The Brothel Ch. 14

Gwen showed after her tricks and ran back to their room. Jacob told her she could have it to herself to get ready. She had picked one of the bridal gowns from wardrobe to wear. It was the most flattering to her figure, but there were tears and stains from the use it had seen. Still, it was the best of poor choices. She decided to make the best of it. It wasn’t the dress that mattered, it was the promises they would make to each other. That morning she had laid it out carefully along with the white silettos, stockings and a set of faux pearls.

As she entered her room she was started to see Stacey waiting. And it was no Stacey she had ever seen before. This Stacey was dressed in a pale orange sherbet form-fitting formal with her hair in an elegant bun and her makeup tastefully done. She wore a short strand of pearls and pearl earrings. She smiled shyly.

“Stacey! You look beautiful!” Gwen hugged her and was gratified to feel a squeeze in return.

“I’m here to helpyou.”

Gwen tried to keep the surprise off her face. “Thank you! I’m in such a rush! I’ll put my makeup on and then you can help with my hair.” She stopped as Stacey moved aside and she saw the dress. She looked at Stacey in shock as she handed her a card.

The card was from Tobias. “Dearest — A beautiful bride should have something beautiful to wear.”

The old dress was gone. In its place was a beautiful, sleek, white gown, gathered horizontally across her breasts, the center was gathered by an x-shaped stick that went around her neck. The rest of the dress was clingy and form fitting, with a small train that would follow. There was another train in two pieces, narrow and sheer that hung from the back of the gatherers looking almost like a veil. There were new stockings as well and a box with pale yellow long-stem roses.

Gwen whispered, “water-proof makeup, I think.”

Stacey grinned.

Gwen was trembling as they walked to the conference room cradling the roses in her arm. Stacey had put her hair up with tendrils hanging down. She had woven tiny bridal pearls through it. Gwen only grinned momentarily as Belle, in blue chiffon, waved before dashing into the room to give the heads up. She could hear music from the sound system. Lisa and Karen were waiting outside in pastel, off the supposed formals, Lisa’s yellow, Karen’s green. Karen looked nervous. Lisa tried to smile, but Gwen could see through the façade. She hugged them both and Lisa whispered, “You look perfect.”

“I’m trying not to cry.”

Lisa kissed her cheek. “I’m so happy for you.” The music changed. “That’s our cue.”

Tobias slipped out the same door as the three girls entered. They looked at each other a long moment in silence before Gwen hugged him. “You are even more beautiful than I imagined. Radiant. Love has that effect.” He handed her a small jewelry box, “and I have one other gift.”

Gwen looked at him, still in his arms. She opened the box to find aman’s wedding ring, a plain, gold band. There was so much she wanted to say, but her gratitude was spilling over. Tobias produced a handkerchief and blotted her cheeses. “I’ll give it to John to hold until you need it.” Gwen nodded. “Will you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you down the aisle?”

Gwen nodded and managed to choke out a thank you.

The music ended and there was a pause, “Jacob said to gather yourself.”

Gwen nodded and took a deep breath.

Lohengren’s bridal march began as Glen and Cory opened the doors and they entered. Gwen had a death grip on Tobias’ proved elbow. Her legs had turned to rubber. She tried to memorize the entire tableau, but the edges began to blur and it felt like she was walking through a tunnel of clouds. Jacob was at the end smiling, but she could tell he was trying not to cry as well. John was at his side and both were in black tuxedos. Everyone else was dressed in their best and there was more than one tissue clutchedin hand as they stood to watch her walk down the aisle. Chris, in a dark suit, stood on a dais drawn with a pale green clothes. Dinah was taking stills and someone else was behind a video camera.

It was so normal it was surreal. Tobias smiled and pressed his handkerchief in her hand as he left her with Jacob and took the empty seat next to Julia. Jacob took her hand and someone took the flowers.

She tried to listen. She did. But all she could hear was her heart racing and all she could see were Jacob’s eyes. In them were reflected his heart and soul. They were standing close and their faces were inches apart. Her chin was slightly upturned. She could feel his breath struggling her cheek and see the pores in his skin. And he smelled so clean and fresh. Her vision blurred as the tears spilled over and she felt his nose brush her Cheek. An arm slipped around her waist and the other shifted to cradle her forearm. His voice was chased as he said, “I do,” his lips nuzzling her cheek.

Only then did she notice that Chris’s voice was thick with emotion. She didn’t want to miss her cue. “Do you, Gwen, take Jacob to be your husband, to cherish above all others, to celebrate the good together and comfort one another in times of sorrow, to love, honor and obey, to share all things, mind, body and soul?”

She was glad that they had waited. That she had something to offer him this day. The tears spilled down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. “I do.”

“Then without further ado, Jacob.”

Jacob held out his hand never breaking eye contact with her. He gropeed for her finger and slide a ring on and then pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it. He took a cleansing breath — one of the first things she had noticed about him and come to love. “I am yours alone. You are my joy and the air I breathe. You cradle my heart in the palm of your hand. I will treasure you forever.”

He leaned to kiss her, but Chris stopped him with a gentle smile. “Not quite yet.” There were a few chuckles. “Gwen.”

Gwen had slipped her arm around Jacob’s wait. She felt John’s fingers press his ring into her hand. She hated that they had to break their embrace, but stepped back and took his left hand with her own and put the ring on his finger and then came back in his arms. “I am yours alone. You are my joy and the air I breathe. You cradle my heart in the palm of your hand. I will treasure you forever.”

“I now pronounce you man and wife. Now you may kiss the bride!” Gwen melted into him as he cradle her in his arms kissing her tenderly.

The wedding was on a slow night. Julia had conceded the extra half hour for the celebration. There was rice after the kiss and then Gwen managed to hug Tobias and thank him properly for all he had done. They kissed and he was gone.

“You do make a lovely bride.”

Gwen smiled at Julia. “Thank you.”

“You have the rest of the night off, as you know, and for your graduation present, youwill have tomorrow all day to make a movie with Joseph and several others.”

Gwen grinned this time and squeezed Jacob’s hand. “Thank you, again.” She turned from Julia and smiled at Jacob before others came to congratulate them and Julia excused herself.

There were hugs for a few minutes before others had to excuse themselves to tend to their duties. At last when they were alone Gwen turned to Jacob and he smiled down at her. “Have you come today?”

“No. I have managed to hold off all morning!”

Jacob grinned at her pride. “I know what a sacrifice that must have been for you!”

Gwen smiled, “Some sacrifices are worth the effort!”

“Well hopefully you can hold off just a little longer. Julia has arranged for a wedding portrait and Edith has a special meal prepared for us.”

“If you’ll give me a kiss, I’ll try to behave through that as long as it doesn’t take too long.”

“I think we have time for a brief, chaste kiss.” Jacob pecked her cheek andThen chuckled at her started look and took her in his arms, kissing her soundly. “Now Mrs. Wheeler,” he offered her his elbow. “Shall we?”

“Yes, Mr. Wheeler.”

“What are you wearing under that anyway?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out!”

“It couldn’t be much. You look stunning, by the way.”

“Thanks to Tobias.”

“Well, the dress is beautiful as well, but I happen to think that the gift inside needs no wrapping or bows.”

Christopher took the portraits in the same room where Joseph had taken pictures of her in lingerie. There was a bridal arch worthy in vines and flowers. There were the traditional pictures of the bride and groom as well as pictures of the bride looking over her shoulder with the train drawn around her feet. There were pictures of the hands and wedding rings and then Jacob spoke.

“Are you ready for some fun now?”


“Just enough to tantalize you a bit.”

“I guess we couldn’t stay vanilla forever.”

“You have never been vanilla.”

Gwen returned Jacob’s smile as he dangled a white satin armbinder.

“I am going to take you for my own tonight.”

“I am yours.”

Gwen turned and interlaced her fingers behind her. Jacob taped her wrists first and then slipped the snug binder over her hands and zipped it up her arms. Chris was taking pictures Throughout the process. This armbinder had eight straps beginning at her wrists and soon her arms were immobilized with her elbows tightly bound. Gwen could feel the electric pulses begin even before Jacob slipped the straps over her shoulders and under the neck of her dress and drew them snug.

He looked at her a moment then, smiling. “Kiss me.”

Her breasts were pressed forward and she rubbed against him as she obeyed.

Jacob pulled back immediately and held up a finger, “uh, uh, uh! Chastely. You are a bride.”

Already the password was surging through her and she didn’t know how Jacob could resist, but she nodded and raised her lips to his. Her tongue met his and he pulled back again with the finger raised. But his eyes were dancing.

“Melt. Open yourself. Submit. Allow. I am going exploring.”

Gwen studied his eyes. He looked so happy. She blushed suddenly and nodded.

This time, as he kissed her, she offered herself. She offered herself and was flooded with tenderness and love. His tongue began to softly probe the receptions of her mouth. There was space between their bodies, but she could feel his fingers resting lightly on her hip. His touch was electric. Instinctively she understood that he wanted to make it last and that it would be better if it did, but her body was responding powerfully to him.

“You realize this dress is very easy to remove.”

“An added perk, but you weren’t thinking of doing that here, were you?”

“Actually, it was exactly what I was thinking!” He caught the look in her eye and continued quickly. “We will be alone soon enough. Julia just wants a few more pictures. It will be just you and I in them. Enjoy.”

Gwen nodded and Jacob kissed her again. She was surprised to see his eyes glistening as he pulled away and took a cleansing breath. He began to whisper to her as he cupped her chin in his hands and led her in circles face to face. “We are alone. I am Jacob and you are Gwen. We have just come from the church and are in our room on our honeymoon. We have saved ourselves for each other.”

There was no music and there was no beat, but they were dancing a mating dance. For months they had continued their fansy dates as they courted.

“Do you remember where?”

Gwen nodded. Their foreheads were touching as they continued to circle. “A cottage on the beach in Fiji. The materials are native. Tile floors, wood timber frame work, woven palm walls, thatched roof, a ceiling fan and an open archway that looks out onto our private stretch of beach. The arch is covered only with curtains on rings fluttering in a warm breeze.”

“We can smell the ocean salt and hear the waves on shore and I am most curious about what you have on under that dress.”

Gwen smiled deeply. “A gift is meant to be unwrapped.”

“Are you giving yourself to me, Mrs. Wheeler?”

“If you will have me.”

“Oh, I think I will have you more than once before the end of the night and the ebb tide.” Gwen looked into his eyes, helpless in more ways than one as he produced a white silk scarf and blindfolded her. He then reached behind her neck and unfasted the three hooks of her dress.

Her heart was racing as he lowered the straws and she shivered as he pulled the body of the dress away from her protruding breasts and cupped them in his fingers, pressing the palms of his hands to her ribcage. She barely noticed as Chris worked his way in closer with the camera and Jacob subtly positioned her to take advantage of the shots.

Jacob wasn’t the only one who grunted as he unzipped the dress and slowly lowered it from her hips. All she wore was a sheer white lace thong and white lace stockings held up with a delicate satin garter belt. Amazingly she blushed and noseed into Jacob’s chest.

Jacob lifted her chin gently and kissed her lips before dropping his hands and stroking her breasts. She subconsciously arched her back and offered them to him. He traced circles above them on her chest and then slowly closed in on the pumpered flesh, pinching and twisting gently. She groaned and wriggled trying to rub her knees together for stimulation.

Jacob turned her swiftly and pulled her to him spooning. One arm was around her waist and the other captured her throat until she relaxed her head back against his shoulder. He moved his fingers aside and bared her neck to his lips. Gwen groaned in bliss leaning into him. The hand around her Waist moved into her thong as he whispered into her ear. “Don’t come. Wait for me.” She groaned again as his fingers played slowly over her sex. She was soaking wet.

Her hands were at his groin but she couldn’t do anything about it with the fingers laceled together. She twisted them from side to side to rub him as well as she could while at the same time moving her feet slightly apart to allow him access. “Do you hear the waves? We are out on the beach now where they are louder. Standing in the sand. Feel the breeze.” He blew on her neck and ear and across her chest and she shivered slightly.

Gwen felt the clasps for her stockings release, but Jacob’s arms remained in place as the stockings and shoes were removed.

“Anyone could come along here on the beach.” His fingers were still working her slit and clip. “They might see you, but you would welcome the audience.” Gwen moved her hips subconsciously at the thought and the stimulation. “They would see you spreading your legs begging for more with your desire streaming from your cunt. Would you like me to take off your thong so they can see it all? See your sex swollen, becoming for my attention?”

Her voice was breathy and raspy, “No!”

Jacob chuckled, “You say no, but you don’t mean it. I can tell by the way you are moving.” He watched as Chris set the camera aside again and began to slowly pull off the thong. Gwen groaned and squatted slightly to press Jacob’s finger more firmly into her clip. She didn’t notice, but Jacob did, as Chris took the opportunity to lean forward and breathe in deep. She moved her legs closer together to ease the removal of the thong and stepped out of it. She was completely oblivious as Chris picked up the camera again and resumed shooting.

“Now you are naked! I see a couple coming along the beach. Perhaps they would like a closer look!” Gwen groaned again. “Don’t Come!” He drew his hands up her torso to her breasts and began to circle and tease and pinch and tweak. Her whole body was undulating and understanding with desire as she imagined the couple standing in front of them watching.She could feel the wetness from his fingers on her right breast and smell her juices.

“Please, don’t let them see me!”

“It’s too late. They already do. They are standing just in front of you watching. They want you to come, but that is for later when we are together. For now they are enjoying the view and your need.” Jacob went back to her clip and her hips jutted out to meet him. He played until she was drawing in ragged breaths and he knew she was close. He pulled away and she groaned in dismay. He left her alone in the picture frame as she continued to undulate and groan while Chris continued documentation.

“Are you okay?”

Gwen smiled shyly and nodded. She was still in the armbinder. A posture collar had been added, but she was otherwise nude. Jacob was still in his tux at a table set with crystal and fine china and candles. She was kneeing on a white pillow at his feet. He had been altering bites with her and she had been begging pretty. Chris finally lEft after taking pictures of this as well and the food was almost gone. It wasn’t food she was interested in although she had been familiar. Jacob had continued to keep her on a razor edge of orgasm and the only reason she hadn’t fallen over the edge was sheer determination to honor his command.

At last the chicken and salad were gone. She had only been able to take small bites and chew them slowly because of the restraint around her neck. Jacob had blotted her lips clean and offered her a drink of sparkling grape juice.

“You’re ready to go then?”

“Ready to come!”

“Are you!?” Jacob grinned playedfully and reached for her nipple.


“Then you should follow me. I might be willing to help you with that!”

“I was hoping you would say that!”

It wasn’t far. Gwen was glad they didn’t pass anyone in the hallway. She thought all her inhibition was long gone, but it was her wedding night and she felt like an innocent bride. An innocent bride trotting nude and bound down a hallway where she might be seen… hoping that her new husband would get her off if she followed him around long enough…

One of the trick rooms had been prepared for them on Jacob’s instructions. There were candles there too. It was one of the larger rooms and someone had moved a fake palm tree with white Christmas lights into one corner. The bedspread was a beach print and there were beach balls and a futon with towels laid out on top.

Near the foot of the bed were two blocks of wood about six inches high and held about eighteen inches apart with a dowel across the back. In between the two, two ropes dangled from the ceiling.

Jacob shut the door and turned to her. She melted in submission again as he began to kiss her. She couldn’t believe that it was finally going to happen. He led her to the blocks and guided her feet into place, tying rope around her ankles and to the dowel. She was as tall as he was now, but he didn’t look at her. Hewas concentrating on the ropes that dangled down. He took one and tied it off to the ring on the posture collar below her left ear and then followed quickly with the other rope, tying it below her right ear. He pulled them both snug so that she was forced to stand straight.

Next he dropped to his knees. She couldn’t look down because of the collar, but Gwen groaned in bliss as his tongue began to play through her slit. She managed to hold off for several minutes before Jacob’s eyes swam before hers. His were glazed and filled with need and hers were filled with tears. “Tell me what you want Gwen.”

“I want you, Jacob. I want you to make love to me. I want you inside me. I love you so much.”

“And I you.” He burst into tears. “This is real. This is real. I love you, Gwen. More than my own life. You are my heart.”

Gwen groaned as she felt the tip of his cock enter her and she immediately erupted into orgasm as it continued its path. His arms encircled both her waitand her arms both, crushing her as he kissed her and worked his hips back and forth. She felt everything. Felt her vagina walls contracting. Felt his organ as it plunged in and out. Felt her heart beating in concert with his. Breathed the air that he breathed as their tears mingled between their cheeks. Jacob began to groan and then roared as his phallus jumped within her and throbbed over and over as his warmth filled her. His hands dropped to her tighs as he pulled her close and plugged in to his full depth, his pubic bone grinding into her clip as he rotated his hips against her. She screamed again as he sent her over the edge once more.


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