The Businesswoman (A Lamb's Story)

As a taxi driver I get to meet some beautiful women, but Melissa is without doubt the most incredible looking person I’ve ever met. When I picked her up, I assumed she must be a model going to or from an assignment. She carried one of those make-up cases models use and seemed to be in a hurry, as they invariably are.

She sat in the front seat, which is unusual for a woman. Men sit in the front but women usually prefer the back. She was traveling a reasonable distance and after the initial idle chatter, she seemed to relax and become friendlier. She asked all the usual questions, how long had I been driving a cab, do I work long hours, what do my family think etc. The answers were 3 years, 60 hours a week, and no family.

Then she started asking more personal questions; I didn’t mind answering them, Since I knew I’d probably never see her again. As we approached her destination, she told me she occasionally needed an escort and would I consider helping her out if I had the time. Now I have to say, while I’m not bad looking in the right light, I was definitely not in this lady’s class, but what would you have said? Naturally I said yes. I gave her my phone number and she paid the fare with a $10 tip. As I drove off I fantasized about her, but another street hail soon brought me back to reality and from then on the day went quite normally.

It was a couple of days later when she phoned, at first I didn’t realize who it was. She had never told me her name; in fact I knew nothing at all about her. “I realize it’s short notice, but would you like to come to dinner with me tomorrow night?” “I’d love to where and when?” “What’s your address?” I gave it to her. “I’ll pick you up at seven, wear a suit.” She hung up before I could say another word.

I was ready about an hour early and keep changing ties and shirts, cleaning my shoes again, you know all those nervous things you do before a big date. Promptly at seven she run the doorbell, I opened thedoor and was struck dumb by the sight. She was wearing a low cut tight red silk dress, quite short to show off her perfect legs. Her makeup was right out of Vogue and her long blonde hair was shining like it had just been waxed. She gave me a quick once over, said, “You’ll do.” Then turned and walked back to her car.

It was a new Mercedes, I still didn’t know her occupation, but it definitely paid well. She drove us to one of the top restaurants in town and I began to wonder how I was going to pay for the meal. I needn’t have worried though, because it turned out to be a private function and there was no bill. I had a good night and Melissa seemed pleased with the way I handled myself. She parked outside my house and gave me a head job, “As payment.” she said.

I know it sounds ridiculous that a woman like that would do what she did, but she did it with such style it was as if she was eating an hors d’oeuvre. I admit it was great, but I had the feeling her heart wasn’t in it. I soon reached climax and Melissa was ready for it, she caught my juices in a handkerchief as she finished me with her hand. Then she sat up, straightened her dress and said, “Goodnight, I’ll call you.” I got out of the car and she drove off. ‘That’s the last I’ll see of her,’ I thought, but I was wrong. 3 days later she called again, a cocktail party this time, and at the end of it the same Thanks.

This went on for a month. Every few days a call, some party or dinner, every night the same farewell. It may seem impersonal to the average guy, but most people would give a years pay for a smile from this woman. I was absolutely besotted I stopped making arrangements with friends just in case she might call. I sat by the phone every night and if anyone rang, I fobbed them off saying I was expecting an important call.

By this time I would do anything she asked, so it didn’t seem unreasonable when she rang and invited me to a party on the following Saturday. I asked what I should wear and she told me it didn’t matter, “I’ve got your outfit all picked out for you, I’ll pick you up at 6.00pm that should give us plenty of time. Oh by the way do you mind shaving your body and legs? It will look better.”

“What for, is it a fancy dress party?” I asked.

“Look, if you’d rather not I’ll understand, I can try and get someone else.”

“No, I don’t mind honestly.” I almost shouted. The very thought of not seeing her even if I did have to shake first made me feel sick to the stomach. “Okay. I’ll see you at 6.” As always she hung up as soon as she’d finished what she had to say.

By 5 o’clock I was shaken and ready, though my hairless body felt very strange inside my clothes. I began to Wonder what I knew about Melissa. I had no idea what she did for a living, every time I asked her she avoided answering. I didn’t know if she was married, though I assumed not, I didn’t even know her phone number. Well at least I would find out where she lived tonight.

I climbed into her Merc at 6 prompt, we had driven about a mile when she asked me to take a velvet bag out of the glove box. I was about 12″ across with a drawstring at the top. “Would you mind very much putting that over your head and tying it, I know it’s silly but I prefer not to let anyone know where I live. If I’m asking too much please say so, I can take you back home if you’d prefer it.” Obviously you know what I did, the strange thing was all I could feel was relieve that the winter nights were drawing in, and in the darkness no one would see me. Stupid really, how would they know me with a bag over my head?

Being a cabby, I had a reasonable idea of ​​where we drove. It was one of the most exclusive areas in town. I wasn’t surprised, judging from her clothes and car This girl was loaded. We drove into her garage and she pressed the door control before telling me to remove my hood. I followed her up to her apartment; you can imagine what it looked like. It oozed styleand money.

After handling me a glass of wine, she disappeared into one of the other rooms, 10 minutes later she returned wearing a black silk dressing gown. All I could see was the white stocking, covering her shapely legs. She handed me 4 black leather collars about 2″ wide. “These go on your wrists and above your elbows, you can go into that bedroom and undress while I get the rest of your outfit.” I I wanted to ask a hundred questions, but I didn’t, instead I meekly followed her instructions.

She came in a few minutes later carrying a small suitcase. I was standing there wearing nothing but the arm straps, and with my hairless body I have never felt more naked in my life. Placing the case on the bed, she turned me away from her and took something out of the bag. She then passed a black leather corset round my body and began fasting the hooks at the rear. I wanted to protest, but decided I’d better not, I didn’t want to upset her if I could help it. She came around the front and began lacing the garment tight. “What am I going as, a transvestite or something?” I laughed nervously. “You’ll see.” She replied.

As she reached the lower part of the laces I caught glimpses of a white lace corset holding up her stockings, my price reacted immediately. “I’ll fix that for you in a minute.” She said clinically. “As soon as we fix these.” With that she produced 4 tiny locks, she hooked 2 of them through the rings on the straps above my elbows, then locked them onto rings on the corset. I hadn’t noticed them before, and as I examined the corset more closely, Melissa attached the remaining locks to my wrists and the bottom rings on the corset.

Although it didn’t occur to me at the time, I was now totally helpless. I was unable to move my arms, but since I had no reason to do so, I didn’t give it much thought. Melissa was as good as her word. She knelt down and sucked my erection to exploration. As I came my knees began to give way, and I had to sit on theedge of the bed as soon as she finished sucking. As always, she caught my juices in a handkerchief. After she wiped me clean I watched her walk from the room, my innovation with her blinding me to my prediction. I sat on the bed for about 10 minutes and in all that time I can honestly say, I never noticed my immability. I doubt if I would have cared even if I’d noticed.

When Melissa returned, I swear I have never seen anyone look more like an angel in my life. She was wearing a white silk blouse, A white leather mini skirt that gave small glimpses of the tops of her stockings. On her legs were knee length white boots, her blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders as she moved and pale lipstick and white nail nail polish completed the effect.

When I was finally able to speak I said, “What are you going as, an angel?”

“What do you mean?”

“The fancy dress party, what’s your outfit supposed to be? Who said it was fancy dress?” She asked innocently. As she spoke she took a pair of black fishnet stockings from a nearby drawer. She rolled them as she approached me and began pulling them onto my legs. I was so confused by her last statement, I could think of nothing to say and she had fastened the stockings to my corset and pushed 3″ heeled shoes on my feet before I spoke again.

“Why am I dressed like this if it’s not fancy dress?” She guided me to a stool at the dressing table and took Something from the drawer before answering.

“You’re my entry fee.” Walking behind me she raised her hands, there was a momentary blackness as she placed a black leather hood over my head. There were two holes for my eyes, a slit under the nose and a hole for my mouth. Aligning these to here satisfaction, she secured the hood with the attached buckles, which she then locked into place. I could see the hood in the mirror, it was obviously expensive, and even had flags to cover the ears. They were raised at present, presumably so I could hear her.

Next sheforced something into my mouth and as I watched her in the mirror, she buckled it behind my head. I had seen these gags advertised, they were called penis gags and I now understand why. “I’ll save the blindfold until we get to the car.” More straps were fastened to my ankles and these were joined by a chain about 18″ long. It would make walking very difficult, particularly in the high heels. She knelt in front of me and I could feel her hands on my, now limp, penis. When she stepped back I saw her handiwork. She had enclosed all but the tip of my cock in a leather sheath. Although it was tight it wasn’t particularly uncomfortable. She produced yet another collar, which she placed around my neck then she took out a dog lead. I expected her to fasten it to my neck collar, but she clipped it to a ring on the sheath. Tugging the lead firmly she ordered, “Come along, we have a party to go to.”

All right, I know I’m naive, but right up to that moment I had no idea what was going on, Iattempted resistance and only then did I realize the full extent of my incapacity. I was completely vulnerable, and this cruel Goddess intended to exhibit me in public in the most humiliating way possible.

Probably the most ridiculous aspect of the whole series of events was that as I followed her to the car, my only thoughts were of her superb behind. Although my hopeless prediction, I could feel myself hardening. This soon stopped, as the sheath would not permit my penis to engorge.

We climbed into the car, the cold leather upholstery causing me a quick intake of breath through my nose. Melissa fitted the blindfold in place and we drove out of the garage. For some extraordinary reason my restrictions, both physical and sensing left me disoriented. I have no idea how long we drive for or which direction we took.

Eventually we stopped and my blindfold was removed. As my eyes focused, I could see we were in an enclosed car park. It had spaces for around 50 cars and most of these were occupied. Nearly every car was expensive, Mercedes, Jaguars, Rolls and various sports cars. It was a car thief’s paradise. Melissa led me to an elevator in the corner of the car park, we entered and the doors closed, but she didn’t press any buttons.

After a short delay, a voice asked, “Can I help you?” “I’ve come to join lambs.” Melissa replied. “Do you have your entry requirement?” “I do.” The lift rose without Melissa’s instigation. I watched as we passed the three marked floors, but still the lift continued presumably stopping at the fourth floor, though there was no indicator to tell us. I now know we went to a very private section of a converted warehouse, the ground floor of which, was shops and there were two floors of home units, plus two floors dedicated to a very private and exclusive club.

The doors opened to reveal a large, dimly lit room. It was beautifully furnished with antiques and, as I discovered later, was only the foyer to an exclusiveladies club. A beautiful blonde approached us as we entered. She was dressed in a skintight gold mini, which only just managed to contain her enormous breasts. “Good evening Miss Prentiss I believe you’ll find your friends in the bar. Would you like me to take care of your service until you require him?” “No thank you Deidre, I’ll take him with me.” I don’t know which shocked me more, the reference to me as a service, or the complete lack of reaction at my bizarre outfit and condition.

Then, as we entered the main room I understand why, there were about 20 people in the bar, mostly women. There were a couple of men in evening suits and a few wearing variations of my apparel. Melissa led me to a table of four people, 2 attractive ladies in their mid 30s, a man covered from head to foot in a rubber suit the only open areas being, a 1″ hole at his mouth and a gap revealing his arse cheeses and his genitals. I couldn’t help wondering how he put the suit on. The other person was one ofthe men in dinner suits he looked quite normal until a closer inspection showed very heavy make up on his face.

As we approached, one of the ladies jumped up to greet Melissa. “You finally made it, congratulations darling.” She planted an overly friendly kiss on Melissa’s lips. I was astounded to find myself getting jealous it was as if I considered her my exclusive property. Her treatment of me to this point had been anything but encouraging and yet I felt more devoted to her than ever.

“So this is yours,” She said looking me over critically. “Very impressive, do you intend to put him in the auction tonight? I’ll tell you what,” she suggested, rubbing her hands over my corset-enlarged cleavage, “I’ll give you $5,000 for him now. A few injections and he could be a stunner. Does he have good bone structure?” “Yes he does Ellen,” replied Melissa, “And he’s not for sale.” I was burning with pride to think Melissa had refused $5,000 for me, even though I wasn’t sure what theoffer entailed.

“Okay then,” Ellen countered, still inspecting me, “Make it $10,000 and you can have Wayne as well.” She indicated the rubber suit. “Sorry Ellen, I intend to register him tonight.” Both Ellen and the other woman started in disbelief. “You can’t be serious Mel, why would you both to do that? You know the rules.” “I do, but I’m going to anyway.”

Melissa looped my lead round the back of a chair, as you would a horses rein. She then sat in the chair. I stood where I was behind the chair. I noticed none of the other men in the room were seated, so I assumed it was forbidden. The 3 ladies discussed Melissa’s earlier statement, but she was adamant, she was going to register me. I had no idea what that means, but I decided that if these 2 obviously cruel women were against it then I was all for it.

As they argued I looked casually around the room, apart from the clientele it could be a private club anywhere in the city. A sign over the bar intrigued me, it read; L.A.M.B.S. WE ARE THE SLAUGHTER. I didn’t understand it, but after today I sure as hell believed it. The 2 ladies eventually resigned themselves to Melissa’s decision, they weren’t pleased but they accepted it. I listened intently but still had no idea what all the fuss was about. I was soon to find out.

An attractive lady in her mid 40s, dressed impecccably in what looked like a hand tailored suit, walked over to the table. “Hello Melissa, nice to see you again.” She kissed Melissa on the cheese in greeting. “I see you brought your entry fee, now, if you give me your cheque for $100,000 I’ll bring your membership card.” Melissa handed her a cheque. “Will you be auditioning him tonight?” “No Gwen, I intend to register him.” Gwen raised her eyebrow at This but simply replied, “That’s your right, I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” She turned and left.

Returning with the membership card Gwen said, “The show starts in an hour, do you wish to register him before or after?””Take him now please Gwen, I’ll sign the papers later.” “As you wish.” Taking my lead she led me to a door which opened into a side room. There were designs all over the walls and a man sat at a table working on the supposedr of a girl in her early twentyties. The girl greeted Gwen with a nod and the man stood up immediately. “Register this to Melissa Prentiss when you’re done there.” There was the same look of Surprise on both faces. “As you command Mistress.” The man replied.

I waited about 5 minutes while he finished a small butterfly on the shoulder of the girl, who walked out without so much as a word of thanks when he’d finished. Then the man came over to me; taking my lead he directed me to the table and had me lay face down. “You’re a very lucky man, I’ve been here for 2 years now and you’re only the second registry I’ve ever done.” As he spoke he strapped my already helpless body to the table. He then typed Melissa Prentiss into the computer at his side. On the screen appealred Melissa’s private details. It listed her occupation as stockbroker, but I had difficulty reading any more because of my position on the table.

The man then picked up his tattooing equipment and I realized he intended to tattoo my behind with her details. It turned out he only tattooed the following; THIS MAN IS THE PROPERTY OF MELISSA PRENTISS. IF FOUND PLEASE PHONE 555 4389 OR THE LAMBS CLUB. A REWARD OF $50,000 WILL BE GIVEN FOR HIS RETURN.

“O.K. you’re done, it’s your debug tonight isn’t it?” Gagged as I was I couldn’t answer, nor could I ask him what he meant. He pressed a button and the blonde who’d greeted us at the door came in. You can take the debtante away now Deidre,” I wondered Idly why he didn’t show her the same obvious respect he showed the other women, I tried to examine her more closely, suspecting that all may not be as it seemed with this lovely ‘lady’.

Deidre led me to a room with 3 undecorated walls and one wall covered by a curve. Standingin front of me she smiled and pouted her lips in a kiss. She then took 2 earplugs, which she fitted into my ears, closing the hood flaps to keep them in. It was very effective I couldn’t hear a thing. Next she produced the blindfold Melissa had used and secured it over my eyes. I had heard stories of the effect of sensing deprivation but until this moment I’d never experienced it.

It was at once terrifying and peaceful. Time no longer had any meaning and, while I had an intense awareness of my body, it was as if I was looking down on it rather than occupying it. I have no idea how long I stood there, it could have been anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour. I was snapped out of my reverie by hands playing with my nipples, I tried to back away but was unable to do so, whether this was because I was secured to something I didn’t know, I just knew I couldn’t move away from the demanding fingers.

All my attention became focused on that one part of my body and I became extremely aroused. I noted absently that I had an erection so someone must have removed the sheath. As I grew more and more aroused there was a sudden concentrated surge of pain to my left nipple followed quickly be a similar pain to my right. This pain eased to a constant dull ache, which I soon forgot as my body was ravaged in other areas.


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