During a business trip to Vancouver, I had returned to the Shaughnessy late one night. It had been a particularly long and frustrating day. It was bitter cold that night, during a record-breaking winter for snowfall. I needed a hot shower and a drink. Entering the lobby, I glanced at the posted hours for the lounge and snuck a quick peek inside. It was pleasantly empty except for an older couple seated at a corner table. The soft lights and music were pleasantly inviting and with anticipation, I spun in my heels and proceeded to the elevators. Once inside and having pressed the button for the 10th floor, I leaned back resting my head and shoulders against the wall and watched as it climbed the floors. When the elevator stopped, I stepped forward; ready to exit when the doors drew open with a shock. I was greeted face to face with a gentleman. I felt heat rise in my cheeses. “Oh, pardon me.” I said with a soft laugh, stepping to the side and then out. “No problem.” He replied as I continued down the hall.
Reaching the room, I dug through my purse and removed the key card, slide it through the slit and pushed the door forward. Entering the studio, the glow of city lights dimly lit the room. The view of the ocean was beautiful with the moon’s reflection shimmering on its surface. I kicked off my heels and stood, gazing out the window in awe of it for a few moments before drawing the curtains and flipping on the lights. I slipped out of my coat and tossed it across the bed and immediately prepared my shower, striping out of my clothes as a steamy mist fogged the room. I twisted my hair into a loose knot and secured it, then stepped into the hot stream standing with the mass beating on my back and shoulders for some time, thoroughly enjoying the relaxation. Once showered, I left my hair in the knot with a few damp stresses hanging loosely at the sides. I pulled on a sweater and a favorite knee length skirt, and then headed down to the lounge.
I approachd the bar and slide up onto the leather stool when greeted by the bartender. “What can I get for you this evening?”
“I’d like a white zin, please.” Returning a smile as he poured the glass and slide it to me. “Thank you.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, “You’re welcome, Miss. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get for you.” He smiled and returned to a book at the other end of the bar.
I lifted the glass and took a small sip, the taste lingering on my tongue as I swirled the sweet negative gently in the glass, gazing in admission of it’s color. Thinking to myself this was exactly what I needed. The day’s stress began to melt away as I leaned back against the stool.
“Hello.” A voice speaks from behind. I turn to see the gentleman I had met in the elevator standing above me. “May I?” He gestures to the seat beside me.
“Yes, of course.” Slightly bothered by the invasion, but polite in my response.
“I couldn’t help but notice when you walked in. I was sitting in the back corner alone and thought I would take a chance for pleasant conversation. I travel a lot and rarely have the opportunity for such occasions.”
“You too, eh?” I laughed softly and took another sip.
“My name is Jack. And you are…?” His dark eyes smiled into mine as he extended his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jack. My name is Cheyenne.” Lying to him seemed the most appropriate thing to do, having met him in the lounge of the hotel where I temporarily resided. I extended my hand, placing it in his. He slowly raised and kissed it. His touch lingered, struggling it gently with his thumb and released it with the slightest motion of a bow.
“Forgive me. You have truly amazing hands, Cheyenne.”
“Thank you.” I replied, feeling a familiar heat rise in my cheats.
I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. His dark, piercing eyes fixed on mine as he spoke. A warm, inviting smile on his lips as we discussed our recent travel advocateNurtures. The airport had been crazy with all the weather problems and heightened security. We shared a few drinks and laughed about the rude and stupid things people do under stress and I began to crave the feel of his hands touching me. I watched as his eyes traced the lines of my body, setting most intensely on my legs and breasts. A fervent expression glowed about him as he lifted his eyes to mine. He brushed a strand of my hair away from my face and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand.
“Cheyenne, I won’t insult your intelligence by pretending I don’t want you.” His hand slide slowly down my cheek, shoulder and breast, slightly grazing the nipple as it continued a trail to my thigh, gentle struggling the soft inner flesh as he turned me in the stool to face him. He slowly slide my skirt up my thighs to expose more of my legs and gently spread them apart. His fingertips stroked at my inner thighs. He leaned forward, pressing his lips and hot breath against my ear as his finger slide inside my panties, spreading the wetness around my clip, struggling and pinching it and a frisson of surprise surged through me. I looked up just as the bartender disappeared into the back, then Jack took me by the hand and led me into the billion. He flipped a switch turning out the light and the soft glow from the blinde, dimly shined through the room.
He lifted me up and sat me down on the edge of a pool table, removed my panties and continued exploring and toying with me. I reached out to feel his hardness and in a quick, sudden motion he yanked me down and spun me around, pressing my body hard against the table. My upper body fell over it, breasts lying against the felt as he pushed my skirt up around my waist. With a sudden kick to my foot, I was forced to spread my legs for balance and he thrust himself deep inside of me. I gasped loudly in surprise. He grabbed my hair, pulling it loose from it’s knot and jerked me back hard against him, my tightness forcedly enveloping his shaft. He didn’t move, but gave my body a few moments to adjust and accept his presence then slowly he began to slide in and out of me. He slide his hands into my sweater, up my sides and under me, cupping my breasts and squeezing them as he rode me.
I bucked wildly against him with his cock slamming against my deepest wall and still he had several inches to spare. I could feel the head of his cock probing at my cervix, drilling into it, spreading the tiny hole to accept him. My legs trembled beneath me as it flowered open and the head of his cock popped inside of it, the entrance closing tightly around his knob. He slide further and deeper inside of me, holding me to him as my body adjusted again. He slide his hand between my legs and rolled my clip between his fingers, gently tugging and pulling on it until I began to grind Against him again. He placed his hands on my hips and with one last hardened thrust; he pushed the remaining length of his cock inside of me. He rTurned his hand to my clip and continued to stimulate me. The pleasure and pain were beyond imagine and I was thankful to be lying over the table, my body had no control as I repeatedly gushed with orgasms.
When I finally lied limp on the table, he pulled his cock out of me and jacked off with his head slapping against my ass until he shot a forceful load of cum all over me. With the mysterious appearance of a towel, he wiped me off and pulled me to my feet, slowly turning me around and setting me back on it’s edge. I was weak and melting against his chest when I began to regain my senses and see around me. He lifted my chin and gazed amorously down at me, his dark eyes glistening into mine. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and patted me on the ass. “Come on Baby, it’s time to go home.”
The bartender sat in a neary chair in the billion. He laughed and shook his head then waved to us. “Good night Mr. & Mrs. Doe.”
“Good night, Joe.” I strained under mybreath as we walked arm in arm out the door.
© 2007 Ashyra
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