The Brand Ch. 05

Reflections: white kisses, soft, pale, pink to pink, encapsulated behind glass; snow drifts mounted like lovers, smooth to the eye and cold to the touch. As a fresh snow began to fall, Mel found herself inside a small town blanketed in snow, slush straight streets, curb sides flaky brown like pie crust, cars passing churning up slush. She crossed the interference of Chelsey and Vine, imagining the snow as a great shower of tiny plummeting angels, dancing and spiraling down to die and reincarnate into their next lives.

That day, work had let out early, affording her the option to nestle into her favorite corner booth in The Second Cup to enjoy a good book. She would wait there for Dory to finish her shift. A rambunctious, dark eyed beauty with a tattoo around her right wrist, Dory was Mel’s carnival come back to town; exciting, fragment, brash and amusing. She looked up as soon as she’d heard the bell over the entrance ring. Her brown eyes smiled when she saw Mel stroll in, but they didn’t linger. She quickly averted her gaze, glanced at the few faces of that morning’s regulars, and then went back to starting another pot of house roast.

Mel went to her corner booth by the window and slide into her seat. Absently, she fished through her back pack and watched the snow whirl and drift and obscure the slow traffic and the carefully tracing parents with their snow day children trailing behind them. Presently, Dory arrived at the table, set down a mug and proceeded to pour her secret lady fair a share of piping hot French roast. There was little exchanged between them; beyond a few knowing smiles and playfully rich glances. Nodding her thanks, it was Mel that finally spoke, promptly asking as to whether she might be brought a blueberry scone.

Mel had imagined their mutual fondness as a crystal ball between them; their gazing eyes and dancing fingers conjuring what magic they could before each time they had to cover their secret again with the black silk of discretion. Their home town, a hamlet nestled between two footballs skirting the east face of the Rockies, was too small for the honesty of their feelings and too crowded with the prying myopic eyes of inflexible convention and the conservatism of esgelized generations.

Mel didn’t watch as the other departed for the back of the counter. Instead, she brought her vision to bear on the search for what she wanted to read by the soft gray light of the snowy sky beyond the shop’s window. Her green knitted hat still on her head, she withdraw her latest favorite book, cracked it open and curled up in her little corner of the coffee shop’s big front window. Mel had lost herself almost immediately among a village of thatched huts in a remote African jungle, dense with lush flora; a proud white man, his wife and four daughters standing beside him, preaching to a gathered mass of naked tribes people; their eyes glazed dumbly with astonishment and doubt.

Mel loved to lose herselfin a good story, to give herself up to the all be it temporary but godly sweet escape of it. Of course there were other, more deliciously tangible escapes, fleeting flights of clandestine interludes with Dory that certainly were just as temporary, yet so much more deliciously stimulating. But, they only left Mel hungering for more; leading her past page after page, tempting her with the juicier parts, only to find them written in snap shot bits of haiku and flash verse.

The two young women could only imagine having the freedom to drink as deeply of each other as they could swallow. Escape, as from most prisons, was easier said than done. Small towns like Bear Lake had their degrees of barricade; from the invisible bars and chains of familiar love to the strong gravity of self-imposed fear of failing or suffering alone beyond its borders.

You know the score Melody May, she’d told herself. Do you really want to be the selfish sort of person that disappoints her family for the sake of being true to herself? Would it really be so bad to settle for going to college in the next big town over, earn your degree and come back home to maintain your disguise while you pay off your student loans over the course of the rest of your life because the average income in this part of the country makes it so that it takes that long? Right now, your only consolation, for what its worth, is that even a life sentence is temporary. So just take the ride Mel. Everything; is temporary.

She told and turned the page before breaking off another chunk of scone and popping it daintily into her mouth. Briefly, she glanced at Dory; her eyes betraying hope and longing. Dory glanced back, and then looked up at the wall clock above the bar. An hour and a half more, and they would meet outside and take the long way home together.

The two young women had grown up, neighbors living a block apart, forgetting their friend through their years in grade school, and as Girl Scouts. They’d developed the harmony of their voices as they sung their Girl Scout songs in the basements of local churches and around camp fires, were together for every cookie campaign and earned badge after badge together. They’d even gone as far as becoming cadets together, eager to join the ranks of scout leaders.

But, school had gotten harder and more time consuming, and new friends had gradually caused Girl Scouts to be less interesting and much less socially acceptable for them both. Mel had hung on a while longer and was on the cusp of becoming a Girl Scout Senior when Dory stopped by her house one day after nearly a year’s absence to show her new tattoo; a stylited bracelet of thorny vines wrapped around her right wrist.

They were seventeen at the time. Mel, five years into the certainty of her orientation, as sure that she was that having Dory as a girlfriend would be nice, still feared too greatly to take the risk of finding out whether such a thing could happen. ThenThere she was, over a year passed without having seen her, pretty in her tough way, eyes sparkling, daring, just as loud mouthed as she ever was, and now with a tattoo of all things. Perhaps, Mel had thought, there was a chance.

Their friend renewed; Mel’s sexuality continued to blowm in the silence of her heart while Dory’s evolution happened in emotional fits and starts. She was wear of their sleepy, conservative, little town, ranted freely about the local social and religious orthodoxies and started smoking a little pot. Mel didn’t approve, but didn’t feel it was worth condemning her for. In time, possessed by the allure of Dory’s boldness and her reporting of cannabis’s effects, Mel asked to try it out.

It was the height of summer. Mel had just turned nineteen. Dory had finally earned enough money to buy her first car; a beat to shit little Honda. She’d told Mel to dress warmly because she was going to drive them up to the top of Rocky Mountain National for herbirthday, an elevation of twenty thousand feet. A mile after having passed the park ranger’s booth, Dory lighted the joint and handed it to Mel. She advised her to just take two puffs and then wait the feeling out. By fourteen thousand feet, the temperature outside of the car had dropped thirty degrees. Mel knew it would be so, no stranger to the rules of altitude, but she could still hardly restrain the joyous laughter over the fact that she’d traveled from July to January in the matter of half an hour.

After another twenty minutes, they’d passed the sign that said that they’d arrived at twenty thousand feet. Dory coasted to the side of the road and cut the engine. Mel stared wide eyed and slack jawed out the passenger window. The scene was desolate, like a craterless moonscape, cluttered with crags and boulders, straight with the rubble of elapsed eons. She found it uncompromisingly beautiful in all its sheer, ancient, factuality. I’ve lived my whole life only an hour away from here, she thought. I, I just can’t believe it. Mel turned to face Dory. Her hair was bound up inside a baseball cap, her face flawless, and her eyes warm and smiling.

Putting on their winter coats, they stepped out of the vehicle. Dory leaned against the car and rekindled the joint. Mel took another puff, was advised to walk slowly or else she might pass out from the high and the height, and then stepped off into the terrain. The temperature wasn’t any more than twenty-six degrees as she stride across the remnants of some of the most ancient rocks in the park. She took in the marbled gray, white, and black bands of miners in granular streaky gneiss and darker, finer grained schist. Interspersed in piles and heaps were silver plum granite, distinctive in its gray-tan and pink-red.

“It takes something like this to show you just how small we really are.” said Dory as she climbed upon a large outcropping of the silver granite.

Mel had been too mesmerized by the sun sparkled flecks of feldspar crystals along the granite slab by her feet to notice Dory’s having mounted the great stone beyond her.

“But I’d still bet,” Dory continued, “That even if you brought every last corporate criminal and creationist proponent up here to face their own arrival, ninety percent of them would never change a single thing about how they rape the planet or what lies they tell their flocks.”

Mel looked up and considered her friend. Dory was staring towards the northwest, her cheeks pink, and her eyes squiting from the wind. She suddenly wanted to shout at her: Dum ass; why don’t you stop getting high and go out into the world and follow your convictions and do something about it if you think it sucks so bad? But, she didn’t. She wouldn’t because she couldn’t. Her own ambition was little more than getting up every day, going to work, collecting her metr pay check and living the rest of her life out through the passive victim of reading. Still eyeing Dory, Mel felt a sudden twinge in her sex, and then decided to mount the huge boulder upon which her friend stood.

“Dude!” cried Dory as she struggled to keep her footing, “Are you high? Careful!”

Dory turned around to help Mel achieve balance on the small flat area available for them both to stand on.

“Well; yeah!” answered Mel; starting to laugh and shriek as she lowered herself to a safe place to sit, “We’re probably now; what, like twenty-eight thousand feet high?”

They giggled for a time; their laughter ringing in sputters and snorts, before they eventually calmed down and resumed quietly staring out across the top of the country.

“Is this when I’m supposed to start being hungry?” Mel asked, “Because I am. Are your eye balls pulsing? My eye balls are pulsing. God, I’m so loud inside my head. We need music. We need food and music.”

“Sing for us then.” Dory suggested, she too now sitting.

“No. I’m too shy. It’s too cold.”

“Okay, I’ll singThen.”

“Please don’t. You suck.”

“Well happy fucking birthday to you too.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know. You want to go somewhere else?

“Like back to July? Sure. Soon. But please, don’t make me go near any people.”

“That’s cool. I have just the place.”

Ten miles later and at an elevation of seven thousand feet, Dory parked her car at the foot of Old Falls Trail. She’d made one stop, at a gas station, where she re-field and bought them birthday munchies and sodas. Dory packed everything in her book bag as Mel closed the passenger door behind her. Just beyond the car was posted a sign that read:

“Hikers beware of mountain lions crossing the trail?” said Mel, “Seriously?”

Familiar with the sign, Dory glanced at it quickly, and then shrugged as she approached Mel. regarding her, she answered:

“We’ll find really struggle hiking sticks, I guess. Whatever you do, if you see one; don’t crouch or anything. Just stay standing and make a lot of noise. That way, it’ll think twice about messing with us because we’ll seem less like targets.”

“Less like targets,” Mel repeated, “Uh huh. And how had you come upon this knowledge?”

Dory considered Mel, scowled, and then wagged her head.

“All those years of Girl Scouts,” she said, “And you don’t know shit.”

“Really? Hello, I can build a fire.”

“Yeah, but can you field dress a squirrel to spit roast over it?”

“Ew, no! That’s gross. Besides; Mrs. Reba never showed us that.”

“That’s right, because Mrs. Reba told us that all good wives should have a good fire built up by the time their men came home with the meat. Come on now Mel. We’ll be safe.”

With that, Dory Hidged her backpack higher onto her right shoulder, and then set off down the trail. Mel kept pace, her eyes searching between trees and low lying brush for prowling mountain lions. Five hundred or so yards in, Dory found a decent hiking stick for Mel, and then found another for herself a dozen yards further along the path. Eventually, Mel had stopped worrying, and admired the foliage around her and the vistas beyond the immediate trees and brush. Another quarter mile along the trail, Dory stopped to fish through her pack and withdraw a lunch of corn chips and orange soda.

Arriving by the bend of a babbling stream, they sat and party of their processed repast. Suddenly, there was a rustling behind a Nearby tree. Mel shuddered, turned towards the sound’s direction and sat frozen to her spot. Dory got to her feet, and was about to lift Mel by the arm when she saw a chipmunk slowly poke it’s head from around the base of the tree.

Mel told with relief as Dory sat back down, and then tossed the little creativity a corn chip. Quickly, he scooped it up, sat on his haunches by the tree, and proceeded to gnaw away at his price. Dory remarked at his little paws and how he gripped the chip like a little man. His meal devoured, the chipmunk lingered expectedly.

Mel withdraw another from the bag, and extended it to the handsome little rodent. Wearily, it eyed Dory as he side stepped his way closer to Mel. The sheer laughter the sight would have produced would have frightened the little thing away if they each hadn’t been so transfixed by its behavior. The chipmunk casually strode its way to Mel’s hand, plucked the chip from her grap, and then remained by her side, contentedly munching away as it kept its eyes on Dory.

“Un-be-fucking-lievable.” Dory Remarked as they passed their second joint between them further up the trail, “And then, when the second one came out and they both just sat there eating corn chips out of your hand; you’re like the fucking…chipmunk whisperer dude. Stop smiling. You’re gonna’ break your face.”

Mel suddenly began to laugh and cought smoke from her mouth and nostrils.

“I am so fucking wrecked.” admitted Mel after regaining her breath, “How long will it take to come down from this stuff anyway?”

“Why?” You got a curfew Cinderella?”

“No shit head. I just want the paranoia to go away.”

“I don’t know. Give it a couple hours. It’ll go away. Then, when you’re feeling safe and secure, the libido kick will settle in.”


“And; you’ll have to rub yourself off a good one or find somebody you want to fuck.”

“Really? So who have you been fucking?”

“No one. I mean, out of the crowd I smoke with, no one’s worth the effort. Besides, it’s nice enough by yourself. You’ll see.”

Mel instantly blushed. Dory took back the joint and looked away before taking her next drag. Wrapping her pot added head around the word crowd, Mel thought of the ambiguity of pronouns; crowds, clicks, full of he and she, him and her, the genders of significant friends disguised with the drop of a consonant to the masculine. In case you didn’t notice Doreen; I’m a stage two lesbian, she mused. Here I am, in my closet, being honest with myself, a single yellow lightbulb shining over my head as I look down at the boxes of shoes around my feet, wishing that I could just slip into a comfortable pair of gay and pride and walk right out of here. God Dory, it would be so nice just to kiss you.

Mel turned away, and then began to advance up the trail. Two steps, four steps, six, seven, and then smack: came Dory’s open hand against her ass.

“Ow you bitch!” Mel screeched; laughing, rubbing her butt, “What the Hell was that for!?!”

“Birthday beat.” Dory answered as she smoothed the last bit of the joint under her shoes, “Come on now. Take it like a woman.”

“No.” Mel quietly refused.

“Yes.” Answered Dory, imperious.

Mel brushed her hair back as she searched Dory’s expression. Dory leveled her gaze, confident, their look daring to be defied. Presently, Mel turned her back again.

“Bend over.” Dory whispered, insisting.

Mel briefly looked over her shoulder, and then brought her hands down to her knees. Two: slap; linger. Three: smack; brush some dust off. Four, five, six: more of the same, the woods’ silence echoing, Mel clearing her throat. Ouch! A little harder by ten. Dory paused, stepped around: eleven, twelve; somebody seems to be meaning some business, Mel thought. Fifteen, sixteen; oh I do believe that was a care. If she doesn’t kiss me when this is over, she is going to be in big trouble. Eightteen, nineteen, and one more for good luck.

“What made you think that was okay?” asked Mel as she turned back around and rubbed her left buttock.

“You.” Dory answered, “Why? What are you going to do about it?”

Mel was thinking back on their first kiss, it’s long awaited commencement, its gentleness and sheer magnitude as she walked side by side with Dory along the path they’d picked up behind The Second Cup’s rear parking lot. She was hyper aware of the feeling in her gloved hand, the hand that swung close by Dory’s swinging hand; her open palm tingling with the electric animal impulses that radiated from her very core. Mel looked around; peering into the windows of houses and parked cars, wanting to just remove her glove and interlace her naked fingers with Dory’s.

“So,” said Dory; breaking the silence, “How was your day?”

“My half day?” answered Mel; her eyes still scanning the immediate area, “Oh it was fine; just more of the same. I mean, you know Leanne is cute as all get out, but man; she just looks at me when I’m trying to reinforce the lesson with this expression that says: Are you kidding me? I’m not capable of understanding this! And so like I try to ask the Sped teacher to do her job, and level the stuff for her, you know, so she can experience some success, but she just ignores me. I don’t know. I’m just going to start doing it myself.”

“You should.”

“I will. The coast is clear now. Can I hold your hand?”


“Nope. Not yet.”

Abruptly, Dory dashed away. Mel gasped, and then bolted aFer her. Dory bounded ahead, nearly slipping twice, but still putting some distance. Slowed by the weight of her backpack, Mel wasn’t gaining much ground at all. A moment more and Dory was out of sight. She’d ran around the small cluster of Aspens that marked the beginning of the woodland trail that rounded the north side of their neighborhood. Mel arrived at the spot, stopped, tried to calm her breathing, and scanned the path. Normally, it was pocked with the prints of raccoon, skunk, deer and dog tracks. But, a fresh six inches of snow covered it all. Seeing no sign of Dory’s tracks, she scowled.

Turning around, Mel finally saw her, poised ten or so feet away, the snowball she’d just launched not registering until it knocked the knitted cap from her head. Gasping again like an affronted nanny, Mel dropped down to scop up some snow. Once back to standing, she took another to the neck. Startled, suddenly cold with the snow falling into her shirt, she yelped before firing her reTurn shot. Dory dodged it easily. Mel dropped her backpack, gathered up another handful of snow before sprinting across the trail. Dory glanced at the hill rolling down behind her before turning back around to see Mel start her dive. Trapped, she took the wad of snow Mel had thrown at her chest in midflight, and then crouched for the tackle. Screeching, Mel crashed into her. Clutching at each other, hooting with laughter, They tumbled down the hill.


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