Reagan had lost count of how long they had been traveling through space. Her days were a blur of unbound pleasures and delicious pain as the Doctor continued his twisted experiments. Sometimes she faced them alone alone, whilst at other times she was joined by Alice, Milly or Zara. Whenever they weren’t being experimented on they were confined to their glass capsules, bound and gagged, fed through drips and pumped with drugs at regular intervals. She knew that her resolve had broken long ago, and that there was nothing that the Doctor could not do to her anymore. Occasionally, the thought would shame her and she would attempt to resist his commands, but ultimately she knew that she had come to crave his cock almost as much as she coveted his attention.
She was drifting in and out of sleep when she heard the now familiar robotic appendages detach from the top of her capsule and remove the blindfold that she wore. The Doctor stood outside her capsule, waiting patiently as the straps that held her down were removed and her gag was unbuckled. She thought he looked tired. His hair was longer than it had been when she had first met him and his bear was scruffier. She wondered what toll this was all taking on him and, for a brief moment, felt a stall of goal for her captor.
The glass door of her capsule slide open and the Doctor offered her his hand.
“I need your help,” he said calmly.
She hesitated, looking at his hand as if it were a trap. She was so used to being restrained in one form or the other that it felt strange to move unhindered.
“Please,” he said. “You’re the only one I trust.”
Something in his tone reassure her. She nodded and took his hand, stepping out of the capsule into the mini laboratory that had become her home. The other capsules glowed softly in the otherwise dark room, the figures of Milly, Zara and Alice still bound and gagged in their respective prisons.
He held her hand as he led her out of the lab. The fact that she was completely naked, apart from the small leather collar that she wore, did not seem to matter to either of them. She was used to it now. Anything else would have felt odd.
He brought her to the cockpit of the small vector and Reagan stared in wonder though the ship’s forward viewport. She could not remember how long it had been since she had last seen the stars, or stared into the enormity of deep space. The sight took her breath away as it always had done, and she felt a smile creep across her face as she stared into the inky black void streaked with the light of a billion stars as the ship raced through space at warp speed.
“My research has stalled,” the Doctor said as he took his seat in the pilot’s chair. “I am in need of additional supplies which I do not have aboard, but there is an old facility nearby that should contains what I require.”
Reagan chewed her tongue as she looked down at the Doctor. “So why do you need me?” she asked.
“Thefacility is on Grango V,” he said grimly. “It is… A dangerous world. I need someone to act as a co-pilot when we land.”
“What makes you think I can fly a ship?” Reagan replied.
“I know you can,” the Doctor said, kicking the co-pilot’s chair out towards her.
Reagan sat down carefully, the leather seat cool against her bare ass cheeses. She looked at the instruments and controls in front of her, a memory stirring in the back of her mind.
“Can’t the computer handle this?” she asked some nervously.
The Doctor Shook his head. “Grango’s atmosphere is highly ionised,” he said. “It messes with the computer’s navigation systems so we have to do this the old fashioned way. Dropping out of warp speed now.”
Reagan looked up as the stars reverted to tiny points in the far distance and a small planet lost in front of the viewport. Grango V was a volcanic world, its craggy grey surface split by ribbons of lava that made it seems as though the planet was on the verge of breaking up entirely. An orbital docking station floated above the surface of the world, its metal shell scarred by plasma residue, sparks flashing from the shattered cables and rent open passageways. They flew past it slowly and Reagan turned away as she saw bodies drifting lifelessly in the depressurised interior of the station.
“What happened here?” she whispered. She knew that she had been told before. She could Remember flashes of what the Doctor had shown her. A rift in space, creativity coming through the void. Had they did this? Why hadn’t the Alliance was there to defend its people?
“You will see,” the Doctor said quietly.
They descended into the planet’s atmosphere and immediately, Reagan could see why the Doctor had needed her help. The ship’s instruments went wild, sirens blaring to warn of Collisions with mountains that were miles away from their actual position. Her fingers flew over the control panels, her muscles remembering the proceduresEven if her consciousness mind did not. It wasn’t the smoothest descent but they did make it beneath the smoke filled clouds without incident and Reagan beheld her first proper view of Grango V.
The air was thick and hazy, the ground grey and rocky. The lava rivers were truly massive and in the distance she could see volcanoes spewing lava and ash into the air at a constant rate. Volcanic worlds were harsh and dangerous but the power that could be harnessed from them meant they were key to the Alliance’s economy. She could see power stations rising out of the plains and the remain of lava harvesters lying abandoned by the rivers. After several minutes they passed over a city that must have been Grango’s capital. Its buildings were blasted and broken, just as the orbital station had been, and she could see bodies lying in the rubble.
“They didn’t stand a chance,” the Doctor whispered.
“Are we safe here?” Reagan asked, unable to keep the fear from her voice.
He laughhed dryly. “Nowhere is safe anymore,” he muttered.
They raced past the city towards a cluster of mountains in the distance. As they drew closer, Reagan spotted a crater nestled between the mountain peaks, the dark, glassy rocks that grow around its rim suggesting that the volcano had gone extinct long ago. The Doctor guided the ship into the crater where they descended into a large cavern the walls of which were covered in More glassy rocks. About halfway down the cavern wall there was an opening in the rock face. It was man made and the power generators bolted to the rocks suggested that the opening had once been shielded. Beyond the opening was a large square hangar bay that was empty but for a few stacked barrels and metal crates.
The Doctor manoeuvred the ship into the dark hanger, parts of dust and ash dancing in the ship’s exterior lights as it rested with a dull thud on the white floor. The engines cycled down with a soft scar and everything went erily silent.
“Thank you,” he said. “I’ll return you to your capsule now. You’ll be safe there.”
“What?” Reagan said sharply. “You’re just going to leave us here?”
“It won’t take me long to gather what I need,” the Doctor said. “You are vital to my research. There is no sense in putting any of you in danger.”
“And what if you don’t come back?” she snapped. “We’ll be stuck here!”
“The computer will monitor my vitals,” the Doctor said calmly. “If anything happens to me you will be released and able to fly away from here.”
“No,” Reagan said firmly. “I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“Reagan,” he said but she shook her head and glared at him. “Fine,” he told at last. “But you must do exactly as I tell you to.”
She smiled despite herself. “Don’t I always?”
He led her back into the lab where he delved into one of the lockers and handed her one of the white PVC dresses and platform boots that she had seen the nurses wear in the first facility.
“It’s the best I have,” he said with a shrug and a sly smile.
She scowled as she pulled the dress on, the rubber-like material clinging to her skin. It was too small for her. The hem barely covered her ass and her breasts spilled out of the top of the dress. At least the boots fit her well enough though.
The Doctor handed her a breath mask and helped her fit it to her face. He pressed the button on the side of the mask and she felt it pressurise to her face, the whir of the breathing apparatus in her ear and the small green light in her top left peripheral telling her that it was working as it should. He fitted his own mask before arming himself with a plasma rifle and leading her to the ship’s airlock.
They waited for the airlock to cycle before stepping out into the hangar and descending the ship’s ramp. It was stifling hot outside and even with her pressurised mask, Reagan thought she could smell the stench of sulphur in the acrid air. They made their way slowlyacross the hangar, the Doctor holding the plasma rifle across his chest, the flashlight attached to the barrel of the gun cutting a swathe of light through the stale air.
“This way,” he said softly.
They made their way silently into the facility, moving slowly from corridor to corridor. Reagan recognized the same glossy white walls and ceilings from the facility where the Doctor had originally held them. She Wondered how many facilities like this there were in the galaxy, and how many women were in the same position that she now found herself in?
At the end of the following corridor they reached a large set of sliding doors that were partially shut. The Doctor angled his light towards the floor as they crept up to the doors and peered through the opening between the two halves. Reagan could see what looked like a control room with two rings of computer boards facing a central platform. The room was quiet and empty. There was no sign of any kind of struggle and indeedthe only thing that seemed amiss was the layer of dust that covered all of the surfaces around the room.
The Doctor clambered between the two door panels before turning to help Reagan through.
“There should be an emergency power supply somewhere,” he said quietly. “We can use it to scan the facility for lifeforms.”
Reagan nodded. “What do you think happened here?”
He shrugged. “We set up labs throughout the galaxy to test various theories. Whatever happened here does not appear to have involved any violence. Maybe they had time to get out?”
“Do you really believe that?” Reagan asked.
His hollow expression was as much of an answer as he gave as he set off in search of the emergency power switch. She told, following his lead as she shone her own flashlight around the room. The control room felt strangely familiar to her. She could almost imagine herself standing on the platform in the middle of the room, calling out orders to the technicians workingAround her. She stopped beside a large panel, her fingers tracing the surface, leaving tracks in the dust. Yes, she had definitely been here before.
The hum of electricity made her jump and she looked up just as the lights embedded in the ceiling blazed to life. The computers beeped and whirred, standby lights blinking red and green beneath their coated of dust. The Doctor grinned at her from across the room before setting his gun down beside him and turning to access the nearest computer.
“Scanning for other lifeforms now,” he muttered.
Reagan looked at the gun lying on the table behind him. It wouldn’t take much to grab it, she realized. She knew she had combat training, but even without that it wasn’t as though the Doctor could do anything whilst she pointed a gun at him. She could make him explain Everything to her again, make him free them all, and if she wanted, she could kill him. She and the other women could be free from his experiments and his memory wing drugs forever and they could all finally go home.
The thought came and went in an instant. She could do all of that, but the fact remained that she had chosen to be here. The Doctor had given her plenty of chances to leave but she had remained, as had Milly, Zara and Alice. She had to trust herself. She had to believe that whatever the Doctor was doing, whatever he was putting them through, it was all for a higher purpose.
“We’re safe,” the Doctor said, blissfully unaware of her brief internal struggle. “And it seems I’ve managed to reactivate the air conditioning system. We can take off our masks.”
She nodded and pulled her breath mask from her face. The air tasted stale but the smell of sulphur was rapidly fading as the air conditioning system kicked in to filter out the old air.
“Whe can we find your supplies?” she asked.
The Doctor picked up his rifle and nodded to the door across from his terminal. “This way,” he said.
She followed him acrosss the room into another series of corridors before they eventually came upon a large laboratory. Worktops lined the walls of the lab along with glass cabinets filled with vials of bright blue and pink liquids, some of the latter of which were bubbleing and frothing fiercely. In the centre of the room was a large table upon which lay a stack of papers and what appeared to be various types of batteries and lengths of cable.
“This doesn’t look like your lab,” Reagan said as they walked around the room.
“No,” he agreed, stopping to examine the papers on the central table.
“What are you looking for?” she asked innocently.
He looked up at her and she could imagine him considering how much he should tell her. “I need to extract some more samples to run my tests on,” he said. “The pink fluid in the cabinets helps to isolate the samples from their host. I can synthesise more on the ship but I require more of the blue liquid to create the solution.”
“So we’re takingit all?” she asked.
“Only the blue liquid,” he said. “The pink liquid should not be reacting like that. Be careful of it.”
She nodded walking over to the nearest cabinet and easing it open. The air in the cabinet smelled sweet and as Reagan breathed in the aroma she was reminded of all the things that she lusted for in her life. She frowned, shaking her head to clear her thoughts of the images that sprang to mind and began to collect the blue vials into a tube rack that she found on the top shelf of the cabinet.
“Fascinating,” the Doctor muttered somewhere behind her as he continued to study the paper.
The test tubes linked as Reagan moved to the next cabinet and began collecting the rest of the peripherals, the same heady aroma wafting from the cabinet that caused her knees to tremble and made her want to touch herself.
She bit her lip as she straightened and closed the cabinet. She was finding it hard to concentrate. She was hot and horny. Her hand slide towards her thigh before she caught herself and forced it away. What was going on?
“This research is incredible,” the Doctor continued, lost in his own world, unaware of Reagan’s inner thoughts as she watched the twitch of his browser and the sparkle of his eyes. Not for the first time she caught herself admiring how handsome he was.
She shook herself again and stumbled to the next cabinet, the now familiar Aroma of the test tubes filling her sinuses even as she tried to hold her breath. Her hands Shook as she reached into the cabinet and her vision blurred. She knocked one of the test tubes over, hissing pink liquid spilling over the shelf and her hands. She wanted to fuck him. She needed to feel his cock inside her…
“Reagan?” the Doctor said sharply.
She turned to find him standing beside the desk, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes glinting as he looked sternly at her.
“Come here,” he grew.
She walked slowly towards him, her knees trembling and her heart racing. The pink liquid dripped from her hands onto the floor, its sweet aroma chasing her across the lab. All she could think about was the Doctor’s cok and how desperate she was to ride him right then and there.
He took her hands in his and held them up before his face, turning them over as if examining her. She pouted her lips and pressed her body against his.
“I told you to be careful,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Are you going to punish me?”
She was cut off as he pushed her face down onto the table and pinned her hands above her head. His body pressed against hers and she could feel his cock growing hard beneath his pants as he leant over her and whispered in her ear.
“I told you to be careful,” he repeated harshly.
His tone sent a shiver down her spine but Instead of recoiling from him, she arched her back and ground her hips against his own. Her pussy ached for his touch and she could feel that her inner thighs were alreadyady dripping wet.
The Doctor reached over her head and grabbed one of the cables from the other side of the desk which he used to bind her hands together before tying the end of the cable to the far side of the desk. He then took two more cables and tied each of her ankles to the opposite side of the desk, forcing her legs apart and stopping her from standing up straight. She shook her hair out of her face and turned her head to look up at him as he walked around to the top of the table.
“Are you going to fuck me?” she purred.
He looked at her, his expression severe as he bent down to exam one of the batteries.
“Come on,” she teased, unaware of the desperation in her voice. “Don’t you want to punish me?”
He picked up the battery and walked back around the table to stand behind her. She felt him roll the hem of her dress up over her hips before he attached two sticky pads to her ass cheeses.
“What are you…” she began before he turned the battery on.
The shock made her whole body tension. She strained against the cables that bound her as a scream tore itself from her throat. The pain was sharp and intense and drive all thoughts of lust and desire from her mind.
“What do want?” the Doctor asked as he switched the battery off.
She blinked, the sweet smell of the pink liquid still lingering in her nostrils. “Fuck me,” she moaned.
He throw the switch again and she squealed as her ass burned from the power of the electricity. Her eyes rolled back into her skull and she thought she might pass out but then the Doctor killed the power once again. She flopped against the table, panting as she lay in a pool of her own drool. Her ass cheeses stung. She didn’t know if she could take another shock like that again.
“Look at me,” the Doctor grew quietly.
With a huge amount of effort, she managed to twist her body around just enough to look over her should at him as he stood behind her. He stepped towards her and pushed her hair out of her face before lifting one of her eyes up to stare into her eyes. He showed and shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Wait,” she whimpered as he took a step back and leant down to turn the battery back on. “Wait! No you…”
The pain tore through her again. The cables creaked as she strained against her restraints whilst screaming. Tears ran down her face and her vision blurred. She wanted to beg him to stop but the words would not form. There was only pain and eventually, the sweet release of oblivion.
Reagan awoke with a start some time later. She was back on the ship, though she did not recognize the cabin that she found herself in. Leather cuffs secured her hands behind her back and a ring gag held her mouth open. She was still Wearing the white PVC dress and boots.
She managed to sit up and look around. She was lying on a small double bed that occurred most of the room. A pair of low level wall lightslit the grey cabin and she saw a small wardrobe and dressing table set into the wall opposite the bed. She caught sight of herself in the mirror and realized it was the first time she had seen her reflection in months. She looked no different from how she remembered herself, although her lilac skin was a shade or two paler than it had once been.
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