The Box Ch. 02: "A Tale, An Ointment"

He was gazing at her, smiling, when her deep brown eyes met his. They stared at each other for ten long seconds, talking without words. Their eyes reminded each other the box, acknowledged the silent meaning of the disappearance of the box, inviting each other to a tumble deeper into the curious rabbit hole. She returned his smile with a shy half smile herself, her face filled with excitement and anxiety as to what might be awaiting her.

He ended the silent conversation they were having with their eyes with a long blink and led the way to the bedroom. She followed him, her heart already racing with the excitement of the unknown, remembering the intensity of the last time she saw the box. Her senses were already sharpened. She was well aware of the pleasant feeling of the silent carpet under her naked feet, the soft moonlight coming inside the window in the corridor as they walked through it, the suddenly breeze from the half open window brushing her hair over her naked shoulders, making her shiver ever slightly.

He entered the bedroom before her and sat on the white leather chain-longue on the corner of the large room. She followed him in but stood in the middle of the room to look on the bed, to confirm whether the box was really there. There it was. In the middle of the bed, standing out on the cream duvet. She then continued walking, looking at him, and sat next to him on the chair-longue, not needing to say anything or ask questions. She was certain he would start his game. She was certain it would be fun and wicked. She knew his complex mind full of conundrums and puzzles very well. He was a science fiction writer by day. She, like his readers around the globe, admired his capability to imagine the unimiginable and to always finish with the most impossible, twisted ending. So she did not speak. She pulled her naked feet up on the sofa kind of hugging her bent knees in front of her with her arms, her long dark blue dress covering her knees andher naked feet, and comfortable waited.

In a while he started speaking. Rather, he was telling a tale.

“Once upon a time in Africa, there was a kingdom with land crossing mountains and plains, rivers and deserts. The land was fertile so were the women; they were volunteer and lustful. Descending from a matriarchal ancient culture where they had the freedom to be with many men of different strengths for varied and strong offspring, their poise was lascivious, their voice and looks lewd.

“With the centuries, as the women lost their power and men started to lead and control, they decided to control their women’s lust as well. They developed this practice of removing their pleasure core, putting a barrier in front of their rivers so they could never reach the sea, their water creating suppressed underworld lakes with no hope of ever getting to the surface.”

She listened attentively as he was talking in a theatrical way, his words carefully selected and pronouncedfully, his tone a bit unnatural. He had taken part in theatre plays earlier in his career and knew how to speak with actor’s intonation. She was looking at his blue eyes and his shaped hands as he spoke, admiring his handssome face and imagining his hands all over her. It had been a long time since the box appeared last, and he had kept her chate since then, touching her and edging her but always stopping right before her release, saying something playing right before he was done with her. She did touch herself, of course, but would not go over the edge herself. It would be betraying his twisted mind, disrespect to the effort and thought he put into tantalising her in so many surprise ways. She hated denial, she craved denial. More than anything, she craved him, day and night. She yearned for his slightest touch, she fantasized about him Even when he was next to her. Her body had turned into a delicate silk waiting to be entwined into the most exhaustive patterns under his weathering.

As if he understands what crossed her mind, he reached towards her and pulled her across the sofa next to him, enclosed her with his long arms all around her chest and bent knees, the back of her neck facing his face. He grasped a handful of her hair and casually pulled it, sending shivers down her spine, and continued talking. As he talked his fingertips would traverse her throat, her breasts and her belly button over her dress, light casual touches, oblivious to her reactions on the surface, but he sure felt all the trembles and quiet gasps he was causing.

“There was a king in this land who had four sons and one young daughter. The king loved all his children but adored his lovely daughter. She reminded him of his late wife, the mother of his only daughter, whom he had loved truly. He cherished her, wanted to give her all, protect her from everything. When she grew up and reached adolescence, when it was time to remove her pleasure centre, time to mutilate her in the mostpainful and traumatising way, the king could not bear even the thought of this. Respectful to the tradition and his culture, but loathing the awful fate of his daughter, he started to search a solution.

“He talked to all his confidents, asked all healers, sorcerers, and shamans in the capital to come up with a remedy that could change her adorable daughter’s fate yet comply with the tradition and god’s will. After months and months of diligent work, finally they came up with something. A very special ointment made with rare herbs from the distant corners of the country.”

As he was telling the tale, his hands were softly traveling her body, slowly caresing her arms, fingertips lightly brushing the nape of her neck, sending shivers down her spine, ignoring her desire for more and continuing his words.

“Do you like the story?”

“Yes, I am curious.”

“Well, I don’t know how it really ended. Yet I do know it is a real story.”

“How come?” she asked, puzzled.

“I was having one of my browser visits in some antique shops in Mayfair. I was looking for ancient African trinkets depicting supernatural powers for a small detail in my book. Then I came across this collection of old hand writings. They were in a foreign language written with a different alphabet, but transcribed in English on the same old papers.”

“What were they?”

“They were ancient medicinal formulae from the Kanem Empire in Central Africa, found and studied by a British merchant in 1899 who apparently was also a scholar in pharmaceutical. He transcribed the ancient writings, adding his notes about the use of the formulas, history of the empire, and his studies about the local culture. He was very interested in the practice of female genital mutilation and was one of the first to publicly write about this gruesome reality in Victorian newspapers. Do you know why I am telling you all this tonight? Here?”

“No, but knowing you, I know you’ll get somewhere.”She smiled.

“Well, yes my dear, I will.”

But instead of explaining more, he completely stopped talking and started placing small kisses on her bare shoulders. Little kisses on her upper arms and back to the nape of her neck… She already started to forget about the tale then. Soft nibbles and bites on the very sensitive place between her neck and shoulders, followed by a startling lick on her earlobe and a whisper in her right ear: “Wait.”

He stood up and dimmed the already soft lights of the floor lamp even more, giving the room a candlelit effect. The heavy tea curtains, delicate cream carpet on the floor and the nicely softened light gave the room a very warm and comfortable feeling on this cold winter night. She watched him walk to the bedside drawer on his side and reach his ropey bag. He got his ropes, natural colour jute, out of the bag, and walked back to the centre of the room holding the ropes and the bag. With a small gesture of his head he indicated sheLeave the chain-longue and come near him, so she did. He gently pressed her shoulders down, signing her to knee on the floor, so she did.

He took her hand in his, and some mass oil. He rubbed a little oil on her hands, then just pressed his thumb on her palm, deeply, slowly, repeatedly. As her entire body was erogenous with anticipation, just this little attention was enough to excite her. Although the Smallest of attention he gave her was carefully studied and mastered by him with years of experience on human sensitivity.

With a length of rope, he reached her wrists first. Well-versed, she knew to hold her wrists together facing each other as he bound them in front of her.

He proceeded to her chest and thighs and knees. Just rolling the rope, flowing with the rope, pushing her a little bit to the right, pulling slightly towards himself, his hands non-accidentally touching her breasts as moving her about, a light choke on her throat while passing towards her shoulders, making a simple knot on the rope just to place it on her vulva to drive her crazy with each press as the rope was passing by.

Whilst he was tying her in a continuous rhythm, playing her intensely-aware body like a musical instrument, the room disappeared, the time stopped, everything else ceased exist for her. There was now this different reality of the two of them on the carpet, dancing in rope. In a grey shadow, inside a white cloud, her mind transferred to an altered state, carefully responsive to his touches, ignorant of even who she was. As he was playing his instrument, he would sometimes hit a high note to create a scrill. A bite on that very spot where her neck meets her shoulder, a care on her clip over the knot, a tight pull on her hair. Each one elicited a different tone of groan from her lips, her eyes either closing more in response, or looking into his, darker and deeper, with a silent cry for release.

After a long swing of rope, of fingertips, oflight and strong bites, of cries and moans and shivers, he stopped. He stood up from where he was kneeing with her on the carpet and slowly untied all of her bonds, pressing the rope on her skin as he untied each turn, letting her enjoy the sensings created by the friction as rope was pulled from her, like a snake sliding over her body. He held her hands and stood her up, pressed her body on his chest, reached down, and kissed her lips. Her yearning lips. She felt his lips on hers, closed her eyes, inhaled his cent in very deep, and let go.

Just feeling and breathing.

Just then his hand grabbed her long thin neck. Gently yet firmly, with ever increasing pressure, he squeezed her neck. Slowly cutting the air going into her depths. Her arousal reached an indescribable pinnacle as her brain shut down all thoughts with this adrenaline rush. She completely surrendered to him, giving him the gift of that vital decision, whether she should breathe or not. She could still inhale a tiny bit of air from the tiny little space he left on her trachea. She was inhaling normally but only a very tiny bit of oxygen could reach her brain, making her dizzy. She saw a vision of herself swimming in a deep, warm, pink river, happy. All sounds in her brain completely stopped. A moment of pure pleasure, quietness. She did not want this to end. She did not want to breathe again, not to give this feeling up. She would blissfully die like this.

“Breathe,” he said, letting go of her throat. She inhaled a small quick breath, coming back to the face of the earth. Her instinct to live was relieved with the arrival oxygen, but her broken sub mind grieved for the lost sensings. “Deeper” he reminded her. She took slow deep breaths and gradually floated to the surface. He held her tight and close for a minute until she completely came back, then reached for the key on her necklace.

She had completely forgotten about the box then.

The box, she remembered.

Deliberately brushing his fingertips on her neck, he removed the necklace from her neck and took the golden key. He went to the box on the bed, placed the key in the small lock, and turned it. Click.

The lid moved up a little bit, like last time. Although this time he did pull the lid up, and took what was inside.

She watched him with a curious anticipation. “Curiouser and curiouser…” he was murmuring passages from Alice. Words echoed in her head.

He came back next to her to the middle of the room and showed her the box’s content. He was holding a small blue glass bottle, decorated like an oriental perfume pass.

“In this bottle, there is that ancient ointment, Princess. Produced according to the long lost formula of that long gone African king. Found all the herbs mentioned, in the African markets in Brixton. They ordered some from the continent itself. Got them mixed together discreetly by a pharmacist friend of mine. It. Is. For. You,” he said, brushing his fingertips on her pussy lips as he spoke. Then he pulled the cord of her wrap dress to open it, and slowly stripped her.

Her heart was racing with excitement and appreciation. She was completely naked now, not even wearing her necklace. She didn’t know what to expect, but her instinct told her to fear this a bit.

He put the bottle down, and started tying her again, differently. He bound her hands Behind her, tied her chest, her breasts, brushing his lips ever so closely to her neck, to her shoulders, to her ears but not kissing. While checking the rope around her bust, running his fingertips round and round on her breasts in an ever closing circle, but stopping just short of touching her nipples. He enjoyed her deep gaze, pleading, her ever quickening breath, her gasps, as he ran his fingers over her body traversing the rope all around her.

After tying her upper body, he pushed her to lie on her back on the floor, then tied her knees to her tights, and end of the ropesto hooks on the floor, leaving her dripping pussy exposed. Finally, he grabbed all of her long hair in his fist and skillfully tied it with rope into a ponytail, and next attached the rope to the hook in the ceiling. He took a step back and admired her beauty and his work.

“You are art,” he said.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

“Is it time for the bottle from the box yet?” he asked, playfully.

“I thought it might be,” she replied, playing along.

He took the little glass via in his hand, and delicately opened its glass lid. He poured a few droplets in his hand and smelled his fingers in the mysterious ointment. Then he rubbed the oil on her pussy, with ever so slow strokes of his fingertips, first covering her labia, then moving to her clip with excitingly slow movements, finally closing the circle and rubbing her clip with the oil. She started to melt under his touch, her eyes instinctively closed, her breathing changed and she started to let out small moans. He enjoyed her reactions while he rubbed her short of an edge, and stopped.

She was disappointed that he stopped, but not surprised. She knew it would not be that easy, that fast. She remembered the oil from the box.

“What does it do?” she said.

“You’ll see.”

“Will it hurt?”

“No, it will not.”

Her fearful anticipation subsided a little bit, but she could hardly stay still. She wanted to close her legs, unbind her ties, and run away. For a second. Then he leaned down and kissed her lips. Gently first. Then passwordately. Her lower lip, her upper lip, the point where her lip meets her cheek, a long dance of lips and tongues with increasing intensity.

He broke the kiss and started running her lips and fingers down her tightly bound exposed body. Placed small bites on her nipples, making her shudder with lust. He gripped her neck tightly and squeezed for a few seconds, sending electric jolts to her brain. Circled his fingertips gently down her belly button, round and round, applying the same pressure, until she twitched and shook with an almost-gasm. Finally, he reached her core. Where she needed him most.

He started touching her core with his fingertips. Circling and rubbing ever so expertly. Pressing her thumb on her clip as he massed her very moist opening. Keeping a sweet regular rhythm, he continued riding her to the edge. Round and round with his fingertips…

She was there. The long awaited release… The burst of that bubble finally… Almost, there… Just one second more… One more second… One more touch…

Sweating, moaning, groaning, emrithing, holding her fists closed tight, pushing her hips up in the air, wriggling in her bonds right and left, waiting for that pink release.

But it did not come.

She could not fall from the edge.

After an hour of this, hung on the edge, she collapsed exhausted.

“I can’t,” she said, her body covered in sweat, a disappointed, confused lookin her eyes.

He replied: “Neither could the king’s daughter.”


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