My name is Mari. It is with great pride that I have been chosen to transcribe from Janes diary’s the story of the woman we have come to consider a second mother. This is a story of love not of lust, but you will find lust in it. My hope is that I show the love it took to create what we now call the family.
In some places you will find not just her words but his as well, you will also find the third member of the start of our family story. The story is about bondage and discipline. Especially the emotional bond as well as the physically dispensing of discipline. Needed to bring certain people to the peak of release that we have come to expect from those we choose as our master.
chapter one
The discovery
Dear Jane
Maby if I spend more time reading you instead if Just writing you, I would have been prepared for these past three days. Maby I was not meant to, something just happen love being one of them.
He was just there I saw himfirst standing at a rail watching the people on the dance floor perfect ass, wide shoulders, muscled arms when he turned around and I saw his face he was not handsome he was rugged. The kind of man that did not play games. Very different then my first two husbands the kind I had always been afraid of, something deep inside said run Jane this is the end of everything you think you want.
By then it was too late he was looking in my eyes his face did not change but his eyes held me trapped the softest brown I had ever seen and then the blackest and deadliest center like a shark or tiger about to devour my sole. He did not even smile he just held his hand out to me and to my shock I found myself taking it and for the first time since I was a little girl in my dad’s arms, I felt completely safe. I offered no resistance I followed him out the door and sat in a comfortable chair the music muffled and he spoke for the first time. I feel your eyes on me and when I turned and saw you, I had to meet you.
My name is James. I felt almost compelled to say Jane. Now Jane tell me who you are. And even more important tell me what you want in your life. Just then a young girl approached us and spoke to him. Sir, another of your bourbons? yes, he said and make it a Dubble. Yes sir, and then she turned to me and said, and the. Young lady will have I snorted and said, I am not young she smiled and said, yes you are and mite I add very attractive this made me smile and I said thank you and I’ll have a white wine spritzer she bowed a little turned to go.
I said to him who is she. he looked after her and said she is my left arm and assistant her name is D. Now Jane you were about to tell me who you are and what your dreams are, and once again I was Transfixed in those eyes and found myself telling him everything for the next two hours about my marriages, my daughter, my friends and family, my work and ambitions for me and my daughter.
Then I fell quiet he just satThere not saying a word, after some time he simply said just say it. It will be easy once you start to tell it then he said and stop looking down those days are over for you always look me in the eye when you have something important to say. So, I did I told him of my recent battel with breast cancer the feeling of loss of what I felt was an important part of being a full woman the loss of a breast and the even more important part of not being able to have any more children.
Looking at him I saw the disappointment in his eye seeing he would never be able to have children with me. But I also saw the determination come to him not to be that kind of man. When I was done, he smiled and said to me Jane I can make no promises that your life will be easy with me, but a can promise that if you become mine, you will never want for anything, and your daughter will receive the education she will need to be more then you or me.
I looked at him and said, why do I trust you like no otherman before, he smiled and said to me Jane you have never met a man like me before. You have always been afraid of my kind you always thought that my kind was eval incarnate to a modern woman. You sensed my need to dominate in love or at least the kind of love that you come to expect from a modern man now you are expecting me to make all kinds of promises of love and devotion that is not my way what I will says is I will try to make of your life everything you want out of it.
He then looked over my shoulder at D and said take her to find her friends see to her daughter for the rest of the weekend and call the hotel to get my rooms ready. With that he pulled out his phone and I felt dismissed. D put her hand on my shoulder again I never realized till then that the entire time that I was talking she was holding her hand there. On our way out she said to me he is a very odd man, but you should know that from now on things will be different he has chosen you weather you become his orNot is all up to you, but he will always be there to lean on he will be the supposed you can cry on I dare say he will even kill to protect you and yours. But he does not show his emotions ever so it’s hard to grap what he may be feeling but you will in time. The same as I do welcome love to the rest of your life, she then kissed me.
And I just knew the emotion in that kiss was different than I ever felt before. It took about a half hour to locate everyone and for some reason I felt like it was a pain in the ass that all I wanted was to be back by his side. I felt that was where I belonged and that made me wonder why I only just met this man and I already felt as if I was not where I belonged. I was not next to him and just as important I was not under him taking him the way a woman should, I looked at D, she smiled leaned over and whispered it will get easier with time you will see. D gave each of my friends his business card and put her direct and his number incase my phone went dead because I could not charge it.
Finelly we were back with him he helped me into his limo and then he told me his story. God what a story a man born to love and forced to kill like many others at that time he was a vegetable of viet nam one of the hated. One of the resented and insulted having to borrow money from his parents to start a company. His drive to make it succeed make it thrive the help he received from D and her father who trusted him to make sure she would be cared for. He did, the company expanded according to her business plan he explained their relationship and what our life would be like and most important what he expected of me. And this was the shock I was expected to make my dream come true they would help support and invest in me.
But it was critical that I be the head of the company for my daughter’s sake. was I crying yes, I cried I wept for the damage done to him. For the love he showed in trusting me and just as important the care he showed toward my daughter who he hasn’t even met. I learned in that time to really understand something important about this man he would trust first and only express love with deeds he never made promises he made facts.
When we pulled up to the little hotel in N.Y. the doorman opened the door and helped me out, he smiled and said welcome back Mr.M thank you for coming back he said hi Chuck how are the wife and children and is little john recovering O.K. Yes sir, thank you for asking always will chuck you know that, let me introduce you to Jane hopefully you will see a lot more of her with D and Maby if you’re lucky M.F. This surprised me that he remembered her name. Chuck smiled and said I smell a shopping spree coming sir, yes Maby If things come to the right conclusion. We went in and went to the elevator he took out his key and unlocked and pressed a button. We were off to what became my new world, the elevator took us to his floor and set us into his suet. It was impossible of course./p>
He showed me to a bedroom and said why don’t you shower then join me back here for something light to eat. I said good idea I stink of sweat he smiled and said after bending and kissing my lips for the first time. Maby so, but it makes you taste fantastic when his lips touched mine for the first time there was such password in such a chate kiss, I never knew that was possible. I felt that kiss in my guts it churned them and felt something carnal and basic in me. I was ready to be taken then and there I never felt like that even the first time I had sex.
I stripped and looked at myself missing my title red scar typical 42-year-old astights showing their growth flat abs and hairy bush first things first I trimmed that bush but did not shake but did my legs and then took a shower and played with that clip over and over and all it did was make me hornier than I ever felt before my god what is this what has he done to me what is he doing.
When I finally came back, he too was in a robe there was food and wine set out he came over to me and this time he kissed me full on with password with lust with eagerness and greed yes greed. Like he wanted to own me not just take me and to my surprise I wanted that for the first time in my life I wanted to be owned cared for cerished the kind of all-encompassing love that you only read about in one of those tacky romance books. I looked up at him and said do you mean that or are you just hoping for a great lay. He said if you haven’t guessed you are only the second woman who has come here this is my escape the place where I think, plan and implementation and that is what I am hoping now to implement the rest of our lives together.
(Dear; Jane is this guy for real who decides in the span of two hours what he wants for the rest of his life. later he told me His secret he was given with foresight at least as far as what affected his life this was the man; I would spend the rest of my life caring for loving in ways most women find impossible sometimes repulsive. but a love so pure so intense so complete as to seem impossible)
I turned around walked over to a chair and with my back to him took a deep breath undid my robe and put it on the chair took another deep breath and turned around. All he said was Jane, I told you from now on keep your eyes open and looking in my eyes I opened my eyes and started to raise the first thing I saw told me the answer to one question. There peeking out of his robe was the most beautiful sight a woman who has gone through what I did could dream of the head of his little man was poking out to say hello welcome to heaven come get your man when I finished looking up his eyes said the rest.
To him I was the best thing in his life he took his robe off and he showed me a young man’s body flat ab’s hard chest strong arms hard legs and best of all 6.5 inches of very hard man with a tear drop hanging from its mouth. He came to me and preceded to kiss and lick my ears and neck his hands running up and down my back and finally grabbing my ass with both hands lifting me up I wrapped my legs around his hips. Then he used his tong to force my lips open and proceeded to dance a dance older than history since Adem and Eve this dance started life. He then moved to my neck. Then moved to my scar and licked me till I shook with the feeling of acceptance.
Then he looked me in the eye and entered me he was wide enough to stretch my lips wide enough that my clip rode his shake all the way down then he just moved his hips, and I felt my clip rub softly but intensely he looked at my face and let me ride and feel. Finally, I opened my eyes and as I stared into his I came and for the first time in my life I spurted all I could do was held on to him for the longest time my orgasm held me in thrall. legs fell and my arms slipped from his shoulders, and I realized later the only thing holding me up were his arms wrapped across my back with his hands grippingmy ass holding me and his cock still in me pulsing.
He walked me over to the couch gently laid me down and just held me have you ever come so hard the only thing you can do is cry. That’s exactly what I did I cried, and I shook for I don’t know how long. Finally, I pulled away from him and staired into the most loving eyes filled with concern for me. He said, are you back with us red. Yes, I answered.
He stood and got my robe put it around my shoulders then went over to get some food for me when he came back, he had snow crab legs, salami, cheeses, and bread as well as two different flavors of butter a glass of white wine sat next to me and told me to eat, I may need my strength. While we ate, I had to ask him why he didn’t come he smiled and said to me you may as well know now it takes me a long time to, I suffer from what’s called retarded ejaculation, I require more intensity stimulation that’s all. At the time I had never heard of this and had a thousand questions he answerered all of them and found that I was in for a lot of sex and very intense sex at that. yay for me, but I found that I came very quickly thankfully I was multi orgasmic none of my previous partners ever had a problem with getting me there but none of them ever made me say uncle till him.
After we ate, he walked we to the bedroom and we started just kissing. I went right to work playing with that marvelous tool of his. He kept pulling my head up by my hair and kissing me. When he went down and started licking me and then nipping at my clip, I knew I was out matched. When he put his fingers in me and found my G-spot and started on that I was lost and later when he started on my ass and managed to reach my G-spot from there well I don’t remember anything till I woke in the morning.
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