The Book Club – Toxic Masculinity

Lisa brushed her hand along the coache stubble of Jack’s beard and traced the edge of his jawline with her fingertip, then pushed her fingers up through his short-cropped haircut.

“How are you holding up, honey?” she asked.

“I’m ok, just anxious for the party to get started,” he replied. She kissed him hard on the lips and then went to check to see how the refreshments were coming.

Jack Sighed, he had been in position for at least fifteen minutes. He couldn’t see the clock on the wall behind his head, but he figured at any time the Book Club members would begin to arrive. He was squatting naked on the large console cabinet that dominated the front entrance to their home. His arms were raised, secured by a rigid spreader bar and collar, the back of which was attached firmly to an eyelet in the wall. Thick straps Secure his thighs to his calves and were also attached to the wall, effectively spreading his legs near 180 degrees, his cock and balls fully exposed and vulnerable. A ‘Vibrating Rogue Erection Enhancer’ had been fitted to his goods. The device was nothing short of diabolical, basically a cock and ball ring with a knob that pressed on his perineum and then ended with a thick butt plug that pressed against his prostate. A button on the front of the device, just below his balls, activated a vibrator at his prostate.

Jack had been given a Viagra and his cock was as rigid as a pole, jutting up and pulling his balls up and out from his groin. He wondered what Lisa’s friends would think of the display because this month his wife had added a new twist. His balls had been painted bright blue with body paint and his cock shake was painted red. He knew he looked like a huge and hairless Vervet Monkey.

Suddenly Maria, their maid, appeared holding a silver tray that she placed on the counter between his legs. She pressed the button on the enhancer momentarily and he jumped at the sudden victory–or at least jumped as far as his restraints would allow.

“Lo siento, Señor Jones, Domina Lisa asked me to check the batteries” she apologized in her heavy Spanish accent.

Jack always thought it amusing how matter-of-fact Maria was with their household arrangement. She had been the one who had painted his junk and he knew what was on the tray: an array of tools that the guests could use on him. He also liked the way she was Always respectful to him, even when she was assisting Lisa in disciplining him.

Maria bustled away towards the living room through the wide portal across the foyer from where Jack was restrained. He looked over and saw his wife descending the staircase to his right and he gasped. She was just ravishing, wearing a tight, clinging black dress that wrapped in folds around her statusesque body. Her ample breasts were thrust up and out by a tight bodyce and she wore elbow length black gloves. Her long black hair was pulled up and back in a huge pony tail and the only jewelry she wore was a velvet collar around her neck with a small gold charm dangling at the center. That charm was a replica of Jack’s scrotum made from a full size cast of it that she had commissioned when they got married.

“Well Jack, how do I look?”

“You look beautiful Mistress,” Jack exclaimed, defaulting to the title he always used when they were playing.

She carried a thin black leather flogger and standing in Front of him she flicked her wrist and the flat end slapped smartly against his plump scrotum. Jack winced as his nuts tried to retreat towards his body, but the enhancer only allowed them to tighten, clearly defining their egg-like shape.

“Thank you Mistress.”

“I really love the red and blue paint, Jack, so patriotic.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Then he gasped as she dragged the end of her crop across the folds of his abs. Jack was in excellent shape, in fact, Lisa demanded it of him. He knew he was her trophy husband, and now he was mounted on a shelf like the trophy he was.She leaned over and planted her mouth firmly against his, shooting her tongue into his mouth which he greedily sucked in. Then he moaned involuntarily as her gloved hand grabbed his cock and milked it upward. She pulled away from him and caught the huge drop of precum that had appeared with the tip of her finger, putting it to her mouth and licking it off. “I love the taste of you Jack,” she said smiling.

“Yes Mistress, please have all you want.”

“Nice try,” she said as the crop slapped his balls smartly, “you know who I am saving you for.”

Jack winced, both at the slap and at the meaning of what she had said. He felt confident that he was getting off today, but he also knew he wouldn’t enjoy it half as much since it would not be with his wife.

Then the doorbell rang and Lisa called out, “I’ll get it Maria.”

It was Toddy, Lisa’s best friend. Jack knew it would be her, she was always the first one to arrive for Book Club.

“Lisa, you look stunning!” she said as she gave her friend the cheek-to-cheek peck.

“Jack, you look stunning too!” she exclaimed as she looked him over. “My god Lisa, what have you done to his balls? Is this poor boy not getting ANY?”

They both laughed and Jack felt a deep flush of embarrassment rise quickly up his chest, then Toddy reached out and fondled his balls gently. Jack closed his eyes and moaned as her soft hands and manicured nails rubbed and scratched at his tight sack.

“I know what this boy likes, don’t I?” she asked Lisa as Jack compromised and moaned at her touch. Then with her other hand she held the button on the butt plug and Jack jumped.

“Toddy, save some of that for later. Come into the kitchen I want to show you my new creation.” The two women then left, Jack’s dick bobbing wildly from the vibrator.

A minute or two later the doorbell rang again and Maria appeared to let the next guest in. She opened the door and Jack heard her say, “Señor Ian, Bienvenido, como estas?”

“Estoy bien, gracias!” Ian replied, moving past her towards Jack.

“Oh…my..gawd,” Ian exclaimed as he looked Jack over, his head moving up and down as he took it all in.

Ian was one of Lisa’s assistants and he was gayer than Elton John. Jack did not really like Ian, but Lisa loved playing him against Jack.

Maria bustled away as Ian leaned over to inspect Jack’s junk. Then he flicked out his tongue and licked the tip of Jack’s engorged dick.

“Uhnnnnhh…” Jack moaned. “Did you like that Jack?”

“Yes Sir,” Jack said dejectedly, torn between the sensing itself and his loathing of Ian.

“Now Jack, you don’t have to ‘Sir’ me,” Ian told him as he cupped Jack’s balls.

“Mmmmph…Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Very well then, suit yourself,” Ian replied as he laid both hands on Jack’s pecs, rubbing them and twisting the bound man’s nipples. “You are such a beautiful man, and the colorful cock and balls look great on you. How full are these balls anyway?” he said, one hand moving back to cup and weight Jack’s tight scrotum.

“It’s been a week, Sir,” Jack replied between moans.

“Well then, we’ll just have to relieve that congestion, won’t we?”

Just then Lisa called out from the living room, “Ian, quit playing with Jack and come in here.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Ian called back, then gave Jack’s balls and nipple a final squeeze. “Later, my beautiful boy.”

Jack was relieved that Lisa had called Ian away, but he knew that what was next would be potentially worse. As if on cue, the doorbell rang again. Maria appeared and opened the door, but Jack knew who it would be, the final two members of the club, Lisa’s friends Laney and Lois. They were a couple and a weird one at that. Both women were stunningly gorgeous and you had to know them to tell which one was the dominant because each acted as feminine as straight women. Lois had absolutely no interest in men whatsoever, but Laney was the one to watch, she hated men and only put up with them because the city of Themiscyra, the capital of the Amazons, didn’t exist or she would have moved there.

Lois looked at Jack briefly and then pushed past Laney to follow Maria into the living room. Then Laney turned to Jack, who looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze. “Well, Jack, Lisa has you painted up quite fancy for today’s festivals.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Jack replied quietly.

Laney had reached out and was gently fondling Jack’s balls. “You know Jack, I have always wanted to possess these boys of yours.”

“Yes Ma’am, I know,” Jack gulped.

“You also know,” Laney continued, “that unlike your beautiful wife, I would not be content to have you keep them for me, I’d like to have them in a jar on my desk!”

Then she squeezed his nuts until Jack gave out a high-pitched shriek.

“LANEY!” Lisa yelled from the living room, “don’t hurt him. In fact, come in here and let’s got started.”

Laney let go of Jack’s balls and gave them a gentle pat, saying “later sweetie.”


“Okay Ladies, and you too Ian,” Lisa announced. “Does everyone have a glass of wine, comfy? It’s time to get started.”

From where Jack was perched he could not make out the conversation in the other room, but he knew that the meeting had finally started.

“The book for this month was ‘Toxic Masculinity’ by Velvet Vagina.” Ian snickered.

“As you know, that’s just a pen name. In fact, I happen to know the author.”

Laney asked, “What’s her name?”

“Well honey,” Lisa said, “it’s not a she, it’s a he.”

“GET OUT!” Ian exclaimed, “Is it Jack?”

Lisa started laughing, “Good grief no, Jack couldn’t write that book. Of course, he did read it and like always we’ll be giving him a quiz on it later. If he passes the quiz, he gets a treatment. If he fails, well, he’ll be keeping those blue balls of his a while longer. I’ve been edging him nightly so he is pretty much ready toblow. Now then, you know the drill. I’ll give a summary of the book and then each of you will give your opinion of it, then it will be Jack’s turn. After you give your opinion go out and tease Jack to keep him hard, but be very careful not to let him come, and Laney, no serious injuries, OK?”

“I’ll be gentle,” Ian laughed at that, then Laney continued, “Look, you know Lois isn’t into teasing or torturing Jack, but she has something she’d like to ask the group. Go ahead honey.”

“Well, I have this new stuff that I found and I’d like to try it out on him. I used it on Laney the other night and it was pretty wild.” Lois had fished around in her pursuit and pulled out what looked to be a tube of toothpaste with some sort of brush on the end instead of a cap.

“It’s called ‘Itchy Witchy’ and whatever it gets rubbed on develops a really severe itch. I’d like to rub some on his balls. It’s a liquid and once it dries anyone else can touch it without getting the itchy stuff on their hands.”

Toddy piped in, “My girl, that sounds like fun, I say go for it.” Lisa nodded in agreement, “OK, after I give my summary you can go rub it on Jack’s balls.”

Jack heard laughing in the other room and he knew they were talking about him. He also knew Lois would be out soon as she was always first to tease him and keep him hard. She didn’t do much, Just ticked his balls and sucked on his nipples–she really liked nipples. After a few minutes Lois came out of the living room. She didn’t waste any time and jumped right in on sucking at his nips. He had begun to sag a bit but with this hot lesbian nibbling on his pes it didn’t take long for his erection to continue strength. Lois never said anything and once she saw that he was hard again she was generally Through, but this time he saw that she had something in her hand, it looked like a tube of something.

She held it up and squeezed and Jack saw a white creamy substance ooze out of the cap that was actually a brush. He jumped when she started scrubbing his nuts with it and he could swear she had the most evil grin on her face. He squirmed a bit as she brushed the lotion all over his captive balls and after they were completely covered she went back to the party.

Jack leaned forward as far as he could manage so that he could see his scrotum. It was bright blue, of course, but shiny from whatever lotion or cream that Lois had rubbed onto it. It started to dry and as it did the itch began.

“Oh my god,” Jack thought as the itch began to intensify. There was nothing he could do, no way that he could get a hand down there. The itch in his balls slowly increased in intensity until he began to squirm and try to somehow get his nuts to move–anything to relive the itch.

“Well Jack, this is quite the scene.”

Jack looked up to see that Toddy had come in from the living room. He loved Toddy, not as much as Lisa, of course, but enough to fuck her regularly, sometimes even withoutLisa knowing about it, but more often than not under Lisa’s watchful gaze.

Toddy picked up a small leather flogger from the tray and began to slap Jack’s balls playfully. “Oh yes, thank you ma’am, thank you” Jack cried as she slapped his exposed nads with the crop, dragging the leather straps across his nuts with each blow.

Then she took his balls in her hand and rubbed them roughly, scratching them as he would have done if his hands were free. She leaned into him and whispered in his ear, “Don’t forget this.”

“No, no ma’am,” he cried as she relieved the insatiable itch. Then she kissed him, a long, deep tonguing, pulled away and returned to the party.

It wasn’t long before the uncontrollable itch returned and once again Jack moaned and struggled in his restraints, anything to relive the prickling irritation on his balls. As he compromised and danced, at least as much as he could, he couldn’t but wonder at the fact that his dick was as hard as a pole, the angry purple head of it pointing straight up, begging for release. Whatever that cream was it not only caused the itch but was also an aphrodisiac.

“Hello Jack,” Laney’s ominous yet sexy voice whispered from where she stood enjoying his torque. “As much as I would like to torture your balls, that might be a relief, so I don’t plan to touch them much.”

This didn’t surprise Jack as all that Laney had ever wanted to do was relieve him of his boys. At one party she had even held a knife to the base of his sack and had it not been for Lisa’s intervention she would have, indeed, had his balls in a jar on her desk. He didn’t know why she hated him, or why she focused solely on his manhood. The only thing that he could think was that she was jealous of his masculinity and his association with Lisa.

Now She had taken the Wartenberg wheel from the tray and was running it lightly up and down the length of his engorged cock. The tickling sensing against the itch in his balls was drivingg him crazy. “I’ll bet you would like me to scratch that itch in your balls, wouldn’t you?” Laney whispered into his ear as she nibbled on the lobe. Jack’s eyes were shut and he grimaced at the multiple unpleasant sensings. “Yes ma’am,” he answered through clenched teeth. “Oh,” she said, dropping the wheel on the tray, “I was hoping you’d ask me to rub your balls.” She continued to nibble his ear as she grabbed his sack with one hand and rubbed his glasses between her fingers roughly, like a gangster playing with a pair of ball bearings. Jack gasped but didn’t cry out. “I love having a man like you by the balls,” she whispered, “so vulnerable” she squeezed harder, but for Jack the intense pressure only saved the maddening itch.

“OK Laney,” Ian said coming in from the living room, “torture session is over.” She gave one last squeeze and Jack gasped again as she reluctantly let go of his jewels. He was panting now as Ian ran his hands over his torso. Ian had placed one hand inthe small of Jack’s back and used the other to knee and rub the abs and pecs of his captive hottie. Jack moaned as Ian took one of his nipples into his mouth and sucked greedily, like a baby at its mothers breast.

Ian loved Jack’s body, especially his cock, but it was too soon for that, he was content just to massage and knee the mans tight physique.

“Sir, will you please scratch my balls?” Jack pleased.

“Why Jack,” Ian feigned surprise, “I believe this is the first time you’ve invited me to play with your berries.”

“Sir, please.” The itch had returned and was maddening.

Ian continued to hold his left hand on Jack’s back, but now his right slide down across Jack’s stomach and onto his thigh. His hand slowly slid along Jack’s tight inner quad until he reached the bright blue ballsack. He knew exactly what to do, after all, he was a man. His manicured nails scratched up from the bottom and dragged across the skin as if it were his balls that needed a good scrash. Jack moaned in relief.

“Is that good?”

“Oh yes Sir, please don’t stop.” Any reluctance Jack had with a gay man fondling him had gone out the window.

Ian had pushed his face into the furrows of Jack’s abs and was licking and sucking as he continued to scratch Jack’s balls. Ian was in heaven, finally getting response out of Jack, who had always seemed repulsed by his advances, yet unable to resist them.

Neither Ian or Jack had noticed that the other club members had come in to the foyer and stood watching the two men. Jack’s eyes were closed, his fists clnched and he was breathing heavily. Ian’s face was pressed into his stomach, his tongue deep into Jack’s navel, as he man-scratched Jack’s balls.

“Well isn’t this special!” Lisa excelled loudly and the women giggled.

Jack’s eyes flew open and a hot red flush swooped up from where Ian was tonguing him up into his neck.

“OK Ian, pull away from Jack, it’s time for his quiz.”

Jack didn’t know if it was Ian’s scratching or that the lotion that Lois had put on him had just wound off, but his balls had finally stopped itching. Lisa moved forward and began sliding her hand up and down his engaged cock, which until now had not received much attention. He gasped and tried to thrust into her hand. She pulled away.

“Not so fast, tiger. You have some work to do.”

Jack took a deep breath while the others looked on in fascination.

“OK then, first question.” Lisa had placed her fingertips around the head of Jack’s dick and began to doorknob it as Jack moaned and compromised. “Remember, I won’t repeat the question,” she said menuingly as she edged him.

“How did Velvet define ‘Toxic Masculinity’?” Lisa asked as she pressed Jack’s balls together with one hand and lightly stroked them lengthwise with the other. She knew this drove him crazy.

Jack panted and tightly grimaced as he tried to remember the answer. Toddy came over and rubbed the top of his head. “I love it when he does this, he looks just like a little schoolboy after being called on by teacher.”

“EXAGGERATED MASCULINE TRAITS!” Jack finally yelled out.

Lisa stopped struggling his balls, “No need to yell.”

“I’m sorry mistress, was that correct?” he asked, with a concerned and quizzical look.

Lisa had gone back to his cock, grabbing it securely with her thumb and index finger wrapped around his glans like she was making an OK sign, her other hand open and palming the top, which was wet and slick with precum. “Gahhhhhnnn…” Jack moaned.

“Yes Jack, you got the first one right.”

“I don’t think he heard you,” Laney said mockingly, taking a sip of her wine.

Lisa noticed that Jack’s balls had tightened so she let go of his cock and he told, part from relief, part from frustration. Ian marveled at the color of his cock head, a deep, dark purple, and sympathized with him as only a fellow male could.

“Lois,” Lisa asked, “Is it safe forIan to lick Jack’s balls?”

“Oh sure, the ‘Itchy Witchy’ is non-toxic, he’s safe.”

“Go for it Ian!”

Ian set his wine glass down and leaning forward quickly sucked Jack’s entire scrotum into his mouth. “Ahhhhh…” Jack groaned, both with the pleasure of it and the pain. Jack’s balls weren’t huge, but they weren’t small either, and Ian keep suction to hold them in His mouth while his tongue rubbed back and forth under each nut.


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