The Box Ch. 1

You have misbehaved again, young lady. But this time you are going to learn your lesson. Too many times you repeat the same mistakes and the same misdeeds, when I have tried to get you to learn. Well, learn you will, if it takes all night for me to teach you. But now you will learn the hard way, because repeated attempts the easy way have all failed to get your attention. I will get Your attention, this time.

I lock all the doors, so you can’t get away, because I am sure you will try. You are then forced to strip naked, while I watch. Then, you have to put on your own ankle restraints and make sure they are secure. If they aren’t, of course I will have to punish you more. I give you a nice shiny set of handcuffs, and tell you put them on your own wrists, behind your back. I know this is difficult to do, and I tell you the longer it takes, the redder your behind is going to be. Then, after you are all naked and shackled, I pick you up and carry you to the bedroom. I throw you on the bed and stand there watching you. I love that look on your face, as you wonder what I have in store for you.

I bring a TV and VCR into the room. I put in a tape and turn it on so you can watch. After a short time, you realize it is a tape where a girl is being punished for misbehaving. And, you notice the tape starts with the girl being forced to do what you have just been forced to do. Then, just like you, she is thrown on the bed, naked and secured. But, the expression on her face is one of concern, because she has an idea of ​​what is about to happen.

You began to realize your situation, and start watching the video more closely. A wooden box is brought out and placed on a table, not far from the bed. You watch as the girl in the video watches the man open the box. Inside are all of the punishment toys that are sure to be used on the naughty naked body of this girl, and she knows it. She starts to complain, and beg forgiveness, in hopes she will sweep her punishment away. Not a chance, as all that happens is her mouth is filled with a large ball gag, and secured tightly behind her head. All she can do now is mumble her complaints. And she has a very worried look on her face.

You watch and wonder if there is a box coming into the room with these same toys to be used on you, but so far, no box arrives. As the tape continues, the shackled ankles of the girl are secured to a chain coming from the ceiling, above the bed. She is slowly raised off the bed to the point only her head, shoulders and upper back are touching the bed. Then, she is told some of what is in store for her.

She has over spent the bank account in the amount of $800. Not only did she do this, but she also did it after she was told not to use the credit cards. She was told not to use her credit cards, when she had totaled up too many purchases on them. So, she wrote bad checks because she wasn’t allowed to use her favored cards. He decided her punishment for this was to bepaid in 8 different ways, and each punishment would total or be the equivalent of 100 swats, strokes, etc., to total 800. Her eyes got quite large, and she tried to beg for mercy from behind the gag, but all that was heard were sweet muffled pleasures. Nothing she could say would be of any help. But she just had to try, because of what was to be her sentence. How could she take 800 strokes of anything, let alone from 8 different implements? She wiggled and twitched, and tested her restraints, but she had secured herself quite well.

She now realizes the irony of her situation. He has not touched her at all. She stripped her own body naked, and she secured her own restraints. So, just as she had with the credit cards and bad checks, she had secured her own fate. She then knew she would be punished well for her Missdeeds. She could do nothing to stop it. All she could do was think of what was first to come and how was she going to take the pain. But, she ‘was’ going to take the pain, no matter what. If she couldn’t handle it, it was too bad. She had gotten herself into this situation, and she would have to take the punishment. She twisted her head around to see what was coming out of the box. She saw him take a flogger out and test it in the air. She cringed when she saw it, but she also was noticing the wetness between her legs. She hoped this wetness wouldn’t be seen, or maybe her secret love for this sort of treatment would be found out. God, what if this was known. Would she ever be let free?

The flogger started with its 100 lashes. The way she was trusted up, she was very vulnerable. The flogger leaves no part of her naked body untouched as he moves around the bed at different angles. She twisted and thrashed with each painful lash, her muffled cries squelched by the gag in her mouth. God, how could she stand any more…

You watch in horror at the sight. You wonder if I have this planned for you, or is it just something to make you wonder. YouKnow I won’t hurt you, but your mind makes you start to wonder if you can really trust me, or if this is the REAL me. You ask me if this is what will happen, but I don’t say anything. I stay silent and watch your reactions to the video. It continues, and he is now using a riding crop on her body.

Her body is now covered with little red marks, and he is adding to these with the crop. He stops and deliberately rubs it in and around her clip and pussy, and this makes her quiver and shake. He laughs, because he knows she loves this treatment, even if she won’t admit to it. He continues with the crop, and it now glistens with the wetness of her sex. He sees her eyes are starting to glaze and he knows she has passed the point of complaining, into the submissive stage of acceptance. She is accepting her punishment, for her overspending habits. You ask again what this has to do with you, and if I have plans to treat you the same way. I don’t say a word, but only smile. I just point to the video and say “watch”.

You start to be concerned for your behind, because it is naked, as is the rest of you. You are naked, on the bed, hands cuffed behind you, and your ankles are securely shackled together. You are such a sight, and you know you are very tempting for me. In the past, I have told you how you turn me on when you are in such a condition of helplessness, and you know how my mind works when I am turned on. Your mind starts to work against you, making you think of all the nasty things I have done to you in the past. Is this a repeat of one of those, or could this be ‘the next step’ in our kinky relationship. You tell yourself to calm down because you know I won’t hurt you. That is, as long as I haven’t ‘snapped’.


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