The Bracelet Ch. 01

Chapter 1: Whip of Fire

There had been a February windstorm the previous night and it had left a lot of debris and fallen leaves in its wake, scattered across the otherwise impossible gardens so before she left for work early that morning, Ms Helen wrote her instructions to her young toy-boy and gave it to Sue.

He was to clean up the place.

The forecast was bright and dry but Very cold and Sue already had laid out his clothes for the day. He had absolutely no options or choices about what he was allowed to wear any more.

Self-pity swept over him when he saw the humiliating little outfit and realized the many choices he had lost or given up. He half-wished he still had those options now in his life.

Not just the brief little outfits and uniforms he always now had to wear, but he also wanted to sometimes be able to choose when he could eat or drink, and what. Choose when he was to be put to bed or even allowed to use the toilet.

Often these days he did not want to spend the entire night suffering and squirming in bondage.

However, he really wished for two things above everything else.

First, that he did not have to always obey and submit to the other Mistresses and especially Ms Sarah, Helen’s bi lover, who seemed increasingly these days to really enjoy making his entire life thoroughly miserable.

The other thing he always achingly wished for was merciful liberation from his KTB restrainer chatity device. Not just the temporary releases that only preceded cleaning or their relentlessly severe teasing and denial, only to have himself tormented by them to tearful age before having it ruthlessly imprisoned by them again

Unfortunately there was no way that any of his wishes were likely to be granted.

The Ladies were not about to let up on him, quite the opposite in fact and as he started putting on his hated uniform he realized and remembered why he did all these things.

Putting aside hisown deep masochistic nature, he first obeyed and suffered because it made Helen happy that he should. He was her slave.

His desire and feelings did not matter compared to this single fact.

She owned him and she knew him better than he knew himself. She “completed” him and absent from her approval, or his ability to give her pleasure, he was worthless, a nothing. He trusted her and really knew that Everything was after all, done for his own good. He loved her.

As he put on the uniform Sue who was watching him, took the notes from Helen and read it to him:

“My sweet little slave-boy, Today while I am at my office”, it began, and he almost swooned in pleasure as he heard the first words from his Mistress. She was still referring him to “my…slave-boy” so she still wanted him, owned him.

It then listed the various jobs His Mistress wanted done around the yard.

“…also rake all the leaves from around the house today and cut the fallen trees into firewood…”

Trying to forget his own troubles but listening to Sue read to him, he started as quickly as he could putting on his gardening uniform. First the white socks and then pulling the light blue little panties up his very long legs, gingerly arranging his still painfully restrained cock within them. He continued listening as Sue continued to read.

“Make sure boy that the wood is properly stacked in the barn… I have asked both Sue and Sarah to inspect you regularly and supervise you in your chores so you had better be a good little slave-boy. You know that they have my permission and request to punish you very seriously anytime today if or when they may feel that you need it.”

The boy pulled on the grey sweat-shirt and the hated very tight and ultra short denim shorts. He realized again as he pulled They up just how exposed and naked in the cold his long thighs were. As he laced up his work-boots he heard Sue read

“Immediately after lunch you will change into schoolgirl kit #6. Then at 2pm you will report to Sarah for instruction. She ‘has you’ today for the 8 hours until 10pm when I get home… and then my leggy little slut, She and I will have some little surprises for you.

So you better be good and behave.”

As Sue finished reading Helen’s instructions, she looked up and saw the trembling teenager just finishing doing up his bootlaces.

She smiled as he stood up then to attention with his hands clapped on his head for inspection and she walked around him inspecting him, making sure his socks were not wrinkled and his shorts were perfectly aligned. Everything seemed ok to her this time and stopping beside him she just said “OK boy… I think you’re ready” then she playedfully slapped his saucy round buttocks and added.


“Yes ma’am” he answered as he ran out the door.

Later as he labored at each task, the boy had to keep one anxious eye on the path lest Sue, or, Sarah, might come out to inspect his work or even worse, to “play”.

As he completed most chores though, he realized that he was being left alone.

Sue had left in her car and he had not seen Ms Sarah all day.

Maybe the day won’t be so bad after all he thought.

Later, as he raked up leaves he noticed something shiny on the side of the flower bed,

half-hidden by the rose bushes. Glancing around to make sure he still wasn’t being watched he quickly bent down and picked it up.

It was a ladies bracelet, apparently silver, with the name “SARAH” engraved on it.

Sarah’s bracelet! The very one no doubt she had been storming all over the house looking for these last few days. The same bracelet no doubt, that she had said was so valuable to her, and she seemed so dreadfully upset about losing.

She must have had dropped it he thought when she had exited her car last week in such a worry to run inside the house and answer the phone.

Wow, he thought, what a cool find!

The youth really may have hated Sarah especially because she was always so mean to him.

Yet, strangely somewhere deep in his masochistic psyche he really did not hate her but actually respected her, and oddly for the same reason. The only thing for sure, was that he was very confused about her. She was certainly a hot looking young lady and was she ever aware that she had some strange power over him? She also He knew just how to use it.

Sarah was always merciless in her cruelty, as if they both understand that he, in his deepest soul knew it was what he really craved and needed, even if he would never admit it even to her.

She certainly enjoyed humiliating him in front of her friends usually by making him wear those brief little schoolgirl outfits, and then she would spend hours tormenting and torturing him. He also really disliked the way she would set him up with Helen and conspire with others against him before encouraging Helen to viciously punish while she just watched and giggled as his tears flowed.

He often felt that Sarah despised him just because he reminded her of her kid brother, with whom she still had very serious issues.

For his part he tolerated her spite and submitted to her whims because that was what his true Mistress, Helen always demanded of him.

By submitting to Sarah, he was in his mind still submitting to Ms Helen

It always was Ms Helen’s rules he lived under, but what he hated most about Sarah was the fact that she could take Helen’s attention so easily away from him.

Now he had something in his hands that he knew Sarah would really want back, and he thought about the ‘power’ he felt he now had. What if I just trashed it? Yeah! That would teach her he mused.

Then he realized that she could not Know he had ever found it and his euphoria died. Where was the fun if she didn’t even know it was he who had “fixed” her.

Like many youngsters his age, the 18-year-old sometimes believed he wasJust so very smart. So clever.

Currently, too, he harbored a deep grudge against Sarah because of something she had done to him recently, and the way she had done it. She had caused a lot of trouble for him just a few days ago and he still felt sore and bitter about the whole affairs.

Anyway the boy honestly believed that he was smart enough to outwit her, or so he thought. She might never Know that he had found it, but he would. That idea warmed his heart as he recalled just how hard she had caned him in front of the others and really humiliated him in front of her friends last week at her pool party.

He winced as he now recalled the event.

She knew that he could not help spilling her friends drink when Sarah stubbed out that cigarette on him. She didn’t have to yank down my Speedo swimming briefs to cane my bare buns just to prove to her girl friends that she could make a boy cry like a baby. And… he thought… still angry as he remembered the details… shedidn’t have to report to Ms Helen that I had sworn at her guests. For that, I got that mouth soaping from Helen and a second caning later again by Ms Helen herself and the 3000 wrist aching lines of childish apology I had to write.

Well, now he had something Sarah wanted! The bracelet from her mom! He recalled how upset she had seemed about losing it. Oh yes, he heard that she’d even almost accused Sue, or even Mistress Helen herself of stealing it!

Hell, that means bitch Sarah, only a few years older than me and yet she was always smacking him about, and treating me like I am just a kid.

As he mused like this he suddenly remembered that Sarah was to “have him” again this very afternoon, per his instructions from Ms. Helen

He thought Helen just gave him to Sarah like that for so many hours as if he was only a toy to her to play with and discard or give away when she felt like it.

But Sarah would “have him” this very day and he knew she’d keep him dressed like some leggy little schoolgirl slut while he would have to submit to her for at least 8 hours. The thought was not pleasant for him. In his soul however he knew that Sarah would never really “have him” in the deeper sense. She may use him and abuse him but his soul still belonged to Ms Helen.

Sarah? Have him? Own him?

No! He knew just who really would have him, who owned him, and it wasn’t Sarah.

He would let Sarah do things to him because Ms. Helen had already made that choice and decision for him, and ordered it, but he really still hated and feared submitting to the cruel young woman.

As he quickly re-examined the bracelet he thought to himself that it was just a shame that Miss Sarah had Ms Helen’s ear right now.

All these thoughts filled His young head for a brief moment but then all at once he realized that he had better return it. In case there might be trouble later. One never knew. Besides, he was an honest kid, and as much as he may have hatedto, he knew he should do the right thing and give it back. Yes, He would go and return it now to the witch herself, Sarah.

Who knows, he thought, as he walked back towards the house, maybe she might even ease up on me later for finding it.

As he mused and started up the driveway, he was unaware that he was actually being carefully watched. From behind a curtained upstairs window, the watcher now smiled cruelly.

Going into the hallway of the house the young slave called out in a searching voice: “Mistress Sarah? Ma’am? Hello! I just found this for you… …helloo! Where are you Ma’am? Miss Sarah?”

The house was very big and it remained silent as he went into the study still searching for someone, anyone he could give the found bracelet to.

He knew he was not supposed to even be inside the house at this time of day, and he was anxious to just give it to hand it over and get back out.

He was in Helen’s study and noticed his name and photo on some papers on the desk.

Evidently, Mistress Helen had been communicating with someone named “Rick” recently on the Internet and his name had been mentioned.

Absent-mindedly he put the bracelet in the pocket of his tiny denim shorts as he picked up the paper and started to read it.

He was not supposed to be in the house or the study and certainly not reading his Mistress’s private writings.

He felt a twinge of jealousy as he read some comments written there to an older man about his own youth, and inexperience and he did not notice the door behind him, opening slowly.

All at once he heard a loud female voice startle him. He spun around and saw a gorgeous woman standing in the door staring at him. At first, he did not know her. Then she strutted across the room towards him and the boy’s jaw almost hit the floor in shock and his eyes bulged out of his head. He recognized her. Sarah!

It was not just that she had certainly surprised him. It was her appearance. What she was wearing shocked and stunned him. She was quite literally dressed to kill.

Her very blonde hair was tied up in a severe bun, and she was dressed in a tight PVC mini dress. It was black, and shiny it almost looked wet.

Reaching from her neck to about 6 inches above her knees, the dress was sleepless and really contrasted with her very fair but lightly bronzed golden skin. Her arms would have been bare but for the fact that she was also wearing very long black PVC gloves that reached up past her elbows.

Her legs were clad in long and highly polished Black PVC boots that ended half way up her thighs about an inch below the hem of the dress. She looked taller, almost as tall as him, and he realized that the boots had very thin 6 inch siletto heels.

They clicked loudly over the wooden floor as she strode into the room. She looked to the boy like a fetishist’s wet dream. Every inch of her exposed dominance and the boy did not know what to say or do as he tried to organize his thoughts and recover from the double shock of being caught in the study and Sarah dressed like that.

“Just what the hell, slut, do you think you are doing in here?”

“I… I… I… I’m… sorry m…mistress, but…I…” he stuttered

She cut him off mid sentence.

“SILENCE BOY!” She shouted, “Position 2! HERE! THIS INSTANT!”

He was, he realized now, in a trap. There could only be one outcome. “Oh God” he thought, “what have I done?”

He ran to the middle of the room quickly then put his hands behind his back, each hand gripping the opposite wrist and putting his feet about 3 feet apart. He could now only look nervously straight ahead hoping it might end soon as she started circulation him, almost like a cat stalking a mouse, her heels clicking loudly on the floor.

He started again trying to explain… “Miss…I…I…I … f… f… found…”,

All at once she stepped in front of him and using her right gloved hand she cut himoff with a vicious slap to his face that left his head spinning and his left cheek feeling swollen and red.

“I said SILENCE BOY!” she shouted at him slapping his other cheek again with a backhanded sweep of the same hand.

He almost lost his balance but managed to recover just in time to keep position. Anxiously biting his lower lip now he thought he tasted a little blood.

“Now then my little bitchboy, just exactly what, were you doing in here reading Ms Helen’s personal papers?”

The questions now were purely rhetorical and did not require an answer from him. Now he wanted so badly to tell her about how he had found her bracelet and was returning it etc. but he could not speak.

The command was “SILENCE!” and from that moment on the ONLY words allowed out of the boy’s mouth until released from discipline were “Yes miss”, “No miss”, or “yes ma’am”, “No ma’am” and even those words were allowed ONLY when asked a direct question.

ALL other words from nowon were forbidden and would be punished.

He could nod or shake his head, whine, sob, whimper or grunt, weep and cry, scream etc if he must but no other words were allowed.

It was the rule. Any other words from him after “SILENCE!” would be futile and only earn him additional discipline and pain.

Sarah’s mouth curled into a cruel smile as she saw the rapidly growing terror and nervousness in the youth’s face. He knew he was trapped. They both knew it. There could now be only one outcome. Helen’s little toy-boy had been very naughty and he must be punished.

For a few minutes then, the only noise in the room was the loud clicking, of siletto heels on the poisoned wooden floor as Sarah slowly walked to Helen’s desk She turned and glared coldly at him. Licking her lips, she noticed that his very long and hairless young legs were obviously quivering. How she loved seeing all the anxious fears now growing within him and reflected in his large terrified eyes.

NotTaking her own eyes off his she slowly opened a top drawer of the desk, then smiled cruelly as she slowly took from it, a vicious looking leather switch. Almost a riding crop, the Mistresses called these particular whips their little ‘thigh stingers’ or ‘leg warmers’ and they were truly fearsome and aptly named implements of correction.

About 20 inches long and extremely supplement, they did no real long-term physical damage but they would always hot juicy welts for 2 or 3 days as a reminder and a warning..

On impact they hurt quite dreadfully but their sting would then fiendishly somehow grow even worse, burning painfully deep on him for many, many hours.

Originally from Brazil, they not only would sting on impact like all whips, but their unique property was that the pain, rather than then fading over a few hours would instead immediately and firecely grow exponentially over the next 4 or 5 hours, burning into his nerve endings and spreading like a fire into his young flesh.

The scorching sensing would grow and fade in mounting waves getting worse and worse by the hour until about 4 hours after impact when the pain would then throb and sizzle constantly for about one hour.

This final and delayed blazing age from each strike has been liked to a blow-torch held close to the skin and swept back and forth.

Certainly these nasty little implements truly lived up to their Portuguese nickname –“Chicotes do fogo” meaning and translated literally as “Fire whips “

Sarah now flexed the formidable weapon in her hands making sure that the boy saw her. She was staring at his naked legs below his shorts and licking her lips. He knew very well, that all the Mistresses loved using these formidable whips, especially on his always exposed and vulnerable long thighs.

Inside his little shorts and panties his cock urgently throbbed again and tried to erect, but almost at once the teeth of his restrainer bit savagely into his flesh and made him whimper focused and squirming as he strove to maintain his position.

Sarah guessed what was happening as he whimpered softly and smiled. She felt especially powerful that she was causing him some misery by her manner and appearance. She was becoming aroused by his obvious distress herself as she smiled coldly then walked back towards him, lightly tapping the dreaded crop in her gloved palm.

Between her tighs, her own excitement had started leaking into her panties. She loved the feeling. She Loved the Power.

Then she stood in front of him flexing the whip and started swishing it through the air again and again making it whistle and letting him see exactly how supplies it was. She wanted him to anticipate now and think about how it was going to feel a few hours after she had thrashed him.

As he watched her, once again the boy twisted and almost sobbed in his age and need when his cock tried to erect again but was punished fiercely by the sharp teeth inside his restrainer. With his hands still claped behind his back his hips involuntarily now jerked back and forth a few times helpfully and most provocatively as his legs trembled.

Sarah just pressed the very tip of the whip firmly into his young thighs just below the hem of his tiny shorts.

She smiled again as she saw him wince and his leg muscles quivering almost uncontrollably in anxiety fear.


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