The Book Club–The Lords of Discipline
“OK, Señor Jones, está complete.”
Maria had released the constraints securing Jack to the grooming table and he climbed down off it with a sight. He pulled on his robe and headed out to find Lisa.
“Oh, all done Jack?” she said brightly as he entered the kitchen where she was making tea.
“Yep, all done” he replied, looking in the fridge for a cold drink.
“Well, let me have a look.”
Jack had grabbed a YooHoo and started drinking it as he turned to his wife and dropped the robe.
“Very nice,” Lisa exclaimed, “you look great.”
“Yeah, easy for you to say, you didn’t just have your balls and ass waxed.”
“Oh, poor baby,” she cooed as she massed his scrotum, “besides, you only had the bottom of your balls waxed.” Lisa didn’t like Jack to be shaken like a pre-pubescent boy, preferring a nice trim of his pubes, retaining the furry ‘honey trail’ of hair leading from the base of his pes down to his groin and leaving just a layer of peach fuzz on his balls–except for the bottom of his scrotum, that she liked baby-butt smooth.
“I need to leave soon, so let’s get you ready.”
She grabbed her tea and Jack followed her to his bedroom. She went to his cage drawer and made her selection.
“Oh no, not the ‘Master Blaster’!” he cried. The cage she had chosen was the largest one he owned and it was more of a full-blown chatity belt than a cock cage. He had named it the ‘Master Blaster’ after the codpiece hurt by the giant that Mad Max has to fight in ‘Beyond Thunderdome’. Lisa thought it was cute how he had named all his cages.
“Sorry Jack, you know I am leaving for Toronto and I don’t want you playing with yourself until after I hand you over to Jake.”
Jack looked at the floor knowing she had him. The lovemaking session they had a week ago had been, well, exceptional. They had a great meal, champione, danced on the patio and then made torrid love, multiple times. Then Lisa had told him that his next release wouldn’t be until he was at Jake’s, if at all. Jack was so frustrated he was ready to cry, but he knew that it wouldn’t do any good.
This last week had been hell for him and it was as if Lisa had been getting him ready to go off to war. The next morning after their love session, and she had even let him sleep in her bed that night, he was turned over to their personal trainer, Melissa, who began a bootcamp week with him that had only ended a few hours ago when he was groomed by Maria.
The training that Melissa put him through was intense and he pretty much spent the week wearing only a jockstrap. The only time he left the house was on the runs she ran him on around the estate. She had control of everything he ate, she watched him when he took shits and then examined what he left in the toilet. Four times a day she gave him various supplements and at night he slept restrained naked and spread-eagled to his bed. Each morning Melissa would come in and wake him with a half-hour long ball massage, his morning wood achingly erect until she let him loose so he could pee. It was murder.
Jack had to admit that whatever supplements Melissa gave him, along with the intense workouts, had an effect. He felt energized and vibrant and had clearly lost fat even though his weight had not changed. It hadn’t been all bad, after a long day she had him do laps in the pool and then a session in the hot tub. This was followed by a deep massage, the first two or three days being incredibly painful, but later very relaxing and therapeutic for him. After dinner he read “The Lords of Discipline” by Pat Conroy, which was the reading for the upcoming Book Club, before she put him to bed.
Lisa croouched and fastened the belt onto Jack, looping the crotch-strap up under his groin, pushing the attached plug into his anus and snapping the whole thing shut, the lock being at the back of the belt.
Jack grunted and then grabbed the huge front piece to adjust its position on his waist. He also thought about how contained he was. He could pee, but it would dribble all over from a small slot at the base of the metal pouch, but he could not take a shit. He was completely at the mercy of whoever had the key. Then Lisa attached the key necklace around his neck.
“I’m trusting you, Jack, to turn this key over to Jake when you get to his place.”
Jack was shocked, he had never been allowed to wear one of his keys, but now he was anxious to get going to Jake’s apartment.
“Get dressed,” Lisa said, “I’ll bring the car around. Don’t forget your pack.”
Lisa had laid out a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, his sneakers and some socks for him next to his knapsack. Jake was explicit on what he was to wear and to bring, just some extra briefs, a jockstrap and his toiletry items. He pulled the T-shirt on and wiggled into the 501s, the belt made his bulge huge, but there was nothing he could do about it.
He fingered the key at his neck gingerly and wondered how fast he could get out of the strap, pull one off and then get back in. Then he thought better of it, pulled the knapsack over his shoulder and went out the front door to where Lisa was waiting.
He slip into the front seat of her Maybach and the door shut with a soft click.
“You were thinking that you might get the belt off and wank, weren’t you honey?” she asked with a knowing smile as she guided the sedan down the driveway to the gate.
“Yes, ma’am, I considered it, but only for a moment,” he replied brightly.
“Jack, Jack, Jack, what am I going to do with you?” she laughed and then reached over to give his bulge a few knocks with her fist making a muted clunking sound each time.
“Well, for one thing you are turning me over to Jake and I don’t know where that will go,” he replied dejectedly.
“Good grief, Jack, you know exactly where it is going to go. If I recall, a month ago you seemed quite willing to have him redden your ass with his…what was that he called it?”
“The Whistler,” Jack said quietly.
“I think you’ll have a good time, sort of like you are going off to camp,” she told him.
“What was all that business between him and Ian, anyway?” Jack asked, not wanting to change the subject, but he had wanted to ask her about it.
“Well,” Lisa replied, “That’s complicated. Ian is…well, he’s one of Jake’s gimps.”
“Gimp? What’s a gimp?”
Lisa giggled, “A gimp is a man that another man, a top, and you know what that is don’t you?” Jake nodded. Lisa continued, “The top puts the gimp into a full body suit, usually latex or rubber, and then does BDSM things to him, locks him in a box, breath control, all sorts of things. I’ll add that it isn’t just a gay thing, dominatrixes have gimps as well.”
Jack was a bit put off from hearing this, he had no idea that Ian had a weird fetish like this, then he asked nervously, “Is that what Jake is goingto do to me? Make me a gimp?”
“Oh no,” Lisa laughed, “He’s going to make you his boy, in fact, from what I saw at the party, you already are. He may do some puppy play with you as well, but he won’t gimp you. You are what leathermen call an Otter, and Jake,” she continued, “Is clearly an Alpha Bear.”
She almost seemed, Jack thought, to say “Alpha Bear” almost wildly, and he knew that she had a past with Jake that was clear at the party.
“Jake was once a cub, and what a cub he was!” she said with a sight.
“You knew Jake that long ago?” Jack asked innocently.
“Watch yourself!” she chided, and at that point he knew why she had married him, he was her cub.
Lisa had pulled over to the sidewalk, saying “This is the turn for the airport, you can walk the rest of the way to Jake’s.”
Jack looked at Lisa, his eyes wide, “You are coming back for me, aren’t you?”
“Oh you poor dear,” Lisa said, touching Jack’s face, “Of course I am coming back foryou, I love you.” She leaned over and pulled his head to hers, kissing him deeply.
She pulled away, “Now get going and try to behave!”
“I love you too, Lisa” Jack said as he got out of the car.
As she pulled away, Jack realized how much he loved her. Yes, she was older and almost more a strict mother rather than a wife, but he still loved her. He headed towards Jake and Ian’s apartment building with a spring in his step.
Just like the last time he went to Jakes, he received a lot of catcalls from the men in the neighborhood and when he was almost to the apartment building a huge leather top who had been leaning up against the wall stepped into his path.
“Well, what’s a cute young pup like you doing out and about all alone?” he asked.
Jack was stopped in his tracks, the man was the quintessential leather top. Storm trooper officer’s hat, weathered face with a trim, white bear, a skin-tight brown leather shirt with a harness that framed his upper chest, the shirt tucked tightly into work jeans with calm length polished boots.
“Sir,” Jack said respectfully, “I’m on my way to a friends place.”
The man moved closer, grabbing Jack by both biceps. “You ARE a perfect boy, why don’t you come with me instead?”
Suddenly the man dropped his hands away and stepped back with a frightened look.
“Because he’s MY BOY, Bruce. Back off before I hurt you” Jack heard Jake’s booming voice behind him.
Bruce backed away, clearly unnerved. “But…but he’s not wearing a collar, Jake.”
“Oh, I’ll be fixing that soon enough.” Jake put his hands on Jack’s shoulders and spun him around, and then gave him a bear hug that took his breath away.
“How are you boy?” he boomed.
“I’m good, Sir, thank you.” Jake said, catching his breath. Jake put his huge arm around Jack’s shoulders and said, “C’mon, we need to get you collared before any more of these low-life try to grab you.”
Jake gave a dirty look over his shoulder at Bruce, who moved slowly backward and away from the two of them. “That’s a fine boy you got there Jake,” he said cautiously as he slinked away.
Jake and Jack went into Jake’s building and up to his apartment. When they were inside Jake ordered Jack to strip and he did so without hesitation.
“As perfect as I remembered,” Jake said, looking Jack over as he stood at attention in front of him. Jake took the key necklace off of Jack, spinning him around so that he could remove the belt. Jack’s cock was already hard and now it sprung free.
“Whoooo boy, that’s quite a boss you have there. When did your lady last let you get off?”
“A week ago, Sir!” Jack showed, saved to be free of the belt.
“I see,” said Jake, roughly rolling Jack’s balls in his hand, “we’ll have to see if you can earn a cum or not.”
“I hope so, Sir,” Jack replied.
“Come over here, I have a present for you.” Jack followed Jake into the kitchen and saw a poisoned stainless steel band lying on the counter. “Lisa had this shipped here for you along with some other kit, I hope it fits” the huge top said as he took the heavy collar and snapped it around Jack’s neck. “You know she won’t let anyone put anything on you that isn’t custom made,” Jake explained, “this one came from some guy in Germany. It’s the most perfect collar I have ever seen and I can’t wait to show you off in it tonight.”
The collar did fit perfectly and had brass rings attached to the front and back. Jack wasn’t quite sure how it was removed, it appeared seamless and he knew that he would be wearing it at least until Book Club. He also knew that Dr. Engerschwanz was who made it and it would not come off without the key.
Jake led him down the hall and into an expandive bedroom with floor to ceilinging windows and a huge poster bed against one wall. The bed was made and Jack could see various items laid out on it. Jake motioned towards the items, “Put those on,” and Jack compiled. There was a black leather posture harness that covered his shoulders and looped under his armpits, with a folded over collar like on a shirt. In the huge mirror on the far wall he could see that his cub collar rode smartly just above the collar of the harness. Then there was a thick leather jock with two huge snaps at the top of the pouch with finger posts so that it could be snapped off without removing the butt straps. Lastly, there were black leather boots to match the harness and jock.
He put the gear on and Jake smiled approvedly. One last thing boy. Jake was holding a black leather bow tie that he fastened around Jack’s neck over the stainless collar.
Jack stood again at attention while Jake looked him over, giving a low whistle of approval.
“Go on out to the kitchen boy and get yourself something to eat while I get dressed, the bathroom is down the hall if you need it.”
Jack said, “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir” and headed back towards the kitchen. The fried was full of food and Jack grabbed a roast chicken leg and a bottled water, he didn’t want to overdo it because he knew it would be a long night. He also knew he was starving and made short work wolfing down the leg, took a swig of the water and then went into the bathroom off the kitchen.
He pulled the jock off and sat down on the toilet, more to take a break than anything else, but after he peed he started rubbing his balls, balls that had not had released in a week and had been aching for days. Before he knew it he was pumping his erect cock like no tomorrow and that’s when the door opened.
“Boy, that was a big mistake,” Jake said, standing in the doorway in his full legs. He did not look pleased.
“But, Sir!” Jack said weakly, quickly turning red with embarrassment at being caught wanking. “No buts boy, get out here!” Jake ordered.
Jack bent down to grab the jock, but Jake stopped him with “Forget the jock, I want you bare assed!”
Jake went out to theliving room and Jack followed, his head hanging in harmse. Jake sat down in his huge leather chair and motioned to Jack. “Over the knees, boy.” Jack took the position, his butt up and exposed for what he knew was coming.
“Now boy,” Jake explained, one reason you are here is the need for discipline and discipline is what you are going to get. What you are going to have right now is just the warm up, later we’re going to tan your ass proper, but for now this will have to do.” With that he brought his hand down smartly on Jacks tight butt and Jack jumped with the force. Then he started spanking Jack with a ferocity Jack had never known. Jack jumped and squirmed but Jake held him firmly with one huge hand on his neck. After ten or so swats Jack’s ass was getting seriously red and Jack pleased, “Please Sir, I’m sorry Sir,” but that did not stop Jakes hand. After twenty swats Jack was crying and begging Jake to stop, but the big man didn’t let up until Jack’s ass was glowing red withheat.
“All right boy, get that jock back on and go stand in the corner, hands on your head, until I am ready to go,” Jake commanded.
Jack sniffed, climbed slowly off of Jake’s lap, pulled the jock back on gingerly and went over to the corner that Jake had indicated. Jake was pleased at the whole incident because Lisa had told him that it would not be long until Jack screwed up. Jake liked taking a boy to the club with a red ass–everyone would know what happened.
Jack didn’t know what to think, in fact, he had a hard time thinking with the sharp fire on his butt cheats. He was mortified that he had done what he did and was resolved to not listen again to his cock calling out for relief.
After about ten minutes Jake said, “C’mon boy, let’s go!” Jack turned around, head down and followed Jake out the front door. Jake turned to him, “I don’t believe in leashes boy. You will walk behind me and to my right, you will speak only when spoken to…and, hold your head upand show everyone you are proud to be my boy!”
“Yes, Sir!” Jack brightened and stood taller. Again he felt good to be under the control of Jake.
The leather bar was a block from where Jake’s apartment was and Jack didn’t feel self-conscious at all wearing the harness and leather jock since he was with Jake. There were a lot of leathermen, boys, pups and even a few gimps on leashes as they approached the bar. As they entered Jack was assailed by the heavy odor of testosterone and leather, man musk and semen. He saw Bruce over by the bar and as they approached he stood up and said to Jake, “Look man, I’m sorry about the thing with your boy, can I buy the two of you a drink?”
“That would help patch things up,” Jake said gruffly. “Whiskey…and a beer for Jack here.”
“You are one fine looking boy,” Bruce said to Jack as they waited for their drinks, “and your master is second to none.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Jack said respectfully to Bruce as Jake handed him his beer. Jack was amazed at the different men in the place and stood behind Jake as he sat talking with Bruce at the bar. He also got the feeling that Jake was some sort of leather royalty as various tops came up to him to pay respects and comment on Jack. Jake enjoyed showing Jack’s red ass to each of them, laughing and giving him a smile every so often to keep the color up. Jack didn’t mind, he was feeling good just with the whole zeitgeist of the moment. His cock was straining at the confines of the leather jock and he wondered if he might get the chance to get off soon.
Jack had been standing while Jake sat on a barstool talking with the various men who came into the bar. After a bit Jack noticed that there was what looked to be a wooden toilet seat lid folded up against the front of the bar. Jake saw him looking at it and said “Where are my manners?” and reached down and flipped the seat out. “Sit,” he commanded and Jack gratefully sat down, the heat on his rear having finally dissipated. Then Jake explained, “We call these ‘cub seats’ for the obvious reason, no boy should be sitting while his top is standing nor should he be sitting equal or above his top.” Jack marveled at the complexity of the leather lifestyle and was given a parade of participants and lessons on it as he sat with Jake.
“What is it boy?” Jake asked, seeing a look on Jack’s face that told him the cub wanted to ask a question.
“Well Sir,” Jack stammered, almost afraid to ask his question, “I was just wondering if there was going to be some sort of show or event.”
Suddenly Jake roared with laughter, causing many of the men standing about to look over towards them. Immediately Jack regretted asking.
“You ARE the show, Jack,” Jake laughed, using his name, then adding, “we’re also waiting on someone.”
Jack took another sip of his beer, his second of the evening, and wondered what that was going to be like. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Jake, you sorry bastard!” he heard a voice boom from near the entrance to the bar. Jake stood up and Jack immediately followed.
“I’m not the one who’s mother was a whore,” Jake boomed back as Jack looked at who he was talking to–a huge mountain of a black man, easily the size of Jake, but rippling with far more muscle, if that was possible. He was wearing short leather pants and what looked to be long-laced leather wrestling boots. He also sported a complex harness that looped and twisted around his bulging brain. He angrily rushed towards Jake and Jake did the same and as they came thundering together they…kissed. A deep, growing kind of kiss like Jack had never seen. There was a cheer from the crowd in the bar and one man yelled out “Marcus is here!”
Finally, the huge bears ended their kiss, slapping each other with their huge paw-like hands and trading punches, then Marcus bellowed, “Where’s my goddam drink?”
Chad, one of the bartenders, came running over with what looked like a fancy wine glass, or even chalice, with a deep green liquid in it.
“Here you are, Sir, fresh made with cane sugar.”
Marcus grabbed the glass from him, looked at it closely, and then took a sip.
“It will do.”
Chad turned and went back behind the bar, clearly saved.
“You and your green fairy shit,” Jake chided.
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