Part 1:
Master didn’t explain what was going to happen to me, he didn’t need to. I simply obey.
I’d been in here for a while. It was pitch black, I was surrounded by cold hard metal. Heavy shackled were attached to my wrists & arms with a steel collar wrapped around my neck.
My head was covered in a thick rubber hood, two tubes ran up my nose and a lump of rubber filled my mouth.
Each movement I made dragged and rattled my chains. As I started to get hard I felt spikes digging into the tender flesh of my cock. I knew he’d planned for this, each movement would turn me on, forcing me to hold still.
I heard a scraping of metal, feeling cool air rush across my chest. My head was pulled forward by the collar, and the gag removed from my mouth. “Thank you master” I said, grateful for the lung full of cool air. “Open” he commanded. I opened my mouth wide, feeling a large ring pushed behind my teeth and strapped in place. ” Keep your head forward and use your tongue.”
With a slam of metal he was gone.
The position was awkward, with my arms bent to keep my head where he’d ordered.
I could hear muffled discussion outside the box. Finally a hard cock pushed forward into my mouth, thrusting into the back of my throat as I worked the shake with my tongue. He changed his pace, making it last, punishing my throat for as long as possible. When I Finally felt and tasted him cum in my mouth I tried to swallow. Instead I felt it run forward, out of my mouth.
I moaned, knowing I’d be punished for failing to swallow. Before long there was another cock, and another. I lost track of how many, it seemed never ending. Each load ran out of my mouth, no doubt a tally was being kept and this crowd would make me suffer for each one.
Finally, my arms gave way. As my face moved downwards with my failing arms I heard a cheer outside. Before I could think about what that might mean my chains began to tighten. First forcing my collar up,and my mouth back in position, next my arms were pulled up high behind my back.
I heard master, like a whisper in my ear. “Well done. You almost managed everyone before you gave up. I’ve promised the guys they can use your throat as many times as they like, so you might be there for a while. After that, well… You’ll find out later.”
With that, I feel another cock brush against my lips. It was going to be a long night.
Part 2:
I had no idea how long i’d been trapped in this painful position. I finally felt all of my chains loosen, leaving me to collapse onto the floor. I huddled there, stretching out as best I could in the cramped confines.
I soon found myself shifting from one uncomfortable position to the next. Even with the chains leaving me completely unrestricted, there were only hard surfaces to rest against.
But somehow it felt nicer now. Before the metal had been cold to the touch, but now it seemed to hold a gentle warmth.
I was suddI knew that must hurt your eyes” master said to me. “But this box will be used for you a lot in the future, and you will never be allowed to see its insides. There are also a lot of people here, you know some of them. They will get a lot of use from you, they all know who you are. You will NEVER ask, or make any attempt to find out who they are.”
I keep my eyes firmly shut for a few minutes, fearful that I might see something master had forbidden. When I opened them I realized that I was now in complete darkness.
A loud voice echoed inside the box, deepened and distorted so that I could Not make out who was talking to me.
“These speakers will issue instructions, you will obey without question. We will see what you do in there.”
“Hands behind your head!” The speakers barked. I hurried to obey, my head full of excitement, arousal and fear. A number of metal objects clanked down to the floor around me. “These are the keys to your cuffs and collar. Remain as you are. Say ‘One… This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.” I repeated.
“Two.” The voice boomed.
Understanding what was wanted of me I continued.
“Two. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
“Four. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
“Four. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
“Four. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
“Five. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
“When you reach 100 you will search for the keys and unlock your cuffs and collar.”
I continuedto count, feeling the repeated phrase focus my attention. With each repetition I yearned to find out how they would use me next.
As I began to speak for the 10th time, a torrent of ice cubes rained down on me, causing me to jump.
“Remain still!” the voice echoed in the box.
I shifted back into position and continued.
“Eleven. This object is a toy for its masters. It hopes to suffer and be used for their pleasure.”
Each 10th repetition another load of ice was dumped down onto me. Beginning to shiver, I fight to retain my position, to keep going.
When I finally reached 100, and feel one last shower of ice rain down on me I began digging my way into the ice, clawing desperately around to find the keys they had dropped.
With my fingers going numb I began to panic, fearing that I wouldn’t manage to find the keys while I could still use them.
Shocked by the power, and anger, I sensed behind the voice I did as I had been told. Still, except for the shiver in my body.
With a clang I sensed warm air move around me. My restraints were removed and a thick rubber hood was placed over my head, with the click of several padlocks securing it in place. Several strong arms pulled me from the box, surrounding me with warm bodies and a warm blanket.
As I sat, shivering in the blanket, master spoke gently. “Don’t worry, you’ve done very well tonight. All the guys are pleased. There’s more to come, but we want you to recover first.”
I stayed there, shivering against my master, as I felt my blanket took away, replaced by a freshly warmed one.
Part 3:
Following the instructions Master had left for me, I had locked a parachute to my balls, with a length of chain running down to the ground. My legs were stuck together with a latex minder and moy wait compressed as far as I could in a heavy rubber corset.
I knelt awkwardly upright, trying to knee more comfortable. The tension of the rubber wouldn’t allow it.
Looking towards the table I checked off the other items I was going to need. Wrist cuffs & padlock, torturously tall posture collar, gag harness and a thick rubber hood. The hood was new to me, Master had left a note suggesting that I make myself familiar with the air holes.
I could feel the excitement building as I ran My hands over its surface, inhaling the scent of the rubber. There was a single hole for the mouth, with no eye or nose holes. Inside the anatomical nose piece were two rubber plugs which would guarantee I could breathe only through my mouth.
I reached for the cuffs, padlocking them together and locking one onto my left wrist. Leaving the cuff dangling I reached for the hood. Being careful to make note of where the other items were, I pulled the hood over my face. As I pulled the laces tight it compressed my face slightly, pushing in the plugs for my nose. Once I was satisfiedfied I followed with the gag harness & posture collar, slowly beginning to panic as the time ticked by, frightened that I had failed to start early enough. With everything else in place I reached my hands behind me, working the other cuff onto my wrist and clicking shut the final lock.
Once I was kneeling there, feeling completely enclosed and helpless, my mind began to dwell on what was likely to happen to me. I know master was pleased with my performance in the box, maybe he’s going to keep me at his feet as a cum slave for the night. He knows how much I’ll beg for every drop he allows me.
With a start, I realized that there were some speakers in the hood. My master’s voice came through “It’s going to be a tough night for you. I’m having another box party & we want to give you some training. The first guests will be here soon, I’ve told them that your mouth and ass will be at their disposal until I arrive. You will obey any command and say nothing unless spoken to!”
After what seemed like an eternity I felt football moving towards me. Several pairs of strong hands dragged me down to the floor. The speaker jumped to life again, this time distorted so I had no idea who was speaking. “Your name is cunt. What is your name?”
“My name is cunt, Sir!” I replied.
I felt several boots on me, shoving me harshly around to each other, stepping on me & kicking me. Nothing hard enough to damage, just enough to install fear. A boot was pressed on my face & another on my neck. “Stay still.” the command came.
I immediately held myself perfectly still. I felt the chain on my balls lifted as a heavy boot slammed into them.
“Thank you for hurting this cunt sir!” came the voice. Still catching my breath from the kick I tried to speak. “Tha…Th…Th…
The chain lifted again & my mouth hole was blocked. Remembering the command to stay still, I held myself in place. As I began struggling to draw breath I began to thrash. Someone sat on mychest to hold me still.
Fearful that I would not last much longer I thrashed with all my strength, but it was no use.
The chain pulled tight and the boot came back in. This time harder. Then again, and again.
9 times in total, before I was left to breathe again.
My breathing heavy as I tried to recover, I felt a foot on my face again. With still heavy breath I began to speak. “Thank you for hurting this cunt sir! Thank you for hurting this cunt sir!…”
This time I heard the voice of my master. “Time for the box. Have they treated you well while they waited for me?”
“Yes master!” I replied. “They allowed this cunt the pleasure of serving as their amusement master!”
I was carried over and placed down again, kneeing on a cold hard floor. I recognized the feeling of the box. A tube was connected to my breathing hole, feeding a little way into my mouth, and a chain to my wrist cuffs. I feel a slight tension on my balls and heard the slamming of ametal door. A tug on my balls had me shuffle forward, where a chain was fixed to my collar. Finally, I felt something rubber and a little too tight pulled down over my penis.
Master spoke again. “We’ve each got 5 pins of water to get through tonight. Your training is to be our urinal. You’ll get plenty of fresh water too. The guys were going to explain how this would all work, but I thought we could teach you non-verbally.”
After a few minutes of waiting my arms were pulled up painfully. I gasped with the pain, crying out slightly. My arms were released, just as I relaxed slightly a boot stamped against by balls, causing me to cry out again.
As soon as I made a sound the boot stamped down again, causing another involuntary gasp. With another stamp I found that I could not make a noise, all the air was explored from my lungs.
Moments later I feel a victory on my cock. It held for a while, letting me build up close to an orgasm before it stopped. Connecting the events together, I prepared myself for some pain, determined to keep silent. Once again my arms were yanked painfully up. Gritting my teeth I focused on breathing to get through it. The victory started again, but this time my breathing tube was blocked. As I feel myself get closer to orgasm, I feel myself struggle against my bonds, unable to control my response to the lack of air. When the victory stopped & the air hole opened I took long, deep breaths of relief. After several repetitions of this I had become practiced at controlling my breath, so when my arms were yanked up once again I drew in a deep breath, ready for the air to be cut off. The violences started. I jumped when I felt warm liquid pouring down the tube. There was no taste, it was just water. It was a small amount, once I had swallowed it I was allowed to breathe freely as the viruses brought me up to the edge again.
When the viruses stopped there was a hard tug on my balls. Almost on reflex I tookin a deep breath and held it. This time a much larger quantity of cold water poured into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it all before I could breathe again.
A few more cycles of warm and cold water, a few more near orgasms later & I was convinced I was reacting how they wanted. The next time my arms were pulled up, I held my breath. The water which came down was warmer, and had a distinct taste. Someone had decided to use me. As it all swallowed I felt myself getting a little hard, the viruses started very gently, keeping going until I had swallowed it all. Then came the tug on the balls and the cold water.
By now I had placed it all together. The tug on my arms was to alert me in some incoming piss, so that I could hold my breath while I drank it. The violences where to help me associate piss drinking with pleasure. The tug on the balls was them ‘flushing’ me.
The routine continued for a long time, leaving me desperate to piss but unable to for fear of getting it on the guests. With each round I looked forward to the next a little more, but I got more desperate to save myself. When the speakers came to life I heard master “feel free to piss, one of the guys loves urinal play, so he’s ready for you.”
With huge relief, I let myself go. Feeling a huge relief as it drained away. Immediately I felt more piss draining into my mouth, but there had been no pull on my arms. They wouldn’t have forgotten, after going to such effort to train me. There must be a tube from my dick fed right into my mouth tube.
“Did you see that coming, cunt? Well, nevermind. You will next time. We’ve all got a couple of pins to go, so I’m sure you’ll need to go again soon.”
Another yank on my arms. I immediately held my breath and felt my cock stiffen. I eagerly awaited the flow, swallowing it down with enthusiasm. My first day of urinal training. I don’t know how master know I would take to it so well, but I had already made up my mind to beg for anothe party, another chance to feel the warm, delicious negative of my superiors.
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