The Brothel Ch. 13

“I hear you are getting married in a few days. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Gwen wouldn’t have brought it up, but she couldn’t hide the twinkle in her eye. “Does Julia tell you everything?”

She had defeated the black evening gown and her hair had been in an elegant bun. Tobias kissed her on the forehead and brushed a straight hair behind her ear. The bun was long gone and their clothes were straight around the room. He was very sated. “Everything I ask her about you.”

“No one else would care.”

“But I do.”

Gwen smiled. “That I’m happy?”

“Of course. I want you to be happy.”

Gwen crawled on top of Tobias quickly and straddled him. She looked deep into his eyes, smiling as she kissed him. Her breathing changed as he played his fingertips up her ribcage and over her breasts. She rolled back into the crook of his arm and lifted her chin as he continued to play his fingers across her breasts and throat. “I am giddy.”

“He is a good man.”

“The best.” She arched her back into his fingers. “Thank you for the outfit.”

“You like it better than my first gift?”

“I like you better than I did then!”

Tobias chuckled, “You’re just using me to fund the shelter.”

“That’s why I like you — because you let me use you!”

“They needed a new place. It didn’t take much to convert that old hotel.”

Gwen studied Tobias with a smile, “You can’t deny that it makes you feel good to help… In your own way, you are a good man too. I’ll keep your secret safe though!”

Tobias smiled and kissed her on the forehead. “You looked very elegant this evening. I enjoyed our time.”

Gwen became suddenly more serious and kissed him deeply again, “I Did too. I want for you to be happy as well, Tobias.”

He swatted her bottom and smiled, but she didn’t miss the wistfulness in his eyes. He was lonely and she was becoming more than a whore. “You’d better get going.”

Gwen finished her morning tricks and joined Jacob and Karen for lunch. She went in the nude for Karen. For the most part, they had worked through Gwen’s feelings about her having sex with Jacob. Karen said she wouldn’t do it again, but Gwen could tell that she would seek out Jacob’s comfort again when things got rough. Gwen had promised herself that she would try to comfort Karen as much as possible over the next several months.

Lisa was in the cafeteria as well and joined them. She still had dark circles under her eyes, but she had passed her first level and was well into the second. She joined them at their table as well, setting her tray down in silence. Gwen put her hand on Lisa’s forearm and she erupted.

“I don’t know how you did this!” It was Lisa’s mantra of late.

“It wasn’t easy, but no doubt Joseph is more help than Robbie.”

Lisa smiled cynically and snorted. “And he’s taking his new assignment to heart.” She looked at Karen. “At least you’ll only have him through your second level. I’m stuck withhim the whole time.”

Karen’s eyes widened and Joseph admonished Lisa with a glance.

“He doesn’t realize how many enemies he’ll make.” Robbie had volunteered and was chosen to take Jerry’s place in training for resistance and submission.

“He doesn’t care!” Tears of frustration came to her eyes. “Look at all the girls he has trained! He doesn’t care!”

“I know it is virtually impossible, but once you get through the training he won’t have access to you.”

“It’s what I keep holding on to. I don’t have any control over it though. He is the one who is slowing it down now.”

“Email Julia. She should be eager to have you fully available to the paying clients.”


“Joseph! Oh, Joseph!”

“I told You you would like it!” Joseph glanced, grinning, from Karen emrithing on the sybian to Gwen.

Karen groaned euphorically and then shrieked as the orgasm struck. The sybian continued with its mindless pleasure working Karen through three moreorgasms before Joseph shut it off. Karen sank forward still groaning and moaning. She had been hanging on to handles over her head and her ankles were loosely tied.

“I couldn’t help it! It was wonderful! Wonderful! Oh, Joseph, I want to do it again!”

“I’m thinking that Julia will let you do that for your public display. What do you think?”

“Yes! I’d do anything to experience that again!

“Well, you did everything in here tonight.”

Gwen smiled. Karen was beginning to enjoy sex. She had actually been excited at the prospect of having the toys used on her. And they had done everything in the toy room that night with the exception of the violent light and the heavier shockers. The orgasms on the sybian weren’t her first.

At one point Joseph had the two girls restrained side by side and hooked up to tens units. Gwen was as gooey and flushed as Karen when that was over. Joseph was a master of pleasure.

Gwen had washed up all the toys and put them awayWhile Karen was erupting. Together she and Joseph untied Karen’s ankles and helped her wobble off the sybian. Karen fell into their arms and hugged them both. She kissed Joseph and looked in his eyes and then smiled at Gwen apologetically.

“I have a favor to ask.” She looked from Gwen to Joseph and he nodded encouragement. Karen blurted in her embarrassment. “I was with Laura today…”

Suddenly Gwen understand. Laura was the instructor for fallatio and female cooperation. Karen wanted Gwen to be her first. Gwen was obligated to submit, but it would help Karen to have to ask.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind helping me with my homework.”

Gwen smiled and hugged Karen. “I will make it as easy as I can for you. Let’s go take a shower, shall we?”

Relief washed across Karen’s face and she nodded. “I haven’t ever done it before today, but I want to make it good for you. You know… to make up to you… for what I did.”

“No need to make up for anything, but Iappreciate the gesture.” Gwen put her arm around Karen as they walked to the shower. Karen had lost most of her inhibition about her looks. She and Damon had spent some time together commiserating and had been together several times. And in addition to John she had made friends with a couple of the other girls.

Karen hugged Gwen around the waist. “Thank you.”

“Don’t be nervous.”

“I’m not. I’m still all squiggly inside.”


Joseph smiled and turned the shower on. The two girls stepped in as soon as it was warm and Joseph joined them after he undressed.

In ten minutes flat Gwen was becoming. It became obvious that Karen and Jacob had connived previously as she was led quickly to the adjacent room and ordered into the baby chair. In moments her Calves were secured wide-spread and Karen started in on her exposed sex as Jacob began kissing her deep and concentrating on her breasts. Jacob obviously wanted to make it easier on Karen as well, but whatKaren lacked in experience she made up for in attentiveness and enthusiasm. Gwen was groaning into Jacob’s mouth in bliss as her abs clenched in pleasure. Jacob broke his kiss long enough to whisper to Karen, “Keep it up ’til the cows come home.” Then he went back to work as well. He giggled as Gwen screamed into his mouth.

It was Gwen’s turn to wobble on the way back to the trick rooms. She was Scheduled for four more tricks before her shift in the innovation.

Anthony was Gwen’s last trick for the afternoon. Their bondage games had escalated and Anthony liked to switch. When she arrived in the trick room he was on his knees wearing only a tie. Gwen smiled. It was just what she happened to be in the mood for today. She approached him smiling in Dianna’s best Domme mode and wrapped the tie around her hand. She pulled him to her cunt and spread her legs. She hadn’t shown after her last trick. He liked her messy.

Anthony grunted as he began to lick her. He stopped suddI’m a bitch?”

“No Mistress!”

“Try it again, then. Finesse.” She drew out the s’s in the word.

Anthony nodded and she slowly allowed him enough length of the tie to work her again. This time she closed her eyes wondering if he could taste her arousal through the other man’s come.

Angain the tie tightened and he waited, watching her. She smiled. “Better.” She dropped the tie and turned to a closet. This was the same trick room they were in the first day with the pole and the stool. She returned to his side quickly. “Hands.”

Anthony extended them and she tied them quickly and then led him to the pole and stepped on the stool to stretch and tie them up high. Next she produced a cock ring and slipped it over his turgid member. She dropped to her knees with a smile as he protected feebly, “Mistress, please, it will hurt.”

“Of course it will, Anthony. It is what you wish, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Mistress.” It didn’t take long for her to arouse him and she smiled as he groaned in pain. She continued to lick the length of his cock as it swelled and turned an angry red.

“What would happen if I told the others what you like?”

“You wouldn’t, would you, Mistress?”

“They would make fun of you, wouldn’t they?”

“Mistress, please, I beg you.”

“I was with Tobias early today. He and I talk all the time. Perhaps he would be interested.”

“Mistress Dianna, I will do anything you ask! Please don’t say anything!”

Dianna produced the flogger next. “Beg me, then.” Anthony looked at her uncertainly and licked his lips. “You must pay for my silence.”

“Yes, Mistress.” His voice was a dry whisper. Dianna took a few tenative swings with the flogger.

And waited, “I can’t hear you.”

Anthony was practically dancing on his toes. His cock was at full attention. “Yes, Mistress. Please… please float me.”

“Where do you thinkI should flog you, Anthony?”

“Everywhere, Mistress, but mostly on my cock.”

“Very well, Anthony. You have pleased me.” Dianna smiled. Gwen wasn’t pleased at all. It was a scene.

She began swinging the flogger in a circular motion. It was light-weight, but enough to cause quite a sting. She had had it used on her in discipline training with Cory and she had have trained in its use. Her turn ons were more along the line of bondage, helplessness, and exhibition. Pain — causing it or taking it — didn’t do as much for her. But turning Anthony on turned her on as well, and — as Joseph taught her — she was an actress.

Dianna began at his ankles and worked her way to the backs of his knees. When he raised his foot she ordered him to keep it raised and spent quite a while on the sole. He squealed when she randomly struck his cock. She went back to the back of his other knee until he raised his foot. Then she struck him on the chest twice with force and then an uppercut to his balls.

“Spread your legs.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He was moving to obey as he spoke.

Dianna moved to the closet again and pulled out a spreader bar. “To make sure.”

Anthony merely groaned and tried firmly to draw his knees together, but keep his feet apart as she dropped to her knees again and quickly fastened the restraints to his ankles. His cock was driving glete.

He groaned again as she started in on him more decisively. The first two strikes to his cock, two more uppercuts and then a dozen and more to his nipples and chest. Then she concentrated on his armits and never let up until he was begging and yelling obscenities. He still hadn’t used his out word. She returned to his cock, but held back on force and soon he was becoming again. Soon he spasmed and hot strings of semen shot from his cock as he screamed in agony. The cock ring was close to imbedded in his swollen member.

Dianna released the spreader bar and then his wrists. She slowed his fall to the ground and he rolled onto his back groaning. She cradled his head and stroked his face and neck until he was somewhat recalled. Then she slide the ring from his cock and led him to the shows, washing him down gently. He drew her into his arms and they kissed. She drew him dry and applied healing balm before helping him dress. He drew her into his arms again and kissed her. “Thank you.”

“Your secret is safe, you know.”

“I know.” He held her hand until she finally pulled away with a smile. She dominated him on the internet as well. From all indications he was doing what she ordered in spine of the humiliation.


Jacob wasn’t in the cafeteria when she arrived. Michelle entered when she was almost done with her dinner. “I need you to come now. Elaine sent me for you. Stacey is going off. They have Jill sedated, but they’re hoping you can reason with Stacey. Cory is with her now.”

“What happened to Jill?”

“They’ve called a Doctor in. Head injury and they think it’s a fractured skull. She has a fractured collar bone as well. Things got a little rough.”

“I guess.”

Gwen followed Michelle at a trot.

“Why me?”

“She asked for you.”

Gwen couldn’t figure that out. She hadn’t spoken to Stacey or Jill at all since they had left her vomiting in the hallway on hickey day.

There was a quiet flurry of activity going on in the innovation when she arrived. Gwen caught a glimpse of Elaine through a treatment room door as it was closing. Her expression was stained and there was another man and woman in lab coats in the room. Jill was on the table, but all Gwen could see was a pale hand.

Gwen lowered her hand and pushed the door to the private waiting area open. The door bumped Cory, but he stepped aside when he saw it was Gwen. Stacey was pacing the floor wearing a pair of black leggings and a sports bra. Her eyes were bloodshot and glazed. She had bruises as well, a goose egg on her cheek, a bit of blood drying under her nose. Her hair was disheveled and her lip was swollen. There were whip marks on her exposed flesh and marks on her wrists and torso where she had been tied with ropes. Cory nodded in greeting and took his place back at the door after Gwen entered.

“How is she?” It was the first time Gwen had heard her voice. She could tell it was little used.

“I don’t know. They are working on her. What happened?”

Stacey turned away and Cory explained. “Claudio. He was drunk. He got rough with her.” He gestured at Stacey’s goose egg. “Jill tried to help and he throw her into the wall.”

“He’s a big man?”

Cory nodded and Stacey sank into a chair with her hands clenched over her mouth. Gwen could see her forcing the emotions down. It wasn’t working though. It was evidence from Cory’s positioning and stance that he had been guarding the door.

Gwen didn’t like Cory, or trust him. He ran in the same circle with Jill and Stacey. He seemed to like inflicting pain on others. He had never bothered her outside of the training though and they had a tenative unspoken truth. She had no idea what he thought of her.

Gwen had watched Jill and Stacey from afar. Rachel had been a sub with them, but of the two Jill was the true dominant. Gwen assumed that Stacey submitted to her in private.

“Stacey loves Jill. She would do anything for her.” Gwen saw Stacey tend, but she was listening. “And she is smart. I think that she won’t do anything that might jeopardize Jill’s care.”

There was just the slightest given in her body language. “Cory. Will you step just outside the door?” He looked at Gwen dubiously, but left them alone. Gwen didn’t even give it a moment. She needed to catch Stacey off guard. “Will you submit to me?”

Momentary panic and distrust was replaced by utter relief and Stacey sank unbidden to her knees with her head down. Tears began to fall and Gwen watched for a quarter of an hour before Stacey brushed her eyes with the back of a hand. Gwen handed her a Kleenex from the box on the end table. “You are only mine until we find out what is going on with Jill and where you want to go from there. Do you understand?”

Stacey managed a nod.

Gwen pulled a chair facing her and sat down. Now there was uncertainty and nervousness. “You don’t have to talk.”

A small nod and relief.

“Is this because of Jerry — that you came to me?”

Another nod.

“It made me very sad when he died. Did you and Jill trust him?”

Another nod.

“You should sit in a chair.”

Stacey rose gracefully and sat.

“I have to do my work here in the innovation. Straighten the rooms and refill everything. You can help me.”

Another nod.

“We have to let the doctors do their work. We won’t be able to find out about Jill for a while. They had to sedate her.”

She almost crumbled on that one.

“Look at me.”

Slowly her eyes rose.

“You are strong.” Glances were exchanged — disagreement, command, acquisitions and gathering of emotions. “Jill must love you a great deal to have risked injuries to save you. You want to please her, don’t you?”

Stacey nodded and her jaw firmed with resolution.

“Let’s go.”

Cory was still standing outside the door as Stacey followed docilely behind Gwen. There were more than a few questioning looks as Gwen circularized through the rooms with Stacey in tow. Stacey took out the trash and swept the floors as Gwen chatted with the patients and restored and straightened. Together they changed sheets.

Cory was still in the vestibule outside the patient rooms when they gathered the sheets.

“Did you eat?”

“No.” Cory looked relieved that she asked. She looked at Stacey who shook her head, but seemed reluctant to leave.

“Then if you two will drop these off at the laundry on the way to the cafeteria.” She didn’t leave much room for discussion, saw Stacey’s reluctance, and speak again. “Get takeout if you don’t want to be gone so long, but she was sedated. It could be hours. I can come get you if anything changes.” She smiled as she handed her armload of sheets to Cory. “Stacey, thank you for your help.” She gave Stacey a quick hug before she could avoid it.

Gwen stood up as Elaine exited the room.

“She’s bad.”

“How bad?”

“Skull fracture. Swelling. He said she needs surgery to save the pressure.”

“Is Julia going to consider it?”

“No. We’re giving her oxygen to keep the swelling down and we’re supposed to keep her under for a few days and then see how she is when she wakes up.”

“Can Stacey see her?”

“For a while.”

Gwen was Shocked when she saw Jill. She was on a rebreather and had an IV in each hand. She looked more dead than alive. Gwen was concerned about Stacey’s reaction, but Stacey merely went to Jill’s side and took her hand. Her eyes were shiny as she glanced shyly at Gwen.

“Dom is here. He wants you.” Jacob had pulled her out of the room where Stacey was sitting with Jill.

Gwen surprised and nodded. She slipped her arms around Jacob’s wait. “She’s in sub mode. Elaine said she could only sit with Jill a little while.”

“The nurse that came with the doctor is going to relieve Elaine tonight. How is she doing?”

“Jill is the same. Elaine says she needs surgery. Stacey has been fine. She hasn’t said anything though. Jerry told them to come to me if they needed anything.”

“Turn her over to me then. You’d better get going.” Gwen nodded. Jacob chucked her under the chin until she looked into his eyes. “I love you.”

The words twisted her heart and misted her eyes. Gwen nodded again. “I love you too.” She led him into the room. Stacey was still holding Jill’s hand.

“Joseph is here. I have a trick tonight. He has agreed to be your Master. I expect you to obey him. Do you understand?”

Stacey nodded.

“Elaine said you could only sit with Jill a little while. When she says you have to leave you can stay in one of the patient rooms with Joseph for the night so that you will be close by.”


Dianna went into the room where Dom was waiting. He wore black slacks and a dark green dress shirt. She had taken the time to freshen her makeup and redo her hair. She wore the see-through teddy Anthony had given her and a pair of white silettos. She smiled and offered Dom her hand. He held her at arm’s length admiring her, his face filled with lust.


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