The Boyfriend Pt. 67

The Boyfriend Part LXVII: All That Hard Work


It took far more effort than Liam had realized to not rundown the hall to Blake’s apartment once he got to her floor. Even though Blake had texted him that the coast was clear, and Marie had left and wouldn’t be back for two days—longer than they realized they would have some time to themselves—Liam was still in a little nervous that she would just pop out behind him before he got to Blake’s room.

Still, avoiding his acts and the questions that being here would prompt was only a small part of why he wanted to race into Blake’s room.

He would finally get to see his girlfriend again. He’d seen her over video calls and spoken to her often enough, but none of that compared to being with her. To be able to touch her and smell her and see the way that her eyes sparkled as she spoke. It had been hard enough to convince himself that before he saw Blake, he needed to very thoroughly shower and make sure he looked and smelled good for her. He assumed that she would want to have sex in the shower, or at least just shower with him at some point, but he knew that probably wasn’t the first thing she would want to do. And no one felt clean after being on a plane for five hours.

He didn’t even remember being this excited to see Marie when he’d come back from summer break. He knew that they hadn’t been dating like he and Blake were, but she’d been his first anything, really. Being even more excited than he had then surprised him a bit, but he supposed that was a good thing. He should feel this eager to see Blake again. Especially since he’d felt good enough about things to ask his parents if he would be able to invite her over for spring break or on vacation with them over the summer.

That they’d said yes made him even more excited. They’d qualified that by saying that if things didn’t work out, he could invite a friend, but they’d seemed generally excited to meet her, and Liam was excited for Blake to meet his family.

He knew better than to spring this all on her immediately, especially given what she dealt with over break, but when the time was right—and he made sure that she didn’t already have anything going on over spring break—he would ask what she thought about the idea.

At the moment, though, Liam just couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again.

As he reached the door, he sent her a quick text before knocking, then smiled when he heard the faith, quick pattern of her footsteps, followed by a giggle from the other side of the door.

The door opened, and Liam yelped as he was yanked through, the door slamming shut behind him.

Liam blinked, shaking his head to reorient himself, and barely heard the click of the lock before he was pushed roughly against the wall and a moment later, grunted as Blake jumped on to him, squeezing his hips with her tighs as she captured his lips with herown.

Liam reacted instinctively deeping the kiss as he grabbed Blake’s ass, supporting her and moving his hips so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. He’d already been half hard just thinking about her on the way here, and as Blake press herself against him, nipping at his lower lip, he immediately became hardest steel.

Liam moaned into Blake’s mouth as she ground herself against him, cache even as she continued to kiss him. His head started to fog over, and thinking became hard as his body gave in to the sensing he’d waited over three weeks to feel again

Just as Liam thought he might forget how to breathe, Blake broke the kiss, pulling back. She kept her legs wrapped tight around his wait though, in her arms resting on his shoulders.

Liam met her gaze, and his cock twitched against the heat between her legs making them both breathe a little bit harder.

“Three fucking weeks,” Blake gasped, gazing at him with an inferno raging behind thedeep blue of her eyes, “three fucking weeks. That’s way too long for me to go without being able to touch you.”

Liam’s heart was racing, and there was all he could do to nod and form one word, “Agreed.”

The smile Blake gave him a warmth blowsom in Liam’s chest. One that spread through his entire body.

“My room. Now.”

Liam didn’t have to be told twice. Securing his hold on Blake even as she tightened her grip on him, burying her face in his neck and filling his knowledge with the scent of her shampoo and conditioner, he made immediately for her room and shut the door behind them, reaching around to lock it just in case.

With Blake’s head still buried against his neck, Liam had a moment to look around the room.

“Wow, I think this is the cleanest your room has ever been.”

Blake giggled against his neck, the heat of her breath sending shivers through him, “I had way too much time to myself. Glad you like it, though.”

Liam smiled at that, then looked around the room again, gaze lingering on Blake’s bed. He thought for a moment. Blake had made it very clear what she wanted—especially as she started kissing his neck—and it felt like she was wearing just a shirt, and nothing else. Maybe underwear, but he couldn’t be certain about that, either.

Instead of taking her to the bed, Liam turned towards a blank spot on one of the walls, threading a hand Through her hair as she did so, and use that to tilt her head back just enough to kiss her again as he pushed her up against the wall.

Blake gasped, then moaned as he deepened the kiss and ground against her hips.

“Oh, fuck.”

Her words were like a shot of arousal straight to his core. Liam had defeated jeans over because of the cold, and he was already painfully hard in them.

Making sure he and Blake were braced against the wall, he removed one hand from her ass and started undoing his jeans.

You need to make sure she’s OK with this, though.

He broke the kiss, and moved to her jaw, whispering between kisses as he moved up to her earlyobe, then down to her neck.

“I thought you might like this,” he said as he pushed his jeans down over his hips, “But I want to make sure you’re okay with it.”

“Oh fuck, yes,” Blake moaned as he continued to kiss her, “I might pull your hair out if you stop.”

Liam laughed as he moved the hand he’d used to undo his jeans back to Blake’s ass, then up to her hips. She was wearing underwear, unfortunately. That wouldn’t cause too much of a problem, though.

“I want to know if there’s anything else that I can do for you,” he breathed, sliding his hand under Blake’s ass and between her legs, making her moan. The fabric there was soaked.

“I want to be the best boyfriend—the best partner—that I can be for you,” he said as he moved the hand between her legs back to his own hips and pushed down his boxes, “Especially in this area.”

“You’re incredible, Liam,” she moaned, voice thick with arousal, “just do more things like this, and don’t fucking stop doing what you’re doing right now.”

Liam grind against her shoulder, nipping at the skin there and eliciting a sharp gasp from her as he adjusted his hips and reached between Blake’s legs once again. This time, he hooked his fingers under her panties and move them to the side.

“Oh, fuck,” Blake gaffed, voice catching as her nails dug into his back, “Don’t fucking tease me, Liam. I need you inside me. I’ve needed you inside me so bad every day for the past three weeks. I haven’t touched myself for the past three days because I wanted to be so ready for you that you could just—”

Blake let out a wordless gasp as Liam thrust all the way inside her in a single stroke, going as deep as he could get from this position.

Blakes gasp turned into the throaty moan, and before Liam could withdraw, her nails dug into his scalp, and he found himself gazing into her eyes, that raging infernoEven wilder than before.

“Fuck me,” she half grew half pleaded, “Fuck me like it’s the only thing you’ve wanted to do for the past three weeks and you just can’t hold back anymore.”

Liam gazed into her eyes for a moment longer, he then held his girlfriend tight as he tried his hardest to fuck her through into the wall.



Marie’s eyes practically popped out of her head as the door opened and she took in the sight of her girlfriend. Instead of the usual crop top or sweater and jeans that showed off her legs and her abs and whatever body change she was wearing, Lexi wore a tight, light gray maxi dress that hidden nothing. Marie had already been wet with the anticipation of touching her girlfriend again after so long away. She’d struggled not to look too twitchy on the train ride over.

With Lexi before her like this, though, she finally understands the saying “weak in the knees.”

The dress clung to Lexi’s body, hugging her toned legs, the curve between her waist and hips, and even outlining the lines of her abs.

It also told Marie that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath the dress. Lexi’s nipples pressed against the fabric in little tents, and between her legs…she wasn’t tucking, and Marie founded that she couldn’t get enough of the sight.


At the sound of her name, Marie blinked, shaking herself as she met Lexi’s gaze. Her girlfriend was smiling in a way that made Marie’s heart pound even faster.

“Stop just standing in the hall. Come in.”

Marie swallowed, nodding as she stepped past Lexi into her apartment. Lexi hadn’t called her “slut,” but there had been that command in her voice, that told Marie she needed to listen to everything Lexi told her. It made her blood run hot.

Fuck, she’s going to draw this out, isn’t she?

Marie suicide was confirmed as Kendra, Lexi’s roommate, turned from where she sat on the couch and smiled at Marie, waving.

She smiled back, then shot a glance at Lexi. Her girlfriend—her domme—gave nothing away.

“I don’t think you two really had a chance to meet before,” Lexi said, walking around Marie back to the couch and taking a seat. She padded the armrest next to her.

“I’ve heard all about you, though,” Kendra said, still smiling.

Taking a deep breath, Marie decided she could play Lexi’s waiting game, and stroke over to take a seat. She and Kendra had seen each other in passing before, but at least one of them had usually been in some state of undress, so they hadn’t really talked much.

They did now, talking a little bit about break, how Lexi and Kendra had met, and what they studied. The usual stuff. Kendra, it turned out was also pre-med, but with a minor in communications—to help with the networking part of things, she explained.

Just as the small talk seemed to be wearing down, Kendra exhausted herself to go to the gym, picking up her bag, and told Marie that she looked forward to seeing more of her before leaving.

Once the door closed behind her, Marie waited about five seconds before looking at Lexi.

Her domme held her gaze, expression neutral for a few seconds, then smiled.

“Kiss me.”

Marie was sure it wasn’t what Lexi had meant, but she leaves onto her girlfriend, pushing her down onto the couch as she captured her lips, first threading her hands through her hair, then running them all over her incredible body.

Lexi grunted at first, then laughed against Marie’s lips before returning the kiss.

Though Marie had been the one to initiate, Lexi was the one to break it when she threaded her fingers through Marie’s hair and use that to tilt Marie’s head back just enough to meet her gaze.

“Missed me, did you?”

Marie’s eyes widened, but before she could say anything, Lexi slide her hand down to cup Marie’s cheese, and kissed her again. Where the first one had been hungry and desperate, this one was slow, sweet.

“I missed you too. Now…out of those clothes.”

Marie blinked, looking around the apartment. The windows were open, and they weren’t big enough for anyone to see in, really, she’d never done anything with Lexi outside of their bedrooms. Not anything where their clothes came off, at least.

When Marie looked back to Lexi, she was about to ask if her girlfriend was serious, but the glint in her domme’s eyes made her remember not to.

Pushing herself up from the couch, Marie tore her clothes off as fast as she could. She had a surprise for Lexi waiting underneath, but in the middle of January, it was far too cold to wear anything suggestive or that provided easy access.

Once she stood before Lexi in the laundry she’d picked out, though, the fire in her domme’s eyes finally roared to life, and she shivered under Lexi’s gaze.

Smiling, Lexi rose from the couch to tower over Marie. Marie gaze up at her, swallowed, thenCouldn’t resist looking down for just a moment. The sight of Lexi’s hard cock tenting the maxi dress made her bite her lip.


The word slipped from her lips before she could even think to stop it, and Lexi arched an eyebrow.

“Please, what?”

Marie swallowed, then took a deep breath. The control she’d managed since getting in the shower after her flight was starting to slip. mundanity of air travel had helped distract her from the need that had been boiling in her body, but being naked and clean under the hot spray, thinking of what she would get to do with her girlfriend now that they were back in the same place, had started to make things more difficult.

“Please, don’t make me wait any longer.”

Lexi smiled, ” wait for what? Is there something you’ve been missing over the past week, slut?”

Marine moaned at the pleasure that word sent through her body, heart pounding, legs threatening to turn to Jelly. It took far too much control not to squeeze her thighs together.

“Please, Lexi. I’ve been good I haven’t touched—I haven’t touched my pussy in a week. Please.”

When Lexi Grabbed Marie’s ass and roughly pulled them together, Marie moaned again, and slumped against Lexi, clinging to her.

“Such a good girl,” Lexi whispered, breath hot on Marie’s neck, ” since you were so good for me, you’re going to get the cock you desire.”

She emphasized that by grinding her hips—her big hard, wonderful cock—against Marie’s core.

“But I wouldn’t want to ruin all that hard work you put into not touching yourself for a week. So, it’s not going anywhere near that slutty little pussy of yours.”

Eyes wide, Marie half moaned, half sobbed as Lexi smoked her ass, and she realized that while she’d had almost a month without Lexi’s wonderful cock inside her, Lexi had gone almost a month without being able to torture her the way she wanted.

A part of Marie knew that she was going to absolutely love whatever Lexi had in store for her, but the rest of her needed release, and needed it now.

Fuck, she’s gonna drive me insane.

A/N: Do you think Marie will make it through the rest of the night after a promise like that from Lexi? Do you want more of Marie meeting Kendra, or a bit more of her in general? If so, I’ll either go back and put a little more in here, or integrate that into a future chapter. Let me know!

Also, I’ve decided that speech-to-text is great for outlining, but not writing, as there are just too many errors. I’ve done my best to clean them up, and in a few chapters I think we should be entirely free of those errors, but thank you for your patience on those.


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