The Brothel Ch. 09

***This work is my own and may not be republished without permission.



Within two weeks Gwen had completed all the first level requirements except for the public display for the clients. The bruising was the only thing that was holding her back. Her schedule had fallen into a rhythm of working out with Joseph, tanning, eating breakfast and doing sessions in the morning followed by study in her room between lunch and dinner and the evening spent emailing, taking tests, or watching the required movies with Joseph.

Anna seemed to be an assistant trainer and showed up both in Joseph’s session with toys and in the session on female sexuality and cunnilingus. That was by far her most challenging session and Joseph had saved it for last. Homework for both genders for the oral Copulation sessions was to find ten people to complete the act. If she knelt in front of someone, they had to comply. They had the option of being in a public or private Venue, but Joseph was always present. Joseph had told her not to ask why, but to choose girls from the order.

The men lined up once they found she was doing her homework. The girls from the order scattered, but Gwen and Joseph managed to catch a few in the halls and a few in the cafeteria and gradually she completed her requirements. Joseph couldn’t lay with her on those nights. It was hard enough for her to maintain control while they showed. He understand her need and tucked her in each night kissing her on the forehead.

Jacob had shown her the newspaper clippings from John about both she and Lisa. Police were still investigating numerous leads. The Monroe newspaper had large articles also with interviews of her parents and sister. They were hoping that she was found safe and sound.

Gwen continued seeking out new friends, mostly in the cafeteria. She would choose a new table of people to sit with every few days and Jacob sat by in silence as she questioned thepeople carefully. At first people were reluctant to open up, but Jacob sat watching in amazement at she worked on them and they responded. The word spread and Jacob saw the looks of welcome as she chose a new table. Even a group of Gems smiled in welcome when she chose their table. Each evening she would record what she found out so that she could refer to it if she couldn’t remember. Jacob showed her how to print out the pictures from the emails she received and she clipped them out and taped them in the book. Jacob had added a stack of steno books.

One day in the cafeteria when they dropped off their dishes the pile was building. She and Jacob went in the back to find that Edith was sick that day and even though someone had been called in to replace her, the rhythm of the workers was thrown off. She and Jacob stepped in and began cleaning the trays and loading the dishwasher. When John finished his meal he took over for Gwen and she found a replacement for Jacob and two more to replace them when they finished eating. Jacob had to grin at her as they left the cafeteria.


“Nothing! I just really, really like you!” He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

“Can we visit Edith?”

“Of course.”

They found Edith in the innovation. She had a urinary tract infection. Apparently she had them frequently. Elaine had started her on an antibiotic, but she was still feverish and uncomfortable. Edit told them she had diabetes and when she had an infection it came on strong and was hard to fight. It made the sugar problem worse. Gwen told her how they had helped in the cafeteria and promised to continue to help until she was back on her feet.

Gwen’s favorite class by far was dancing. She was able to lose herself in the rhythms and music and Tina was full of energy and positive reformation. Julia had come to watch her third dancing session and met with she and Joseph at that time. Julia told her that the clients wanted to seeher dance. She told Gwen that would fulfill the requirement for her public display if she agreed. Gwen agreed and a date was set.

Julia sent her an email advising her that she would have her first three clients that night after she finished dancing. Joseph had been reading the email over her shoulder and she leaned into him for comfort. He had whispered in her ear. “Everyone is nervous the first little while. Don’t waste time on it now. Wait until after the dance and by then you’ll be worked up so maybe it won’t be as bad as you think.” She began working on her second level in the intervening time.

Jacob explained that in order to pass the second level she would have to be inducted into Adam’s harem. In order to do that, she had to track down the rest of the gems and perform oral sex on them. Ten down. Thirty-one to go. After that there was a ceremony. He was not allowed to tell her what it involved.

Her first session was positions. Glen was a close friend of Jacob. He let them use a dildo to practice the positions and as Gwen begged for relief they brought her with it twice. The room they were in had a sharing wall that divided nothing. There were three holes in the end of the wall, each lined with a phalange with rubber inside. There were handles above should height about a foot from the end of the wall. There was a KY dispenser and rubber sheaths that were larger than condoms. She had seen the same setup in other rooms, but Glen was the first she saw use it.

He slicked up as he called it and put a rubber sheath in place in the middle hole then slide his organ in and out of the hole until he came. He told her he would much prefer her hole and it was only out of deference to how Jacob felt about her.

Bondage was another story. Scott enjoyed his craft too much. He had seen Gwen’s videos from the bar and the webpage. Jacob warned her before. If she responded too favorably she would be requested by a rougher clientele. It would be better if she did the minimum only and didn’t appear to enjoy it too much.

Scott pulled in a man named Charlie to help with the sessions. Gwen remembered him from the cafeteria but hadn’t visited with him. Joseph tensed when they entered the room and saw him there. Scott smiled and Charlie approached Gwen and ran his hand down her cheek and chest. Gwen looked at Jacob. He was Joseph. His anger was barely perceptible. She switched to Dianna.

The room had an observation window. At Joseph’s first sign of irritation Scott spoke up quietly but firmly. “Joseph, why don’t you watch through the window? You can turn the sound down.” Joseph looked at Dianna and she shrugged and nodded. If he tried to intervene, Julia would punish him. As soon as he walked out of the room Scott and Charles backed her into a corner. A flicker of hesitation crossed her face and they grinned. Scott spoke up again. “You are friends with Lisa?” Gwen nodded. “Robbie let us have her that first day she was here. She is one fine bitch but nothing compared to you. She doesn’t like bondage at all. Things is, we don’t care either way whether you like it or whether you don’t. It’s still fun. We saw your video.”

“I was drugged. That wasn’t me.”

“Oh, we saw the other videos with your boyfriend on the farm. It was you all right. We are going to have you begging.” She flinched as he stroked her stomach and then touched her nipple.

Gwen shrugged and gathered Dianna closer. She hoped her bravado was convincing. She kissed him as though she wanted him, “Then let’s get to it. Tell me what you want me to do.” It must have been convincing. It took both men by surprise.

The next few hours were a mix of gritting her teeth and complete elongation that she tried to mask as well as she could. There were a series of bonds that she placed on Charlie and that they in turn placed on her. At Scott’s order she copied Charlie as he was bound and helpless. They left her trusted up and opened the door to the room. They allowed people in and out as she struggled in frustration. Well, she let them think she was frustrated but she knew her sex organizations gave her arousal away. Her skin tingled as fingers and tongues brushed across her.

They blindfolded her and wrapped her arms to her sides and put her in a box barely large enough for her to lie flat with her legs pinned together. The box was lined with foam and they filled it with packing peanuts and then put a foam-lined lid on the top and locked it shut. There was a small hole at her mouth for her to breathe. It was quiet after that. Gwen knew it was hopeless to struggle and would only make matters worse. She jumped as she felt fingers on her lips and could barely hear a muffled voice.

“Are you okay honey? Gwen, its Jacob. Can you hear me?”


“They went to lunch. They are gone. Are you okay?”

“Okay.” She could barely breathe. “Alone?”


Gwen groaned as she came. She could hear Jacob’smuffled laughter. After that she lay quietly. She could feel Jacob’s fingers on her lips. She didn’t know how much time had passed when she woke but she was filled with panic. Jacob still was there tracing the outline of her lips.


“Not again!”


“I’m sorry honey. They should be back soon. It’s been almost two hours.”


“I’ll get you some water.”

A wave of nausea flooded her and she panicked even more thinking of what would happen if she vomited. “No!” She could hardly get her breath. “Sick.” The box flipped over and she vomited. She could hear him yelling just before she passed out.


“Do it again.”

Scott looked at Joseph. She was still pale from the day before but her jaw was set with determination. It had taken Jacob another ten minutes before they had located Scott and Charlie after she passed out and another five before they could undo the locks on the box. Gwen came to in a cold shower with her arms still tied to her sides and Jacob’s underneath them holding her up. The sense of panic was still with her and she tried to struggle but she had no strength. With Jacob’s help she managed to stand as Scott cut the tape that bound her arms and ankles. She passed out again as she was carried to the innovation and women to smelling salts vomiting again. Her body temperature had soared in the box. They had covered her with wet rags until she was shivering.

That night she had awakened screaming filled with dread. She clung to Jacob sobbing as he stroked her face and soothed her. Both were tight-lipped when she showed up for the second half of the session that morning. And they had been at it again for almost four hours.

“Fifteen minutes.”

They had fulfilled all the requirements, but Scott and Charlie were subdued and held back. After Joseph’s report to Julia she had raked them over the coals. The innovative advised her that Dianna could have suffered permanent kidney damage and was at risk if her temperature were to rise again.

“Fifteen minutes. That’s all. I’ll tell you if I can’t handle it.” Still he hesitated. “You’ve treated me with kid gloves all morning.” Hesitation. “I had a nightmare last night. I have to conquer it.”

“She’ll kill us.” Scott looked at Jacob. There was no expression on his face. Scott surprised and nodded. Once Gwen knew it was going to happen again her knees almost buckled. She submitted quietly as they bound her ankles and her hands to her sides. She almost panicked when they put the blindfold on her but she gritted her teeth, “Do it.”

They waited for her to regain control of her breathing after they lowered her into the box. When she nodded Scott spoke. “Fifteen minutes, or sooner if you say the word.”

“Do it.” Scott left the room and returned in a few moments with five cubes of ice. He tucked two in each of her hands and put one on her stomach then nodded to her. She managed a weak smile and nodded. The hasps were closed and locks placed but not locked. She told through her lips.

The next fifteen minutes were the longest Jacob had suffered in a long time but he couldn’t help it when Scott unlatched the hasps and he saw Gwen’s smile of triumph. He laughed, giddy with relief. He helped them remove her from the box and undo her bindings. He looked at Scott. “Are we did then?” Scott nodded. Jacob took her by the hand and led her from the room and into the observation room. He pulled the blinds and left them in the dark as Gwen pushed him into the corner frenching him. He laughed and pulled her to him.


Jacob brought her to meet Katy towards the end of those two weeks. Gwen’s hickeys had all faded to yellows and greens. The deep briising on her eye and the back of her ribcage was all that was clearly visible. They brought dinner to Katy’s room that evening. Katy had completed her tour of the complex but was still so uncomfortable with her nudity that Joseph hadn’t pushed her to eat in the dining room. Gwen couldn’t believe that it no longer bothered her that she was naked. She had even gone back to lifting, altering with swimming or running in her workouts.

Katy’s room was next to hers. Gwen and Jacob entered with dinner and a board game. Katy was curled under the covers with her back to the door. Jacob sat down next to her and began rubbing her back.

“I brought a friend. She was hoping to meet you. Her name is Dianna and she came here the same day you did. She lives in the room right next door. I am her evaluator also.” He continued rubbing her back and Katy gave no indication that she heard.

He gave her a few minutes and spoke again. “Come on, honey. You can do it.” She was crying as she sat up and he allowed her to keep the sheet pulled up over her chest. Gwen came toward her and the girl slide over to make room for her and let her crawl under the sheet next to her. Gwen pulled the sheet up to cover herself also. Joseph masked his emotions and handed them each a Styrofoam tray and silver wrapped in a napkin. There was salad and spaghetti, beans and bread and they ate in silence. Joseph left them alone for a few moments as he took the trays out to a larger trash bin. Gwen looked at Katy and smiled.

“My real name is Gwen.”


“It’s pretty scary in here.”

Karen nodded. “I want to go home.”

“We all want to. Even Joseph.”

Karen looked at her in surprise and then cowed slightly as Joseph entered the room. He pretended not to notice as he picked up the game and set it on the bed in front of them. “Even Joseph what?”

“Would like to go home.”

Joseph looked at Karen. “I would. More than anything.” He sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed and began setting up the board between them. “But tonight I can pretend. This was one of my family’s favorite games. Have you played before?” Both girlsShook their heads. “Aggravation. A one or a six gets you out to here.” He pointed, “You move this way. If you land on a point you can move around the points. You can’t jump your own men. You have to have an exact number to get into home. If you land on an opponent’s marble you send them home to start all over again. Any questions?”

Karen shook her head as Gwen spoke, “Nope.”

“Highest roll of the die goes first.”

Karen and Gwen picked up the game quickly and both Gwen and Joseph shouted in mock dismay when Karen won. They played again and Jacob just barely beat Gwen. Gwen was pleased to see Karen smile. Jacob boxed the game and slide it under the bed.

“We’ll keep it for a few days. We can play again if you like.” He leaned over Gwen and kissed her hair. “We might even let Gwen win!”

“Let me win? I don’t think so! I’m going to cream you both the next time!”

“Time to shower.”

Gwen looked at Karen as she heaved a sight of frustration. She looked back at Joseph, “We’ll meet you in the bathroom.” Joseph bowed his head and left the door open. Gwen looked back at Karen. “Has he was mean to you?”


“He doesn’t want sex.”

“They all do.”

“I don’t think so. Have you noticed how he tucks you in at night? He’s like a big brother.” Karen looked at her in disbelief. “He knows you’re scared. He knows it’s hard. He says he doesn’t like doing this. He doesn’t have a choice.”

“You believe him?”

“I’ve decided that I will believe him until he shows me differently. He’s been nothing but a gentleman.”

Karen rocked back and forth hugging herself. “I hate my body.”

“You feel self-conscious.”

“More than that. I hate it. I hate it!” She broke into tears anew and Gwen put her arms around her as she leaned into her. “He wants me to go in front of everyone! I wouldn’t even change in the locker room. The only reason I did what I did was because I was cold and hungry and tired. I hated it! I hated the sex! It was disgusting! I can’t do this!”


“All of it! I can’t do it!”

Gwen pulled her closer and kissed her on the forehead. She rocked her until she calmed and kissed her on the forehead again. “Take a deep breath.” Gwen waited until Karen took a deep breath and surprised. “Can you listen while I tell you a few things?” She waited for Karen to nod. “I’m scared too.” Gwen nodded to reinforce what she was saying. “I would love to be anywhere but here, but this is where I am. I have a friend who was kidnapped with us that I haven’t been able to see. Her name is Lisa. I like her because she never cared about what anyone thought. I was always worried about what everyone else thought. It’s why I left home. I made some bad choices and it got around town. I couldn’t handle the things people said and the way they looked at me. But, when I was around Lisa I could just be me without worrying about others and she liked me just the way I am. It made me so much happier.”

“But you are beautiful.”

“I don’t think so and in here it won’t help at all. I’m still just as naked as you and really uncomfortable with it, but there isn’t anything I can do about it. Here, more than anywhere else, everyone is who they are with nothing to hide behind. They accept each other just as they are. They are real and some of them are so kind.”

“I can’t do this though. I…” She trailed away as Gwen put her finger to her lips.

“All you have to do right now is take a shower. You’ve done that before haven’t you?” Karen nodded reluctantly. “Can you do it again?” Gwen waited until Karen finally showed and nodded. Gwen smiled, “With style? Or with silliness?”

“With style I guess.”

“Style it is!” Gwen slipped from under the sheets and waited for Karen. Karen managed a weak smile as she crawled out from under the sheets and slipped her arm through Gwen’s as she offered her elbow. She was barely five feet tall and had the body of a child. Gwen dreamed to think what would happen to her. She smiled reassuringly and led her to the bathroom.

Joseph had his back to them. He was getting ready to step in the shower. He looked over his shoulder just far enough to see that they were there. Karen hid herself behind Gwen and Joseph smiled at the wall. “I’m proud of you Karen.” Gwen looked at her and smiled. Joseph stepped in the shower and kept his back to them as they Followed.

Gwen let Karen curl into her as Joseph turned around. She was crying again. Joseph took Gwen’s hand and whispered loud enough for Karen to hear. “You are the kindest person I know.” He turned a second showerhead on and stood away from them as they showed. Karen stood with her head down as Gwen washed herself and shampooed her hair. She washed Karen’s hair for her and turned her to rinse it. She exchanged a look with Jacob and he reached for towels as they stepped out of the shower. Karen finished as they dried themselves and Jacob handed her a towel asshe came out. She turned her back and wrapped the towel around herself. Gwen’s towel was around her hair. She came to Karen and smiled and took her hands as Jacob dried her hair and shoulders. The tears were gone for the moment and Karen closed her eyes at Jacob’s touch. Gwen exchanged another look with Jacob and he left them in the room.


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