Prelude to story: I just looked at all of these people with their very secret fans, and it thought to itself, I just love making their electrical fans come true! Then it paused and said “Oh look! I got one from New York, I’ve been following him for the last 10 years and he is one of the special one of them all!” Max Richards age 25 DOB August 14th 1992. Subject has very creative sexual fans involved himself being ticked and having lightning bolts ticle his entire body as a teenager being anorexically skinny and extremely ticklish.
I thought out loud to myself, “what a fine young specimen for me to torture for all of eternity!”
my assistant asked me, “Who is it, who did you find?”
I told her, “I found a special young man, Max Richards who comes once in a very, very long time. He is still a virgin and he is a shy 25 year old boy who is very friendly and who lives by himself in New York City. I feel kind of sorry for him since he almost lost his virginity when he was eighteen when a girl tried to have sex with him. He refused due to his shyness and fear of what could happen if they had sex, because he had fear of the law and he was afraid that he was going to get discriminated against because of his disability. Also, he easily can get influenced by what people tell him to do. That was about eight years ago and even if they did have sex, they were over the age of consent.”
The assistant then asked the me, “What else makes Max a suitable candidate for the eternal ticket torture?”
I then answered; “He was always the most shy and nervous child and he always did everything make people happy and avoid getting into trouble both by his parents, and the law and he always try to appear everyone to the point of having frequent migraines and shutdowns from stress.”
After pausing for a few second to see if my assistant was going to ask me a question.
She didn’t, so I continued, “He was a target for frequently bullyingand got into lots of trouble for verbally defending himself from the bullies who verbally, emotionally bullied him and some of the teachers subjected him to discrimination by punishing, not the bullies but the victim for standing up for himself. It seems like no matter how hard he tried to avoid trouble, trouble would always find him, and that’s why I feel so sorry for him. Also, the boy always tempted me by saying to the lightning god which I am, by saying that I will never get him, in attempt to dare me, or another electric being to catch him.”
My assistant then said, “Wow, that’s extremely impressive, so when is he doing now?”
I answered, “Now, he’s a very successful person and he’s going to college to study to be a nuclear physicist. He has two part time jobs and has maladaptive daydreaming disorder and uses that Gift to write stories on his free time. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s reading up about this very thing that’s going on this very instant since he has such an awesome imagination.
Then she asked , “what are we going to do with the boy?”
I answered, “Well, I to get him used to ticle and electro tickling torture, I will send three of my daughters after him, the Thunder Queen, The Lightning Striker and my elder daughter, the lightning goddess to torture him. The Thunder Queen will only keep him for one day, to give him a taste of what’s in store for him.”
She then asked me, “What will happen to him?”
I told her, “She will fight Max in a ring, where she will use her strongest attack that she has ever used in her existence on Max, even though he is the weakest and smallest of any one I have ever laid eyes on. The reason she will use the strongest attack on him is to mostly to put on a good show to the audience and to give Max a taste of what he has always wanted! Then, I will send my middle daughter, the Lightning Striker after him. The lightning striker is a lesbian, so she will likely turn Max into maxine, and torture “her” body for several days.”
The assistant then in a complete shock asked me, “I never saw anyone get attacked that badly, and you usually release your victims after torturing them for only a few hundred years, the following day. You usually leave them with the memory of the ordeal and usually they are terrified to ever going to sleep as some of them go crazy from the combined experience and lack of sleep and some have even died!”
I then said, if you think that is impressive, just wait for the semi-finale when I will send my elder daughter after him. She will also torture him as a girl. But before the torture, she will fight him in his old apartment, but in the pocket universe where time is frozen still. After beating him, all of my daughters will join in and torture him for the next 100,000 thousand thousands years. After his torture is done, at the hands of my daughters, I will then attack him and torture him for one trillion to the trillionth power years, then he will get a ten minute break, and then it’s going to be eternal torture at my hand and at the hands of my daughters. I will also add machines to increase our power which will make our attacks go from physics defying strong, to strong enough to destroy all existence if the attacks had the chance”!
The assistant asked the me, “why”?
I said, “Because I like dominating people who are so skinny and small, because it just turns me on!”
Then, the assistant asked, “is it everyone who will get visited by you?”
I told her, “No, the only people who I visit are the ones who are the skinniest boys and girls who have Body Mass Indices of less than 14, in other words they have to be anorexically skinny and extremely ticklish. The reason I am going after those people and not others is because I find it a turn on When my victim is so defendless.”
Max/Maxine POV: Throughout my childhood and into my young adult years I was chubby overweight and at times obese due to my sluggish metabolism and not having anything to do with my diet or exercise routines. I did everything I could to lose the weight but the weight never came off and I became so desperate to lose weight that when I went to a boarding school that required exercise for all students at least once a day for 10 to 20 minutes in the morning, I used free time to exercise and whenever I had spare time as well.
I went to a special needs boarding boarding school because I have a learning disability, following several years of severe bullying from bullies and discrimination from some teachers.
While in the boarding school in Los Angeles, I put myself on a very strict diet limiting myself eating only half of what I was served. Although eating only half of what I was served and exercising two times much is the other students, by the second year at the school I dropped to a somewhat healthy weight, but I was still one of the chubbiest kids in the school.
When I left the school I was still one of the chubbiest students in the school, but thankfully not the chubbiest.
After I graduated with a Regents diploma back 2009, in New York City I decided to go to borough of Manhattan Community College with plans to transfer to M.I.T to get my degree in nuclear engineering since nuclear engineering for environmental reasons is my password.
As a child growing up I wasn’t ticklish at all and I was envious of all the kids who were ticklish and I wished I was as ticklish as they were. And I wished I was the most ticklish person in the world. I wanted to be ticklish because being tickled looked so fun!
Also, when I was younger I was extremely overweight and people criticalized me for my weight. Even though I hate healthy, because my body didn’t produce enough TSH, my metabolic rate was extremely low, it was so low in fact that even though I are less than half of my family and exercised more than anyone in my whole family by going to the gym every week, I was still the heaviest person in my whole family. Going to college and getting a job only took time away from the gym I only gained more weight!
So, one night, just recently, I made a wish to wake up the next morning as an eighteen year old again, except being very skinny and the most ticklish eighteen year old boy in the world and with knowledge of the future.
The reason I wanted knowledge of the future, wasn’t for monetary reason, it was simply to prevent disasters like the Sandy Hook shooting and warn of hurricane Sandy, the Joplin tornado and other natural disasters and terrorist attacks that were to occur and post them on YouTube before they happen and when people see the disasters being predicted accurately, they would take the other one seriously and evacuate the area if even if a hurricane isn’t even formed yet it and is only a cluster of thunderstorms
I went to sleep that night, that night was Sunday August 14, 2017. Just as I was drifting to sleep I heard a semiconductor female voice say, “I am coming for you my soon to be skinny sexy ticklish anorexic toy!”
To the voice which I thought was a hypnagogic hallucination from me going into sleep, I sarcastically said, “ooh I am so scared that my skinny little body is shaking in my boots.” Then I went to sleep and the next thing I remember is waking up in an unfamiliar, yet oddly familiar place.
I then woke up got up to use the bathroom, and when I was walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night I, noticed that the door handle was a bit different in height, since I thought that the door handle was a bit taller than usual. Then, I realized almost immediately that I was in the apartment building that I lived about 5 years ago.
When I got to the bathroom, I sat down on the toilet to do my business, and I realized that my body felt different. My body felt different in the sense that when I put my hand on my stomach the stomach felt more firmer and had less skin to grab. When I try to grab my stomach,I had lots of trouble doing so, which I thought was weird.
Another thing that I noticed was that my skin felt smooth, like it had no hair, I always did dislike my body hair but, since I feared what others would of thought had I removed all of my body hair so I kept it on. What I didn’t like about my body here with that I was hyper sensitive and I got a frequent ingrown hairs and that not only caused discomfort, it also caused skin infections like staph and cellularis.
When I turned on the light, while sitting on the toilet, which was just above my head, when I looked down at my body while sitting on the toilet seat, I didn’t recognize what I saw one bit. What I noticed was that my tights and legs were really thin, they were so in fact that my tights looked like the way My forearm looked when I was bigger! When I looked at the reflection in the shower doorway, while sitting on the toilet, I had noticed that it was my entire body was extremely skinny and bony. And when I wrapped middle fingers and my two thumbs around my thighs and it fit perfectly!
When I got up to look at myself in the mirror, I didn’t recognize who I was one bit. What I noticed, was that my stomach was completely and extremely flat and my ribs were showing completely and also the ribs on my chest were showing as well. What shocked me even more was that my hip bones were perfectly visible. it looked as if I was just skin and bones and nothing else! My stromach was so flat that my abs were visible albeit barely. My ribcage was fully visible and my legs and arms looked like sticks. My collar bone was protruding so much since I was so skinny that I was able to wrap both of my fingers around it.
In the bathroom, there was also a scale and strangely a height measuring device, a Stadiometer that are found in doctor offices. The statusometer said I was only 5 foot 1 inch tall and weighed only 55 pounds! and I calculated my Body Mass Index to be only 10.5! I realized I was one of the skinniest people ever in my family, or my neighborhood.
Then, I sat on the back on toilet and while sitting on the toilet, I lifted up my foot and then, I glided my finger up my sole, my foot jerked back in a little squeal of laughter came from my lips.
After leaving the bathroom, When I saw the clock on the cable box in the living room, it said 2:00 and I immediately figured it was 2:00 A.M. because of how dark it was outside.
After entering my room, then, I went to lay back on my bed and I said out loud while pulling down my pants and pulling my erect dick into the air, “Na-na, you will never get me, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na”! After that I heard a noise outside which I thought it was a car pulling out of A small parking lot that was in my backyard. The small parking lot that connected to a driveway, wasn’t even paved. That’s why it was so easy to hear cars as they passed over the loose gravel and bits of broken concrete.
As I got up to look out the window, I saw something that shocked me. I saw a girl who looked like a ninja dominatrix climbing up the fire escape on one part of my building quietly and stealthily like a real ninja. Something in my head told her she was coming for me, so I with a sudden jolt of adrenaline I decided to hide under my bed. I made my bed look made as if no one was in my bed and I wasn’t home. I knew she would probably scale the Building until the roof and then climb down the other fire escape that lead to the kitchen in my apartment .
After about a minute hiding under the bed, I heard a noise of the window opening and the fire escape hatch to the window opening. I then heard footsteps in the kitchen. My bedroom was actually supposed to be the dining room, so my bed was right where the double doors to the kitchen were and they had small linear openings in the doors.
The she then walked into the living room and saw there was no one there, so the intruder tried to get into my room, but when I wasyounger I had a habit of always locking my door my room. Since my door was a sliding door, the lock wrapped itself around a piece of metal to prevent entry into the room.
I was still hiding under my bed when I heard the intruder supposedly leave, but I was sure that she wasn’t really gone, so I decided to stay put.
All the while while hiding under my bed. The weirdest thing that I noticed was that I wasn’t able to hear any sounds at all. All the road sounds were gone, all the cricket noises were gone, it was as if when the intruder came in, time was standing still. I looked at my clock , which to my surprise wasn’t ticking, yet I was still aware of my surroundings as the intruder stalked the house. 10 minutes later, I then heard a girl’s voice says, “I plan on doing so many things to you my ticklish anorexic toy!”
Then I heard her come into my room and by using some magical power to unlock my door and open it. Then, as she came in, I heard her say, “Come out, come outwherever you are! The longer you hide, the worse I will torture you! “
Then I heard what sounded like footsteps leaving the room, but I knew that I was still in danger of being kidnapped by this crazy girl.
Then when I heard no more footsteps for about ten minutes, I breathed a sight of relief, just as breathed the sight of relief, I felt two hands grab one leg each and then I was yanked out from under the bed. And when I came out from under the bed if front of me was a girl wearing a classic dominatrix outfit, leather jacket pants and boots, but she didn’t have a whip with her, or any torture device typical for a dominatrix for that matter.
She then said, “Well, well, well, what do we have here, a boy who barely weighs 50 pounds! Skinny boys and girls like you are my, the Lightning Striker’s, my oldest sister the Lightning Goddess’ and last but not least the strongest one of us all, the Boogeyman’s Favorite types to torture for all eternity! Better yet, you’re the skinniest one that any of us have ever laid eyes upon and we have been searching for this exact moment for thousands of millennia!”
I then anxiously asked her “wh…who ar…are you a..and what d…do you want f…from m…m…me?”
She said, “In this world my name is Sarah, but my real identity is as the Thunder Queen. I was sent here by my older sister the Lightning Goddess herself for you doing what you just did by teasing us and saying we will never get you. The Lightning Goddess, she’s so powerful that she makes the so called legendary Thor and Zeus look like little inexperienced kids compared to her. She’s not even a goddess, she is a mutant like myself and both of our powers include lightning manipulation, telepathy and time travel and control. You know what, for being so scared of thunder and lightning now and when you were younger, you must be punished. And I also know you fantasize about being ticket electrocuted by lightning to calm your fears of being struck and killed by lightning. and what no better way to punish you for being so scared than using the thing you are scared of the most against you by making your fantasy and nightmare come true at the same time! The crazy thing is, she’s not the most powerful being you’re going to deal with.”
I then asked, “who will that be?”
Sarah then continued, “As I said earlier, that honor will fall to the Boogeyman. The Boogeyman is so powerful that just by willing it, he can destroy an entire universe, or multiverse and not even lift a finger!
I looked at her anxiously and thought to myself, “Wow I am so screwed”.
Then, she looked at me with a side evil grin as she said, “That’s right you are screwed! Just like that, the Boogeyman can do anything with your body or anything for that matter. The Boogeyman’s favorite hobby is dominating small and skinny girls and boys like you and thanks to the Boogeyman shrinking them, so they will be easier to dominate for all eternity! The Boogeyman is so powerful that he can keep you for millions and billions of years before you wake up the next morning in your bed since the boogeyman can control time and space and keep you trapped in a pocket universe it created! Once you go back to bed, the boogeyman will be back to take you for another several billion years when you go back to he’s the next day. Because the bogeyman can control time and space, The bogeyman is able to get to several thousand people all night; If he wants to he could do this to every person in the world over the course of one night and not break a sweat. The bogeyman does give most nightmares, but what you will experience at the hands of the boogie man will not be in your mind, as the bogeyman will actually take you for your world into his.”
As she said this, my cock began to strongly ache because of both how hot the thunder Queen looked and what she was telling me. She then said, “The reason the bogeyman gives people nightmares is mainly to pRepare them what the future may lie in store in case he would to kidnap them as he will do to you for saying na-na-na-na, I will never get you! The bogeyman is especially attracted to extremely anorexilic boys and girls since the bogeyman is really asexual, since he or she has no sex, but is still sexually active.”
After a ten second pause, the Thunder Queen added, “You know why I came down don’t you”?
I asked the thunder queen, “what are you talking about?”
She then said, “I am talking about using kidnapping you and lightning bolts against you to ticle rape and ravage your scrumptious tawny scrapny sexy little ticklish body for being so scared of thunder and lightning. And for being so scared, you will have both your worst fears realized and your fansies realized all at the same time from the same thing, lightning! I will have the lightning bolts ticle, rape, molest, electronocute and completely vaporize you! This process will repeat over and over again for all eternity and even beyond! Now it’s time for you to meet your doom, boy!”
I sarcastically said, “Oh, I am so scared that my skinny little body is shaking in my boots!”
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