The Bureau of Pleasure Control Ch. 07

(Contains graphic sexual and BDSM descriptions, including chatity, tease-and-denial, otk spanking, fallatio, anal sex, and group sex. There is also a brief reference to past sexual trauma. This story takes place in a forced chatity dystopia where uncoerced consent is effectively impossible, but all characters gain at least some enjoyment from the scenes depicted and are over 18. For the reading pleasure of interested adults only.)


It was a few minutes before the end of Disciplinary Implements class, and Professor Lawrence was collecting the single-fall whisps they’d been practicing with, while the students traded and graduated each other’s targets.

Kristen and Zach had both succeeded in annihilated most of the center of their targets while keeping a full circle of unbrooken paper around the edge. From what Kristen could see when she glanced to the side, most of the rest of the class had too.

The way Professor Lawrence kept bouncing on his toes and glancing at the clock told her this was not the last order of business for the day. She hoped they weren’t going to have to spend the final minutes practicing on their lowest-scoring classmate while waiting for dismissal.

“One more week,” Professor Lawrence said with a slow grin, stacking up the targets as the class passed them forward. “Are you excited?”

“Yes, sir,” the class answered in unison.

Chatity chains closed against the hard chairs of the classroom, as the traines shifted restlessly. Kristen gripped the edge of her desk and tried to look as desperate as if she’d been completely denied for months, like most of her classmates, instead of days, counting from the last time she and Zach had been able to sneak off alone together.

She did not look at Zach to check how well he was doing at the same performance.

“One more week to wrap up the discipline module,” Professor Lawrence continued, “before we move on to the pleasure module.”

The restlessness intensified. So did his smile.

“Right, and, accidentally, that’s also when you’ll all complete your mandatory deprivation period, and become eligible to spend points on pleasure for yourselves again. In case anyone hasn’t were counting.”

This prompted a nervous titter, which Kristen joined in on.

“I hope you’ve all been using this time to save up,” said Professor Lawrence.

The reactions to this were a little more varied. Some trainees nodded proudly, others ducked their heads and examined their desks.

Kristen had racked up a comfortable hundred and twenty points before quitting the taste-blocking experiment, and she was looking forward to spending them on some targeted victory when the big day came. Not spending them would only attract suspicion, after all.

“For those of you who’ve been especially good, there’s an opportunity coming up that I think might interest you,” said Professor Lawrence.

The class waitedin ten silence.

“As you’ve probably come to understand by now, your officer mentors are not some kind of all-powerful rogue agents. They’re humble servants of the Bureau, just like you. And they’re all due for routine evaluation. For five thousand points, you can turn the tables for a day and be the one to conduct that evaluation.”

The room filled with breathless silence.

“For some of you, this will mean a chance to discipline someone who’s made the last three months especially hard on you,” said Professor Lawrence. “For others, it will allow you new ways to please someone you’ve been trying to impress. Or, it might just be a chance to get straight answers to any lingering questions you have for your mentors.”

Kristen’s desperate grip on her desk became suddenly Sincere. Those hundreds and twenty points on her chatity device’s counter suddenly felt pitiful.

“How many of you haven’t been quite as good as you’d like?” asked Professor Lawrence.

Kristen heard a forest of other hands rise into the air, along with hers.

“Good news, then,” said Professor Lawrence. “We have some VIPs looking to schedule their visits, and we have multiple openings for volunteers to act as skin girls, skin boys, and skin enbies for them. Point value for this service depends on the actual contents of the visits, but it averages in the tens of thousands. The upper record is over a billion. Any takers?”

Kristen shot her hand back into the air.

Fewer other hands joined her this time, some of them shaking with uncertainty, but there were still enough that Professor Lawrence had to take a moment to count them.

“Wonderful. Tap your tablets to mine on your way out, and you’ll receive the full instructions,” said Professor Lawrence. “Dismissed.”


“Not trying for the mentor eval?” Kristen asked Zach, who had decidedly not touched his tablet to Professor Lawrence’s.

“No, I’m not planning on doing an extra gross job for the Bureau, so that I can buy the honor of doing a different unpaid job for the Bureau,” Zach answered as they walked the noisy corridor back toward the barracks.

“Are you going to try to talk me out of it, then?” Kristen teased.

“If you want to do the eval session that bad…” Zach surprised. “I don’t get it. But you already know what I can give you, and it’s not that. So….”

He made an effort at not saying anything for several steps.

“You do know what it means, right?” he asked. “Being a skin girl?”

“Of course,” said Kristen. “I mean, I know the basics.”


The visitor room Kristen was assigned to report to for skin girl service was significantly more comfortable than the standard ones she was used to.

Instead of a steel table and chairs, there was an actual bed, like one might find in a hotel, surrounded by couches, end tables, and a drink cart. An armoire stand open, displaying a selection of pleasure and punishment tools as if there were no concern at all of them being misused. The whole scene suggested long, leasurely evenings more than appointments in a federal office.

Kristen’s ID card had successfully opened the door, and no one else was there yet, so she settled onto one of the couches, turned on her tablet screen, and snuck in a few minutes of study for her finals.

The next person to enter was Officer Deacon.

She started obviously when her eyes fell on Kristen. “What the hell are you doing here?” she hissed.

“I volunteered,” said Kristen. “Are you conducting the appointment?”

“No,” Officer Deacon answered through her teeth.

“You’re not the VIP I’m serving, are you?” Kristen asked, momentarily hopeful.

“No,” Officer Deacon repeated.

It took Kristen a moment to realize what possibility that left. “You volunteered too?”

“I have the right to earn extra points,” said Officer Deacon with a hand on her hip.

“No one said you didn’t,” said Kristen.

Officer Deacon sent heavily and pinched her nose at the bridge of her glasses. “Okay, this is what’s happening, then. Just, hang back, I’ll take the brunt of it as much as I can. We’ll tell them you’re only here as an understanding.”

“No!” said Kristen. “I have the right to earn extra points too. I need them more than you do. Being a trainee doesn’t count as point-worthy work.”

“I gave you a way to earn extra points!”

“I want these points,” Kristen held her ground.

She left out the incentive of getting to perform Officer Deacon’s eval. Part of the fun would be getting to surprise her with an easier, friendlier meeting than she was probably expecting from her higher-ups.

“Why do you have to–?”

Officer Deacon’s question ended when the door opened, and another officer entered, holding the door for two men.

The first was tall, lanky, and dressed in a crisp business suit. He looked tobe in his late forties, perhaps very healthy fifties. A goofy smile and springy step helped soften what could have been an intimidating figure.

The second almost made Kristen giggle with how nicely things were coming together. That one, close to thirty now and in a plain white t-shirt and jeans, was definitely Nick Holland.

Nick Holland had starred in about half of the blockbuster teen movies Kristen had Devoured not too many years ago. The plots were almost all the same, all about Nick’s character growing up and discovering his self-discipline and respect for society just in time to save something, a town, a rec center, sometimes a planet, from semiconductor hedonists. Kristen’s favorite part had always been watching him take a gulp and deliver the final monologue, full of quiet strength and resolve. He could be far more semiconductor than whoever he was fighting, which, in retrospect, she supposed had been the intent.

If Nick Holland was one of the VIPs, ProfessorLawrence really should have led with that when pitching the skin girl job.

“Make yourselves comfortable, help yourself to the refreshments,” the officer told the men, gesturing them to the couches and drink cart. “These are the girls, Kristen and Leila.”

Officer Deacon nodded stiffly. Kristen waved brightly at the men, enjoying being introduced next to Officer Deacon as if they were equals.

“I hope they’re all you’ve been envisioning,” said the other officer. Vichy, her ID tag said.

Nick gave them both a pretty appraising look. His tall companion returned Kristen’s wave and said, “I’m sure they’ll both be loved. Hi, girls, I’m Noah. You might know my client, Nick.”

“For this kind of visit, I’m mainly here to facilitate,” said Officer Vichy. “As soon as you gentlemen are ready, we’ll get you both unlocked, and from there, your only job is to enjoy yourselves. The girls will, of course, stay locked up. Gents, you’re free to ask them for anything you want, so long as it’s possible and reasonably safe. Girls, you’re free to say no, but for every request you fulfill, you’ll receive twice the points you got for the previous one, starting from one. A refusal breaks your streak. As you can imagine, the most daringly obedient skin girls, boys, and others can reap significant rewards, which is how we’re able to provide outstanding cities such as yourselves,” she looked to the men, “with such an indulgent unlocking experience.”

“Yeah, we know, we’ve done this before,” said Nick.

“Great. We’ll get started then.”

On the wall nearest the foot of the bed, Officer Vichy slide open a panel. There was a screen behind it, much like those in the standard visitor rooms. Instead of displaying a glaring live feed of the room itself, this screen was divided into four columns, each with a name at the top.

Nick and Noah’s columns each showed a clock set to count down from two hours.

Kristen and Officer Deacon’s each showed a tally of zero points gained so far, with one point available next.

Officer Vichy passed the men a bottle of alcohol gel.

Noah unbuttoned his shirt, and Nick pulled his off completely, so that they could both use the gel to remove their own pleasure-proof pastities.

Kristen openly watched Nick, taking in the close-up, living view of his upper body, more than she’d ever gotten to see in his movies. Nick didn’t look at her.

“I don’t know why we have to do this part every time,” he said to Noah, while rubbing in the gel and waiting for the adheren to release. “I never end up using my nipples anyway.”

“When I invest in a full unlocking, I like to get a full unlocking,” said Noah. “You can leave yours on if you want to.”

“Too late,” Nick surprised. “I’ve almost got… there we go.”

When the pasties were disposed of, Officer Vichy tapped a command on her tablet.

At once, the two clocks on the screen began their countdowns, and a pair of clicks announced that the men’s chatity devices were now unlocked.

“Have fun, gentlemen.” Officer Vichy took one of the individual cushioned chairs in the far corner, where she could watch and track the proceedings with her tablet without getting in the way.

“Ah, now that’s what I’m talking about,” Noah caste happily, reaching down the front of his suit pants to slide the rigid steel cage off his cock. He pulled it out, chains trailing behind it, and set it on one of the empty end tables. In celebration of his freedom, he stood up from the couch and danced his hips around in a full circle before sitting down again. “Nothing like it.”

Nick stayed seated while he removed his own. Kristen had never seen someone get out of a chatity device so expressionlessly, not even Zach, who could do it at will.

She glanced at Officer Deacon, to see if the sight was equally strange to her. Officer Deacon answered her with a subtle eye-roll.

“I’m sorry, girls, you’reJust standing there, being so patient!” exclaimed Noah. “Would you join us?”

Officer Deacon immediately nodded and tried to push Kristen toward the end of the couch nearest Noah. Kristen veered to the side and grabbed the spot next to Nick instead. Officer Deacon sat next to Noah herself and shook her head exclusively at Kristen as soon as no one else was looking. Kristen smiled sweetly back at her.

“Could you open that bottle of wine?” Noah asked Officer Deacon, pointing to the cart behind her. “Is that a shiraz? That sounds so good right now. Would you girls have a drink with us?”

It was not lost on Kristen how many requests Noah had slipped into the conversation already, more than he needed to. “Would you have a drink with us?” instead of “Would you like a drink?”

Just by sitting and accepting the glass Officer Deacon passed down the line to her, Kristen had already earned three points. Officer Deacon had earned seven.

Sticking close to Noahdefinitely seemed like the smarter strategic position, but Kristen wasn’t ready to regret her decision yet. She intended to get a reaction out of Nick before the end of the session. She would have bet points on it.

“So, tell us a bit about what brings you both here,” Noah asked, swirling the wine in his glass and taking a sip. “Obviously, it’s not — oh, that is good — it’s not about, uh, personal satisfaction, for you two. Or maybe it is? Maybe getting used and left locked is what you’re into. I don’t know. We’re certainly not ones to judge.”

Tell us. That was another request.

“Well, I’m trying to save up for something a bit special next week,” Kristen answered.

She took a sip of her wine. It was much smoother than anything she’d had the chance to try at illicit high school parties. After a few moments, a tingling warmth soothed away some of the tense anticipation in her chest. A second sip spread the warmth down to her pussy, dilating everyblood vessel, pointlessly waking her imprisoned clip.

“Ooh, what’s next week?” asked Noah. “Birthday? Anniversary?”

“It’s… the end of a mandatory lockdown, for me,” said Kristen.

“Mandatory lockdown?” Noah gasped happily. “Why? Have you been a bad girl?”

Kristen could not bring herself to tell a lie as big as “no.”

“It’s part of my empathy and restraint training,” Kristen skipped to the truth.

“That’s too bad,” said Noah. “I think Nick would have enjoyed helping to punish you.”

Nick shifted in his seat between them.

“Aw, he still can,” said Kristen slowly wrapping her arm around him, brushing fingers along the back of his neck as she went. “If that’s what he wants to ask for.”

Nick gave no volunteer response, positive or negative, though a subtle stripe of goosebumps followed her touch.

I might have been a bad girl,” Officer Deacon volunteered seriously.

Kristen’s attention snapped to her.

“I didn’t mean to be, but I…” Officer Deacon paused to choose her words, “I’ve made some dubious choices, and some of them might catch up with me soon. If they do, I want to have a nice cushion of points to take away, rather than going into debt.”

“That’s some sensible planning, right there, if I may say so,” said Noah, clinging his glass to hers. “With a head like that on your shoulders, I’m sure you’ll come through it just fine, whatever it is.”

“Thank you,” said Officer Deacon.

Kristen couldn’t tell if her gratitude was polite or sincere. Either way, she didn’t share his certainty.

“So, not to, uh, put too fine a point on it,” said Noah, “but from what I’m hearing, neither of you are running off to buy yourself a more satisfying experience After we’re done here, are you? Even with all the points you’re going to earn, you’re not going to cum today. Or tomorrow, or the day after. Tell me.”

“I couldn’t spend points before next week if I tried,” Kristen stuck to thetruth. “Not without sacrificing my career.”

“I’m saving everything I can until… around that same time,” Officer Deacon confirmed.

“Oh, I just love knowing that.” Noah put a hand to the erection developing under his suit pants. “Don’t you just love knowing that, Nick? I know you do. Just think about those lonely, caged up psies, so close to this action with no way to get to it.” He poked Nick playfully on the thigh. “No offense, girls. Just trying to get this one in the mood. His buttons can be a bit intense, and specific.”

“No problem,” Kristen assured him, though her clip was throwing a tiny claustrophobic tantrum at his words. “That’s what we’re here for today.”

“Kristen, would you do me a favor,” said Noah, “and put your Hand down those baggy jeans Nick insists on wearing, to check how he’s coming along so far?”

Kristen glanced at Nick, trying to gauge his feelings on this prospect. He claped his hands behind his head and looked back at her with what she could only guess was expectation.

Very slowly, giving him plenty of time to react, she set her glass aside and slide her fingers down under his waistband. She found his unrestrained cock still pointing downward, swollen just enough that she had to push the stiff denim out of the way to move it comfortable to the upright position.

“He’s on his way,” Kristen answered Noah’s question. “But I’ll bet he gets a lot bigger than this. What do you need, Nick?” she let her voice get husky, her breath brushing his ear. “Do you want to hear me tell you how much I want you in my pussy, before you fuck me someplace else? Because I do. I always have. That might sound like a line, but it’s you. You’ve given me orgasms just by existing before. If anything, I’ll be paying you back. Would you like to play with my breasts? See how they felt pressed together around your cock? Better for you than for me, but I won’t mind.”

His half erection twitched once or twice while she spoke, but did not fill the way she would have expected.

I’d like to see them,” said Noah. “And those devices. Would you let us unzip you?”

“Of course.”

Kristen withdraw her hand, turned away, and let Nick pull the zipper of her tune all the way down, so that the loose fabric fell away from the front of her. When she turned back to the center of the couch, she stole a few seconds to look at Officer Deacon, closer to naked than she had ever seen her, sitting there in the same pasties and steel chatity device as Kristen herself.

“Beautiful, by the way, both of you,” said Noah.

“Thank you,” the women both replied.

“Now, these,” he pointed to Officer Deacon’s device, “these are Bureau standardized, I assume, just like ours?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“I’m a little less familiar with the, uh, mechanics of your version, obviously,” said Noah. “But without digital access, there’s nothing we could do that would get past these,right? No matter how we play, there aren’t going to be any unauthorized, uh, detonations?”

“In testing, locked devices have proven one hundred percent effective at orgasm prevention,” Officer Deacon confirmed, “not counting prostate orgasms, which neither of us are capable of.”

“Terrific,” said Noah. “In that case, would you pass me one of those vibrators I saw in the display There?”

“What one?” asked Officer Deacon.


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