Rose was sitting down by the rivers edge, watching the river twist and turn as it flowed swiftly by. It started to rain heavily, her clothes were soaked, she felt herself in a state of spacelessness. Her Master had written to her, telling her, that He was having to go abroad and that he wanted her to be taken care of during His absence. The reason that Rose was down at the river, in the rain and the cold was that she was trying to absorb the information. she feel the tears rolling down her face, she feel a heaviness of her being, and a mindset of confusion.
she didn’t particularly want another Master or another Dominant to enter the zone which was labeled “her zone for her Master”. she understand that her Master’s primary need and concern was to ensure that her needs were met. But she thought to herself, those needs can be met in a similar way, at a similar pace and time by my Master.
she dried the tears, her eyes were red and swollen. she picked herself up off the river’s edge and realized that she was soaked through. she got into the car and she drove. The road in front of her was covered in mist, her eyes, were once again streaming like an eternal fountain. she knew that she could voice her concerns to Master, but she knew that Master’s word would be final, and that was that.
she arrived home and took a shower, and washed her hair. she got out of the shower, dried herself down, and dried her hair, already feeling better, realizing that Master’s word would be final. But that at the first opportunity she would voice to Him, her concern.
The phone rang, and Master’s deep voice said “beautiful I’m sending a car for you, to pick you up at 8.00 p.m. I want you to be dressed in the manner that you know, that I am accustomed. W/we will be having company over dinner and following. I have a Friend that I would like you to meet.” The conversation ended and she placed the receiver down.
she finished drying her hair, put on her makeup, put ona pair of black lacey, crutchless panties, black stockings with a matching garter belt. She wore a very delicious white body top, with satin ribbon threaded down the front, and a very short revealing skirt, which had splits going up all the way up to the crutch. It was skirt that she knew Master would like. Her top, Master would like. The underclothing Master would like, for it gave Him ease of access. She picked up her handbag and put in her lipstick and perfume and her housekeys. She looked in the mirror and put on her chain necklace. The chain that provides her completeness, her oneness with Master. Her earrings were gold loops, once again, the circle of life, a story of completeness. Master had bought Rose the earrings for her birthday some years before. Master had bought Rose the chain necklace when He collared her. They were extraordinarily special, and held in a safe place.
At 7.55 p.m. there was a too on the horn, the car had arrived. The driver smiled as he saw the delicate lady get into he back of the car, and said to her “your looking very nice today Ma’am. your Master will be very pleased”.
Master would be pleased for He was the One who spoiled her, who dressed her, who prayed her and who gave her should the need arise. He was the One who held her close, and He was going away. she was determined not to let the tears fall, to ruin the makeup, not to ruin the mask of the happy slave that she had became.
she smiled at the driver and said “I hope Master will enjoy this one’s company this evening”. Before too long, the car came to a stop, the driver got out and opened the car door. Rose got out, and once again smiled, and thanked the driver.
she walked into the Regency Hotel. she made her way to the restaurant. As she entered, Master stood, and kissed her softly, as He greeted her, and lead her by the hand and said “beautiful, it’s lovely to see you, and my my, aren’t you looking a treat tonight. I am so pleased, I am so proud to call you Mine”.
Master escorted Rose to His table and there was another man sitting there. He was a younger man than Master, extremely well dressed, very fine features, but there was a coolness about Him, which Rose didn’t particularly care for. He stood, and said “hello girl”. Rose’s eyes, met His eyes, and she replied “hello Sir” and she sat down next to her Master.
The conversation over dinner had been based around Master’s working day. About the football from the weekend, and how Master’s team had yet again lost. Rose thought, that’s extremely interesting, but football is football. What did i do with my weekend, she thought, i sat and i cried on the rivers edge. i cannot communicate that to Master, not in front of this Man.
Master turned around and said “Rose, Whilst I was watching the football, what were you doing?” She replied “i went for a drive, and found myself sitting at the rivers edge, contemplating how times, change Master, how times change”.
The visitor replied “indeed girl, how times do change”. The Visitor looked at the girl, and the girl’s Master, and He smiled.
After dinner they retired into a Master’s private suite. It was a reserved suite which Master occurs at various times during the year.
Master poured a brandy, offering His Friend a glass, and also one for His beautiful girl … but rose decided. His Friend, took the offered glass of brandy and sat down on a chair at the other end of the room.
Master said to rose, “come and be with Me, as you know I am going away”. Master beckoned her to His feet, the place where she knew, where He liked her to be. As she gracefully slipped upon her knees, the other Sir looked at her, looking at that delicate woman who He may take care of during her Master’s absence.
Master turned around and said to His rose “go and get your collar and lean”. Rose slowly slip across the fall to the beside cabinet and took to her Master her black leather, collar and blackleather lean. This was used at a time when Master needed to bring her into a place where she needed to be, both in the mind and in the physical. her stomach burned and her sex dripped. She knelt between her Master’s feet, He attached the collar and He said to His friend “this is My delicate rose, she has given herself to Me. How do I know you will respect what is Mine, whilst I am gone? For I am in two mindsets about this transition. I wanted My one to meet you, and I wanted you to meet My one. You may observe how well she behaves for Me. When I have finished, I ask her serve you.”
The Visitor replied “I will merely observe on this occasion, I have no need for her to serve Me. If you desire, she may serve Me merely as Your Guest”.
Master said to His one “girl, have you missed Master?” Master’s sex began to ache and He took His girl, and He rubbed her breasts, His hands caresed her nipples through the fabric of the body. The soft material stimulated her nipples. He looksd, He undid the ribbon, His eyes now feasted on her erect breasts that were swollen with anticipation, and He knew that if He ran His hand up her inner thighs, her sex would be dripping for Him. He attached the leash to His collar. He gave the leash a gentle tug, just to let her know that He was in control.
He took off her bodice and exposed her erect nipples. He smiled a gleeful smile. He then told her take off her skirt and then He ran His hands into her sex, and He was very awakened by what He felt. He told her to lean over the stool and He bound her hands and feet, exposing her butt, into the air. He removed the panties, and removed the garter belt, and the stockings slide to her ankles. There she was stood over a stool and helpless, where she needed to be.
He picked up a paddle, and He scratched her bottom and He smiled her bottom again until it changed from a virginal white to a soft delicate pink. He put His hands in between her sex, and feel the waterfall of moisture.”My my you are now ready for Master’s touch.” He released the restraints and He told her to get on all fours.
Master said to her “what are you?” rose replied “i’m Your bitch ‘n heat”. Master said “wrong, what are you?” she replied “Master i’m Your slut and Your slave”. He said “girl, go and wait for Me in the toilet now”. she knew exactly what that means. Master and rose returned from the toilet, and her sex was dripping, because when she serves Master, by being watered, she goes incredibly wet.
Master’s Friend was looking and His sex was hard. He was looking at this girl, and the girl’s Master, and noticed how they were two, but yet they were one. They complimented each O/other, and what a privilege it would be, to have His way with her. He thought to Himself, that He would not be as gentle as what her Master had been, but she would know pain, and she would know His touch. For I do not love, I use, I do not care, but tend to abuse. Yes when My Friend goes, I will have much pleasure in using this slut for My pleasure and her pain. He laughed evilly to Himself. I cannot wait to get My hands on her. His eyes went cold as He thought of the ways that He would use and abuse her.
He knew that His Friend was a sadist through and through. That had always been the way, and that would always be the way. He knew His Friend was besotted with the girl, and that the girl needed to be used. As He looked at His Friend who was taking His girl, He thought to himself, I would like her to serve me today.
He looked again and there was rose and her Master covered with hot and sticky wet cum. she had released for Master, and was licking Him clean. Master was lavishing as her soft tongue was caresing His sex, delighting in His precious rose. Master remembered that His friend was in the room and said He said “Sir, would you now like to use my girl. My girl would be happy to serve you and I would like to observe how she performs for Me.” rose looked at her Master, that if it was His wish, she would obey Master.
Master sat back in His chair and Rose sat at His feet, and His Friend came over and accepted the leash, and tugged it hard and said “girl, you may call me Sir, Sir is all I am to you, and Sir wants to fill you”.
Sir had been given the treasure box of Master’s toys. He had delighted in removing the clip clamps with various Weights. He applied the clip clamps onto rose, and He watched her twitch. He then added the weights. More than weights than what Master had ever used. He pulled the leash, and He tugged it tight.
Sir said “wench I want you to spread your legs, wider.” Then He yelled “wider I told you”. She obeyed, not out of respect, but out of fear. This Sir had such a cold manner. Her Master had always looked upon His rose as being such a treasure.
Then Sir attached the nipple clamps and He tugged the leash and the tugged the chain attached to the nipple clamps and she shivered for it hurt. She was a slave to herMaster, but she was not enjoying being used by this Sir, in this way. Then Sir sat down in His chair and He tugged the leash and He said “wench come here”. She was about to stand up and He said “NO you stay on your hands and knees and you crawl, you crawl and you slightly like a dog to Sir”. He yanked the leash so hard that rose felt her nipples sway, and the clamps between her legs ached.
rose saw that Sir had undone His fly, and He had exposed His hard and erect cock, and Sir said to her “wench open your mouth now” and as she opened her mouth He rammed His cock down her throat and He ordered her to suck, to be a good puppy dog. To be a good puppy slave, for Sir. rose sucked, but then choked. She was not enjoying this experience at all.
Unbeknown to rose, her Master was looking on, and He was not happy at the way that she was being used. Master had thought that His long time Friend would have respected His property. But no. He had suddenly realized that He was in the proceduress of making a very grave mistake.
As rose took one last suck of Sir’s cock, she felt His cum shoot down her throat, she knew Sir’s needs had been met. He withdraw His cock from her mouth, not tending to rose’s needs, and He said “girl thank Me”. rose quietly said “thank You Sir”.
Master moved on over … to His delicate rose, and said “girl go into the bathroom and freshen up, and close the door behind you”.
Master said to His friend, “thank You for meeting with Me and My one. I was pleased that she was able to serve You. I have decided that I am going to take her with me abroad. I don’t think I could bear to leave her. I thoroughly enjoyed watching My girl serving You. I hope that You were pleased.”
His Friend said “Sir You have fallen in love and you are besotted with that girl. I could see how the two of you were one, both complimenting each other. There is indeed a very special relationship between Master and slave. She is indeed very fortunate to have you,to be held in such high regard. I must bid you well now Sir, and I hope you both have a very successful trip”. Master opened the door, and bid his friend good by.
Master walked slowly into the bathroom and found His precise beautiful lady, in a ball by the door, sobbing with tears. she said “Master please forgive me. For this girl did not react too well to Your Friend, and i desperately wanted to please you”.
Master looked at His beautiful lady and said “beautiful, you have taught me a very valuable lesson, I could not subject you to Another’s touch. I could not subject you to misuse or abuse, as I hold you so close and so dear to My heart. you are going to arrange for a vacation, and you shall accompany Me. you will service only me, for I hold your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul sacredly close to Mine, for I adore you, and I love you. you are Mine.”
angel in submission to Beastmaster5302, on her knees, where she belongs, to serve, to be used, to be loved, to be treasured and watered. To encapsulate Master with her love, her care, and her attention, can only in time bring deeper understandings of one’s purpose in this place that W/we call life.
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