“What do you think?” Gwen smiled. Jacob stood behind her as she surveyed herself in the mirror in the bathroom. Her nipples were pierced with gold figure eights and a medium weight gold chain hung between the two.
“I like them. I just wish I wasn’t so sore. Can you at least take off the chain?”
“I can’t. It requires a tool. When you’re done with the third level. But you have a few days to baby them.”
“While I recall from having my wisdom teeth removed. Oh boy.”
Jacob kissed the nape of her neck. “Does it hurt there?”
Gwen smiled. “No.” She felt a flutter as he nuzzled and licked his way up her neck and behind her ear. He was beginning to swell as he slipped his arms around her wait and pressed his hips into her.
“I could kiss them better.”
A weak smile flashed. “Did you watch?”
“I did. There were cameras everywhere recording everything. You were hot.”
The smile faded. “How can you still love me?”
Jacob stopped and turned her to face him. “How could I not? You sacrificed to give me a gift. To protect me. I understand why and I’m grateful, but I’m supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around. The price you paid was high.”
“Protecting you was protecting me. You don’t know what it did to me to see you like that.” Her eyes grew large as she caught his expression and remembered Carrie. “You do know what it did to me. Then you understand why. What you did was for nothing. It didn’t keep anything from happening, but I could make what you have to go through easier.”
Jacob nodded. “You’re right. My reaction was instinctive. I understand the consequences, but it was worth the price to me. What does that tell you about how I feel about you?”
Reassurance flooded through Gwen and he enfolded her in his arms. “Hold me close. Hold me close.” He crushed her to him. It hurt but she didn’t care. She cried herself out as he held her rocking her back and forth and stroking her face and hair. Her tears were tears of horror over what she had done and what had been done to her. They were tears of relief to be with Jacob and away from Jerry.
Finally he pulled away again and looked into her eyes. “I think you set yourself a pretty heavy schedule the last few days. You’re a little frazzled. You’re hurting. You haven’t seen me enough. You’re tired. A little empty?”
Gwen heaved a huge sight and nodded.
“There are sandwiches in your room. You’re scheduled for a mass. Then we can go to my room if you like and you can sleep.” Gwen nodded. “I have Tylenol.”
She whispered, “Yay.”
Gwen felt like she was floating. She could see stars. They were so close she felt like she could touch them. Jacob had told her the Doctor would use her and to expect it. There was nothing she could have done to stop him anyway. Still, it nagged at the back of her mind. He kept asking her questions and she heard the buzz of her voice, but she had no idea how coherent her responses were.
She woke with a start. There was pain in her right nipple.
“She’s with us now.”
“Are you okay, Honey?”
Gwen squinted at Jacob. She felt dizzy even though she could tell she was lying down. There were butterflies in her stomach. He was talking to her but she couldn’t make sense of the words. Her jaws felt like someone had clapped them in a vise. Someone else was talking. To Jacob. It was such an effort to breathe.
The next time she woke up was to the murmur of voices. She was in Jacob’s bed. He looked at her and smiled. “You have visitors.” She pushed up awkwardly. She was in a t-shirt and shorts. Her nipples were so sore. Her jaws were sore. She looked at Jacob in confusion. “You don’t even remember how you got here, do you?” She shook her head and sat up. John and Jerry were there.
“We brought you soup.” John pointed at a large Styrofoam cup with a lid. “How are you feeling?”
Gwen shrugged, “‘kay.” Gwen sat up and reached for the cup. Jerry looked like a whipped puppy. He looked down quickly as she looked at him. “Jerry.” She waited until he looked at her. She patted the bed and he moved to sit next to her. He was wringing his hands. Gwen whispered, “If you have something to say then just come out and say it. Maybe you’ll feel better.” Jerry glanced at John and Gwen saw him nod.
“I have been apologizing to a lot of people.” She waited as he stopped to gather himself. “A lot of people have just walked away…. Some of them have slapped me…. I didn’t expect much…” He stopped and looked at her wringing his hands. “Even Joseph…” Gwen glanced at Jacob and back to Jerry.
“I have talked to Joseph. It’s not that he won’t forgive you. It’s that he is going to have to work at it.” She told. “There’s no doubt in my mind that you are sincere. I know you are hurting and struggling. What you are doing now is hard, but it needs to be done. Everyoneisn’t going to forgive you, but you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness. I told you I was going to have to work on it too. In the meantime I want to do whatever I can to support you.” She paused before continuing. “I think you should go by Michael from now on. I think Jerry is long gone.”
He nodded.
“Have you talked to Rachel?” He shook his head violently. “I think she might surprise you. You know how sick Trey is?” He looked up at her. “She needs support now. You might be able to help her. Let John talk to her first.”
“I want to talk to Julia.”
Gwen looked at John. He shook his head. “You can. But help Rachel first if she’ll let you. At least until Trey is gone. And talk to John and I first. Can you do that?” He nodded reluctantly. “You owe me.” He looked at her started and she smiled and shrugged. She bumped into him playfully with her shoulder and he smiled weakly and then was immediately serious. She could tell he was hanging on by a thread.
“Only because I owe you.”
After they left Jacob asked, “Is it bad?”
“Would Tylenol do it?”
“Maybe.” He didn’t miss the question in her voice. “Elaine would probably give me more if I complained about it hurting in a few days.”
“I think she would. If you need it though, tell me.”
Gwen nodded. He hadn’t told her and she hadn’t asked, but she knew.
“You’ll be disoriented.” Gwen submitted as Jacob tapped her eyes shut. “I hate this.”
“I’d rather have you do it.”
“I mean this part of the training. Honey…”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll get through it.”
“Do you remember what I told you?”
She sat quietly as he put in earplugs and covered her ears with soundproofing headphones. She was scared to death but she didn’t dare show him. After the headphones came a confining hood made of leather that covered her whole head. It lacened up the back and there was a hole for her mouth and nostrils. It fit snugly around her neck. It was only two days since her surgery. Ice packs had kept her jaws from swelling, but they were heavily bruised. Julia wanted her back at work but her mouth was off limits to the clients until it was healed. The hood would be on for three days. Two of her training sessions would be conducted during this time and in between she would be expected to turn tricks. She felt Immediately claustrophobic. And turned on.
She reached to touch his face and he pulled her fingers to his lips. “I’m horny.” She felt his muscles tend and his breathe as he laughed. She could feel his smile and then he shook his head.
Then she felt his fingers slip into her cunt. The unexpectedness of it thrilled her and she gasped and opened herself up to him. “I want to kiss you.” He turned her away from him and pinned her arms to her sides in a one-arm bear hug as he continued to play with her cunt and nibbled where he could on the center of her back. He took her hands and placed them on the wall and then spread her legs. She waited expected until he finally touched her and exhausted in ecstasy as he stroked her torso and genitals.
Jacob told her he would only be allowed to monitor her training while the hood was on. She had urged him to spend the time she was in the hood with Karen. He had spent the whole of the day following her initiative and the two days she recovered with her in his room leaving Only to check on Karen briefly. With John occupied with Jerry, Karen had been left in Anna’s care. Gwen knew from what little Jacob had been allowed to tell her that it would be almost impossible for him to watch her the next three days without intervening.
She hated taking the t-shirt and shorts off. Her nipples were still excruciating. The piercings were beginning to heal, but the weight of the chain and sleeping in it at night was continuing to cause irritation.
After Adam had taken her, the Gems had pinched and chewed on them until they were sor even before they held her down and pierced her. The Tylenol brought her jaw under control but didn’t do much for them.
Jacob took her hand and led her for a time. She took another hand that was offered and felt the pressure against her cheek as he hugged her before leaving. She could hear nothing and she could see nothing.
Gwen groaned. Her arms were shaking. The collar at her throat was chained above her and stretched taut. She was in the position to do a push up. Her arms were ben and holding her weight. If her arms collapsed she would toughle. The chain between her nipples was stretched taut and attached to something below her. If she pushed up any farther it would tug at them. It hadn’t been bad at first. There had been played between the two. But as her arms tired and she lowered herself, someone had tightened the chain at her breasts. Her legs had been pulled far enough back and spread so that her knees were of no use.
She knew she had been like that, supporting her weight with her elbows bent for at least thirty minutes and the pain in her nipples was sering. The pain in her arms was sering. At last she collapsed. She almost blacked out before the chain around her neck was released and she fell to the floor gasping and cought. That was when the whipping began. Again. She didn’t care. She couldn’t do anything about it if she did.
Six tricks a day during which time a net was added over her mouth and nose so that no one could kiss her, and then the sessions which were three to four hours, but felt like forever. Her arms were sore from the day before. She had slept like the dead on a bare concrete floor probably during the night, but she didn’t know.
Someone had put pills in her mouth and water had followed. There had been soft food and she had been taken to the bathroom and to shower. Her sockets had been rinsed. She was grateful for the tricks because they weren’t as cruel. The one just before this hadhave been more than kind and she had thanked him. Having her senses masked made her more aware of body language.
At last the whipping stopped. She felt the chains being undone and rolled to her side so they could unfasten the one at her breast. She felt hands helping her to stand. Kind hands. Someone was massaging her arms.
“Thank you. I don’t know who you are, but thank you.” Hands took her by the Waist and then a thumb drew a cross across her navel and entered it. She collapsed into Jacob’s arms. “You didn’t do anything to get you in trouble?” She felt his chin against her head as he shook his. “How come you can be with me? Is something wrong?” She winced as she lifted her arm to touch his chin. He supported her hand and nodded. She felt his other hand drawing on her chest. “T… R… Trey?” He nodded again. “Is he sick?” He nodded again. “Can I see him?” He nodded again and she submitted as he led her away.
She felt her way to sit next to Trey on the bed. She felt his forehead and the oxygen mask. She rested her hand on his heaving chest. His carotid pulse was bounding. He was burning up.
“Is he awake?” She felt Jacob draw a Y on her back. “I love you, Trey.” She took his hand and he squeezed weakly. “I know you and Rachel have talked…. I just want you to know how much I value your friend. Yours and Rachel’s. I want you to Know how much I admire your courage and kindness and your willingness to share your work to make our lives better. Jacob loves the picture of Carrie and everyone loves the mural. In your relationship with Rachel and in your art you have lived a full life. When the time comes it will be hard to let you go, but know that we will be happy for you because it will be better than this.”
She feel Rachel’s arm slip around her legs. She must have sat on the floor. Gwen put her hand on her hair and face and felt her tears. She stood and pulled Rachel into her embrace. Her body was tight with tears. Gwen rubbed her back until Rachel relaxed. “I love you too. You were my first friend here. You gave me courage by your example.” She felt Rachel’s head bob and Rachel pulled away. Jacob was pulling on her hand. He spelled on her chest. G… o… “We have to leave?” He lifted her arm to his chin and nodded.
He stopped probably to pull the door closed and Gwen spoke, “I need to see Elaine.” He led her a short way and he put her hand in Elaine’s. “Elaine?” Elaine held her hand to her face and nodded. “Is there any way I could get some more of the pain killer? They keep grabbing my jaw and my nipples are killing me.” She felt Elaine look at Jacob and then nod. “Thank you.” Moments later several packs of pills were pressed into her hand and Jacob led her away.
She waited until They were in the shower, “Are we alone?” He nodded. “Tylenol is fine. I’m okay.” He nodded again.
Gwen smiled as she felt him put a Velcro strap on her wrist. “What are you doing?” He kissed her as he wet the suction cup andfastened it to the wall. The other arm and both legs were spread eagle in short order. He was rubbing her nipples with some sort of cream. She groaned and arched her back in spite of the pain. The shower was hand held and he carefully washed her from the neck down as she understood with pleasure. He took special care with her genitals and she felt his tongue as he checked to make sure she was clean and then rinsed her under the flow of the water. He continued to play with her until she was moaning and then she felt the vibrator.
The next day they added a cattle prod. A rod of some sort that shocked her. They used it over and over anywhere. She never know where. She started begging when she felt them hook the chain to the back of her neck and the straps that were in place around her ankles. They held the rod just above her pubic bone until she lost control of her bladder. They used it at the back of her knees until she knelt in the puddle. Then slowly they began pulling her feet back until she had to use her hands to support herself. She was in tears before they chained her breasts. Her muscles were so sore from the two previous days.
The rod made her muscles twitch and quiver. Her becoming more desperate as they worked the rod between her legs and she screamed over and over as they touched her genitals and rectum. The rod shocked her in the armpit and she went down hard on her face into the puddle of urine. It shocked her repeatedly in the center of the back as the chain at her throat choked her. She knew she couldn’t last long and she was getting to the point that she didn’t care. Slowly she pushed herself up as far as she could. The rod shocked her over and over up and down the length of her arms. In the end she lay in the puddle cringing and crying as she could feel the jolts through the hood. The bones in Her head felt like they would explore before it finally stopped. Then the whipping began again.
They released her at last and stood her up. She forced her legs to support her even though they were trembling violently. They left her standing for quite a while occasionally shocking her with the rod or whipping her. She swallowed her anger and frustration and took the assault in silence. Then she felt them spread her legs and hook them to something. It was a bar that keep them spread a little more than shoulder length.
They ran one chain from Her hands to the rod and one from her neck to something above. They began shortening the chain that held her hands until she began to choke. She pushed to stand with her legs to relieve her throat. They put a dildo inside her and continued shortening the chain to her hands, leaving her to stand for minutes at a time in between. Her legs were burning even worse than her arms and she started to give in. That’s when she realized it wasn’t a dildo. It was the rod inside her.
She screamed as it shocked her. It didn’t stop shocking her until she was scanning again the chain that held her hands. Each time her legs gave out she received another shock.
Gwen was vomiting as she came to. Someone was holding her by the stomach and she was on her knees in the shower. They were working on the laces at the back of the hood. She couldn’t stop trembling and she couldn’t support her weight. She groaned in frustration as the tears came. She blinked against the light as he worked the hood off her head.
It was Jerry. She pushed feebly away from him and collapsed on the tile and then wretched again. Her eyes wouldn’t focus. She could smell urine. He tried to approach her but stopped as she held her hand up. She lay there a moment catching her breath. He was talking but it was still just buzzing until he mentioned Trey.
“Start over. Go slow. My brain…” Her head was screaming.
“Connie is looking for Joseph. He told me to come get him as soon as you were done.” He paused to make sure she understand. Gwen nodded. “I have cream thatwill take some of the pain. I’ll put it on if you’ll let me.” She burst into tears again and nodded.
“What about Trey?”
“He’s still bad but they are going to let him go back to his room.”
“Is he dying?” Jerry nodded reluctantly. “Are they going to snuff him?”
“I haven’t heard. Elaine is trying to play down how sick he is to Julia.”
“Did you talk to Rachel?” Jerry nodded. “What did she say?”
“She said… that there was nothing to forgive.” Gwen crawled to him and he gathered her in his arms. He continued, whispering as he squeezed lotion from a tube onto his finger and inserted it into her vagina. “I didn’t do anything. Joseph wanted me there and I was supposed to be. I told him I didn’t want to come, but he wanted me to be with you because he couldn’t. It was all Stacy and Jill, but it is over now. You are done with all the sessions.”
He pushed back a straight hair. “Can you stand?” Gwen nodded and he helped her up. “Usually they wouldn’t do allthree sessions in a row. Julia is pushing you for some reason.”
“I don’t care. As long as it’s all over. That’s all I care about now.” Another wave of nausea came over Gwen and Jerry lowered her to the ground as she wretched again.
“I will give you my shirt if you want it, but I would much prefer it if you allowed me to enjoy the view.” Gwen took Tobias’ hand and bowed her head with a smile. She came close as he admired her with a smile and kissed him. “Julia said you had your wisdom teeth out. Are you recovering well?”
“Thank you for asking. My jaw is almost well.”
“I asked for you last week. I’ve missed you.”
Gwen sank into Tobias. “I missed you too.” He was a comfort. Julia hadn’t made her available to him. It must be that he wouldn’t have liked to see her with the hood on. “You like the jewelry then?” She backed away so that he could look again.
“It is very erotic. Does it hurt?”
“Not so much anymore.” Now that they stopped jerking on it and that the heavy chain had been replaced. “I’m so glad to be with you.”
“You seem sad.”
Gwen shrugged. “It has been a tough week is all. There have been good things though.”
“Tell me.”
“Being able to help a friend.” Help them obtain enough medicine to commit suicide. “A kind man in the midst of difficulty training.”
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