“Good morning, Jack!” Lisa said brightly, looking up from her coffee as her husband padded over to the coffee bar, naked as a jaybird except for the large chatity belt encircling his waist. He poured himself a cup and then went over to sit next to his wife, wondering to himself if she was in a good mood–it seemed like it, so he went for it.
“Do you think I might get this off today, it’s been a week,” he said plainly, looking hopefully at his wife as he sipped his coffee.
Her voice was soft and thoughtful, with a hint of determination. “Yes, I do believe that can be arranged,” she said, her eyes glancing towards the newly installed grooming room equipment. It was a welcome improvement to the old area, which had been in desperate need of an upgrade. The scent of fresh wood and metal lingered in the air as she spoke. “And you are certainly due for some much-needed attention,” she added with a gentle smile.
“I knew there was a catch,” he surprised, “but will I get arelease if I behave?”
“Of course, but you need to know that I am bringing on a relative of Maria’s to help her with her duties. She’s from Mexico and does not speak a word of English.” Oh great, thought Jack, another matron in the house–Maria was at least sixty years old and had been with Lisa even before they married. Lisa had been looking at her laptop, but now she closed it and stood up. “I have to get some work done, so let me show you the new equipment and get you ready for Maria.”
“Sounds fine to me,” Jack said as he stood and followed his wife out the door to the patio. The new grooming room was on the other side, facing the pool. Jack could see already that the retractable blinds that had covered the large windows facing the pool area were open for the first time in weeks. As they went in Jack marveled at how different it was from the old area. The room was very sleep and modern, the wall opposite the windows was curved and fitted with panels that went from floorto ceiling and the floor was paved with large, polished stone tiles. Then Jack realized something, “Where’s the table?” he asked, “Is it behind those panels?”
Lisa chuckled and then said, “Hilda, open the storage panels.”
A sultry woman’s voice, which Jack thought sounded a bit like Marilyn Monroe, answered: “Yes Domina, as you wish” as the panels slid silently upward into slots in the ceiling.
Lisa looked at Jack and smiled, “It’s AI controlled and I do not know why Herr Engerschwanz named it ‘Hilda’, but it is what it is.” Behind the panels were lighted counters with mirrors, various brushes, combats, shampoo, and other grooming items, a sink and storage drawers.
Then Jack blurted out, “But the table, where’s the table?”
“Oh darling, that’s the best part. Hilda, Jack is ready to be groomed.”
A loud clicking sound followed by whirring was heard as Jack saw a large circular panel mounted in the ceiling slide open like a camera iris. Then a framework ofSome kind lowered down out of the hole and stopped just above the floor. Jack could immediately tell that it was some sort of chair/sling combination with what looked like a pair of handlebars, two foot pads and some sort of padded bolster. Each was attached to an artistic arm reaching down from the ceiling.
“OK Jack, stand here, put your feet on those pads and grab those bars,” Lisa instructed.
“Oh no, I am NOT getting on that thing!” Jack said forcedly.
“Oh really?” Lisa asked, “Your belt is not coming off until you are in it so if you want the belt to stay on then we’ll just delay the grooming until you are ready. Pity, I had a wild time planned for you.” Then she touched his cheek and ran her finger down his neck and slowly circled a nipple, pausing to pinch it lightly. Jack gasped and immediately turned around and climbed onto the fixture, which moved to accommodate him such that he was held in a bent over posture not unlike being on a horse, the foot padsspreading his legs.
“That’s my man!” Lisa said proudly as she pulled the key to his belt from around her neck.
“Domina,” Hilda said, “do you wish me to secure him?”
“Yes, yes indeed, otherwise the minute he gets out of his belt he’ll be out of here.”
Angain there was a whirring sound and another artistic arm came down from the ceiling, stopping in front of Jack’s face. The end looked like a SCUBA regulator and Jack knew it was pointless to argue, so he opened his mouth and bit down on the rubber part of the device and wondered how it was going to ‘secure him’. Then Lisa put her key into his belt and unlocked it, pulling it away from his crotch.
Jack witnessed in relief as the belt was removed and then decided to pull out of the mouthpiece. As he started to move his lips from around the flange, he heard a loud horn followed by a sudden suction that drew the mouthpiece tightly into his face, collapse his cheeks and pulling some air out of his lungs that wasNot only starting, but slightly painful.
“Master Jack,” Hilda said, “please do not attempt to release the mouthpiece until I give you leave.” It didn’t take Jack long to figure out that if he tried to step off or even let go of the handlebars Hilda would suck the air out him.
Lisa giggled and said, “Well Jack, I really have to get going. I will leave you with Hilda and Maria should be here soon to groom you. Do try to behave, Hilda has other capabilities that you really do not want to test. I’ll see you later.” She gave him a quick peck to his cheek then cupped his balls and gave them a light squeeze as she turned and left.
Jack didn’t know what to think, but figured he might as well try to relax given his prediction–this was not to be. No sooner had Lisa left than the motorized swing that he was in began to move, lifting him upwards, leaning him forward and stopping at table height. Then he heard the door open and Maria says, “Hola, Señor Jones.”
“Hello Maria, I guess it’s that time again,” Jack mumbled around the mouthpiece.
“Señor Jones, esta es mi sobrina, Maya.”
“Your niece!” Jack yelled, almost losing his gag and getting a short warning suck from Hilda.
“Si Señor, no te preocupes, ella tiene dieciocho años.”
“Eightteen! Jesus Christ, and I imagine she doesn’t speak English.”
“No Señor, no Inglés,” Maria said smiling as she motioned to someone out of Jack’s view.
Jack heard soft footsteps approach from behind. A young woman with long dark hair and deep brown eyes came into view, looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and shyness. She was dressed conservatively in a modest blouse and skirt, but Jack could see she had a little, graceful figure.
“Hola, Señor” Maya said quietly, averting her eyes from Jack’s naked form.
Jack felt his face flush with embarrassment. Here he was, completely exposed and restrained in this bizarre contraption, about to be “groomed” by an 18-year-old girl who didn’t even speak English. He squirmed uselessly against his bonds.
Maria spoke rapidly to Maya in Spanish, gesturing at various grooming implementations. Maya nodded, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the high-tech room and equipment.
“Okay Señor, we start now,” Maria said as she rinsed Jack’s backside with a warm, gentle spray from a handheld nozzle. Jack flinched slightly at the sensing of the water on his skin while Maya watched intently as her aunt demonstrated the various grooming tools and techniques.
“Maya, ven aquí,” Maria instructed, beckoning the young woman closer. “Ahora, empieza con el jabón.” Maya hesitantly approached Jack, a soapy sponge in her hand. Her touch was light and tenative as she began to later his buttocks. Jack closed his eyes, trying to pretend he was anywhere else. The soft strokes of the sponge were oddly soothing, despite his embarrassment.
“Bueno, bueno,” Maria encouraged. “Ahora más bajo”
Jack’s eyes flew open as hefelt Maya’s soapy hands moving down his butt towards his thighs making a muffled sound of protest around the gag. Maya’s hands trembled slightly as she continued soaping Jack’s lower body. Her cheeks were flushed and she kept her eyes abused, clearly uncomfortable with the intimate task. Jack squeezed his eyes shut again, willing himself to endure the mortifying situation.
“Maya, no tengas miedo,” Maria said gently. “Es part del trabajo.”
The young woman took a deep breath and nodded, her movements becoming more confident as she worked. Jack could feel her small hands moving efficiently over his skin, the warm soapy water trickling down his legs. Although his best efforts to remain detached, he felt himself responding to her touch.
“Ay dios mío,” Maya whispered as she noticed Jack’s growing arousal.
Maria chuckled. “No te preocupes, es normal. Sigue con el trabajo.”
Jack’s face burned with shame as Maya continued washing his backside. This was the first tIs she had ever seen a naked man like this, let alone touched one so intimately. Her hands trembled slightly as she worked the soapy sponge over the curves of his buttocks and down his thighs.
“Muy bien, Maya,” Maria encouraged. Maya hesitated, her eyes darting nervously to Jack’s rigidly erect penis. Then she moved behind him and her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Jack’s exposed balls. Her breath quickly and she felt a strange warmth spreading through her body.
“Adelante, tócalas,” Maria told her.
With trembling hands, she gently cupped Jack’s tests, marveling at their weight and texture. Jack let out a muffled groan around the gag, his body tensing at the unfamiliar touch. Maya continued to cares him and now Jack was trying to push his balls into her hand to see if she might get him off. Maya slipped her hand forward, her fingers gently touching his shake.
“Yessssss…” Jack sent as Maya’s fingertips grazed the tip of his cock.
“No, no, no!” Maria yelled at Maya and the girl pulled her hand away.
“Mmmmpf!” Jack groaned with frustration, he was so close.
“Yo me encargo desde aquí,” Maria said, using a towel to dry Jack off.
Maria then trimmed Jack’s public hair with practiced efficiency, her experienced hands making quick work of the task. Maya watched intently, trying to absorb every detail of the grooming process. Jack’s arousal had subsided somewhat, but he still felt acutely aware of every touch. Then Maria applied a dollar of sugar wax to the bottom of Jack’s nutsack. Jack knew what was coming and bit hard on his mouthpiece.
Maya was shocked when Maria grabbed the edge of the wax and ripped it off causing Jack to jump.
“Frota un poco de esto sobre ellos,” Maria said to Maya as she handed her a bottle of lotion. Maya hesitantly took the bottle, her hands shaking slightly as she squeezed a small amount of lotion onto her palm. She gently began massaging it into the reddened skin at thebase of Jack’s ball sack, her touch feather-light and uncertain. Jack let out a muffled groan, both from the lingering sing of the waxing and the unexpected tenderness of Maya’s care.
“Más firme,” Maria instructed, demonstrating a more assertive motion.
Maya nodded, increasing the pressure of her fingers. Jack let out a muffled groan, his body tensioning as the young woman’s hands worked the lotion into his scrotum. He could feel himself hardening again, much to his embarrassment.
“Es normal,” Maria reassure her niece, noticing Maya’s wide-eyed star at Jack’s growing erection. “Continúa.”
Maya took a deep breath and continued her work, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. She was both embarrassed and thrilled to have such intimate access to a man’s private parts. As Maya’s hands Continued to work the lotion into Jack’s sensitive skin, he feel his arousal building to an almost unbearable level. The young woman’s inexperienced but eager touch was driving him wild. He tried to thrust his hips, seeking more friction, but the restraints held him firmly in place.
Maria watched with amusement, shaking her head at Jack’s futile attempts to find release. “Ay, Señor Jack, you know better,” she chided gently. Maya looked up at her aunt, confusion evidence in her dark eyes. “¿Qué pasa, tía?” she asked softly.
Maria explained in rapid Spanish, causing Maya’s eyes to widen in understanding. The young woman’s hands slowed their ministers, now more tenative as she realized the effect she was having on Jack.
Jack let out a frustrated groan around the gag, his body trembling with need. Maya’s gentle touch was exhaust torture, bringing him to the edge but never quite enough to push him over. He could feel her inexperienced hands exploring his most sensitive areas with a mix of curiosity and hesitation.
“Muy bien, Maya,” Maria said approvingly. “Ahora, vamos a limpiaarlo.”
Maya nodded, reaching for a warm, damp clothes. She began to gently clean Jack’s genitals, her touch feather-light as she wiped away the excess lotion. Jack shuddered, his cock twitching with each delicate pass of the clothes.
“Cuidado,” Maria warned as Maya’s hand brushed dangerously close to Jack’s scanning erection. The young woman’s inexperienced but eager touch was driving him wild. He tried to thrust his hips, seeking more friction, but the mouthpiece held him firmly in place. Maria watched with amusement, shaking her head at Jack’s futile attempts to find release.
Maya looked up at her aunt, confusion evidence in her dark eyes. “¿Qué pasa, tía?” she asked softly. Maria explained in rapid Spanish, causing Maya’s eyes to widen in understanding. The young woman’s hands slowed their ministers, now more tenative as she realized the effect she was having on Jack.
“Está bien, Maya,” Maria said softly. “Ya terminamos aquí.”
Maya nodded and stepped back, her cheeks flushed as she abused her eyes from Jack’s straining erection. She felt a confusing mix of embarrassment and excitement, her body tingling with unfamiliar sensings.
“All done, Señor Jack,” Maria announced, patting his backside.
“OK, Domina, está complete,” Maria said to Lisa, who was in the kitchen fixing herself some tea.
“Thanks Maria.”
Lisa went into the grooming room where Jack was secured. She started laughing and it started him as he had been desperately wagging his ass back and forth trying to get some stimulation to his cock and balls by slapping them against his thighs.
“Lisa please, will you please let me get off? I’m dying, I’m just so horny.”
“Yes, Jack,” she said matter of factly, “that was the plan,” then she brushed her fingertips lightly across the bottom of his sack.
“Smooth as a baby’s bottom, just the way I like them.”
Jack grunted and Hilda popped the mouthpiece out with a puff of air. His cock was rock hard as he stepped out of the fixture.
“I’ve got a surprice for you, come into the bedroom.”
When they got to his bedroom he saw an open box on the bed.
“I contacted Herr Engerschwanz a few weeks ago after we had Book Club at Jake’s apartment. He went to work and here it is!” she exclaimed proudly.
“Oh god no,” Jack while, “not another cage!”
“Not just ANY cage, Jack, this is special.”
“Of course it is,” Jack agreed dejectedly, “You know that guy’s dad was a Nazi Stormtrooper.”
“Don’t be silly,” Lisa chided, “come here and let’s get it on you.”
“Why? I’ve been good all week? I’ve done exactly what you told me to do, why am I being punished?”
“Well Jack,” she explained, “the only reason you’ve been good is because Either I or one of my people has watched you like a hawk. You’ve also been belted every night, so right now your balls are about ready to burst, aren’t they?”
“Yes, yes they are. Why can’t we make love, I really need to you know. Shit, at this point I’ll even take a hand jobfrom Maria.”
“Now Jack,” she cautioned, “don’t forget who you are talking to. I know it’s just your balls, well, my balls, talking, but remember how I let you bang me a week ago? What did I tell you then?”
Jack looked at the floor, he knew she had him. The lovemaking session she gave him had been, well, exceptional. They had a great meal, champion, danced on the patio and Then made torrid love, multiple times. Then Lisa had told him that would be it until after Book Club.
“OK, you got me, put it on,” he said as he spread his legs and put his hands behind his head.
Lisa reached into the box and pulled out something Jack had never imagined. It looked like a poisoned metal jockstrap, not a cock cage. Jack couldn’t tell where the lock was let alone how it went on, it looked like one smooth band of brightly polished metal with a huge metal pouch attached at one side and what looked to be a metallic hook of some sort at the other. His rock-hard erection quickly deflating at the sight of it.
“This is the latest technology, Jack, completely controlled from an app on my watch.”
She held up her wrist and tapped the face. Jack heard a small click and the metal band snapped open followed by a whirring noise and what looked to be competitions of some sort opened at the back of the seamless pouch.
Lisa pulled the band apart. “Stand still Jack,” she said as she put the band around his Waist. Then she fitted his nads into the pouch and pushed the end of the hook into his ass before snapping the band closed. As soon as she snapped it shut he felt something grabbing onto his cock and balls, like fingers or snakes or something. Simultaneously, the part that she had pushed into his butthole lengthened and he felt it pressing against his prostate as if a snake had crawled up there.
He jumped back, but it was too late, the thing was tightly affixed to his body like a second skin.
“Let’s see,” Lisa said, looking at her watch, it lookslike we’re still paired. She tapped the watch and suddenly Jack felt like ants were crawling on his balls. He instinctively grabbed the bottom of the metal pouch and tried to pull it off.
“Arrrrgggghhh!” he screamed as powerful shocks were delivered to his crotch and ass, causing him to fall to the floor, curled up in age.
“Oh Jack,” Lisa cautioned, “don’t do that.”
It took him a minute to recover and then he cried, “Please Lisa, don’t do this to me!”
“Sorry Jack, you know I am leaving tomorrow and I don’t want you playing with yourself until after I get back on Friday for Book Club.”
“But why couldn’t you just put me in one of my other cages?” he while.
“Well, I could have, but then there’s the key thing and this I can control From wherever I am and it also tracks you. Since you will be helping Nathan for the next two days this will guarantee there is no monkey business. If it is any consolation to you, I paid close to half a million dollars forThis belt and it is the only one of its kind in the world. Now get dressed for dinner.”
Jack was ready to cry, but he knew that it wouldn’t do any good. This last week had been hell for him because once again he had turned over to Lisa’s personal trainer, Melissa, who began a bootcamp week with him that had only ended a few hours ago when he was groomed by Maria.
The training that Melissa put him through was always intense. He pretty much spent the week wearing only a jockstrap and at night he slept restrained spread-eagled and naked to his bed. Each morning Melissa would come in and wake him with an hour long ball massage, his morning wood achingly erect until she let him loose so he could pee. Like before, the daily routine had been murder, but Jack was starting to lose his boyish 20-something slimness for the chiseled cut of an athlete.
After dinner each night he read “I Robot” by Issac Asimov, which was the reading for the upcoming Book Club.
Maria had laidout clothes for him, and he was surprised to see it was his tux, so he put it on and then went to the dining room. The huge table was set for what he liked to call “fancy dinner”. That means three glasses, seven or eight pieces of silver, multiple plates, the whole shebang. He did notice that his place, instead of being at the far end of the table from Lisas, was set right beside her chair. He only had to wait a few minutes until his wife appeared. She was wearing her red De La Renta evening gown and just looked ravishing, but he knew nothing was going to happen but a good dinner. He decided to man-up and just go with the flow.
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