The Buyer Ch. 01

Anna could feel her heart pounding as she knelt, the centrepiece of the room, head respectfully tilted down. Whenever she thought she could get away with it, her eyes flicked between the two men talking to one another, comfortablely seated in armschairs at either end of the coffee table. She was cold, but she wasn’t sure the tingling of her skin was from that or from fear.

They talked about the news of the day, the weather, books they’d read lately. They exchanged some light gossip disguised as asking after mutual acquaintances and business partners. Once Mark caught her looking, and an almost imperceptible lift of his eyebrow sent her gaze immediately back to the floor.

She kept her eyes down for a good while after that, then looked to the buyer. He didn’t look cruel. He was well dressed but a little Uncomfortable. Mark’s easy chatter slowly disarmed the buyer, though it could also have been the whiskey he’d offered at the start, and Anna could hear the excitement growingin the buyer’s voice as the conversation wandered.

They discussed terms. The duration was to be one month. The price had been set at auction. There were, of course, no limits or rights reserved to Anna. And it was understood that she would serve the buyer as enthusiastically and skillfully as she did Mark. She had agreed to it, even asked for it. He always knew how to persuade her.



Anna drew a breath and ran a clothes over the counters, blinking as his voice drifted downstairs. Kitchen clean. Stuff for tomorrow laid out. Right. Good. Next. She folded the towel quickly and hung it up and called back “I’m on my way, Sir!” as she curried upstairs to her beloved Master.

She couldn’t help smiling When she got to the bedroom and saw him there, waiting for her under the duvet. He looked stern for a moment, but couldn’t resist her smile. “He’s not going to play with himself,” he commented, eyes softening as she turned off the light and slipped into the bed next to him. As she fitted her body to his, lying alongside him, her hand snaked down and wrapped around his already hard cock, squeezing gently. “Good girl,” he murmured.

“This is always my favourite part of the night,” she said softly, her lips close to his ear, mind racing already with what sweet nothings she would drip into his mind tonight. “All this time and I still can’t get enough of your cock.”

He let out a long breath, relaxing. “You say all the best things,” he said softly, closing his eyes for a moment, then collecting himself and looking at her, shifting a little. “There’s one thing I needed to mention to you, though…” He paused, noting that she didn’t change her grip on his cock, never slowed, never resisted, never held back. Just the way he liked her. “I’ve been asked to consult with our Hong Kong office for a few weeks…”

Her grip tightened on his cock and he felt a surge through his body as his cock swelledin response, making it difficult to continue thinking straight. “That’s fantastic!” she said. “When you’re as awesome as you are…the rest of the company can’t help but take notice.” She tweaked her wrist a little, changing the spiral of her hand over his cock, and he closed his eyes for a moment.

“I’m going to have to travel there, my delicious girl. And I can’t bring you with me.”

She slowed the pace a little, listening. “I’ll keep the house, that’s not a problem…”

He shook his head. “No. I’m gone for a month. I can’t leave you alone that long.” He turned his head to look at her, concern in his eyes. “You might need me. And I can’t let you go out alone.”

Anna felt cold suddenly, a core of ice seizing her chest and seeing outwards, but she fight to keep her hand moving, the warmth of his cock keeping her grounded. What would she do without his cock? Her voice was small when she could finally form words. “What will I do, then?”

Mark watched her as heresponded. “You have options.” He paused. “There are slave kennels. You’ll have your own room, it’ll likely be dark and windowless. You’ll be fed.” He paused again. “Not like you’re used to being fed…none of my cum, of course.” A part of him was satisfied to see the flicker of concern and dismay pass across her eyes before she suppressed it and went back to just listening. “You won’t have any Responsibilities while you’re there. But you won’t have any contact with anyone either.”

Anna struggled to keep her composure, watching to make sure she didn’t squeeze his cock too hard as she tried to process this. A month away from him. A month alone. In the dark. With nothing else than her longing for him… could she survive that?

Mark continued to watch as emotions flickered across her face. Her little hand keep working over his cock, hardly missing a beat, her grip never changing. He allowed himself to sink into the sensing, her careful but slightly panicked attention makinghis cock drool. “I’d make sure to find you a good one,” he said softly. “Some are more permitive than others and allow the slaves to be used, I wouldn’t choose one of those. “

Her hand squeezed again, making him shudder and groan softly in spite of himself, opening his eyes to see meet her wide eyed gaze. “Would you have a problem with that, my slut?”

Anna fell back to the Only thought she could compose, “Anything you see fit, Sir, I will do.”

“You don’t sound convinced.” Mark felt the cum churning in his balls, starting to boil, ready to escape and feed his girl, but he wasn’t ready to end the conversation.

“I’m scared,” she whispered, her head ducking and her voice shaking. “I don’t know…what would I do…I can’t say…” She trailed off in confusion.

Mark let her stew for a few more moments, watching her as his body indulged in her touch, enjoyed her closeness.

“There’s no way I could go with you?” she asked, still trembling as she cast about for an alternative. “None at all?”

“No,” he said gently. “I’ve done all I can, it’s not an option. But as I say, there are places where you can be kept…”

She stroked faster, her head ducking to hide the tears at the corners of her eyes. “I don’t know if I can do that again,” she said quietly, memories of a tiny lightless room filling her mind, reminding her of things past but not yet forgotten.

He reached over and tipped her head up with a finger beneath her chin, looking at her seriously. “No? What alternative would there be then?”

Anna pressed closer, eyes unable to meet his, trying to think. Her hand slipped over his cock and she realized it was slick, there was precum there for her, and she moved instinctively to drink it. He held her still, “Nothing? Not a single idea?”

“I don’t know,” she confessed, her eyes closing and her voice catching in the beginning of a sob. “I’m sorry, I don’t know…” she started to babble, her hand spiraling frantically over his cock, making him gasp.

“Ah! Well. I might be able to think of something.” He flexed his cock in her hand, the motion grounding her again and slowing her pace, reminding her to pay attention. She looked to him again, eyes full of hope. “I could rent you out,” he said. “There’s a monthly slave auction, and I can sell the rights to you for that time.”

Anna’s lips parted as she drew a breath again. “Serve someone else?”

Mark nodded. “Shouldn’t be too difficult for you, right? A pretty slut like yourself should be able to adapt to any cock…” He steadied himself again as her hand squeezed more, nearly sending him over the edge as she stroked faster. “But you’re right, I suppose it’s too much to ask for you to learn someone else directly. The kennels will do…”

Anna choked back a sob. The idea of ​​spending a month alone was more than she could bear. Memories swirled in and engulfed her mind, wrapping her in the black fear of the abduction that was a while ago now…long enough surely for her to be over it, especially after serving Mark for so long…

She returned to the present when Mark spanked her lightly on the ass. “Higher,” he repeated himself, and she changed her grip on his cock, the need for laserlike focus letting her set aside the memories of darkness and fear and pain. She only had a moment to chastise herself for inattention (How could you let your mind wander while his cock is in your hand? Stupid girl.) before her mind centred on him, fingers adjusting instinctively, her hand adjusting pace based on what she felt. She kept quiet, holding her breath for a few moments. Even though this was as simple as breathing, it thrilled her every time, hearing his breath change, feeling his cock harden, his balls tighten, then…

Anna ducked below the duvet and closed her lips around his cock, sucking him as deeply as she could, pulling him into her throat and holding her breath as his cum fountained into her. Hepressed her head in and she retired the closeness, feeling his cock twitch until he was spent, having empty himself completely into her. Only then did he let go, and she pulled off just enough to let herself breathe. her tongue swirling around to catch any cum she might have missed, then tugging the foreskin back over his head.

He held her close after she finally, reluctantly let his cock fall from her lips, as he started to drift off to sleep. She stayed wrapped around him, her eyes wide open, heart pounding,

The next morning she begged him to put her up for audit.


In the living room, the discussion of terms continued as Anna returned to the present. Her head swam a little. She checked to make sure she was still sitting straight, and not slouched. Then Mark’s voice, Speaking to the buyer but carrying the backbone of steel Anna had become accustomed to when he was not going to enter dissent.

“I want her back in thecondition I give her to you in.” He paused and levelled an even gaze at the buyer, who raised both eyesbrows a fraction but said nothing. “She will not be permanently marked, harmed, or damaged.” Anna closed her eyes, blood rushing in her ears. “There will be consequences if I find otherwise.”

The buyer nodded his agreement. Papers shuffled across the table, and Anna heard the scratch of a pen as he signed three copies of the contract between himself and Mark for temporary transfer of property. They stood, shook hands, and Mark clipped a lean to Anna’s collar, handling it to the buyer. She dared a glance up to him, only to receive another milk look of surprise that she would act out of line at a time like this. She swallowed and lifted her eyes to the buyer, the new centre of her world. “Would you prefer me to walk or crawl, Master?” she asked.

The buyer looked down, eyes running hungrily over her form, and replied after a moment’s consideration. “You’ll crawl.”

And she did.


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