The Box Ch. 2

You look at me and wonder if you should try talking to me. You wonder if talking could get you a gag in the mouth, as the girl in the video received for her talking. You wonder what if you don’t talk. Maybe that is what I want you to do. Maybe I could be persisted into letting you pleasure me with your mouth, instead of using a gag to keep you quiet. Maybe you can get me to remember Some of the past times when your mouth has gone to the extreme to make me happy, and that you would be more than happy to do this again, if I would only ask. Or should you suggest it? You decided not to talk, but to just do as I say and watch the video. You watch and wait for what happens next.

The girl in the video is in the acceptance stage now, just taking the pain he is giving her with the crop. Little whimpers escape her throat with each blow of the crop, only to have each suppressed by the gag in her mouth. She thinks if only she could cry out, the pain wouldn’t be so bad. All that can be heardd is the vicious snap of the crop on her naked body and his laughs and lurid comments about her condition. She wonders what other torturous toys he has in store for her. The flogger, and then the riding crop are mean enough, but they are only 2 of the mentioned 8 toys to be used to punish her. A part of her dreads the next 6 toys. But, deep down inside her pussy, she can’t wait for what is to come.

You watch as he strikes her over and over with the crop until a total of 100 strokes finally land. There is a short time now, when she can rest and recover from the torment, while he goes to the box for another toy. She twists around to see what he finds acceptable for the third tool of her punishment. He talks to himself under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear. She hears him say “This would be nice” and “This should wait until later” and “Ah, very nice…, very nice”. She tries to visualize what he is referring to as he talks. Then, out comes his choice, a short little whip,About 18 inches long. It looks like a thin cane covered in leather.

She screams from beneath the gag and struggles in her bonds, remembering the last time that whip was used on her. She had the marks for days after. Her bottom was sore and it was near impossible to sit. And, every time she did sit, she would remember the experience she had been forced into. He is a very stern man, and he is also quite good at creating a mental picture for her mind to contemplate. This had been one of those times…when he tied her up and laid the toys out before her to see. He had told her only one would be used on her, but he wouldn’t tell her which one. Later she found out it was this whip…, this evil and nasty whip. And now, it was in his hand again!

You watch as the whip is tested in the air and the bound girl twists and struggles so temptingly. He begins on her calves and works his way down her body. She struggles with each singing stroke, but he only laughs in delight at this visualally pleasing picture. Down and down her legs he goes, with this singing whip. Down to and past her thighs to her bottom. And, walking around the bed, he also whis the front of her thighs and her clip and pussy. His aim is exactly, and he watches her movements for the best spots to attack. She can’t refuse him, and soon he is concentrated on those more tender spots of her body. He knows these spots by her more violent reactions to the whip. Of course, this is much more exciting for him to find these little jewels.

He drinks in her expressions of pain and anguish, with each well placed stoke. To give her a bit of a break, he moves on down her body to her stomach and nipples. He snakes the tip of the whip into her belly button, and she wiggles from the tickling torque. He runs the tip from her navel to her clip and lightly prods her There. Then he runs it back to her navel again. He knows this is pleasure for her, and also keeping her aroused at the same time. He wants to punishher, but also to keep her in the heightened state of arousal. He wants to keep her interest so she will respond in the ways he wants. This also keeps her mind just where he wants it to be… on the punishment she is receiving.

While watching this video, you get more and more concerned about what is going on. But, you are also getting more and more excited at what you see. You see this girl’s body getting flogged, cropped, and now whipped, as she can only wiggle and jerk about. Her pretty body is starting to show the path of each toy. You see as she tries to cover her bottom with her cuffed hands, as he whips her. But, she is unable to even get close, although she keeps trying. You hear her whimpering and his chuckles. She blurbers some incoherent words, as if to be pleading for mercy, or a bargain of some pleasure for him to change his mind. But, he ignores these pleasures and continues until 100 strokes of the whip have made their mark on her body. She lets out a gasp of reliefthat another toy and its 100 strokes have past. She has endured only slightly more than one quarter of her planned punishments, and she tries not to think of what is yet to come.

Your eyes are now glued to the screen as you watch. You share in the need to know what the next toy is going to be coming out of that box. You start to imagine a big bullwhip, or Cat-o-nine tails or maybe a paddle, or birch. You watch as the man walks over to the box and sorts through the remaining evil pain givers. Again, he talks under his breath, as he searches for his next weapon. She hears him say “Mmmmm, this will make her twitch” as he fondles something in the box. She cringes as her mind plays a nasty trick on her, hearing him say those words. She flashes back to other times he has said those words … times she was in similar positions and learning her lesson. She wonders what is going through his mind this time. She watches his hands move around in the box, and she hears those nasty things movieng around inside. What is he thinking … what will be the 4th punishment?


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