You watch, amazing with what you see. The brutality of the whip, and the pleasure of his finger on her clip and pussy also confuses you. You wonder how you would react under this sort of treatment. You try to blot this out of your mind, but it continues to stir your thoughts. Could you be taken to this level of pain and pleasure becoming one, and be forced to actually ask for pain in order to cum? Is this something that I have planned for you?
He tosses the whip aside and you see the girl try to relax from this. She tries to calm her pussy and clip, knowing he will only let her cum when he is ready for it. He tells her he is going to let her calm down a bit, before he continues with her punishment. She groans her reaction to this statement, herself not knowing if she is glad or sad to hear it. He sits beside the box, and lights a cigarette. Slowly, he smokes, time going by as her pussy wants attention.
The time goes by slowly, as he smokes his cigarette. The girl in the video tries to calm down, but she knows it will only be a short while before her ordeal will continue. She also knows he is letting her calm down so he can only take her up to the edge again. He has done this before, and he knows she hates it when she isn’t allowed to cum. It is terrible punishment for her. The way she feels, if someone would just breathe on her clip, she is sure she would cum. But, she knows he isn’t going to be breathing on her hot little clip. At least not yet. She is being punished, and she knows not to try to change his mind when he is like this.
You watch as he stands and puts out his cigarette. He walks over to her, and looks her in the eye. “Should I smoke another one?” he laughingly asks, making sure not to touch her. He knows her well enough to tell she has calmed down sufficiently so she won’t disappoint him. He points his finger at her “don’t you dare cum, or you will regret it!”. She shakes her head back and forth, a quick response to his authority. Again, he goes over to the box and searches through its contents.
You look over at me, and I just sit silent. You ask if it would be wise of you to ask any questions, and I just point to the screen “watch the video”. You take that as a no, and return to watching the screen. You tell yourself to keep quiet, or you know I might take measures to keep you quiet. You return Your eyes to the video as the man chooses a rather large paddle from the box. It is shiny and black, and has many holes drilled into it. It is large, being at least a foot long and maybe 6 inches wide. The girl sees it and begins squirming frantically. Muffled screams of protest come from her mouth as she is thrashing around in her bonds. You can see she is exerting major effort, but she isn’t making any progress. All she is doing is causing the man to laugh at her.
He gets up beside her squirming body to give her a good look at the paddle. She sees the smooth shiny texture of it and the half inch holes. She kNows it will cause quite a sing, and she doesn’t think she can handle 100 swats of it. But, her efforts to get away have obviously failed, and she tries to accept the thought of being paddled with it. Pleadings come from her mouth and she shakes her head violently as he begins to swat her bottom. The gag can only partially muffle her screams as the paddle makes contact with her poor bottom. She tried clinching her cheats, but it doesn’t help, as he staggers the swats. Over and over, she screams as over and over the paddle smokes against her naked behind. He repeatedly hits the same spot, moves up to her thighs, and then back down to her butt. She tries to wiggle out of the way, but he holds her still and continues to paddle her.
You wonder what her bottom will look like after 100 swats of this mean thing. And There are more punishments to come. Again, you wonder what could be in my mind. Why do I have you watching this video? Do I have any of this in store for you? You desperately want to know, but you don’t want to cause yourself any additional punishment. Sometimes I feed off of things like that, so you keep quiet. You continue to cringe at the site on the video. The poor girl’s bottom is a nasty red, and getting worse. Her shrieks can be heard directly after the swats. Such a horrible combination of sounds. The man is in front of her now, and all you can see is his back, and the paddle moving swiftly, again and again. You can see her trusted ankles above his head. Her toes curl with each well placed swat. Your toes curl, too, feeling her pain. You know the feeling of a red behind, and you are not immune to pleading, either.
All at once, the swatting stops and you can hear soft crying from the girl. He walks up to her breasts and take one in his hand and pinches it, Until she lets out a protest in pain. Then, he moves to the other one, doing the same. He gets the same response. Both nipples are hard and erect. This tells him her body is liking this treatment, even if her mind isn’t. He returns to the box and come back with two wooden clothes pins. Showing them to her, he says “See? One for each pretty nipple. We can’t have them getting lonely now, can we?”. Her eyes get large, as she can only watch as first one, then the other nipple is pinched with a clothes pin. The pain is intense, and she mumbles again, from behind that gag. “What sweetie? I can’t understand you” he laughs. She lets out a groan, and the clothes pins wiggle with her, as they stand nearly straight up in the air. Now, each little movement causes the added pain on her nipples, and she whimpers softly.
Watching this video makes you uneasy, because your nipples are hard, too. Your nipples are hard, and your pussy is wet. If I was to check, you couldn’t hide what this video is doing to you. You are embarrassed that the pain of another girl is making you excited, but you know you could be in a similar situation, soon. Swatting and shrieking sounds fill the roomagain. The man has returned to his paddle. Now, there are added sensings with each well placed swat. Swatting her red bottom, with one hand, he moves his other to her pussy.
She twitches at his touch and humps his finger the best she can. She is thirsting for release, any way she can get it. He wiggles his finger at the opening of her hot little pussy, and she is going wild. Again, she is confused with the sensings of pain and pleasure he is causing. She hates what he is doing to her mind, but she loves what he is doing with his finger. He rubs her clip with his thumb, while his finger is deep inside her. Her eyes start to flutter, and he abruptly removes all contact with her body. A deep groan of disappointment is swallowed in her throat. He walks back to the box and searches for something, and you wonder what it could be. Has he paddled her 100 times, yet?
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