“The subject is contained and we are ready to commence the procedure”
The feline scientist spends a short moment checking boxes on his clipboard, slightly sighting at all the work they needed to do.
He observed the sleeping bunny laying before him, on his back, wearing only a medical robe in the artisticated medical bed. He had been selected from a rather large group, his body type and psyche were perfect for This experiment.
He examined the subject thoroughly. A mask kept him sleep for now, and a few sensors were attached over his chest under the robe, monitoring his heart rate and other vitals.
Each of the extremes were attached to tight straps, and an electric collar was added, just for precaution. His long ears were carefully placed on each side of the subject’s head, the tips resting on his side finishing at his waist level, under his arms.
With a slight press of a button, the cheese deactivated the sleeping gas on the mask and carefully pulld it off, removing it from the sleeping bunny.
“Subject K021 should soon be awakening. Nurse, please remove the robe while he awakes, and apply the injection as soon as possible.”
An attractive tall cat, wearing a plain simple white uniform just like the scientist, until now quiet on the side approached slowly the subject, carefully undoing the attachments on the robe almost with motherly care. After a little time she completely removes it, exposing the slim and rather feminine body of the half awakened bunny.
An operating light aiming directly over him turns suddenly on, making his soft brown and cream fur shine. While he slowly wakes up in confusion, the nurse knees near his head, resting a reassuring paw over his forehead. “Hey honey I’m gonna need you to stay calm ok? I promise everything will be fine.”
Following this, she gets to a nearby drawer and grabs some gloves, handing a pair to the scientist. They both star at the rabbit, studying him while slowlyputting them on. The bunny looks back at them, barely able to move and incapable of talking, making him panic, his breath goes faster as well as his heart, a monitor starts blipping near the scientists.
With an annoying look, the doctor stars at him and, ignoring the bunny distress he coldly says “Subject K021’s now fully consciousness, you have been selected as the most adequate test subject for our Alpha breeder. He is being prepared in another lab as we speak. Once I estimate you are ready, you will meet him. I advise you to fully cooperate, and follow my instructions carefully. You will recover your voice promptly. As per the contract you signed, a device in your neck is keeping you from remembering anything, but don’t worry, it’s harmless, you need to be awake and consciousness so the experiment can be successful. You will be referred to as K021 or simply K, do you understand?”
K opened his mouth and let out a fear “y-yes”, still scared, he tried to move with all his forcesand run, but as soon as he tried to get up, a sharp pain struck his neck, making him shout in pain, and slightly sob.
“The collar also has a… security system, this is for your own good and ours, refrain from moving unless you are told to please.” The nurse approached in a hurry, carefully helping to straighten the bunny’s body.
She then positioned herself on the opposite side of the examination table.
“We are going to administrator a drug to stimulate you. Please relax your legs and let the examination table reposition you.”
While keeping a soft smile, she was now spreading some lube in what looked like a tiny tube, with a handle shaped like a gun.
“N… no, wait..” K managed to plead, with a weak voice, sounding more like a whisper. Suddenly, a mechanical whine could be heard, and the medical bed started moving, slowly and widely spreading his legs, pulling them up by elevating the support in the bunny’s ankles, elevating slightly as well his hips, completetely exposing him to the nurse.
Using a sort of clip, she carefully takes K’s tail out of the way, pulling it slightly back, clipping the other end to the medical bed, making it impossible for him to move it.
“Breathe in and out slowly, you might feel a bit of pressure down there, relax as much as possible…” As soon as she was done talking, a sudden cold and metallic object slightly penetrated him, making him squeak in surprise. “Ack! I-it’s cold!” After a few seconds, something warm started invading his body, crawling up from his waist, spreading across his whole body, only growing stronger as time passed. He felt… strange, in a slight cloud of dizziness and almost happiness.
“Arug administratored… interesting! We can already see the effects” Said the nurse with a satisfied voice while slowly removing the tool and dropping it in a metallic container on a table neary.
This made the doctor approach with interest, who grabbed the subject’s member now almost completely hard, twisting it with care between his gloved fingers. “Mmh… really good, everything is reacting just as we expected” He said, grabbing with his other paws the bunny’s sack, feeling them with his palm.
“I’m going to take some measures, please hold the member firmly, don’t apply too much pressure.” He said while reaching for some instruments. The nurse first took the scientific light and pointed it directly over their working area. K felt humiliated, even with the drug, his ears fell a little more down, and he let out a weak squeak. The nurse used a free paw to gently care the bunny’s belly, giving him a warm smile.
K watched them powerless, feeling their cold gloved paws manipulating his body, occasionally making him squeak in disappoint and embarrassment as they twisted his member, observing it from every angle, also poking around his lap area and crotch.
“Please take note of the bpm and temperature, then we will be able to start the second step.” Said fInally the scientist, pushing with his legs his chair to the side, changing gloves and disposing of the older ones, already stained with precum.
K slightly turned his head around, observing the room, trying to remember anything, but in vain. The room was full of medical equipment, some other beds and other chairs were carefully arranged on the sides, and various tools and undescriptable machines were near him and above. Various instruments were carefully arranged on a little metallic table on his side, ready to be used.
He felt someone behind him, and quickly tried to look, this making him feel like throwing up. Suddenly, a pair of paws grabs his head with care but firmly, while their thumbs softly cares his cheeses. The smell of medical latex invaded his nostrils.
“Don’t make any abrupt moves during the procedures or you might get hurt, bunny. Everything will be alright.” The thumbs pressed a little more lovingly against his cheeses” The sweet and calming voice of thenurse was a welcome sound.
“Let’s take some samples now, before we start the next step.” Said the doctor looking at the nurse.
She took some large Q-tips and approached it to K mouth, “Open up hun.” She then inserted it inside, slightly touching his tongue, quickly removing it and dropping it in a plastic tube. The cat then went beside the doctor and approached his crotch with another Q-tip, taking some precum samples. Spreading a little more K’s exposed tailhole with her fingers, she gently poked it with a Q-tip, making circular movements, this making him squirm slightly, soon after removing it and storing it away.
“I think we are good to proceed, we are going to send the samples and get the results later. The subject seems stable” Said the voice of the doctor now resting his paws on K thighs, looking at the bunny body with interest, brushing with a finger his rock hard member, while K groaned in pleasure, even if he tried to resist. “The stimulation substance is aTotal success, the subject’s responding perfectly to it. Let’s begin step two.”
“Very well.” Replied the nurse, now removing her paws from his head, reaching for something over her, moving slowly up, K could see an artistic arm, protected by a semi-transparent plastic looking bag around it. In the end, an ergonomic tube shape with a texture looking like silicon was hanging, with it’s tip hollow. “W-what are you going to do with that…” He asked, with fear.
“Ok hun, let me explain, I’m going to need you to open your mouth as big as you can, and stick your tongue out, keep breathing from your little nose normally. This tube will slowly release a substance necessary at this stage of the experiment, it’s not going to hurt you, and it will only last a few minutes.” She said While using a different bottle, applying another kind of edible lube to the device.
“Ready? Please open up” She said approaching the device. K first opened his mouth only a little, but the nurse used her paw to force his mouth open a more, as the instrument slowly made its way deeper inside, it forced his mouth to open more, while he let out muted helpless squeaks. “Almost there, you can close your eyes if it helps.” He closed his eyes immediately, but the feeling of the tube going further didn’t stop. Almost when he thought he was going to gag, he felt a tender care over his chest.
“And done. Good boy! Please slightly bite the tube, it’ll help hold your head. I’m going to activate it, you will feel the need to swallow, this is a normal reflex, don’t be scared and just swallow normally ok?” He opened and closed his eyes in agreement, a few seconds later a thick warm substance was sliding down his throat. The nurse carefully massed the bunny’s throat with both paws, making him swallow regularly. “Just… like… that, you are doing great, keep that pase”
His eyes were moving from the nurse to the device, she was now checking a screen, taking some notes, occasionally looking back at him. The doctor seemed to be busy on the other end, preparing another similar artistic arm, much bigger and scarier.
“We are in the most delicious phase, the subject is receiving a substance making them basically… more feminine, without altering anything more than chemical balance, and temporarily, I strongly recommend monitoring vitals and watching it closely.” Said the doctor talking to someone invisible, Only then K realized that there were cameras pointing directly at him in every corner of the room, at different angles, at least those he could see, some drool started to fall from the side of his muzzle, which the nurse quickly wiped, and slowly positioned his head better, adding a little plastic tube on the inside of his mouth, vacuuming the drool away. She then went once again on the side of the doctor, manipulating the bigger device.
“Breathe deeply now, and I want you to push when asked.” Said the doctor, K once again opened and closed his eyes.
“Push.” As he did it, the cheese suddenly inserted a lubricated finger in his tailhole in one thrust, surprisingly not hurting, but quite the contrary, making his body slightly shake in electrifying pleasure. “Good, he’s ready”
He couldn’t see exactly what was happening, but something much larger seemed to be poking at his entrance, the straws tightened more, his heart started going a little faster again.
“Apply a little stimulation to distract the subject” The scientist ordered the nurse, who quickly grabbed one of the bunny paws and squeezed it gently. For the first time, K saw her slightly blush. She reached with her free paw to the doctor, who poured lube on her gloved paw. “Close your eyes and breath, ok hun?…Good boy” Some amazingly pleasant and slippery grabbed K’s shake base, he couldn’t moan, but his body clearly tensed enjoying the sweet treat. She worked his length going very slowly, spreading the lube evenly, starting from the base up to the tip,where she stayed for a few seconds and went back, he already felt at the edge of an orgasm, his member throbbing and spraying precum all over her gloves and his lap as she continued.
“Oh my! What a messy bun we are” She said with a slight amused tone in her voice, biting her lower lip.
“Push again, and keep pushing.” The scientist ordered after a few more minutes, while the nurse continued to slowly stroke him.
The device started to thrust inside him, stretching his hole mercilessly at a constant, slow speed, the substance making him feel strangely needed, his hips started to move slightly up and down, unable to control it, the cat quickly removed her paw, not wanting for the subject to cum.
“Good, he already started to respond, keep him steady, we don’t want him to get hurt now.”
Two paws quickly grabbed the bunny hips, pinning him on the medical examination table. The device keep going further, it felt like it would never stop, the pressure on his abdomenwas getting stronger, as the nurse kept him pinned with one paw, he could feel her adjusting a straw near his lap, making it impossible for him to keep moving.
“This device administrators the same substance, just a few more minutes and this will be over, keep your body as relaxed as you can and don’t fight it.” Said the nurse, changing gloves again, soon after gently massaging K’s body, starting from the Shoulders and slowly going down, expertly helping each muscle relax, carefully avoiding the sensible areas.
“Insertion finished, and the dosage is nominal.” Said the doctor, K could feel the same thick and warm substance slowly filling him, after a little time making a slight bulge on his stomach, which the doctor controlled with his paws from time to time, applying a little pressure and tapping around.
Almost forgetting the scary machines attached to him, he could feel his mind drifting away, desiring protection, desiring… to be bred… The machines continued to slowly pump the substance, and the massages from the nurse slowly made K sleepy, a slight pain on his neck awoke him abruptly. “We need you fully awake, sorry dear.” Said the nurse with a sad face, now standing on his side, holding his paw.
After a few minutes, they slowly and carefully removed first the mouth arm, making him slightly cought, the cat tilted the bunny’s head up and massed his neck and jaw for a few seconds.
“Once again I will need you to push, and keep pushing until we release it”. Asked the doctor on the other end, with a paw on the biggest articulated arm.
The bunny did as asked, pushing, and while he clenched his teeth, he could feel the device slowly sliding out, making him groan. As soon as they heard a “plop”, a few drops of the substance dropped out of his butt, the nurse quickly wiped him, nothing more came out.
K let out a sight of relief. The bed slowly put him back in a straight position, closing and lowering his legs and hips. He was nowslightly smoking and panting.
“How are you feeling cutie?” The voice of the nurse said behind him, dragging a chair next to him. “You are doing great, I need you to tell me how you feel.” She repeated.
After a few seconds, he replied. “My head is slightly spinning, I.. I feel soaked and really warm, I need…I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like my whole body is desperate to… I feel incredibly horny.” he finally said. The nurse let out a giggle, taking quick notes before replying. “That’s correct, plus the chemicals are now assimilated, let’s do a quick test, I want you to smell this” She said, reaching for a Q-tip, letting it near his nose.
“Mm.. it smells funny, but I don’t know what it is.” K replied.
“Noted, how about this one?” She reached to his nose again with another Q-tip, this time, as soon as he smelled, his heart started to pump quickly and his body tried to move in excitement. “W-what is that, I don’t know… w-what is it but I want more!P-please!”
“Shh..shh, it’s ok” She replied, quickly putting the Q-tip aside and caressing his muzzle, trying to get him to calm down.
“The first one were potential female pheromones, the second barely touched the genitals of the Alpha subject. It seems like you are ready for the next part of the experiment” She said, nodding at the doctor.
“We are going to bring you to another room, where, if all goes as planned, the Alpha will claim you. Once we are there we will give further instructions, but first.. Nurse, you know the next step.” Said the scientist, looking at her, then leaving the room.
K felt the nurse hesitating, and looking at him, with the ears down she softly said. “I’m sorry… for this.” She took a little spray bottle and aimed at K’s face.
“W-what is that?” He asked with a shaken voice
“This is the Alpha scent, but concentrated” Without looking at the bunny, she sprayed it once on his face. K’s world melted around him, his only desire wasa desperate need to be taken and used, the nurse’s face and everything else seemed distant, his body tried to move, almost making him feel feral, but the straps kept him in place.
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