Chapter 2: Whip of Fire — Fire and Ice!
Tears still filled the youths eyes and his face was still wet as he sobbed focused now, shaking his head in some distress as if he hoped to be able to just will his pain away.
Although he’d turned 18 he looked to be about 15 or 16 years, blond, tall and, very long-legged
He stood in a corner of the room Now, dressed only in long white knee socks and very tight, pastel blue and girl’s style frilly tennis panties.
Across the room crumpled on the floor over his work-boots was the rest of his gardening uniform from that day, a gray sweatshirt and some extremely short blue denim shorts.
His very long legs were now spread about 4 feet apart, held straight, and wide by ropes at his knees and his heels.
He had been left standing like this for about an hour after Sarah had walked away from him.
The wrists had been cuffed behind his back and his elbows cinched painfully close by his bonds.
His blond head was bowed and he was now quietly sobbing and moaning.
He was gagged firmly with an inflatable ball gag that was locked around his head and drool was flowing out of his mouth mixing with tears falling down his cheeks.
He is a slave-boy, a toy for the ladies of the house.
The young slave was being punished for being caught with his socks down inside the house without permission and for having been caught where he had no right to be and doing things that mere little slave or toy had no right to do.
His long and, fair bangs and, his delicate features gave an almost girl appearance which was reinforced by the fact that he was completely shacked and denuded of all body hair anywhere below his eyes. His smooth skin was made shiny by the light sheen of sweat that clung to him
Sarah had found him in Helen’s study looking through papers, and after she had well thrashed his slender thighs with the Brazilian stinger she had later made him strip down to just panties and socks, then bound him and made him then stand in the corner.
Then she had left him to stew in his misery.
She wanted him to really feel and appreciate the savage and respectlessly growing burn from the thigh stinger, and she knew it would intensify over the next few hours.
The long thighs were covered and criss-crossed all over, front and back, with very painful looking welts.
The welfares had been throbbing and hurting terribly on the boy’s legs and they were still blazing deeply now, some 2 hours after his whipping, worse than ever.
They would still continue to burn, slowly becoming even worse and ever more painful over the next few hours, before the intense pain in them might eventually ease, if he was lucky, some 5 or 6 hours after his whipping.
Such was the power of the “thigh stingers” the thin crops called by Brazilian’s in Portuguese
“Chicotes do fogo” – or “Whips of fire”.
The stinger firewhip is a fearsome implement indeed and right now, the fires in both thighs were still burning even more fiercely than ever, but with his hands and elbows cuffed behind him and his legs held wide apart, and straight he could now only move from his waist up.
The ever-increasing pains were making him understand and squirm in terrible age and he was twisting this way and that almost bowing forward then backward and straightening in ever more desperate circles of age.
His plaintive while and keening would sometimes give way to muffled, futile shouts and screams into his gag.
He knew from painful experience that the ageing pain, terrible as it was, would inexorably, get still worse for maybe another 3 hours or so. That knowledge, caused him miserable despair as fresh tears poured down his cheeses.
This however was not his only problem right now.
The click, click, click of siletto heels told him that Sarah was now coming back down the hall.
She had left him to check on his work and as she had walked out, he had dared to hope that she would leave at least him alone for a while.
As he focused through watery eyes he saw her come into the room again, and he saw through his tears that she had brought her “toy bag” some canes and also the stinger.
It was not over!
Tears of absolute despair were now added to his tears of pain and, overflowing from his eyes, they poured and rolled down his young face splashing on the floor.
He really hated crying like this whenever Sarah punished him because he did not like her to have the pleasure of seeing him break, but unfortunately, she always saw this as a challenge and she loved challenges. They both knew that eventually the youth would always end up crying like this, like a little bitch much to Sarah’s own great amusement, satisfaction and delight.
For now though, Sarah just smiled and strutted over to stand in front of him. Then dropping the bag beside her she placed her hands on her hips coldly considered him with a callous smile.
She saw his mounting fear and the pain in his eyes and then laughed out loud.
Speaking to him as if he was an innocent she started taunting him.
“Awww poor little cry-baby … Hurts doesn’t it? Feeling the burn, bitch?” she mocked him.
“Has beastly Sarah was hurting the poor little slave’s sexy legs for him? Mmmm?”
He glared at her through his bangs, his green eyes blazing in brief, futile anger and hatred then fresh tears of hopelessness flooded them and he sobbed into his gag.
Relishing the young man’s misery and almost complete devastation she smiled and licked her lips “My, my…, those juicy thighs certainly do look awfully sore and painful right now… but don’t worry you little slut…the best is yet to come and in a couple of hours or so they’re really going to smart and sting even worse.”
Knowing the truth of these words the slave then keened pinously into his gag as he looked at her.
“I hopeby then boy that you will have learned your lesson and be more obedient.? Well, slut?”
He nodded furiously,
“Because if not…my leggy little slave-boy, things are going to get hmmmm… lets just say, quite unpleasant for you.”
He twisted as a new wave of age burnt into him, but Sarah ignored him and reached forward then pinched and started playing casually first with his left nipple, then his right.
She rubbed them in her fingers bringing them both to stiff attention as she calmly spoke to him.
“Now then, to business… I was told by Sue that most of your chores were done satisfied today which is good for you.”
As a small hint of relief flooded his face she smiled and brushed back his bangs from his eyes so she could look directly into them.
“However” she continued pulling off first one then the other of her elbow-length black gloves, “I found a garden rake still outside and not put away?”
Squirming still from the terrible painsin his thighs and now her comments and its meanings
he desperately tried to remain still but he knew it was hopeless.
He had been unable to put it away, because since he had been caught inside the house he had not had a chance and now the import for him of Sarah’s words sunk in …. more punishment just ahead!
He keened and waited then for mercy but of course, his gag caused his words to be unintelligible. They would have been futile anyway.
Not taking her own eyes off his, she bent slightly and took her hands and almost casually clawed and scratched in a long sweep with her fingernails right up the fronts and sides of both his welded and sore tights from just above his knees to his panties.
He almost fainted from the sheer pain and agony of this long, slowly leisurely scratch, but Still conscious and just screamed, yelling at the top of his lungs, and bellowing into his gag.
He could only understand again from the wait up since he was securely and firmly held in his bondage.
He tried to buck and twist, screaming all the while as the pain of his welts were intensified by her cruel hands.
She laughed at his intensity reaction and reached for his panties then yanked them down in front a little and partially over his still burning thighs, revealing his shacked and swollen balls and tortured cock in its KTB restrainer.
As she stood back up, she casually pulled on her long gloves again, smiling at him and talking in a matter-of-fact way.
“So I have decided to help you remember things like to always clear up after yourself.”
She reached down then into her toybag behind her and produced a pair of her most dangerous nipple clamps. He was still screaming as she held them up in front of him, opening and closing them, making them snap shut in loud snaps. They looked, and he knew From experience, that they were quite agonising nipple clamps. They were joined together by a thin but strong gold chain.
Seeing the newgrowing fear in his eyes, and ignoring his panic she clipped first one then the other one onto his erect nipples.
He screamed into his gag again then tried to twist them off as Sarah was putting them on him.
“Keep still boy” she said firmly “unless you want another dose of the stinger on your swollen balls!”
The clamps bit severely and painfully, all he could do was bawl, and squall howling into his gag as she calmly let each one snap shut.
Stepping back she once again stood with her hands on her hips smiling as she watched him understand and bawl, then she reached and twisted them making him scream and bawl even more into his gag, shaking his head frantically and try to get away from her cruel hands.
The bonds held him securely within reach however, and he just whimpered then screamed then whimpered some more.
Sarah just considered him cruelly as she pulled and slapped the clamps with her fingers, giggling at his distress.
“Awww. Does it hurt, slave? Do they make that worthless cock throb when I twist your tits like this? … does it?”
He nodded madly, hardly able to think and hear her laugh out loud as she released her hands and squatted down in front of him pulling her toy bag to her again: ‘GOOD!”
At last the pain in his chest eased just a fraction, even while the ever-increasing burn in his thighs continued to grow and get worse, but he calmed down a little and just wept.
She then stood up and grabbed a handful of his hair, wrenching his head back so she could look into his eyes and his soul as she added loudly and spitefully: “Because boy, when they eventually come off it’s gonna hurt even worse!”
She then slapped his face very hard twice, left and right, before pushing his head away as she let go contemptuously, before squatting down again between his legs.
Carefully examining his swollen and blues balls and the almost throbbing and tortured young cock in its cage she reached up and said tohim
“These little plums are needing a squeeze boy?”
Without waiting, she cupped and twisted them a little, massaging them in her gloved hand as he shook and shuddered in helpless age.
His teenage cock which was even now reacting to the pain in his thighs twitched and pulsed and leaked.
He was unable to cum but a clear stream of viscous fluid started to bead on its head and drop to the floor in long beads and streaming urgency.
“Ah!” she snapped, “I see you have not been fully trained by us yet to keep your filter within you, and your cream in your balls.”
Still struggling his smooth balls she scolded him “Look at this pre-cum, you naughty boy! Ewww how disgusting! Let me get something to catch it in…” and she pulled from her bag a large bowl which she then placed on the floor under his helplessly streaming cock. He was powerless to stop from leaking into the bowl all his steady frustration, as Sarah kept squeezing his young hairless balls.
Without any goal she said: “Stop this youthful lust! How dare you leak! Stop it NOW!” — knowing full well that he could not.
Stroking his balls then with one hand she started wiping the top of his cock-head with the other.
She teased his cock and his throbbing balls in her PVC-gloved hands till his cock grow even more and seemed about to almost burst the restrainer encircling it. Then he yelped out and started shaking and squealing again as the teeth for which the Kali-teeth-bracelet is named did their job.
Of course the wretched boy could do nothing now but shake, squeal and bawl fresh tears leaking uncontrollably as Sarah continued to both tease him mercilessly even while she scolded him.
By now the burn in the boy’s long thighs too was increasing unbearably and every minute was getting worse.
The burning caused him, just to leak his frustration ever more copiously, into the bowl between his feet.
Pausing for a moment to watch this lewd display she rEach behind her and drew from the bag a small bottle, and smiling sweetly up at his distraught face, she poured some reddish liquid into her gloved palms and immediately started gently massaging it into his balls.
“This will help you stop this dirty display I think” she smiled, and at once from the smell of the red liquid and the sting now starting to cover his tortured balls he realized exactly what it was.
Bucking his hips frantically he recognized the sing of Tabasco hot sauce and wept even more as he felt his ball sac beginning to boil.
It was now time to refine the youth’s bondage.
Standing up, Sarah took the chain from his nipple clamps and tugged it making him wince and, to satisfy herself they would not come off. The boy fell half forwards as she tugged them to her and clipped a longer rope to it. Then she tugged them forward and forced him to double over downwards towards the ground making him bow in a wide, straight-legged Stance.
Then she tied the other end of it to a floor bolt, thus holding him bent double, legs wide apart and unable to bend his knees still but held by his nipples pulled to the floor.
Next she took his cinched elbows behind him and again pulled them up and off his back with more rope forcing his head down even further.
Stepping up over him she passed this rope through a ceiling bar and tugged the end till he was completely bent double.
As she tied it off she stepped back to look at and admire her own work.
Now the youth was bent over at his waist sobbing and whining with his head forced down both in front by the fearsome nipple clamps, and by virtue of having his arms wronged up behind him.
He could not bend his knees and his long and now very sore legs were still held apart, so he was almost forced onto his tip toes with his head down.
The nipple clamps tugged and stung at his nipples painfully and the boy’s ball sac was almost purple from the blue of prolonged frusTration mixed with the hot red of Tabasco sauce that cruelly coated and burned it. Inside his restrainer his young cock was by turn swelling helplessly from his pains and then shrinking again from the bite of the teeth around it.
Sarah had moved the bowl again so that it lay directly beneath the youngster’s still streaming but confined and bucking cock and the bottom of it was already full of his need.
His straining thighs were really burning now much worse than ever and the welfares were throbbing and hurting him mercilessly, causing him to wail pinously and to leak ever more hopelessly into the bowl.
As she stood beside the tortured boy, Sarah smiled at her own innovativeness and luxury in the boy’s multiple and growing torques.
Speaking to him as she walked around him, she then said in false mocking deep thought: “Hmmmm, something’s missing but I can’t quite place it.”
She walked around him and continued: “How’s it feel to be a worthless chit of a slave? Did you think I was done with you? Oh no boy, I have been planning this day for a long time and I am not finished with you yet… oh no, boy. Not by a long way.”
As he heard this he could see his cock beneath him leaking and throbbing in desperate need and he could see her high-heeled PVC tighboots walking around him. He heard her go out into the kitchen and almost immediately return and walk behind him.
Then he felt her gloved hands at his buns. Even in his misery he knew from the very coldness what was coming and he tried to wriggle but the nipple clamps held him and tortured him. His shoulders ached and his thighs were on fire. His balls were burning as if held over a flame and his trembling thighs shuddered and sizzled almost audiobly in their hot and firey age that was still mercilessly singing him.
Sarah was behind him and all at once a new sensing violent his young body and mind — ICE!
She had prepared an ice dildo for him and even now as he felt the pains wrap his thighs, nipples and balls, there was a cold dildo being pushed up into his ass.
His screams were drowned out by Sarah’s laughter as she slowly pushed the invasive and freezing false cock first slightly in, then deeper and deeper.
She heard him moaning in extreme age then and loved it!
“There boy…take it all… all 10 inches of cold cock!” she giggled, adding: “You know you want it!”
He felt its deep passage over his prostrate till it then stopped and frozen there filling him, invading him, taking him, its ice playing off against the fires that burned all over him.
He almost could not take any more as he heard Sarah says to him: “There, there… that can stay there …And now slut it’s time for me to do something about these cute, round, so far untouched, saucy little buns!”
As she said those words he heard again a swishing sound of the stinger whip and then a blaze of new fire across his buttocks
“That’s ONE boy! Only99 to go!”
To be continued…
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