The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 03

For the first time since she had found herself in the prison, Reagan felt herself approaching a feeling that at least partially resembled relaxation. It was late in the afternoon and the prisoners had not heard anything from the Doctor all day. The energy fields keeping them in their cells had been deactivated and they had spent the day in the common room getting to know each other and taking advantage of the chance to shower and stretch their legs. Breakfast and lunch had been provided through cutes in the tables that dotted the room and Reagan was nursed her third glass of wine of the afternoon. The quality of the food continued to unsettle her for some reason. Lunch had consistent of the wine, which tasted expensive, bowls of brightly coloured fruit and plates of cheeses and thinly sliced ​​meats. It was like they were sharing afternoon tea at a posh restaurant rather than confined within the prison.

She stole a glance at Milly as her friend told a joke that made all the otherer girls they were sat with laugh. It felt strange to be so close to her after she had spent the last few days talking to her through the blue glow of their cells’ energy fields and now that they were together, she couldn’t help but feel her eyes wander. Milly was fucking gorgeous. Out of a group of already stunning women, she was the most beautiful girl Reagan had ever laid eyes upon. She had long legs and perfect, olive coloured skin. Her tits were large without being too big and bounced cheerfully whenever she walked, as did the cheeses of her perfect, toned ass. Her hair was a rich blue the colour of sapphires and she had dark almond eyes that sparkled whenever she laughed, which she did a lot. She had the confidence of someone who knew that everyone wanted her but possessed none of the arrogance that often came with it and she was perpetually Cheerful despite everything that they had been through. Everyone seemed to love her and yet for some reason they still looked to Reagan for leadership.

She glanced around the table at the others as Milly continued her story. Seven girls had left the cell block after yesterday’s tests and over the course of the day those that had remained had unconsciously split into groups. Reagan’s group consisted of herself and Milly, Alyss from the cell beside her, who she had endured the day before’s tests alongside, Zara and Sophia. Alyss had retired back into her shell and even now was covering her boobs with one arm despite the fact that all five of them were completely naked. She hadn’t said anything about what had happened the day before and whenever Reagan asked her about it she would blush and immediately change the subject.

Zara occurred the cell next to Milly’s. She was short with jet black hair and pale skin. A sleepe of tattoos wound around her right arm and tigh and she had silver stud piercings in her nipples, tongue, nose and eyesbrows. She was quiet but whenever she did speak it was normally to deliver somesort of sarcastic comment and Reagan had taken an instant liking to her.

Sophia was the final member of their group and the only other Lunar Elf in the prison. Like Reagan she was slightly taller than an average human with long, pointed ears and bright eyes. Her skin was a slightly more purple shade of blue and her hair was a deep lavender colour. Judging by her accent, Reagan guessed she was of noble birth or at least a member of the Sisters of Celentar, the moon deity worshipped by the Lunar Elves on their home planet of Skathos. The girl in the cell opposite Sophia was one of the ones that had left yesterday and although her cell was several doors down from the rest of them, she had quickly latched on to their group once they had all been allowed to mingle together in the common room.

“It’s getting late,” Sophia said quietly. “I wonder if they’re coming today?”

The smiles leftover from Milly’s story falsetered and Reagan noticed Alyss shift uncomfortable in her seat.They had avoided talking about the tests for most of the day but she had knonw it had been bound to come up eventually.

“Who knows?” she muttered grimly. “Maybe we’re being given the day off.”

“I hope so,” Zara muttered. “My tits are still sore from those clamps.”

Milly flinched as if resisting the urge to massage her nipples. Reagan remembered what her friend had said the night before About how a part of her had enjoyed the test. She hadn’t said anything to her then, but a part of her agreed with Milly. The tests had been intense and humiliating but the orgasms she had had spoke for themselves.

They spent the rest of the afternoon discussing the one thing that was on all their minds; what they had been before waking up in the prison. Zara, who’s memory seemed stronger than anyone else’s, was sure he had been a pilot of some kind and judging from the way she talked so longingly about the stars Reagan was inclined to believe her. Milly suggested she might have been a teacher but honestly had no idea and Reagan didn’t even know what to say when it came to her turn. She hadn’t told anyone that she suspected the Doctor had known her before all of this, nor that she thought he looked rarely familiar. Then there had been the odd moment when the nurses had come to take her on the first day when she had instinctively tried to fight them. Whatever she had been, she was honestly afraid to know the answer.

It was not long after they had been served dinner that the silence from the Doctor was finally broken. The speakers around the common room crackled and his unmistakable voice rang out throughout the room.

“Good evening,” he said cheerfully. “I hope you have all had a pleasant day. For tonight’s test I will require two of you to join me in the lab. It is up to all of you to decide who will participate. Subject three and subject four, as the winners of yesterday’s test you are exempt from the selection. Once you have decided who will participate in the test, the rest of you will be required to return to your cells for the evening. That is all.”

Silence filled the common room as the Doctor signed off. No one said anything, as if simply speaking would condemn them to become a participant. In the end, it was Zara who broke the silence.

“I didn’t win,” she said. “I shouldn’t be exempt.”

“You must have got the pass because the other girl left,” Reagan muttered.

“I’ll do it,” Zara said. “I don’t mind.”

Reagan shook her head. “He won’t let you. It has to be one of us.”

“How do we decide?” someone called from another table.

“I’m not doing it!” someone else snapped.

A flurry of comments suddenly burst out as the girls began to argue over how they would decide who should be sent and why it shouldn’t be them. Tempers flared, no doubt fueled by the fear of not knowing what the test would be and when one of the girls started screaming at Alyss Reagan couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Quiet!” she yelled.

To her surprise, they listened. The screams and shouting died down as everyone turned to look at her again. She bit her tongue, glancing around at the faces as the mixture of emotions that they displayed.

“We need to stick together,” she said firmly. “None of us know what is happening, but for some reason we have all chosen to be here. Now the only way we are going to get Through this is if we have each others’ backs!”

“But how do we decide who goes?” a brunette near the back of the room asked.

Reagan chewed her tongue thoughtfully. They had nothing to write on and casting votes hardly seemed the best way to build unity amongst them all. She was wrapping her brains trying to think of an idea when Milly stepped towards her.

“I’ll go,” she said.

Reagan turned to her friend, her face falling. “Milly, no,” she said softly. “There has to be a way for us to do this fairly.”

“This is fair,” she said. “I don’t mind, really.”

Reagan licked her lips, her heart racing in her chest. “Then I’m coming with you,” she said. She wouldn’t let her friend face the test on her own.

“No!” Milly replied. “That’s not what I mean! I don’t…”

“Milly. I’m coming with you,” she said firmly.

“Are you both sure about this?” Sophia asked quietly.

They nodded. “I’m sure,” Reagan said. “The rest of you had best get back to your cells.”

She watched as the common room emptied, the other girls rushing to get back to their cells before anyone could change their minds. Most of them met her gaze as they walked past but a few couldn’t bring themselves to look at her. She made sure to remember who they were for later. Only Zara and Sophia lingered, there faces etched with concern as they looked at the other two.

“I will gladly go in someone’s place,” Sophia said.

“Reagan, you’ve done every test so far,” Milly tried once more. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“Yes I should,” she said firmly. “I’mNot leaving you on your own. We stick together. You two should get back to your cells.”

Sophia surprised and nodded. She squeezed Reagan’s arm before slipping off to her cell, Zara following after once again apologising for being unable to do anything to help. They watched them go, the common room suddenly seeming twice as large without everyone in it.

“Reagan…” Milly began.

“Why did you volunteer?” Reagan interrupted. “I didn’t want you to have to do this.”

Milly bit her lower lip as she leaned back against the table. “I told you,” she said quietly. “I think I enjoyed what they did to us yesterday. I know that’s completely fucked up but…”

“It’s not,” Reagan said quietly. “Well… Maybe it is, but the point is that I get it. What they’re doing to us is wrong but, I suppose I enjoyed it too.”

Milly laughed softly. “Are we being stupid?”

She shrugged. “Probably. But we clearly both choose to be here so maybe it’s what we deserve.”

The sound of the door at the far end of the cell block opening drew their attention. Reagan braced herself but for once the sonic sirens that had been used to disorientate them whenever the Doctor and nurses had come didn’t blare. Instead the two nurses walked calmly between the locked cells towards the two volunteers, their white PVC heels clicking loudly against the gloss floor. One of them held a stun baton in one hand whilst the other hold two pairs of leather handscuffs and matching collars.

“You are the volunteers?” the first nurse hissed. It was the first time that one of the women had spoken directly to any of them and her cold, emotionalless voice made Reagan shudder.

“Yes,” Milly said.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

They did as instructed, the memory of the stun baton’s bite fresh enough in Reagan’s mind for her to not wish to argue. She feel one of the nurses secure a set of cuffs around her wrists before pulling the collar tight around her throat. She then fitted a short length of chain to the front of the collar and attached the other end to Milly’s collar.

“Come wit us,” the nurse ordered coldly.

They followed the nurse silently out of the common room, passing between the cells on their way to the Doctor’s lab. Reagan kept her eyes forward, focusing on the back of Milly’s head. She didn’t care if any of the other girls were staring. For all she cared she hoped they got a good look at the both of them, it could easily have been anyone of them in her situation that night.

They made their way through the facility’s maze of corridors to the Doctor’s lab. Reagan tried once again to memorise the route but she found it hard to concentrate with Milly’s ass swaying back and forth in front of her. She told herself that she had agreed to participate in the test to protect Milly, and definitely not because she wanted to see her like this.

The door to the Doctor’s lab was open when they arrived. The hexagonalroom was much the same as Reagan remembered from the first night she had spent there though some of the clutter of the apparent move-in had been tidied up and where there had once been crates stacked against the back wall there were now several cages that looked worriedly large enough to just be able to hold a person inside. The Doctor was sat at his desk already, his face bathed in the glow of the holographic screens before him. He was Impecccably dressed as always, his blue suit sharp and his white shirt immaculate. He smiled as the nurses led Reagan and Milly into the lab and once again Reagan felt as though she had seen that smile countless times before.

“Well, well,” he said. “This is a surprise. Reagan, you just can’t stay away can you?”

“I’m not here for you,” Reagan growled.

“Of course not,” the Doctor replied with a smirk, glancing at Milly. “Well, I think we shall all enjoy today’s test. Nurse, begin the preparations.”

“Yes, sir,” the woman replied.

Reagan watched her walk up to a control panel in the wall and key in several buttons. She heard the sound of gears turning somewhere beneath them and watched as the raised platform in the centre of the room parted and a large, square block rose out of the middle of the platform.

“Commencing log,” the Doctor said calmly. “Day two.Testing subjects one and two. Present are myself, Nurses A, and C.”

The nurses grabbed the girls and pushed them up onto the platform. The chain connecting their collars was disconnected and Reagan felt the cuffs being removed from her wrists. They made her sit on the block and began to tie her with long lengths of bright red rope. They wrapped the rope around and between her tits and over her shoulders, creating a sort of harness that both squeezed her boobs together whilst Simultaneously lifting them. Her arms were then bound parallel behind her back and secured to the harness and her ankles and shins were bound to her thighs. The nurses eased her on to her back on the block so that her head was hanging over one end and her exposed ass and pussy were level with the other before pushing a large ring gag into her mouth that was secured with straws that went behind her head and under her chin. She grunted as she bit down on the cold metal ring between her teeth, trying to get comfortable on the hard, stone slab on which she lay.

The nurses turned their attention to Milly and swiftly bound her breasts and arms as they had done Reagan’s. They lifted her onto the slab and Reagan winced as Milly was forced to straddle her awkwardly. Her heart was racing as she looked up at her friend, watching her tits rise and fall between the ropes that pinched them together. Milly’s ass rested on her hips and all Reagan could think of in that moment was how unbelievably soft and warm Her skin felt against hers.

The nurses bound Milly’s ankles to Reagan’s before fitting her with a ring gag as well. They then threaded a length of rope through the rings of their collars before pulling it taught. Milly gasped as she was pulled down towards Reagan, their tits pressing against each other’s and their lips almost tough. A line of saliva slipped from her open mouth onto Reagan’s top lip and she felt a little tingle of excitement as she felt it dribble slowly into her mouth.

“Subjects are in position,” the Doctor said calmly. “Begin phase one.”

Reagan looked up into Milly’s eyes, breathing hard as she saw the nurses walk around them out of the corner of her eye. Milly shifted, tugging on Reagan’s ankles as she did so and grazing the top of her shaft with her pussy. She heard the hum of a vibrator being switched on and clenched her fists behind her back as she readied herself. The broad head of the vibrator pressed against her pussy and Milly’s at the same time, both girls shuddering as waves of pleasure pulsed through their bodies. Reagan arched her back, pressing her tits against Milly’s whilst Milly’s eyes rolled back in her head. The rope connecting their collars was pulled taught as they both strained against their ties, Reagan could feel Milly’s juices trickling down her legs, mixing with her own as the vibrator drive them both steadily towards the edge of orgasm. Milly’s breathing became fast and heavy, she dropped her head, her forehead resting against Reagan’s and her lips brushing hers. Reagan felt her breath in her throat, tasted her sweet saliva as it dribbled out of the ring gag into her own mouth. The fire in her pussy grow and she knew she couldn’t hold it in any longer. A ragged, animalistic moan escaped her lips as she succeed to her orgasm, the ropes digging into her flesh as she tore at her bindings. She was dimly aware of Milly shaking above her, squealing in joy through her gag as she too was driven wild by the power of the vibrator pressed against their pushes.

The toy was pulled away from their soaking, aching clients. Milly slumped against Reagan, pushing her against the stone block as they panted and gasped for breath in each other’s ears. Reagan didn’t care though, she wanted to feel every inch of Milly’s body against hers. She wanted to feel her lips against hers and taste her juices on her tongue. For a brief moment she almost forgot where they were and then the Doctor’s bemused voice cut through her fantasy world.

“Incredible,” he mused. “These would appear to be the strongest results to date.”

“Shall we proceed?” one of the nurses asked.

The Doctor was silent for several moments before shaking his head. “No. There is no need. You may leave us.”

“Yes, sir,”

Reagan craned her neck, still shaking from the aftereffects of her orgasm, as she watched the nurses slip silently from the lab. Milly was still slumped against her, her breathing slow and shallow, as the Doctor walked slowly up onto the platform.

“Do you know what I think?” he said, perching on the edge of the slab next to Reagan’s head. She glaged up at him, biting down hard on the gag in her mouth as she watched him clean his glasses on the edge of his suit jacket.

“I think you both volunteered because you enjoy what we are doing to you.”

“Uck, ooo!” Reagan grunted through her gag.

The Doctor tutted, squatting down behind her head. “Now, now, Reagan,” he said admonishingly. “I thought we had an understanding that you were to be a little more respectful towards me.”

She hissed at him, turning her gaze away from him in an attempt to show how little she thought of that idea.

“A goal,” the Doctor said. “It seems I need to be a little more forceful with all of you.”

She looked round sharply as she heard him stand and unbuckle his belt. She shivered as he walked slowly round them, trailing his fingers down her side before stopping at her feet.

“What a mess,” he muttered.

She gasped as she felt him tap his belt against the soft skin of her thigh, even that gentle contact sending shivers of anticipation down her leg.

“You are going to thank me every time I strike you, do you both understand?”

Milly whimpered as she raised her head and nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation. Reagan didn’t say anything.

Doctor swung his belt and Milly yelped as it struck her ass. “What do you say?” he grew.

“Mmph,” she groaned.

“I didn’t hear that!” he grew, cracking the leather against her bare skin again.

“Ffank oo,” she groaned.

“Better,” the Doctor grew.

He raised his belt and this time Reagan felt it smack against her pussy. Pain stung her already sensitive shaft but she bit down on her gag, forcing down the cry that rose in her throat.

The Doctor laughed. “Always so stubborn. Let’s try that again.”

He whipped her with his belt again and then again, two quick strike that left her mound tingling with pain. This time a little gasp escaped her lips but she still refused to thank him for it. The Doctor pulled back his arm and swung his belt again, the leather cracking as it hit first Milly’s ass before ricocheting onto Reagan’s pussy. She shuddered, tears welling in the corner of her eyes as Milly cried out and grossed her thanks to the Doctor but still she would not yield.

“I’m impressed,” the Doctor said. “But I know you can’t keep this up for ever.”



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