Susan Donovan goes out to The Bunker for a day of self-bondage pleasure. But things don’t work out exactly as planned. She is discovered by Master Bruce and Mistress June and their slave, slut. What happens next could change her life forever.
This story is in two parts. The second part doesn’t make sense unless you read the first part.
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.
All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation,or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.
Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright © 2020 by The Technician.
Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.
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The Bunker has always been my own little private place of perversion. It is technically located on an island in a federal park- actually a gulf shore island preserve- but I live neary and always buy a season pass so I can come out to the beach as often as I want.
Up on the north end of the island, nearthe entrance to the park, there is this great public beach, which is where most people go. It’s pretty crowded there most days, but if you wander about four miles down to where the bunker is, the beach is pretty deserted.
The area around the bunker is even more deserted. That’s because the bunker is set a little ways back from the beach behind the dunes. You can’t even see it from the beach… or from the mainland across the inland waterway. And you can’t get directly to it from the beach, so no one is likely to just wander past. To get to the bunker, you have to go all the way down to where the island was cut in two by a hurricane a dozen or so years ago, then you come back up behind the dunes. It’s a long, long walk, and motorized vehicles are not allowed on the beach.
Cars or even most Jeeps would get stuck anyway, and in a lot of places there isn’t that much beach between the dunes and ocean. If you drive down during low tide, you would be stuck there once the tide started coming in.
You could just walk over the dunes, but there is a HUGE fine- even jail time- if they catch you doing that. And forget about singing back there over the dunes. You would leave really big footprints in the sand on the dunes and the beach patrol comes by real regularly on their big-tired three-wheelers. If they see footprints over the dunes, one of them will wait there and the other one will ride down and come back up to arrest you.
That means that the only way to get to the bunker behind the dunes is an additional three miles down the beach and three miles back up. Like I said, way too much of a walk. But my bicycle with its old-fashioned, big, fat tires can easily ride over the soft sand, and six miles, plus the four miles back up to the entrance to the beach, is not bad for a bicycle. It’s six miles from my house to the park, so the total trip out to the bunker is sixteen miles… or about two hours. Again, not bad if you are used to bicycle.
Thereare quite a few people who walk or bicycle down to the cut and then come up behind the dunes. But they are mainly looking for a place to sunbathe in the nude, so they only come up a half-mile or so. As long as they are back there out of the way, the beach patrols will leave them alone. Sometimes I will see a particularly shy young miss sunning herself a mile or even two miles back up, but I have never seen anyone near MY bunker. The beach patrols don’t even come up there unless they are looking for someone.
To help insure my privacy, I usually come out during the week when there are fewer tourists and locals going out to the beach. I work from home, so I can do that, but I was overwhelmed with work this past week and hadn’t been able to get out here at all and… and I was horny as hell. So here I was on a Saturday morning, looking forward to a day of play.
The bunker is left over from World War II. Evidently there were a couple of big guns in some really thick concrete bunkers hidden behind the dunes and some smaller guns in a lighter bunker built up on stilts so they could fire straight out over the dunes. I’ve seen bunkers like these in old war movies and the big guns go “Boom! Boom! Boom!” and lob shells way out into the ocean while the smaller guns in the built-up bunkers go “Rat-a-tat-tat-tat,” and fire tracers and stuff right out over the water. Unfortunately, the storm surge from the same hurricane that cut the island in two pushed the built up, lighter concrete bunker right off its stilts and left it lying on its back behind them.
The bunkers are technically sealed off, but all they did was put big chains and padlocks on the metal doors. They didn’t close off the big ports the guns used to fire through, and they didn’t both to close up the broken bunker at all after it got pushed off Its stilts. They put up signs and tape for a while, but then some government engineers decided it wasn’t going to collapse. They also decided that it would be way too expensive to demolish. So they just left it all for the crabs, the birds, the tourists, and me.
They did clean up a bunch of the peripheral stuff like metal staircases and guardrails and other sorts of stuff that people might sneak out here to steal. What is left now are two big concrete bunkers, plus one smaller one that happens to be lying on its backside, and twenty-four pillars that stick up about ten feet out of the sand. I think, technically, you are not supposed to go inside the bunkers themselves, but there are no signs that say “Keep Out,” so I don’t think the rangers doing beach patrol would do anything but maybe scold you if they caught you inside one.
I always park my bike inside the fallen bunker, as I call it. It had a big opening for its guns to fire through that went most of the way around on three sides with pillars to hold up the concrete roof. With it on its back, that opening is like a narrow door and I can roll my bike directly inside. That way I don’t have to worry about someone seeing my bike while I am doing my bondage sunbathing and coming up to investigate.
Sometimes I do my bondage thing inside one of the big bunkers. I climb in through the gun port and then go to the hallway that leads to the attached room where they stored the shells and stuff. There are no windows there and very little light gets that far back so it is really dark. I know that doing self-bondage in a hidden place like that is really dangerous because if something goes wrong no one would ever find me, but I have two friends who know about my kink and I have an automatic program on my phone that will text them and one on my laptop that will send an email if I don’t get back by a certain time. Before I left the apartment this morning, I set both programs to send their SOS at four o’clock on Sunday afternoon. If that happens, they know where I am and will come rescue me.
I’ve never had to be rescued, but Sammy, one of my friends, misread one of her automatic locks and set it for 45 hours rather than 45 minutes. I had to go over to her place on Sunday afternoon and use the override key to get her out. She wasn’t in any real danger, but she would have missed work on Monday. I always use two locks in series so that if one fails, hopefully the other will still work.
Today wasn’t an inside day. I’d been cooped up in my apartment all week and today I wanted to be out in the sun. That still left me several options. There used to be a metal staircase that went up into the fallen bunker. They took it down when they cleaned things up, but there are still several long pieces of metal that stick out of the concrete pillars where it was attached. And two of those metal pieces are where I can reach them… or at least throw a rope over them. With ropes or chains over the metal pieces and ropes or chains looped around the base of the pillars, I can pull myself into a fully-stretched naked ‘X’. With the auto-retractors I canAlmost pull myself off the ground. But today wasn’t an upright day either. Today I wanted to be stretched out in a big naked ‘X’ while lying flat on the sand.
Actually when I do my naked ‘X’ sunbathing, I’m not exactly naked. I am from the neck down, but I learned the hard way that the little sand crabs that curry all over the place will investigate any opening. I spent four hours frantically shaking my head to keep them out of my mouth and nose. And they scared me to death when the walked across my eyes. So, I wear bubble-style safety goggles and a mask over my mouth and nose. The mask is one of those contractor masks to keep out dust, but it works just as well to keep out crabs.
The crabs often explore my nether regions as well, but since I have a big butt plug blocking the back end and a huge vibrator blocking the front, they just wander around down there. From the way they gather around when I’m really turned on, I think they like my juices, but they’ve never bit me or anything like that. They feel really weird as they walk around, but it is a nice, kindy kind of weird.
There are several different kinds of snakes that slither around here also, but none of them are violent. I didn’t realize how many of them there were until one slithered right across my body. I thought I would scream my head off. Luckily, there is a ball gag- a safety one, of course- beneath the dust mask, so my screams barely made it over the dunes. And if anyone was out there to hear me, they would think that they were hearing something from the mainland.
I don’t carry all those chains and ropes out here every time. I have an old duffle bag that I stash at the very back of the ammo room in the big bunker. You need a flashlight to see back there, so I don’t think anyone will easily find it. I don’t leave my locks or vibrators or ass plugs there. One, they are too expensive, two they would get dirty, and three, it would be really embarrassing to have someone find them.
As soon as I got here and got my bike put away, I climbed through the gun port and went to the back of the ammo room to get my chains and ropes. I also keep the auto-retractors in the bag. They are expensive, too, but they are also big and heavy, and carrying four of them in the baskets on the sides of my bike is just too much of a pain. I had to bring them out here one at a time when I first got them.
I used the four short chains to loop around the base of the pillars and then locked them in place with a threaded link. Before closing the link, I added additional short chains that would attach to the auto-retractors. Then I unrolled several feet of the flat webbing out of the retractor. With the safety on, rolling webbing out is really easy. Once the safety is off, there is no way I could pull more webbing out… or keep it from Retracting. My automatic locks go into the rings on the ends of the webbing and the very short chains from my ankle and wrist restraints go into the locks. I use two locks for my hands, but only one for my feet. Then I put a little wooden box with the override key in it about five feet past the pillars that are holding my legs. If something happens and one of the leg locks doesn’t open, I can flip myself over and drag myself down to the box and get the key. I actually tried it to make sure I could do it… and once I had to do it for real when I made the same stupid mistake Sammy did.
After all my chains and retractors were in place, it was time to put on my restraints. I always start with the ankle restraints because they are harder to get on and having the wrist restraints already on make it even harder. Once my restraints were in place, I set my phone over next to one of the leg pianos and brought up the app that controls my butt plug. I can set it to vibrate or Shock, but today I wasn’t in a pain mood, so I chose victory. I selected a start delay and length and then set the intensity to random. That way it would playwith me for the four hours I was intending to be at its mercy. I called up the app for my vibrator and set it up for the same times and program. I would have fifteen minutes before they kicked in and then four hours of pleasure torture.
I put the anal plug in first. Again, because it is harder to do and even harder if I already have the dildo in place. And I really didn’t want the vibrator slipping out and falling onto the sand… ouch! You can never get all of the sand off of it and just a few grains inside vibrating against my love tunnel really irritates things.
Once the ass plug and cunt dildo were in place- I like using the dirty descriptions when I am getting myself ready for a self-bondage session- anyway, once they are in place I put on my chain belt. It is really just a piece of chain that I pull tight and lock in place. Then I rotate the lock to the back and pull the additional length forward between my legs. Once I pull it really tight, I lock it into place on the front. There is no way the ass plug or dildo are coming out- accidentally or intentionally- while that chain is locked in place. The keys for the locks on the chain are put in the little box with the override key for the auto locks. There’s a copy of the key in the duffle bag, just in case, but I’ve never had to use it.
The last thing I do is put on my ball gag/safety mask combination and my bubble goggles. The bubble goggles are actually intended for skiing and are rather dark. I can still see through them if it doesn’t get too cloudy. I thought about just using a blindfold, but I’m not that brave… yet. I have one. I just haven’t gotten up the nervous to use it and lay there totally blind, not knowing at all what is going on around me.
I double-checked the settings on my auto locks and lay down on the sand. Some day someone is going to wonder why the sand between the pillars looks like it has been raked clean of all vegetation and debris. It has. The rake is back inthe ammo room where I hide my chains.
One last look around and then click, click, my legs are locked to the chains. Then click, click, my arms are locked. Now comes the potentially painful part. I switched the safetyties off on the auto retractors before I laid down. One quick pull and they will retract… really hard. I think they are designed to hold loads in place on flat-bed semis, so when I say really hard, I mean REALLY hard.
I’ve learned to sort of pull both of my arms at the same time to trigger the arm retractors and then pull my legs together real hard to trigger both of the leg retractors. It is really important that both the arm retractors and both the leg retractors activate at the same time. Preferably all four should go together, but I’ve never been able to get it to do that, so I just make sure that both arms and Both legs work together. If I don’t do it just right, I get dragged across the sand really hard. Even when I do it right, I get pulled around a little bit. There are probably different ways to do it, but when the auto-retractors treat me rough, then I know that I am no longer in control and my period of self-bondage has begun.
Everything worked like it was supposed to and I ended up spread-eagled in the sand waiting for things to kick off. That is always such a long wait. I start wondering whether I should be doing this. I’ve never had to explain myself to the rangers, but sometimes they might wander all the way up here and then what would I say? Would they arrest me? Would they take advantage of me?
Those thoughts get driven out of my mind as the vibrator and ass plug both kick in at maximum at the same time. Everything is driven out of my mind- including me- as the app runs the vibrators in the dildo and ass plug up and down from about mid-range to maximum. I think Both programs are set to give you a quick orgasm when first set to random and then settle back to drive you nuts over the long run.
Whether it was theprogram’s intent or not, I did exactly that. I bounced and screamed and pulled against the chains as a marvelous, but very powerful orgasm tore through my body. Then for the next three hours I alternate screaming “No more! Nor more!” and “Please! Please! Please!” as the twin vibrators went through their random routines of very intense or very soft or even off.
If both went to maximum at the same time it wrung another orgasm out of my almost-exhausted body. If both went to minimum or off at the same time, I groaned in despair from the lack of stimulation. And if one were at minimum and the other at maximum or both held at just above mid-range, then I would be taking the program to give me just a little more so I could go over the top.
I was lying there with my eyes closed, grunting, groaning and chanting, “Please, please, please make me cum!” when I heard a male voice say, almost laughing, “What do you think, Mistress June, should we get a setup like that for slut?”
A female voice answered, “I don’t know, Master Bruce, she might have too much fun.”
I opened my eyes and looked up into a face that looked like it had just stepped off a movie poster… or maybe a recruiting poster for the Marines. He smiled at me and asked, “Are you having too much fun?”
I tried to say, “Who are you,” but the ball gag made that impossible.
“I think There’s more than a mask there,” the woman said. She leaned down close to me and pulled the mask off over my ears. “Such a beautiful red ball gag,” she said as she reached down and began struggling my breasts.
“Why the mask and goggles?” she asked, pinching my left nipple.
“Aaammmsss,” was all I could say.
“I didn’t get that,” she said, pinching my other nipple and then twisting it.
“Aaammmsss!” I yelled.
“You’ll have to speak up,” she said as she grabbed both nipples between her thumbs and the edge of her forefingers and began pinching really hard and rolling the nipple up anddown her finger so that it was twisting really tight.
I wanted to clearly say, “Crabs!” but both the ass plug and the dildo decided to go to maximum and a very intense orgasm caused my body to arch up off the ground and my arms and legs to shake against the tension of my bondage. All I could do was give a very loud groaning scream as she tightened her grip on my nipples. After being turned on for so long, it wasn’t It was just one more sensing driving my body nuts.
“Mistress June,” the man said, “why don’t you take out her ball gag? I really would like to know why she is wearing a mask and goggles.
“If you insist,” the woman said and let go of my tits so she could unbuckled the leather strap holding the ball gag in my mouth.
“Now,” the man said firmly, “you will tell us clearly why you are wearing a mask and goggles?”
“Crabs,” I answered rather shakily. In an even shakier voice, I added, “They explore any opening they find.” The ass plug wasdown to minimum, but the vibrator in my cunt was humming at about three-quarters of maximum.
“Ah,” the woman said, “we hadn’t thought of that.” She pointed to a naked young woman kneeing in the sand next to the man and said, “We are always around to keep those little buggers from doing anything to slut if we stake her out in the sand.”
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