The Boss Ch. 03

This is chapter three of an ongoing story. If you haven’t read chapters 1 & 2 yet, I suggest you do so first. The full D/s relationship finally begins taking shape here, and continues to develop over this chapter and the next. Chapter 5 will begin the more traditional dynamics, but my muse requested this brief side plot, and I’m not one to argue with the muse. This isn’t a quick story. The plot builds slowly, and each successful chapter is longer than the one before it, so far. However, the rest of the chapters will have more sexual encounters than the first one. All comments welcomed and appreciated, but if you have criticalism please keep it constructive.

Special thanks to Fetishep for editing./strong


The weekend passed more quickly than I Thought it would after Friday’s fun, although by Monday the frustration had returned, just not quite as strong after having been so thoroughly fucked. As had become my habit in the last few weeks, I was atwork just a few minutes early. This time when she half-smiled at seeing me there, I was sure it wasn’t my imagination, and just that small acknowledgement sent me right back into full-blown lust. Images from our time together Friday evening starting replaying in my head, and I started fantasizing about all the future encounters we would be having. By lunch I was so horny I couldn’t even concentrate on my work, and I know there was no way I was making it through the day without some release. Luckily for me, almost all of my coworkers left the office for lunch, so I decided to stay behind and treat myself to an orgasm while I wasn’t technically on the clock. Also fortunately, I kept a small vibrating bullet in my purse for just such emergency occasions, which was perfect for a discrete fap at my desk.

I suppose I should take a moment to describe my office a little so you can really picture what happened next. My desk is in the back corner of the office. It backs up to huge windowslooking out on the street, with the wall on my left, and a cubicle wall on my right. It’s open in front of my desk to the corridor through the office, but the backing on my desk comes all the way to floor, making underneath my desk absolutely private. As long as no one walks past me, there is very little I can’t do at my desk without getting caught, and this was by no means the first time I’d taken advantage of a little lunch time privacy for some “me time.”

After the last person left for lunch, I havetily pulled the bullet out, and within seconds it was buzzing between my legs. My orgasm built as I replayed the events of Friday evening and night over and over. Within minutes I was coming, my eyes closed with the effort of stifling my moans.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” My eyes opened at the familiar voice.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, ma’am… I was just enjoying the privacy and… I got a little carried away… I’m so sorry” I stammered. I continued toapologize profusely until her raised hand stopped me.

“Enough. I am heartily sick of hearing ‘I’m sorry’ from you. Be prepared to stay later than normal today. I will see you at the usual time.”

“Yes ma’am, of course ma’am. I will see you then.”

5pm couldn’t come fast enough after that. She had caught me not only masturbating at work, but I’d still been at my desk where any one of my coworkers could have walked in. I knew I was in for some form of punishment, but I had no idea what it could possibly be and that made me nervous. As soon as Janet passed me on her way out, I practically raced to her office.

“For your behavior this afternoon, you can start this evening by cleaning out your office,” she began, and my heart dropped. “You will be moving into an office much closer to me with much less privacy where I can keep my eye on you,” she continued, and the relief that I wasn’t being fired made me a bit dizzy. “What were you using to pleasure yourself this afternoon?” she asked, and I blushed at the unexpected line of questioning.

“A vibrating bullet, ma’am,” I answered, staring at my feet.

“I see. I will be confiscating that bullet for now. You will get it back when our arrangement is concluded. Is that clear?” I nodded. “Now, what on earth compelled you to masturbate at your desk in full view of anyone walking into the office in the middle of the workday like a horny teenager?!”

My blush deepened. “I… um… well… that is to say… I…”

“Well, spit it out… I haven’t got all night.”

“I… well, you… I mean, not you… me… I…” I took a deep breath before blurting out all at once “It’s just that I find you so attractive, and this arrangement of ours has had me on edge so much lately and I got to thinking about seeing you again tonight and I just couldn’t help myself.”

“I see. How many days have you masturbated out of the last 11 days?”

“Masturbated, ma’am? Well, I really couldn’t giveyou a specific number… somewhere around 9 or 10 days?”

Her eyesbrows rose a bit. “Is that so? And have you done anything besides masturbating to address this state you’re in?”

My face felt like it was on fire. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, what did you do?”

“On Friday I picked up a guy in a bar and had sex with him,” I answered quietly, embarrassed by how completely slutty that must sound to her.

She nodded a thoughtful look on her face. “Well, since it seems you’re quite the pickup artist, I want you to go to a bar and pick up a guy for me. You will then bring him to this address,” she scratched something on a piece of paper as she was speaking, and then handed it to me. “At the bottom of that sheet you will see a list of the qualities I look for in a man. Find someone who matches a majority of those qualities. I have starred the ones that are non-negotiable. Do you understand?”

I nodded, still blushing furiously.

“Now, it would seem you have a lot to get through this evening. I expect you at my house, with a man, no later than 10pm if you wish to keep your job. You had better get started. You are dismissed.”

“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am,” I stammered, as I rushed to my desk to start getting moved into my new cubicle. My new desk was within eyeshot of her door, and lacked the full back privacy of my former desk. By 6:30 I had my new space set up, and was rushing home to get ready to hit the bars. I wasn’t sure how busy they would be on a Monday night, but at least it was during the summer so I stood a chance of finding someone.

During the short walk to a bar not far from my apartment (a different one than the one I had visited Friday), I reviewed her list of qualifications. The starred ones were all fairly straightforward Requirements: no drugs, still fairly sober, disease free, and 6+ inches in their pants. The last two had a note in parentses next to them that read “yes, I do require that you ask them, or find outin some other way.” The rest of the list contained things like submissive tendencies, extremely fit (“obviously able to pick me up”), dark hair, tall, educated (“must be able to hold a conversation”), and skilled at oral sex. The list didn’t seem too bad until I got to that last quality. How in the hell was I going to find out if he was skilled at oral sex? The obvious answer was to test for myself, but I didn’t have nearly enough time for that.

The guy from Friday night crossed my mind briefly as the perfect candidate, but of course I didn’t have any way of contacting him. I considered reversing course to the same bar I’d been to Friday night to see if he was there, but I decided I had too little time to waste it chasing maybes. Having decided on that course of action, I was shocked when I Walked into the bar and he was standing there. I greeted him, and then explained the situation as briefly as I could.

“So let me get this straight… not only is your boss blackmailing you to keep your job, but you’re actually enjoying it, and now you’re going to pick up a guy for her to fuck, knowing that you don’t even get to watch?!” He shook his head. “You certainly surprised me. Well, let’s see the list, I’ll see if I can help you out.” I watched him read over the list, his smile growing wider every second. “I can tell you this much: if she wants submissive tendencies, I’m certainly not your guy.” My disappointment must have been written all over my face because he continued, “however, I happen to be here with a friend tonight that I’m pretty sure would check all your boxes. I just don’t know how big his cock is, and although I’ve heard his oral skills are good, you might need to test that for yourself.”

“You’re a lifesaver!” I replied. “Can you introduce us?”

His smile turned mischievous. “That information will cost you a bit. As I recall, I left Friday night without getting a blowjob. You come in the bathroom with me and suck me off, and then I’ll introduce you. Do we have a deal?”

I glanced down at my watch even as I realized I really didn’t have another option… and that I really did want to blow him. “Yes, of course, that’s fine” I answered, and then led the way to the men’s bathroom. There was someone else in there, but I was beyond caring. I just walked into the stall, turned around and knelt on the floor. He followed me, but didn’t both shutting the stall door behind him. I guess whoever was in here was going to get quite the show if they cared to watch.

As I reached for the fastings of his jeans with hands that just barely Shook, I was intensely aware of every sensing. The cold hardness of the tile under my knees, my heels digging into my ass, my toes curled against the bottom of my shoes, pressing into the hard floor. My skirt had ridden up, stretched over my thighs, and I could feel the slightest hint of a breeze playing across my lace panties. I felt the almost uncomfortable begins of myarousal building between my legs, and I squirmed a little, revealing in the barest touch of lace against my swelling clip. This whole lewd scenario had me so fucking turned on it was embarrassing. All that flickered through my mind at lightning speed as I watched my hand drift towards the bulge in his jeans.

I leaned forward slightly as I tugged at his button, and almost lost my balance when it Suddenly popped free. I slowly slip his zipper down, licking my lips in anticipation of him filling my mouth. As I pushed his pants and boxes down over his hips, his cock sprang free, nearly at full attention. I wanted it harder, though, before I got down to the main event. I licked from his balls up the shake, and slowly swirled my tongue over the head. I brought my hand up to cup his balls, gently kneading as My other hand followed behind my tongue in its path down to his balls, back up the shake, circle the head, and then another side. As he stiffened further, I keep my hand pumping slowly up and down on his shake as I sucked in just the head, and swirled my tongue over it, with pointed licks around the ridges, and then flat, broad strokes over the top. He groaned, and I chuckled to myself. I had him just where I wanted him. I continued my ministerings for a few more seconds before I began to slowly suck him in the rest of the way, combining my slow suction with broad licks.

Meanwhile my hand kept up its steady rhythm down the shake and then back up to meet my lips, and then back down again. With each pass my hand had less distance to travel as I drew him into my mouth with, I hoped, reigning slowness. Part of me knew I should speed this up, and I certainly had the skills to make it a quickie, but it had been a long time since I’d had the opportunity to really show off my blowjob skills to someone new, and the inherent dirtiness of this whole encounter had me so incredibly turned on that I wanted to savor the moment.

As I continued to suck him into mymouth, my desire to savor this warred with the feeling that a bathroom blowjob should really be a short matter. However, as he nearly the back of my throat, he brought his hand up to rest on the back of my head, his fingers lightly twined in my hair, holding it out of the way, and that settled the debate for me. He was going to get the full experience, time constraints be damned. I moaned apparently, and he groaned again. I began to bob up and down, taking him to the back of my throat and then back up.

I set up a rhythm, letting him get used to a certain tempo, before I suddenly took him all the way down so my nose was nestled in his public hair. I held that position for a couple of seconds, revealing in the feeling of him filling my mouth, before I went back to my former bobbing, but with a slight increase in tempo. I repeated that a few more times, and then I began humming, letting the violences fill my mouth. He grunted out an “oh fuck” and his hand tightened in my hair.I smiled internally, feeling proud and in control. His grip continued to tighten until he was just barely pulling my hair, and he began to use that leverage to maneuver me up and down on his cock, setting the tempo and depth with the pressure on my head.

The feeling of control dissipated as I struggled to keep up with the tempo he was setting. He shoved me all the way down and I gagged slightly before trying to Turn it into a swallow. He shoved me up and down at a near frenzied pace and I started to have more and more trouble keeping up (and breathing). I put both hands on his thighs and pushed a little, and he seemed to come back to himself as he let off the pressure. I replaced my mouth with my hand as I licked my lips and sucked in gulping mouthfuls of air. I looked up at him, and he smiled down at me before I returned to my work.

I let him take control this time, but set the tempo somewhere between the slow buildup I had been using and his desperate pace. I used one hand to gently massage his balls while I braced myself with the other. We settled into a sort of rhythm, and the sounds of our moans and sights filled the bathroom, echoing off the walls and mixing with his occasional obvious. I was dimly aware of footsteps entering the bathroom, and a voice muttering “um… never mind” before the footsteps retired, but the majority of my focus was on the man standing in front of me, and the fullness in my mouth.

Before too long he told me he was getting close, and I grunted an acknowledgement but didn’t let off. He warned me seconds before his hot cum filled my mouth and slide down my throat, and I managed to swallow it all, and then grinned up at him. He smiled down at me, one hand braced on the wall of the stall, panting. “Damn.” His eyes looked a little unfocused and my smile widened. I stood up, straightening my skirt and adjusting my shirt, and then stepped around him to check my reflection in the mirror. My cheats were flushed and my lips were red, not to mention my hair looked a little disheveled, but all in all not bad for having just sucked an almost stranger off in a bar bathroom. I fixed my hair, reapplied lipstick, and then turned around to face him. His pants were already up and fastened, and he looked overall none the worse for our little tryst.

“Damn,” he repeated again, and I grinned at him.

“Enjoy yourself?” asked, impishly.

“Fuck yeah. That was… you were… damn…” he trailed off and I reached for his arm.

“I’m glad you’re happy,” I said with a smile, and then added “a deal’s a deal.”

He nodded, and escorted me out of the bathroom.

He stood at the door for a few seconds scanning the room for his friend, and then we headed across the bar to a tall, dark-haired guy leaning casually in the corner surveying the assembled crowd. He leaned in and whispered something to his friend, and his friend nodded, and then led us both out of the bar to a patio in the back. Introductions were made, and we shook hands. “She’s got an interesting proposal for you,” my new friend explained.

“Oh?” he looked at me questioningly. I quickly explained the situation, and then produced a picture of my boss.

“Are you interested?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “When should we head over?”

“Um…” I glanced at my watch. It was already 9:15, which means we absolutely had to be there in 45 minutes. I had to quickly debate whether I wanted to trust that he was as good at oral as he had been portrayed, or if we had time for a quick sampling before we headed over. “There is this one other requirement…” I began, my mind working furiously.

“What’s that?” he asked, and my friend snickered.

“Well, you see… there were 2 things on her list that I had to check… erm… personally. Um… there’s… that you’re at least 6 inches, and… well… that you’re good at oral.” I finished, and blushed.

“I see. Well, the six inches part Ican vouch for, and as for the oral… well… I’ve never had any complaints.”

I was sure my face was flaming as I debated my options. I knew I had taken too much time with my blowjob to really get a proper sampling, but damn I was horny and if he was any good it would certainly take the edge off. I stood there for a long minute debating internally.

“Well…” He prompted.

“Oh fuck it,” I said. “If you’re not actually good I’m totally jeopardizing my job here, but there just isn’t time for me to find out for myself. Let’s leave now. It’s better to be early than late with her.” We flagged down a cab outside the bar without too much effort, and were soon speeding towards her house. My nervousness grew the closer we got, and I began to fidget. If he noticed my plight, he didn’t remark on it, and most of the cab ride over passed in silence.


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