The Borrowed Room


It wasn’t my dungeon, but it was a dungeon and that was good enough for the moment. My house didn’t have a space this size to turn into a playroom and while I was a smidgen jealous I didn’t begrudge it’s owners. After all, they’d graciously allowed me private access for this little adventure. My eyes and fingers strolled around the room, gazing and touching each piece of fantasy furniture. Two different spanking benches. A St. Andrew’s Cross. One smallish cage and right next to it a large pet carrier that would fit a humangous dog or a small person. Fortunately most subs tended not to be claustrophobic. Some smaller non-fixed stocks and the like. Lots of chains and attachment points secured to the ceiling beams here and there. A big comfy-looking futon bed piled with pillows and stuffed animals sat in one corner as a decompression space.

It was a beginning dungeon. Not completely jam packed with gear as so many tended to be. This was a good thing. Lots of room for improvement and places to put new stuff. I had a suicide that I might be contributing a few items in the future. If not for my own amusement, then definitely as a return favor for the loan of the room.

My personal needs as far as furniture was concerned on this day were fairly simple. Aside from the ambiance of preferring a dungeon, that is. I’d only needed two items they didn’t have and I brought They with me since they were portable. A small wooden stool about two and a half feet tall. Simple and plain. Round seat with runs between the legs, like any kitchen or dinette stool you might find in any house in America. Three bucks from a thrift store. It’s worth to me? Priceless. The other was a pad from a chain locke which I had modified to suit a specific purpose I will describe later.

Check my watch. Plenty of time.

No time to dawdle, but more than enough to prepare. The girl would be here soon.

There were two items of non-dungeon-ish furniture I had wanteded and fortunately they were already there. Yard sale and thrift store items that always came in handy. One was a wooden library table which was usable for so many things. It wasn’t so large it took up too much room but more than big enough to tie a pet down to all four corners for some play time, as well as being strdy enough to hold two people in case things progressed that far. Plus it was just a handy place to put your stuff.

I owed a large debt to whomever in antiquity first imagined the concept of the table.

He or she was just a freaking genius.

The other item I required was a long low coffee table. One of those old fake mission style things made by the millions back in the 70’s. Dark wood. Two feet wide by over four feet long and massive as a block of granite. Seriously usable as they could stand a lot of banging around but a serious pain in the bucket when it came time to move.

Since I’m all about not straining my back, especially at my age, I elected to move the library table closer to the coffee table rather than vice-versa.

Placing the stool in between the two completed the heavy lifting portion of my prep work.

When I bought the chain locke pad I’d cut a long slit down the center of the cover material and scooped out a portion of the foam padding about four inches wide, two feet long and two inches deep. In this cavity I placed an electric “massager” with a round head, trailing the cord down the slit and out the end of the pad. Over this I placed a wide strip of soft leather and stuck it down with some flexible fabric gle. Now I had a pad with a built in mass head the protruded about two inches above the plane of the pad and less if someone was laying on top of it. Some extra electrical inculuity put a variable speed control near the head of the pad where I could reach it.

Today would determine if that project had been worth the effort or not. I laid the pad across the top of the coffee table and ran an extension cord to the wall socket.

The few other props I needed slide out of my gym bag and onto the table top. A couple of them I covered with a towel to keep the surprise as long as possible. The others I wanted out in the open.

My hands were shaking just a little bit. Not an uncommon occurrence at my age, but it irritated me. Of course I was excited on several different levels to account for it but still… I took a few moments to stretch and do some deep breathing to find my calm space and relax.

Checked again. Steady as a rock. Excellent.

This little scene had been years in the making. Little Miss Marigold Granger had been but an innocent on the day we first met. The only daughter of a friend and his wife who were more or less on the outskirts of my social circle. People I saw Infrequently most of the time. But I had encountered them often enough for their daughter to take a liking to me. Over the years I had watched her grow first into a sweet and endearingchild, then a smart and imagined teen followed too closely by a strong and self assured young lady. The transformation had been often astonishing.

One of the things which had kept us in contact with each other over the years was our mutual love and admission for books. She had a voracious appeal for the printed word and she valued my opinion highly. I could not even number the times I had sent her home with grocery sacks full of new books to read and new worlds to encounter.

The eager smile on her lips was my reward.

It was my love of books that would prove to be my downfall.

Or perhaps my salvation.

I’d had to take a few days down south on a short business trip and I had asked Marigold to watch the house and feed my dog ​​while I was away. She’d readily agreed and had settled in with new treasures from my bookshelf as I headed out. Not once did I give a single thought to the bookshelf in the bedroom which held my personal collection of erotica. It was an eclectic assembly from light erotica to outright porn with a heavy accent on BDSM-themed stories, since those were my favorite kink.

Of course if I had given it a thought it wouldn’t have mattered a bit, as that wonderful little girl was now over eighteen and more than capable of making up her own mind.

In retrospect I probably should have been paying more attention to the look on her face when I returned home again. But I was just so happy to be home in one piece I didn’t pay it any mind.

Fast forward ten years

One of the best things about moving back into town was being able to get reacquainted with my little golden child. I’d missed everything about her. While I had been away she’d married a very nice young man whom I both liked and approved of. He was More than good enough for my best girl. They seemed quite happy together and I was looking forward to being around both of them and at least being a small part of their life.

What I wasn’t really expecting was the amount of change which had taken place in the last ten years. I knew she and her husband were sharing a house with another couple. At first I thought it was just friends living together. The little bits of information slowly showed me they were living in a polyamorous relationship with these other young people. Kind of their own private little swingers club.

Well! Good for them.

Then a few more tidbits managed to make their way to the surface. Hints leading to this and that. Things which made my eyes crawl right up my forehead.

One of those was a link to her profile on a well known kink website which opened up to show me facets of little Mari’s psyche which I hadn’t even suspected.

Pictures of her naked which made me feel a little funny at first.

Pictures of her in a little red fox costume. Ears and paws and a tail attached to her waist and nothing else. Those were… intriguing. But I still feel a little funny.

Pictures of her playing with a certain cute little redhead that were highly erotic. Especially since I’d had some of the same thoughts about the same girl in my mind.

Pictures of her and that redhead bound and gagged. The funny feeling faded some and left me warm all over.

Pictures of my sweet little Mari bound in many different ways. Sometimes by herself and sometimes with her hubby or with a handful of different women. I clicked on each one and expressed my liking of her choice of both play activities and partners.

That funny feeling had completely disappeared by this time.

If that wasn’t enough, my little golden child decided that “Dear sweet Uncle Rex” wasn’t quite getting the message fast enough and began sending me more in emails. Each one had a dozen or more pictures attached. Each one of those pics was designed for a sole purpose: To get me hard and wanting.

They worked.

Then came the videos.

Oooohhhh… snap.

The tamest one was her setting up herphone as a video camera with music playing in the background. Then she turned her back, hiked up that skimpy little dress around her waist and shook her fine little ass to the music.

And it was definitely one fine little ass.

They got more and more explicit from there.

One of my very favorite videos ever was twelve minutes of Mari’s face. Just her face, nothing more. I say “nothing more” If you discount the fact that for the following twelve minutes I got to see that little darling moving from one orgasm to the next. Not those fake screaming orgasms you see in the porn films. Real, actual happy trembling waves of ecstasy passing over and over her face. You couldn’t see what was going on below the camera angle to cause such reactions, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was her angelic smile and the look of sublime pleasure.

It was very easily, hands down, the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life.

And that’s saying something. I’ve seen some stuff./p>

I sat behind my computer and grown.


Hardened repeatedly.

Made several messages.

Cleaned them up and started all over, watching those videos again and again.

I knew that most of these pictures and videos were not made expressly for my benefit. But once again, it didn’t matter. Not one bit. What did matter was she had sent them to me.

And, as if she Still wasn’t sure I was getting the message, she began interspersing her emails with “I want you.”

Well, that was pretty plain.

Most of my replies went along this line:

“My little golden fox-

I want you too, love.

I just hope you are ready to pay the price for teasing your dear grouchy old uncle this way. You are driving me to distraction. One day soon I will turn you over my knee and paddle you soundly for that.

I’m just sayin’…

-Uncle R”

I was getting her message. I wonder if she was getting mine?

I guess I’d soon find out. She was dueany moment.

Setting all of this up had taken some work. Getting the things made and arranging to borrow this wonderful little room. Telling my little Hermione (a pet name only hardcore Potterheads would recognize) when and where and what.

In most of my interactions with Mari over the years I had just been in “sweet old funny uncle” mode. It was a role I’d taken with her for decades. Though a number of my messages of late had been growingly and dark with threats of repercussions, I’d never gone full-blown “Dom” with her before.

Now was the time.

“Miss marigold-

It has come the time for Me to show you the error of your ways, girl.

Saturday evening, 6pm sharp.

407 2nd Street. In the basement.

Wear that short little silvery dress. You know which one.

And nothing else.

I will be waiting.

Do NOT be late.


Then there she was.

Right on the dot of the hour I heard the sound of the door opening and closing upstairs. It amused me to imagine her standing on the step, a combination of excitement and trepidation crossing her face as she counted down the seconds. Perhaps her tights and hips twitching a bit in anticipation, nipples hard under the thin material of that skimpy scrap of dress. Maybe even the cheeses of her ass tightening in expectation of taking the brunt of my displeasure over her incessant teasing.

Her footsteps were soft on the wood floor overhead. Due to the layout of the house I got to listen to each step as she made her way to the basement door.

At the door she hesitated and the smile of a hungry wolf awaiting it’s prey crossed my lips.

One breath.


Three… and the door opened.

One more breath and a sight before her little bare feet appeared on the top step. Each step down showed more and more of those fine smooth legs. I almost wondered for a moment if she had disobeyed (or felt a little extra bold) and decided to come down totally nakedd in an attempt to throw me off my game.

If she had, it probably would have worked. I’d have been disconcerted.

But then the hem of her dress came into view, just covering the tops of her thighs and her taut little ass. Fingers barely touching the handrail, showing her confidence. Or trying to, anyway. I could also see the tension in her body. Her hand ready to grab the rail and sprint back up the stairs at a moments notice. I revealed in her uncertainty.

She knew what I was going to do. Some of it, anyway.

I’d made that more than clear enough.

Yes, my little Marigold had been spanked before. Many times. I’d seen the pictures. She was an experienced submissive. More than one Dom/me had wrung cries of pain and pleasure from her lips over the years. Hell, Mari had endured things much more extreme than what I had planned for her.

But this… this was different.

It was personal.

I wasn’t just some Dom she had met and agreed to a play sessionwith. There were no pre-scene “negotiations” or safe word discussions. Her husband wasn’t waiting upstairs or lurking in the corner keeping an eye on his girl or even taking pictures or video to memoryize the event so it could be posted on her web page.

Although I do wish I would have thought of that… damn.

Ah, well…

I was her kindly old uncle Rex, who she’d managed to push beyond the limits of my endurance. Now all she knew for sure that I was going to punish her for teasing me.

And maybe… just maybe… I was going to give her what she wanted.

I did so love the look in a subbies eyes when they didn’t know what was going to happen next. The look in her eyes in no way disappointed me. My little Mari, who was always so bubbled and ebullient was a bit subdued and unsure of herself for the first time in many many years. There was a little nervous smile on her lips and a look of uncertainty in her eyes as she paused on the very last step, as if unsure she really wanted to complete the journey.

After all, it had taken us almost twenty eight years to reach this place.

With one more soft scar, she stepped down to the floor.

“Hello, Sir.” My heart trembled a little bit, hearing those words. I’d always been “Rex” or “Uncle” before. Other bits of my anatomy stirred as well at her words.

“Right on time, little golden child. Good girl.” It was her turn to shiver a bit at mine. Even from across the room I could clearly see the hard little nubs of her nipples poking through the thin material. It seemed she had indeed followed my directions to the letter.

My finger pointed to the rug in front of my feet.

“Right here, girl.”

With a barely whispered “Yes, Sir.” she crossed the room and knelt at my feet, composing herself with eyes down and hands on her thighs. A very experienced sub indeed.

“Do you know why you are here, child?”

“You are going to paddle me for teasing you, Sir.”

“Are yousorry you teased your poor old uncle, Mari?” A grin twisted her lips and she shook her head.

“Nope.” I had to fight hard not to chuckle myself.

“Even though you knew this was going to happen.”

“Yes, Sir. Even so.”

“All righty, then.” If anybody at work heard me say that, there would be eyesbrows raised. It was my “Oh snap, here we go…” phrase. It seemed appropriate at the time. I was planning on raining fire on that pert little butt of hers. Picking up two things from the table, I tossed one of them into her lap. A black stretchy hair band.

“As much as I love that mass of beautiful curly hair, it will be in my way this evening, baby girl. Tie it back for me, please.”

“Yes, Sir.” She barely got that done Before her eyes widened as I showed her the second item. It was a collar I had made from dark leather and brass chains. Any other time it would have made her gush like a schoolgirl. Tonight it just made her eyes go wide and I jumped in to speak before any of the words could reach her lips.

“I am well aware that you belong to another, golden girl. But I have spoken to Red, as well as Cuffs and Kan and they consented graciously. Said to send you their love, of course.” I held out the collar, dangling it in front of her eyes.

“By wearing this you agree that tonight you belong to nobody but Me.” Fingers gently reached out, touching mine for a brief moment as she took it from my grapp. She clutched it in her hand and pressed it to her chest in between those sweet titles, lowering her head and her eyes.

“I… I am honored, Sir.” Then those gorgeous brown eyes lifted to mine and she said “Thank you, Master.”

I tried my best to ignore what hearing that from her own mouth did to my heart. Gruffly I said “If you agree, put it on, girl. We have things to do.”

“Oh! Yes, Sir! Of course!” Hastily she buckled it in place around her neck. It made me feel a little better about my own excitement when I saw her fingers were trembling as she fumbled the strap before getting it placed and snugged down.

As I suspected, that plain little collar became as dazzling as one of the crown jewels around her neck. My little Marigold could make mud look like diamonds.

On with the show.

“Stand up.” I raised my hand. “Lift your dress up around your waist.”

She had indeed followed my directions. Nothing under that skirt but pure golden girl. Shaved clean except for a thin patch of fur about two fingers wide and three inches long. A “landing strip” as the kids nowadays call it. Whatever it was, I liked it.

“Turn around.”

Target acquired and locked. Weapons hot.

That sweet little bottom which was going to be the target of at least most of my frustrations over the last few months. It pleased me no end to see that her tights and hips were slightly in motion even as she tried to stand still. The muscles of her ass twitched and flexed in anticipation.

As I stepped up closeBehind her, the tension in the room almost crackled like static electricity.

Deciding to break it just for a moment, I leaned in and whispered “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” A quick “Eep!” escaped her lips and she broke into a giggle which suddenly cut off as I grabbed her thick curly hair roughly where she had tied it back.

“Are you wet, girl?” I hissed. She mewled a little in her need.

“Oooohhhh… yes, Sir! I’m so fucking wet I can’t believe it!” I released her and sat down on my stool, one hand patting the top of my thigh.

“Good. Come her, Mari. Keep your dress up.”

Like the good girl she was, she laid herself over my lap. One hand grabbed the rungs of the stool and I pulled her other arm behind her, securing it in the small of her back with my fingers wrapped around her wrist. She made a small squeal and kicked a bit as I lifted my foot up on the rung, pulling her feet free of the ground. That made me chuckle.

“Are you sorry yet?”

“Nope! Eek!!” Her sassy reply was cut short by my palm smacking her ass hard, leaving a pink imprint of my hand on the pale flesh of her butt. I took just a moment to admit my handiwork.

Pun intended.

Deciding I liked the results, I continued. A dozen or more swats landed at different intervals and different places on her bottom while she gasped and squeaked and wiggled and kicked her feet. Normally I am more controlled, measuring out each stroke before I began and keeping track of how many, even having a punished pet count them out loud.


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