuck as an outlet. I had been at least a few weeks since she’d hooked up with Steven over drinks. Lisbeth and Steven had both started many floors below as Analysts. They shared interests in wine and travel, and quickly became friends and discrete fuck buddies. Back the, he’d been through all the fuckable Analysts, breaking most of their hearts. Lisbeth didn’t want his affection though and was content to simply take a satisfying pounding from him. The last time around he jackknifed her over the conference room chair after hours and took her from behind. He fucked her until she was soaked, then came hard, pushing deep inside her until she was filled. Spinning her around, he worked her clip with his tongue until she came on him, thrusting against his mouth as his load to ran out of her. She thumbed through their texts but put down the phone. “No, not today. Can’t today,” exhaling the words.

Her driver was already waiting downstairs as she gathered her things and made her way to the elevator.

* * *

The first time she heard it was from Martika, the CEO’s secretary, in the elevator that morning. “Well good morning Ms Senior Vice President and congratulations!”

It was only her second anniversary at PsyLex but she had quickly ascended from Analyst to Manager, Asset Development then to Director, New Markets. Now, as SVP and Director, Special Projects, she had finally broken through the web of job titles and Descriptions with only this position standing between her and the pinnacle of the C Suite. Today, she would begin to set her sights on the final ascent.

She and the driver made the usual friendly conversation aboutthe weather and traffic on the short ride and arrived at the Four Seasons for breakfast with Jason. Jason Brühl was the CEO and arrived at PsyLex straight from PsyLex’s parent in Zurich. He’d been there since before Lisbeth arrived and according to the lore, he brought a big broom with him and completely restored the company functional and reporting lines. That broom helped clear the path for Lisbeth.

Jason was late. She finally noticed him from a side glance as he moved from the hotel lobby and into the dining room. Not wanting to appear idle, she shifted her gaze down and flicked at the screen of her phone with her index finger.

“Good morning Lisbeth. Sorry about the delay, started an early call today with Zurich and couldn’t escape.”

“Jason, good morning to you as well”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Jason asked, half-sarcastically.

“Of course not,” said Lisbeth as she slid the phone into her bag, silencing the ringer with her thumb.

They quickly settled into a chit chat about each other families. Perfunctory, yes, but she always felt that she and Jason had some connection in regard. Lisbeth had some Swiss blood on her mother’s side and she had regaled him at least a couple times with colorful stories descended down through several generations in her maternal line.

Jason took a sip of coffee and shifted the topic. “Lisbeth, you were Always the obvious choice for this promotion. To be honest, I wish I could have done it sooner. We’ve needed you at the top. But, there were some things that needed to be worked out with Zurich first. They have some new ideas on expanding our services, more use of AI. They also asked whether I thought there would be any issues with you managing your colleague that were passed over. Of course I told them no, and that you and I were launching a plan shortly to ensure they understand their new roles. In the meantime, we have some short term issues that I need to jump on today.”

The conversation descended into the weeds of some thorny privacy law and political issues that needed, and suited, Lisbeth’s judgment and strategy talent. She was in her element now.

* * *

Jason had peeled off from the breakfast and Lisbeth was making her way across the concrete and granite square between the hotel from the PsyLex offices, when her strides slowed and her mind drifted from how to juggle today’s schedule. A voice from her conscience was interrupting . . asking questions. Was getting here worth the compromises? Who must she now becomes to satisfy Jason and Zurich. What new secrets would she learn about PysLex, about Brühl. What made them think they could trust her?

PsyLex was in the mind reading business.

More precisely, they developed proprietary models, techniques, AI tools and algorithms that they used to advise their clients on jury selection and prediction in the most high profile cases. Apple vs. Samsung, $538,000,000. Virnetx Inc. v. Apple, $502,000,000. Sasso v. Medtronic, $148,000,000. The list goes on. Lisbeth was the steady hand in guiding PsyLex and its clients to these successes. She made a name for herself not just within PsyLex, but with the small community of competitors as well.

About the time Lisbeth was hired, PsyLex began to experiment with using its tools and IP to evaluate potential hires. They hadn’t marketed this service on the outside yet, but that was coming in the next 6 months. That portfolio would be Lisbeth’s and it could take the company to a whole new level. A wave Lisbeth wanted badly to ride.

Lisbeth figured that she was screened with these tools herself before getting the offer from PsyLex. Others must have been too. The other division heads were also women in their 40’s, smart, ambitious and, like Lisbeth, temptingly attractive. The others didn’t make the cut though and no machine was able to explain why. It was just something inchoate Lisbeth owned and the others didn’t. Per company policy, the women passed over were allowed to stay at PsyLex and continue in their positions and be considered for future promotion, but they would have new and added responsibility. Almost all of them would choose to stay. It was hard to walk away from the money.

Lisbeth strode to her office, her legs were slightly wobbly for some reason. She blamed the heels, but a different inner voice was whispering now and urging her to release. It refused to be ignored. She locked her door behind her with one hand while the other tried to raise her dress. Distracted, she fumbled to get the hem over her hips not remembering that she didn’t put it on that way. Unzipping the back, she let it puddle on the floor around her heels. Half undressed, nipples already testing the lace, she half sat on the edge of the desk. Her legs, resting on the tips of her heels, drifted apart. The wet spot on the thin strip of silk between them conspired with that inner voice. She pulled the sheer silk aside with one hand, and the other began to circle the fresh bare flesh above her clip. Her body tensed with pleasure each time she let her fingers rub over her swelling clip. Her nipples were full and hard. She thought about being fucked on this desk, in this new office, while people confused and carried on with their workday just outside the door until a throbbing orgasm made her stiffen and shake. Still leaning against the desk, her chest heaved as she caught her breath and began compose herself.

* * *

It was about a week and a half later when Jason’s secretary called to ask Lisbeth to come to his office.

“Do know what it’s about Martika?”

“No, sorry Liz, he just said he wanted to see you. I have you on the calendar for 45 minutes.”

Lisbeth made her way down the C Suite hall to Martika’s desk. She pointed a finger at Jason’s door and Martika’s eyes waved her in.

“We need to address some issues with one of the girl . . your colleagues who were passed over. It’s Whitney,” Jason said. “She wants to stay, and we want her to stay. She’s talented and we’ve invested a lot in her. But, I don’t know if she’s up to her new responsibility. I’m hoping you can help me sort this out.”

“Sure Jason. What’s the issue?”

“Take a few minutes to look this over, then I’ll have Markita send her up.” He passed one sheet of paper to Lisbeth.

Her eyes grew wider as she read the memo. Her browser furrowed. “You can’t be serious with this? Really? This has to be a gag right?”

“No Lisbeth, it’s very serious. Our AI tools produced this as the way to have the best chance of encouraging Whitney to stay and to know her place.”

“Honestly, Jason, this is a bit shocking. You know what would happen if this ever got out?”

“It’s not going to get out,” he said with one hundred percent confidence.

“And how is not going to get out?”

Jason leaned back in his chair. “First, your name is all over it.”

“What are you talkinging about? This is the first I’ve ever heard of this,” challenging Jason. Instantly though, she predicted Jason answer to herself before Jason could even respond.

Jason began to explain, “Pretty simple really. Tash changed all the metadata. Emails, documents . . . it’s all you now. This is your baby now, or should I say, always has been.” Lisbeth never trusted Tash from day one and always suspected Brühl used the CIO to spy on employees . . . and now for blackmail.

Lisbeth’s stomach began to turn over. She knew what the company was capable of. It was only a year ago that the Swiss parent settled with the EU for running an unlawful data mining operation on cancer patients.

“So even if I don’t leak this, what about Whitney?”

Jason exhausted, already tiring of her ripostes. “Whitney is not going to say anything to anyone either. We’ve run her profile with four 9’s confidence. Oh, and by the way, The same will apply to Colette and Freyah. But we’ll start with Whitney.” Jason cocked his neck from left to right, “Are we agreed then?”

Time moved in slow motion as Lisbeth tried to think through the options. She could blow the whistle, but no one would believe her and her reputation would be ruined. Or, she could go along and hope for the best, and then excise this insanity as soon she maneuvers Brühl out of the door.

Again. “Lisbeth. Are we agreed?

Lisbeth always played the long game and won. She would play it with Brühl and win as well. “Yes, Jason. We are agreed.”

Jason snatched the phone, “Markita, please send in Whitney.”

* * *

As she crossed over the threshold Whitney heard Markita whisper “Be careful in there.”. Markita had been with Jason since he arrived, and she came coded with feline instincts that told her fuckery was afoot. Whitney had no such instincts. Instead, she was the kind of woman who pushed boundaries but had none of her own. Her tactics propelled her career but had also now stalled it. She was about to learn this. Whitney stood just inside office door, phone in one hand, the other on her hip, thumb hooked around the belt of her dress. She might have been taller than Lisbeth but it was hard to tell with their heels. Her ass was not quite fashionablely prominent, but she new how to sway it in a way that had made coworkers involuntarily spring to attention all over the PysLex suite. The curve of her back was long and elegant, and at its apex it was met with flowing deep brown curls. Even when she stood still it seemed to flow like some kind of dark waterfall.

Whitney was annoyed to see Lisbeth in the office with Jason and she beamed a hollow smile at them.

“Whitney, please come in.” Unmistakably more of command from Jason than an invitation. “How are you today?”

How was she? She repeated the question to herself and took a mental tally. She was here three times as long as Lisbeth, had mentally written Lisbeth, had done everything Brühl had asked of her without question in. and now . . . . . . . . she must submit herself to answering to Lisbeth?

“I’m good Jason. Whitney, congratulations, again. If anyone deserves . . . . .”

Jason cut her off, “Okay, enough of that please Whitney. We know you’re Disappointed by the pass over. These things are always close calls.” Close call she thought, what bullshit. “You are still a valuable part of the team here and I will personally make sure that you keep being rewarded for that.” Whitney knew that at least Jason always delivered on the comp. “Right now though, we’re here because Lisbeth and I need to make sure that we are all on the same page about the hierarchy here and who gives, and more importantly,” Jason paused to empower the next few words, “who takes our direction.”

Jason continued on loving to hear his own voice. Lisbeth though was silent. She was able to dominate Whitney without words, with her eyes and body. As soon as Whitney entered, Lisbeth’s hazel eyes had put their grip on Whitney. Lisbeth never unlocked that gaze. She stood next to Jason, one hand on her hip, elbow out, one leg pitched just slightly, but aggressively, forward. Inside though, her heart was quickening, and she could feel the blood cursing through her. She breathed deeply but quietly. She was nervous but feeling empowered. What surprised her though was the unmistakable feeling of arousal. It was that lightness that came over her body. She often thought it was like cresting a hill where and you get that woosh feeling inside.

“Give her the memo please,” Jason ordered Lisbeth. Lisbeth extended her arm, paper in hand, holding it out until Whitney Understood to come and get it. The corners of Jason mouth curled up almost imperceptibly. He knew that Lisbeth would know how to manage this encounter. “Take a minute to read it,” he said.

Lisbeth continued to lookThrough, or perhaps better said, into, Whitney until it was finally interrupted by a nearly shrieking “What the fuck is this?”

“We think it’s pretty self-explanatory Whitney.” Lisbeth made her move now. “You report to me, I report about you to Jason and to Zurich. You follow the instructions and you have a future here. Maybe even moving up to this floor one day.”

“And if I don’t?”,

Lisbeth thought, “We really have to play this game?” She was having none of it. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen Whitney. We’re going to give you the day today to think about it. You’re going to go to your office, parse though all the alternatives and realize that there is only one. You’ll try to convince yourself that you’re above this abasement, but then you’ll start to rationalize the choice. You’ll think about the wealth this company has made possible for you. You’ll think of all of the other ways you’ve laid yourself down to be used by PysLex and that this is not much different.And finally you’ll think about what we can do to you if you make the wrong choice. Then you’ll come back to us. Oh, and Whitney, we’ve run the tools on you, and we already know it’s inevitable you’ll make the right decision. So just come see us later today when you’re ready.”

They starred in silence at each other for a minute that felt like 10 to Whitney. Whitney said nothing as she backed away from them both, griping for the door handle behind her. As the door closed, Jason turned to Lisbeth, “That’s my girl. You handled that just like I knew you could. Buzz me when you hear back from Whitney.”

“Fucking Swiss prick”, she said to herself.

* * *

As expected, Lisbeth got the call around 3:15 and let Markita know. Lisbeth was the last to Arrive in Jason’s office. This was intentional of course. From this day on, Whitney would wait for her, never the other way around.

“We’re so glad that you decided to come back to us Whitney,” Jason seemed quite geneine for the moment.

“Yes sir, thank you,” she demurred.

“Ah, I see you’ve studied me the memo as well. Excellent. Tell me please, Whitney, who is standing next me.”

She glanced at Whitney but without making eye contact, “Lisbeth. The person I am responsible to.”

“And why are you here today?”

Whitney’s lipped pursued momentarily, uncomfortable with the words about to flow out, “Because I want more responsibility, but need more training.”

Clearly pleased so far, Jason acknowledged her, “So glad you’re seeing things our way Whitney.” Turning to Lisbeth he said, “Whitney will serve and be responsible to you Lisbeth, but this will also be a check of your skills as well. Lets’ get started then please.”

Lisbeth fixed Her gaze on Whitney, “Take off your dress.” Whitney trembled noticeably as she undid the belt and let the simple white wrap outfit fall off. The white was conveniently symbolic for today, a new beginning of sorts. “Is that where you leave your clothes? On the floor?” Whitney hurriedly hung the dress on the back of the door. Now sit down over there, on the edge of the chair, and open your legs.”

Whitney obeyed, with only slight hesitance.

“Show us your pussy. Open up wide for us.” Lisbeth knew exposing Whitney like this was the first step in making her understanding who she will serve. “Use your fingers and hold it open please.”

Whitney compiled, exposing the pink slit for observation. She turned her head sideways, not looking ahead or down, in some sort of attempt to dissociate with the reality of the situation.

Jason looked to Lisbeth, who nodded, and he approached Whitney from behind the chair. He lifted her bra exposing her breasts and caressed them with both hands. Still looking away, Whitney charmed as her nipples began to involuntarily harden as Jason took them between his thumbs and fingers. Leaning closer to her ear, he said, “Tell me if your pussy is wet.”

“I think so Sir.”

“Make sure.”

Whitney easily slide a finger inside. “Yes, I’m very wet.” She didn’t understand though. How could she be humiliating herself like this and be soaked between her legs at the same time?

“Good girl,” said Jason as he moved across the room and sat comfortably on the couch. Somehow, neither Lisbeth nor Whitney had noticed that his cock was out of his pants until he sat down. “Lisbeth, please, if you don’t mind, help Whitney.”


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