The Bondage Bench

Tina is a friend. “Just” a friend, but a close one. We’ve known each other almost ten years, since we met in college. We were both involved with other people at the time, though, so us getting together wasn’t even a consideration. I even married the girl, but divided her a few years later. Tina’s boyfriend was ancient history a long time ago, but she’s never given up on his type- dark, swarthy, a little dangerous-looking, and almost certain to dish out some serious emotional or even physical abuse. In other words, she’s into guys who are (a) not good for her, and (b) not like me. I’m a chronic “nice guy.” Even though I flirt a lot, I’m considered harmless by pretty much everybody.

That hasn’t stopped me from wanting her, though. My attention to her has always been Almost… well, supernatural. It’s not that she looks like a model or anything, she’s just very pretty in an ordinary way. Especially to me. I’ve had to stop myself from staring at her all slack-jawed countless times. My eyes just point themselves at her like magnets point north. Even when I was married, Tina never left my fans. I never cheated, I was never even really tempted to cheat, but I never forget about Tina, either. I saw her all the time, too- after college, we moved to the same town, since we’d had the same major and took similar jobs. She’s been one of my best friends for a very long time now, and she was an absolute angel during the dividend. I don’t know how I’d have survived it at all if I hadn’t had her shoulder to cry on from time to time. Sure, I’d wanted more. She was getting too old for this bad-boy bullshit of hers, anyway- I secretly thought she used it as a way to avoid a real commitment, as she’d never married. But all my awkward come-ons somehow got turned into jokes on their way out of my mouth, so nothing happened between us. You’d think that if anything was ever going to happen, it would have been a long time ago.

Actually, something did happened about two or three years back, at a party. We were both drunk- hell, everybody there was drunk- and we were playing silly games and taking stupid dares. You know, if you broke the pattern in the clapping game, you had to moon the room, or if you dropped the card when it got to you on that round of suck-and-blow, you had to kiss somebody’s toes. That kind of shit. I don’t remember why (my memories of the whole night are pretty fuzzy), but I ended up in the closet with Tina. I held her in my arms and I was kissing her, while being cheered on by well-wishers on the other side of the closet door. She was very polite about it, even obliging, but she was giggling and shaking and not at all serious. To me, it was a dream come true, but to her, it was silly. Kissing, when it’s done right, is real communication, and the message she was sending me was: “Oh, Gary, you’re a very dear friend indeed, but this is kind ridiculous. You’ve had your fun now, and any more of this is really gonna start making me uncomfortable, so lay off, ok?” So, I laid off, and that was that. I switched to whiskey for the rest of the night in a futile attempt to drop my hurt feelings.

But that’s all in the past. I still flirt with Tina, and she even flirts back a little, and it’s all very friendly and not at all serious, just a part of how we get along. So, when she was at my house the other day to get some boxes to pack up presents she was sending home, I didn’t expect any of what happened. It just started, and I didn’t stop it, and I’m not sorry. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. We were up in the attic of my house, digging around a few dusty piles of some old stuff, looking for boxes that would fit. And the she found something that I’d forgetten was there. Honest.

“Hey, what’s this thing?”

Unfortunately, it was exactly what it looked like- an old weightlifting bench I’d bought at a yard sale and “modified” with some materials conveniently available at the local Home Depot. Bolted to the weightlifting posts, there was an two-by-six board cut horizontally, hinged, and carved into the shape of “stocks” like you’d see in the town square in colonial villages. I’d also attached four thick loops of nylon webbing to the legs at the other end, to hold the subject’s knees and feet in place. In short, it was a really, really, really, really incriminating piece of homemade bondage equipment.

My first reaction was to blush and try to get her to forget about it- but my brain instantly vetoed that idea by (quite correctly) pointing out that it wouldn’t work. I’d get no end of playing kidding about it. All our friends would know about it in very short order, too: “Guess what? Gary’s a pervert! You should see the thing I found in his attic! I’m just glad I didn’t go into his basement… or should I say, his DUNGEON!”

My second instinct got approval from the brain- just be honest, and not be embarrassed about it. When you’re ticklish, making a big deal of it will get you tormented. So, whenyou have a bondage fetish, even a small one like mine, just be casual about it. And after all, it’s not like I had this thing on display in the living room. Maybe I could even wrangle out of this situation with HER as the one who’d be embarrassed.

“Oh, that’s the ‘bondage benchmark.’ I forget about that thing.”

“The BONDAGE BENCH! I don’t be-LEIVE it!” She was grinning all over the place, determined to try to make me blush and stammer.

“Sure. Things weren’t always bad between me and Julie, y’know. This was just something I threw together to spice it up once-upon-a-time.” The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It’s always been a little bit of a turn-on for me to tie a girl up, but I hadn’t made a serious habit of it. I asked Julie about it, and she agreed to try it with me. It didn’t do anything for her, so the device ended up in the attic after only a couple of sessions.

“Threw it together, my ass, look at this thing, it’s absolutely medieval! Your dark obsessions are finally revealed to the world! How much time did you spend on this? The craftsmanship is exhaust! I can see the influence of the late fifteenth-century or early sixteenth-century Bavarian torture-chamber quite clearly!”

“Ha ha. I spent just a few hours on it. The hardest part was fixing the padding around the neck and wrist holes, and even that didn’t take too long. C’mon, don’t try to tell me you’ve never experimented with getting tied up before? With some of your old boyfriends, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d chained you naked to the hoods of their cars and driven you around the woods like some deer they’d just shot.”

“Oooooh, such a vivid imagination! That must come in handy when you’re role-playing out all your S&M fansies!”

“Then they park in the junkyard, start a fire in an oil barrel and all his friends throw crushed beer cans at you while they smoke crack and take potshots at rats.”

“Oh, MASTER GARY,” she said, determined not to be outdone, “I beg you to punish me! Strap me down in your bondage-bench and spank me while I squirm helpfully!” She was mocking me, but it turned me on anyway. To make her point even more dramatic, she lay face up on the benchmark and rested her head and her wrists into the semicircular holes in the base of the stocks. Then she continued in her best Perils-Of-Pauline voice, “You have me at your mercy, Master! Please, please, please, lavish your perverted favorites upon this unworthy service-slut-girl!”

Some dark voice at the base of my skull said: “All you have to do is close the stocks and throw the bolt, and show her you mean business.” My arm resisted my better judgement and firmly closed the top half of the stocks even before I knew what I was doing. Tina giggled in delight at the “joke,” and continued unabated.

“Oh YES, Master! Secure me firmly lest I escape! You wouldn’t want me to get AWAY before you teach me a lesson, would you?”

“Nope,” I said simply, as I throw the bolt inplace, securing the top of the stocks down so that she couldn’t get up now if she wanted to. It was a big, heavy bolt, designed for a barn door or a heavy fence. A simple deadbolt would have suffered, but I liked the dramatic effect and feel of the big heavy one. And it had a bonus- a loop in the hasp where you could secure it shut with a padlock, like the one I had hanging there for that very purpose! That could wait, though. First, I’d see how far she was willing to go along with it as if it was all in fun. I moved down to the knee straps. From down there, she wouldn’t be able to see that I had a painfully huge erection at this point, jutting out like a hammer handle between my pockets.

“Oh, that’s right, strap me down! You want you victims positioned correctly for your fiendish deeds, don’t you, Master?”

“Yup.” Her bluejeaned knees were now strapped apart, on either side of the padded backboard. Her ankles were crossed under the bench, buckled down in the straws and pulled teach. If she’d been naked, this would have spread her pussy lips open juuuuuust a litttttle bit… like it did when I’d strapped Julie into this thing. On an impulse, I discreetly sniffed the air just above Tina’s waist, and it was either my imagination, or her sweat (it was a stuffy attic, after all), or I smelled a trace of her juicy excitement.

“Hee Hee. Wow, this thing really works, Gary. I can’t move.” She really started to struggle now, the benchmark hoped up and down about an eighth of an inch, making ineffective little thumbs as she exerted herself.

“You’ve been doing your sit-ups, I see. That’s a fairly heavy bit of equipment, and you don’t have any real leverage in that position,” I said. I fitted the padlock into the hasp of the heavy bolt and snapped it shut. Then I walked around her in a circle to inspect my handiwork, taking care to try and keep the-boner-that-ate-Toledo out of her view.

“You DO have a key to that lock, don’t you?” There was a touch ofgeneuine concern in her voice.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve got it somewhere, yeah.” The key was on a hook screwed into the bottom of the benchmark- I’d checked to make sure it was still there before I locked it. But, Tina had no way of knowing that, did she?

“Not funny.” She squirmed and thumbed some more. “Okay, you can let me out now.”

“And why should I do that? I haven’t even had the chance to impose my perverted will upon the helpless wench yet, have I?”

“Ha ha ha ha. I guess I asked for that. You win. Let me up now, please.” All business. Maybe a little worried.

“When’s the last time you think I had sex, Tina? When’s the last time I had a girlfriend?”

“Gary. Stop it now.”

I walked around to the head of the bench, and not co-incidentally, the head of Tina. I looked down at her from above, and our heads were upside-down from each other’s perspective. I remembered that I’d fed my cock into Julie’s mouth in this position. It was good for a kink, but not agood blowjob. She couldn’t move her head all that much- all I could do was kinda fuck away at her face. Even then, her tongue was in the wrong place- on top, not licking the sensitive part on the underside of my cock. When we’d turned her over, she had to crane her neck back too far, and she’s said it hurt. So oral sex didn’t end up working out too well with this thing. But, I digress.

“I think the least you could do for me is answer a few questions while I’ve got you like this.”

“Okay, okay. Uhh… didn’t somebody set you up with a girl from an insurance office or something, what was that, a month ago?”

“That was about six weeks ago, and it was one lunch date. Not a relationship. Not sex.”

“Well, you had a girlfriend for a while, didn’t you? What was her name? Barbie?”

“Barbara. Yes, we went out for almost two months. And that was what, a year and a half ago? I haven’t really kept up with her since she moved to Albuquerque. I’ve had sex with three women, ever. Just three, that’s my whole career. Debra, Julie, and Barbara. And it’s been a long, long, time, Tina.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Guys like me aren’t Casanovas. We’re harmless, like ‘big brothers’ or the non-threatening gay friends women tend to have. We don’t tend to get laid a whole lot. I have needs, Tina, just like anybody else.”

“I know. I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to make fun of you like that, I know. Gary? I care about you a lot, you know that, don’t you?”

“I know. I care a lot about you, too, you know that?”


“I love you, Tina.”

“I love you, too, but it’s not like that.”

“It is like that. For me, it’s like that, and it’s always have like that, and we both know it, don’t we?” The look on her face was hard to read, but I’d touched on something. She knew. She had to know, god knows I’d been obvious about my end of it. “I’ve wanted you for years and years, and it’s not just simple lust. We’ve been great friends, we’ve been very close,and that’s something real.”

“Yes. I know. It’s real, and we sure as hell do NOT want to mess it up.”

“My life’s a mess already. And all those boyfriends of yours over the years have always been less than perfect examples of what healthy adult relationships should be. Don’t try to deny it, because I was always one of the first people you’d come running to when they dumped you, or worse. Remember that guy who stole your car?”

“Gary, please… let me out? Please?”

“They all had one thing in common, though. They were never afraid to take charge. They were never intimidated. They never felt like they had to play nice, follow the rules, and get along. That’s attractive to you, isn’t it? You like it when a big strong man takes charge of you, don’t you?”


“I think you’d like it if I took charge of you right now. Oh, sure, you’ll protest and be deadly serious and you’ll even really mean it, no kidding, that I have to let you up, right now, without moleculesting you at all. But if I did that, you’d also be disappointed in me, wouldn’t you? I’d just be harmless Gary, the guy you can always count on for warm friend and pray to boost your self-esteem when you need it, but who doesn’t have the balls to take you the way you need to be taken.”

“You’re scaring me, Gary. You’re talking crazy. You’re talking about rape.”

“No, I am not. I will not rape you. I would never, ever do that to you. You trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course I trust you. Now please let me up.”

“I’m not talking crazy. I’m talking about what you want. I’m talking about what you need a man to be if you’re going to look at him like he’s a man. And I’m talking about you getting turned on, maybe if only a little, by being tied up and locked down like this and not being one-hundred percent sure of what I’m going to do next.”

“Of course I know what you’re going to do next. You’re going to unlock this thing and let me go. Now.”

It was the finality in her voice, the dead certainty of “harmless Gary” in her mind, that did it. “No way, lady,” said the thing in the back of my head, “You’re going to find more surprises in this attic than just the benchmark.”

I bent down, took the sided of her head in my two hands, and I kissed her. She let out a surprised “Mmmmmmph,” but I didn’t let go, even though I was surprising myself as much as I was Surprising her. She didn’t exactly kiss back. Not really. I think she was holding back to see if I’d chicken out. The angle of our heads was a little weird, but she got the message I was sending: “I’m crossing that line you’ve drawn. I’ve waited a long time for this, and I just don’t care anymore. I’m not going to waste even one more minute worrying about being awkward or embarrassing myself. I love you, I love you, I want you, and I’m not going to be your ‘brother’ anymore.”

I decided to up the stakes. I broke the kiss and started to walk away.

“I’m going downstairs, and I’m goingout,” I said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in about twenty minutes. I have to go get some things from the store.”

“What?!? You’re not going to leave me like this. What the hell do you need to get from the store?”


There was dead quiet for a minute. The glove had been thrown down. I started down the stairs.

“You don’t have to go to the store. WAIT! PLEASE!”

“I need to get some condoms. I’m not going to do anything without them.” As far as I was concerned, even the slightest hesitation would cost me. I was going, period. Besides, the time she spent tied up would affect her- I didn’t know how, maybe it would weaken her resolve and make her compliant, but maybe it would just piss her off. She’d have time to think about it. Either way, I was in control and she wouldn’t look at me the same way again. Whether or not I’d actually go through with it when I got back was something I couldn’t think about too hard at the moment. I’d deal with that when I cameto it. I started back down the stairs again.

“NO! Gary, honey… I have some in my purse.”

I froze. Was this a sign of encouragement? Was this acceptance? Did she come here with condoms in her purse thinking that she might have sex with me?

“You have some in your purse?”

She was quiet for a short time.

“Yes,” she croaked, her voice was deep and husky- she was either on the verge of tears or she was hornier than I’d ever seen her, maybe both. “I keep some in my purse, all the time. It’s downstairs, on the table by your door. They’re in a blue plastic box. Just don’t leave me alone here, okay?”

“Okay.” I went downstairs, grabbed her purse, and came directly back. I didn’t walk, I didn’t run, I just did it, and I couldn’t believe What was happening. When I saw Tina locked down on the benchmark again, then I believed it. She looked at me and didn’t say anything as I rooted around looking for the blue condom box. I found it in short order and inspected the contents. Three “Lifestyles” condoms, lubricated with nonoxynol-9. Almost a year left until their expiration date. It struck me as funny that I should be embarrassed that I’d bolted some wood and nylon to a weightlifting bench, yet there was a factory somewhere full of huge machines that did nothing but make these rubber things to stretch over your dick when you fuck somebody. Wouldn’t you get embarrassed building one of those machines?

“Is three enough for you?” She asked. Very matter of fact about it, too. Her face was red. I didn’t know if it was from lying down, or being aroused, or being in shock.

“It’s a start.” I’d never been through more than two in my life. “But if I’m going to keep you as my personal sex slave… I’ll need a truckload of these suckers.”

“I’m not telling jokes anymore, Gary.”

“Okay. Sorry.” That’s what I said out loud, but I was really screaming something more like “Damn you, Gary! Don’t cave in like that!” at myself.

I walked over to her on the benchmark and kissed her again, just like before. This time, much to my surprise, she kissed back. We sat like that for awhile, kissing, me crouched at the head of the benchmark, cradling her head in my hands, she lying there strapped down and vulnerable, but utterly relaxed. Our mouths were forming silent words against each other, our tongues brushing up against each other in intimate conversation, leaning lazily against each other’s teeth, like elbows on the table when you’re on a date. The breath from her nose whiffed gently against my cheek, and I let my fingers drift along to feel the pulse in her neck. The kiss ended as kisses do, our heads falling away like fruit falls from the tree when it’s nice and ripe.

“Damn,” she said, “You’re really gonna do this, aren’t you?”



That was all the encouragement I needed- I kissed her again, then turned my face into her open hand and kissed her palm. She let out a little ‘oooo’ as I used my tongue to trace the likes in her hand which fortune-tellers read. Her fingers cupped my chin and stroked at my light half-a-day stubble as I worked on her soft hand, framed as it was in an unforgiving circle of locked wood. I turned back to her head, almost regretting her imprisonment in the stocks since they limited my access to her neck. I gave a quick nibble to what I could reach of it (‘uuuuuh’), and nipped at her earlyobe once (aa!) for good measure.


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