*All characters are fictional and 18 or over in age.*
I wasn’t like the other Sorority girls in college. They all went out nightly; fraternity parties, socials, philanthropy events, always ending in bar hoping. An ongoing joke, “Husband Hunting” was fair game to fuck anything that moved. Being a nerdy girl, I was initiated to help keep the grade point average at safe levels, all in order to keep nationals off our backs.
Every Sister had their jobs, some were for looks our “Aphrodites”. These Goddesses kept the men crawling to our beck and call. “Party girls”. Ensured invitations to everything. Who didn’t want a Tau sister at their party? “Muscle”, these girls were tough. They took care of complaints, those boys that got too handsy when “No means NO”. Then, my category, “nerds”. Us girls were swept into the embraces of the sexiest women on campus, and transformed into every man’s fantasy. Glasses were switched for contacts, we were criticized, plucked and dressed. You’ve seen “She’s all That”?… You know that scene when they transform Laney Boggs? Take that and make it R rated and this is what I underwent. Which in all honesty? Thank Fucking god for them and their instructions… I will admit these talents were waited until after college but we will get to that.
Cellphones were still a hot commodity my junior and senior year. I am glad this is the case for it granted me the ability to focus on my work and writing my thesis. English being my focus I was constantly reading, writing, sleeping. Repeat. With no way of reaching me, or being notorious for letting my cell battery die. Sisters would visit me at the library, being a creativity of habit I was known to work on the 3rd floor. Tucked into a corner of the building with no windows, no distractions. By Junior year I started traveling to the 5th floor, it had become predictable where to locate me and I needed to remedy this issue. I found a lovely spot on the West side of the building.
The Libray was set up like a square cube. Each floor was exactly the same, the perimeter was set up with desks lining the huge floor to ceiling windows. In the middle of each floor stand long bookcases that spanned every usable inch of the space. This is where I met the boy.
I found the 5th floor the first week of school. Nobody was using the library and it was the perfect time to explore and mark my territory. It was a hot August day and I was smoking by the time the elevator dropped me at the 5th floor. The air was stale and warmer than it had been downstairs. The smell of musty books greeted my senses. Smiling, I looked around me, listening closely and biting my lip at the silence. Relishing in the leisure of being totally alone with my favorite things. Pristine pages, crisp lines, the soft swoosh as you flip a page in a quiet room. Walking up and down the stacks of books I let my fingers brush along the bindings as I stroll. Stopping randomly to pull a book and inspect it.
Eventirely, I reach the end of the room. A wall of windows, large desks span against the wall. Through the glass the late afternoon sunshine beams in. The heat from the sun prompts me to remove my sweatshirt, dressed in jean cut off shorts and a white cotton sports bra, I Sit at the desk in front of me. Pulling out my book and reading. Glancing up, watching the sun mark time passing, I am lost in the words on the page. Colors begin to change, looking up, I ponder the scene quietly, book in my lap. My feet, having removed the shoes sit tucked underneath me.
Stretching my toned and tanned body, I lift off the chair. On my knees perched, I stretch my arms above my head. The light reflecting on my body, I am lost in the incandescence of the moment. In the silence I heard him. As if the air sparked a change in the room, a new flow, the smell of pine. Goosebumps form on my neck as I look up to see him. He sat quietly and unmoving, his eyes not on the sunset before us, but on me. Swallowing slowly, I turn back to the cynosure in front of me. My back to him. I sit still as stone. Holding my pose, on my knees…3 minutes?…5 minutes? Heart pounding in my chest I turn slowly. Feeling a dulcet calm wash over me. When I finally turned a few minutes later, he was gone.
Everyday I could, I went to the 5th floor. Occasionally I would get up and wander, desperate for movement, needing the space from my work to clear my head. This is when I discovered the Boy, who also appeared to come every day to the 5th floor as well. But, he was careful to keep a distance from me. He chose a desk that faced a brick wall, deep in a corner with bad lighting, the only spot with no windows, no distractions.
I hadn’t been paying attention, overwhelmed in my studies. Head down and reading quietly. My iPod in my back pocket, the cords hanging from my ears. Walking quickly, and with my head down, lost in the song I allowed my eyes to close, Death Cab for Cutie pumping through my ears. SMelling pine trees suddenly, I cock my head in thought.
My next moments are jarring. Slamming into something firm and soft. Falling, my eyes flying open to the Boy catching me. Except he didn’t catch me. He fell with me. His hand ripping the cords from my ears as he grabs at anything to break the fall. A muffled grunt and growl emitted from him as I landed across his chest.
“I am so sorry, oh my gosh are you okay?” Faltering over my words. Flailing, trying to get off of him but also get away, he moved so quickly I didn’t have time to process what happened. Just as quickly as we had fallen, he had me flipped over on my back, his body looming over me. Hovering over my lips as if he is going to kiss me, then standing gracefully. Running his hands through his hair, turning his back to me.
“Do you always walk quietly around with your eyes closed?” There was announcement in his voice which was breathy from the fall. Straightening his shoulders, pivoting, gripping my hand and pulling me up to him. Being 5’3″ I was already petite, but next to this Boy, I was tiny. He was much taller than I expected. His red hair was shaggy and in desperate need of a haircut. My terrible guesstimate would be he was 6’4″…measuring was never my forte. I reached his chest, looking up as I avoided my balance. Stepping back slowly, he glares down at me, a deep frown on his mouth. Looking to his mouth then his eyes, I lick my lips, his eyes narrowing and glancing at my mouth. Biting my lip, his green eyes becoming annoyed.
He broke away and briskly walked away before another word, another glance, another breath could be had. His sudden movements leaving the air unsettled all around me. I stood rooted, facing his desk, all of his things out, all over. It was a hot mess, nothing was organized. My palms itched wanted to tidy his space, curling my palms I dig my nails into the skin preventing the task. Feeling suddenly calm from the pain I was causing. I continue some control.
Kneeling down, my feet tucked under my round ass. I collect my glasses that had fallen from my head, returning them to my face, delicately pushing them up my nose. Reaching for my iPod and headphones. I relax there a moment, scrolling to a song and putting my headphones in my ears. Suddenly, Boy walked to his desk, head down and deep in thought. Glancing towards me, noticing me kneeing. Rolling his eyes at the sight of me knees spread provocatively. Biting my lip, and blushing as I realize how I look.
“Jesus Christ Woman!” Running his hand across his face his expression exasperated.
“What?!” Confused, I snap my knees closed, standing nimbly. My pink contrast whisper quietly as I walk towards him.
“You need to go back to your side! You’re distracting me, and getting on my nervouss.” His bark is swift and final, whipping around and sitting at his desk, shaking his head and picking up the book that sat open in front of him. Not wanting to frustrate him, I stay silent, keeping my remarks to myself. Wanting at apologize again but thought better of it. I avoided the Boy’s corner as much as possible that first semester. We bumped into each other occasionally, his eyes passing over me, expressionless.
When winter break was almost over I came back to campus 5 days early, living in a small apartment with another sorority sister, I was able to come and go as I Pleased. The Library was open that week, and I spent my days there. I had discovered the 5th floor couch at the end of the book cases, along the western wall of windows. One early afternoon, I had laid down to read, my mind drifting into slumber.
The light was loosing its velocity when I awoke. The sun began its descent across the horizon. Stretching on the couch, my arms above my head I sight, moaning in pleasure of Awakening after a lovely nap. My knitted sweater dress lifting up my thighs, and pooling around my hips, exposing my nylon stocking clad legs. Suddenly hearing a swoosh of fabric. Sounds above and behind me. Looking back and craning my head, movement flickered across a neighbor stacked row of books. Stilling as I turn towards it, I see a large figure. My heart pounds heavy, fight or flight kicking in. Smelling pine, hesitating at the familiar scent. I suddenly realize it’s the Boy.
“Hi, hello? I see you, you can come out now.” My voice is soft and playful, not wishing to scare him. Sitting up, I swing my legs to the floor and stand. Wiggling my sweater dress back into place. He hesitates and I sense he is about to turn and leave, The suns shoulders are beginning to peek down over the hills, light bouncing around us in shades of yellow. He walks out behind the book case. As he moves he looks me up and down, frowning. Smiling brightly at him I motion to the couch next to me. The closeness of him causing butterflies in my belly.
“Want to watch the sunset with me?” Feeling suddenly shy and very much alone with this strange guy I don’t know. Bitingmy lip, I am shocked when he moves towards me. Stopping in front of me, his head angling down I think he’s going to kiss me. Suddenly wanting him to kiss me, I swway towards him, almost falling over when he moves and sits on the opposite end of the couch.
“You should take off your coat, it’s going to be a bit before the sun is fully set.” I speak softly, not wanting to permeate the silence. He stands and looks down at me. Shrugging his jacket off and looking me from head to toes. Blushing at my chosen attire today. My stockings were black mesh, with little white polka dots. My hourglass body frame was small, with a perfectly round ass and thicker thighs. My large breasts were perky, with large pink areoles and nipples. My pussy was smooth, always being fond of waxing, not just the results but the pain. Being a runner my body was fit and at 20, it was fucking perfect. Wearing a large oversized sweater dress, it keep my body hidden. Only my legs being exposed along with a naked shoulder, my skin alabaster and dotted with precious freckles.
His stance, is cocky and sure of himself as he draws his jacket over a desk chair. Dressed in dark blue denim jeans, a Henley long sleeped t-shirt and button down flannel over top. His feet were donned in caramel leather boots that lacered up the top. He was mouthwatering and I couldn’t help but gawk at him, taking my time to look him up and down myself. His body was fit and rigid, my fingers itched, wanting to run my hands inside his shirt. Even better, was the idea of running my hands down inside his pants. Blushing at my thought, squirming silently in my seat. I feel the heat rushing to my little pussy. I bite my lip, trying to calm my self down by breathing slowly.
Bringing my small feet up to the couch, hugging my thighs, my chin on knee caps. Trying to keep my eyes focused on the skyline, curiosity betrays me and they flick back and forth to the Boy. He casually sits, his long right leg folded, foot resting onhis left knee. His elbow at the arm rest of the couch, holding his hand to his chin, his eyes stay focused on the window in front of us. Given the opportunity, I gaze at him openly. His face is covered in a thick red bear, as if he didn’t shake the entire break. I am suddenly compelled to run my fingers through the hair, biting my lip I squeeze my legs tighter trying to control my urges. His wide shoulders are vast, his wait smaller but hidden by the layers of clothing. His legs were so long, they stretched out in front of him, fidgety.
Unable to sit still myself I adjust, trying so hard to stay on my side of the couch. Pretending to be invisible, and hoping to make up for the time I plowed into him. As I adjust myself once again, my foot slips. His hand shoots out and grabs it in his hands, I stay still as stone. My heart beat fast against my chest. Before I know what is happening, he shifts his body an inch closer to mine. Both hands taking my small legs and placing them in his lap. With a smile on his face he begins rubbing my right foot. Working his thumbs into my arch in small circles. Reflexively I moan, my eyes fluttering closed. They fly open when I realize I am sounding like a woman about to orgasm. Looking out the window and biting my lip hard, trying to focus away from his hands on me.
I flush when I feel the blood rushing to my pussy. Knowing that I am immediately wet, I try to control my breathing. Well, shit. Either I need to get laid more, or I am crazy attracted to this guy. His fingers work all around my foot, when he gets to the toes I am whimpering, totally relaxed. Setting my foot into his lap, he lifts my other in his hands, massaging as he did the first. Causing me to arch and scar contently. My right foot resting in his lap begins to feel him harden underneath my heel. Licking my lips I bite my lip harder drawing blood, deep in thought no longer seeing the colors and escaping sun.
Wanting to tease but unsure where this is leading… I innocently rub my toes softly across his lap. At the soft brush of my foot his hands still. A ripple across his body causing him to stiffen, frowning his eyes never leaving the sun setting seemed focused there. But, his body told me the truth, he was aroused. His cock growing more and more under my foot. His hands holding my left foot starts rubbing again. Without warning or permission his fingers trail up and down my calm, causing me to suck in a breath. Confused at what he was doing my head swung around, focusing on him. Not wanting to break the silence with words, I stare at him openly. His smile plain on his face. So, He did know what he was doing… My mind starts tumbling at the possibilities.
Here we were alone in the library. Nobody knows I’m here… he’s a stranger… but the sisters did say I needed to be fucked, loosened up…Licking my lips, not sure who should initiate. He lifts my foot slowly to his mouth kissing it softly. My breath catches, surprised by his actions. No man had ever kissed my feet before. It was pleasant. Feeling a flush of heat course through me. I purr, my self control began to slip.
“Are you comfortable, Girl?” His voice is soft and smooth, like cool water over river stones. For the first time, he turns to me, a gentle with a slight serious expression on his face. He had never looked at me that way and I felt his gaze rush through me. Shivering, a noticeable ripple passing over me. Licking my lips, nervous and extremely aroused, Nodding so afraid my voice will fail me.
“Would you like me to give you pleasure?” He spoke firmly, I nod silently and he squeezes my foot, not gently even though his expression holds a calm gentleness to it.
“No, I need you to verbally say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.”His tone is firm, almost annoyed. He relaxes his hands on my foot, rubbing softly again. Patiently waiting for my answer.
“Yes, I would like pleasure.” I respond softly, shy and suddenly timing. Unsure what his words entail. Too reserved to ask, I lay back as he nods slowly at me, smiling as he looks back to the sunset. His pause has me wondering what I had gotten myself into with this strange boy from the library.
Rays of light shower the stacks of books all around us, It is a gorgeous sunset and for a few moments we cannot help but stare at it. Yellows transition into orange, pink and red. Turning to him to make a comment on his beauty I am shocked to see he is looking at me intensely. My mouth that had been opened to speak, snaps shut quickly. His hands each hold a foot lightly. Lifting them, he inhales, eyes closing and opening slowly as if he was enjoying the aroma.
My feet were tiny, it was always difficult to find shoes for my size 6. Later on in life I will be happy for This when it comes to shoes, but in this first moments of a man worshiping my feet I was mortified. Thankful I had shown that morning and my feet had not been anywhere but these brand new stockings and boots. I took a deep breath. My mind spiraling as he licks my little toes, causing me to giggle and reflexively try and move my foot. His hand firm there holds it tightly to his mouth, Looking to my face he proceeds to put my little toes all the way into his mouth. Sucking on them, as if a switch was turned on my whole body began to thrum. Shocked by my instant reaction I hum quietly under my breath. My chest beginning to rise and fall, fast and heavy.
“Your feet are so adorable.” Transfixed, his gaze on my red painted toes through the nylon. He began licking and sucking on my toes, first with the right foot, moving fast to the left. As if he is starving and my feet are his next meal. His teeth grazing across my arch, biting gently at it. Lifting my foot higher, he bites at my heel, massaging with his teeth. I am shaking, my stocking foot soaked in his saliva. I lay there a relaxed mess. My eyes stay on his face, watching his expressions and trying to read where his thoughts are.
His large hands begin rubbing up and down my calves. My tights are like a second skin. Turning towards me, rotating his body so he is sitting with his back at the arm rest. Eyes traveling up and down my body. I remember in that moment that I am not wearing a bra or panties underneath my sweater dress. A cream freckled shoulder and collar bone are pale and soft, his eyes remain there a moment before traveling up and down the length of me.
“Take your stockings off.” His hands let my feet go, pushing my legs around to the floor. His voice is definitely, the intense look on his face matches the tone behind it. Half sitting up with my legs set over, feet on the floor, I stand slowly. Unsure all of a sudden. The confusion sweeping across my face as I stand there still and unmoving.
“Now, Girl. Unless you changed your mind? Do you still want pleasure?” I bite my lip at his words. Lifting my dress to my hips, I blush and wiggle my tights down over my luscious hips.
“Stop!” His mouth is a firm line his tone serious. I immediately stop my movements.
“Turn around and take them off, bending over for me.” Shocked at his request, I go to speak but his hand goes up as if to silence me. Having never been in this situation before I am speechless.
“Why? I, umm, well, I forget to wear panties today.” My words are stammered and come out in a whoosh. Blushing redder, I began to pull my stockings back up over my hips, My rational brain telling me I was crazy for getting half naked in the library.
“I said, take your tights off. Now. Turn around, be a good girl. Do as I say. I promise you will not regret it.” My thumbs hooked on the wait of my stockings, start pulling them down again, His browsers arch as I stand in front of him, turning slowly. Leaning forward. My ass in the air, legs straight, working the skin tight material down and around my ankles. Struggling when I get there and forgetting about him watching I curse, struggling to pullthem from my feet. Unaware of his movements, I suddenly feel his hands on my hips.
“Do not move girl.” Before I could respond or stand up his mouth is on my ass hole. Licking all around it then flicking his tongue over the little button. Squealing in shock and embarrassment, turn into moans and whimpers as he sucks and slurps my ass hole. Holding onto the desk in front of me I lean my elbows there. His tongue lashing up and down sweeping from ass hole to cunt. Flicking his tongue in and out of my dripping pussy, he licks up all the cum that pooled there. Whimpering and singing at how amazing his mouth feels. My hands lift to my breasts, squeezing and pulling at my tight nipples through my knitted dress.
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