The Body Sculptor Ch. 05

Bobby Joe woke up with a man cupping the back of her head. She felt great, like totally stress free for the first time in ages…

The helpful man said, “Are you OK? You were having a seizure, are these your meds’?”

Holding up the half chewed packet high strength painkillers.

Bobby Joe giggled and said,

“Thank you.”

She got up and fell back down into the man’s arms. He offered to call an ambulance but Bobby, riding the codeine high thought she was really fine…

..She thought: she had never felt this fine before. She got up and thanked the man again. He left and she got back to work clumsily hanging up one of each colour of the transparent metallic catsuits.

She picked up her clothes and folded them. She was too out of it to remember that she was wearing one of the thin transparent suits with nothing under it.

The remaining two customers of the day got big smiles, the wrong change and quite the show… …they didn’t mind at all.

The muscle relaxant had freed up movement in Bobby Joe’s body but had left her with less control and a disbodied high. The toxin from the cream was still flexing all her muscles at once. She was tottering around on the balls of her feet, back arched, chest thrust out and arms straight and back a little. She could bend and flex now, but completely relaxing wasn’t possible. A kind of upright Rolls Royce status pose was now her default posture. Horny as a toad.

7pm came and Bobby Joe walked over to shut up the shop. She was walking high up on the balls of her feet again, back arching headache returning and starting to sober up. She also felt her muscles and joints starting to lock up again so took another two pills and drank some water.

It tasted sweet so she went back for another drink and sat on the counter to take a rest.

When she woke up it was dark out. She slide off the counter into a standing position and started for the door. Each step becoming more stiff, and more exhausted. By the time she got to the shop window she was done. Locked solid and exhausted, posed like a sprinter breaking the finish tape with her chest, but sound sleep standing in the shop window wearing only the transparent catsuit.

A few passers by stopped to look and take pictures with their phones that night but none guessed that she was anything other than a sexy mannequin. Mike had gotten the help message hours Earlier. He could see the shop security footage from an app on his phone and had decided to let Bobby Joe suffer a little for her misuse of his cream while he enjoyed some of the unplanned benefits.

Mike was at home during the day. He had been monitoring the customers who came into his shop through the shop video that streamed over the internet to his loft apartment. Mike really liked muscles. He really likes muscle women and started the body building shop as a result. He had invented the cream with the idea of ​​helping body builders firm up before a photo shoot or competition. After some trials he noticed a bonus affect.

The cream sinks in through the skin over about eight hours or so. For the first few hours it does as intended; reducing the ability to relax muscles and plumping them up with extra blood, and tightens the skin around them. After a few hours though the bodies reaction to the extra work is to release testosterone. The combination leaves the user with a very firm body, extra muscle bulk and definition, but also a fast growing libido.

Mike had phoned the female customers he watched took a sample of his cream to see how it went for them. The customers he liked he called in on personally. Bringing a stronger batch for them to try. He also brought a small spray pack with curare.

The strong cream had incapacitated three women and he brought them back to his loft for a photo session and some tests. He carefully gave them each an oxygen feed, just enough to keep them awake.

There they stood grinning madly and drifting in and out of a dreamy euphoric consciousness. The tightness of their muscle was restricting their breathing. Although the cream only effected the muscles close to the surface and not heart, lung or other internal muscles.

At first he just wanted to do some tests, but they looked *so* good. Muscular, shiny, posed perfectly and happy. He gave Becky (Rebecca Kim) a Korean Uni student and amateur light weight builder a pat on the ass. Then a rub on those very taught but cheats. Becky awoke and gave a moan. She was very turned on, unaware of her situation just high, grocgy and very horny. Mike slipped her sweat pants down and she gave a loader moan.

Mike gave her lap a little rub over her panties. Becky shock and started a deep guttural scream through her clanced teeth but passed out before she could make much sound. Becky started to tip over and Mike caught her.

It wasn’t long before all three female body builders were stripped naked, a belt tied underTheir arms and a rope tied over the rafters keeping them upright. Mike taking a few shot with his digital camera and then setting it down on near by chair, video running. This was a very special and satisfying ending to several months of work for him.

Mike walked around the triangle of women, massaging them for a few seconds until the ecstasy overcame them and the women passed out. This kept Mike amused for at least an hour.

He decided to turn up the oxygen. Almost instantly the three women awoke and started screaming through their teeth. Mike panicked a little, this was unexpected… After a few seconds the three women started to pant in sync. A short breath in followed by a moan out breath. Very fast and getting gradually faster.

Mike could see the three, eyes darting around looking at each other naked in pre-diving poses and they were all starting to climax together. The moans became shorter and shorter and more frantic. The small oxygen bottle ran down and the women got less. They all panted so fast Mike could no longer hear the difference between in and out breathes. The three perfectly formed muscle women writing in anticipation of climax.

Watching this incredible show with a now raging hard on, he stripped off and grabbed Becky. She passed out and fell into the belt and rope holding her up. Mike tried to spread her legs but couldn’t. He tried around back and her cheats were like iron. The muscle toning cream had locked her fast.

Frustrated, but prepared, Mike sprayed some curare on her inner thighs and gave them a little pinprick on each side. Becky’s legs slowly spread wide open as the curare released her muscles. She woke briefly, took a noisy breath in and passed out again.

Mike grabbed her hard body… and took a pause, thinking: These women had accepted his offer of the cream, *after* he told them about the temporary rigidity… …all flirted with him when he brought it over. They had all willingly stripped down for him as they put the cream on in the most suggestive way possible. They all wanted him, but this felt… he had never done anything like this before, he had some doubt…

He decided to talk about it with them, and get explicit approval. An unusual step for the normal quiet and confident inventor. Mike went over to his medical kit to get a muscle relaxant. He rolled on a condom while he gave Becky a jab with in her naked butt chef with the other hand, she came around.

Still frozen in a half star jump dangling from the rafter rope. She said through gritted teeth:

“God! God, God… Mike! Oh! God Mike.”

Mike, still with a hard on naked in front of her caressed her face. She went on:

“Fuck me Mike, God, this is amazing, I need your cock! Hmmm… Ugh, fuck yes!”

Becky’s words slurred a little but her intention was reasonably clear. Even more power returned to Mikes cock and Beck gabbed him with both arms, kissing and licking his face. Mike felt Becky’s very hard pussy and her hand jam him inside her with great force. Mike felt the pre-lubed condom stretch under the strain.

Caroline a taller blond and Vivian just a beginner but with long curly hair and a baby face were both beautiful, they stood behind Mike frozen and transfixed. Carol and Viv looked on, taking turns gasping with light headed pleasure and passing out unable to catch a substantial breath as they watched Becky and Mike.

Becky’s thrust was very hard, her tight muscles squeezing Mike’s cock like a wrapper all the way up to his balls. Their hips met with force and Becky passed out again. The pressure around Mike’s cock so great he couldn’t withdraw. A second later the muscle relaxant circularized and Becky came around a few seconds after that. She grabbed Mikes butt cheats with both hands and lifted him off the ground, mashing her hard lips into his. She was mad with lust and totally lost in the violence of ecstasy.

Carol and Viv’ continued to look on in anincoherent haze. The lack of oxygen had them delicious. Mike heard them giggle and moan as they road wave after wave of mind numbing arousal as it washed over them both.

Mike was getting the fuck of his life, standing in the incredible embrace of Becky’s meaty arms, locked together. The pain of Mike’s cock and balls being violently crushed heightened the thrill and holding back orgasm. Becky’s grip was starting to ease thanks to the drugs slowly softening her rigid body. Finally Mike could withdraw a little. Becky re-tightened her grip and took a big breath. She rammed herself into Mike with even more power, forcing his cock deep inside her.

With all his strength Mike draw back and Becky laughed out loud. They smoked together again, both fighting with all their might both completely intooxicated by sex and pain and exhibitionism.

Becky’s climax was near, she lost some power in her arms as the rush of endorphins flooded every sense. Mike took her head in one hand and her ass in the other and they kissed. Becky passed out again and the contract slammed Mike into the biggest orgasm he had ever had. He screamed with release and delight and raw emotion.

Carol and Viv’ started shaking and humming. Unable to move, or look away or reach orgasm the women were enveloped with primary lust. They wanted sex, desperate to escape from this prison of frustrating euphoria. Their minds so overwhelmed that were reduced to nonsensical verbalizations.

Mike was spent. He needed a drink and a rest. He walked over to the fridge and took out some OJ and drank it from the bottle. Thoughtfully he returned to Becky. She was just coming around, unable to stay conscious to orgasm still caught at the very peak of arousal. Mike lifted up the juice to her mouth and she grabbed his cock with both hands. Startled he spiled the OJ over Becky and her tongue shot out to lick it off her face. Mike licked her breasts and she let out a deep cry of password.

Reignited, Mike pulled away to get another condom and Becky screamed. Carol and Viv screamed with her and Mike had to choose. He gave Carol and Viv’ a shot of the muscle relaxant that had partially freed Becky and was putting the syringe back on the table when the three women all yelped. They had shuffled towards each other and were being held just a few centimeters apart by the belts tied to ropes over the rafter.

After some non verbal negotiation they linked legs and pulled their hips together to meet in a three way hip grind.

The three women muscles bulging forced themselves together in a ballet of hoping and thrusting. Becky now moving a little freer than the others unid her belt and jumped onto the other two. She rode the two female bodybuilders, legs wrapped tight around their hips, arms hooked around the back of their heads struggling hard to pull them together into one mass of empire muscles.

Mike reached in to release the belts and Becky tried to bite him. Carol and Viv’ passed out again and Becky continued to grind on them. Mike took the mattress off his bed and lay it behind the three women. Taking a knife he cut the ropes holding them up. The three women fell onto the mattress, Carol and Viv continued to be mauled by Becky. Finally Becky, on the edge of madness; started to reach climax and passed out again.

Mike enjoyed the view of three naked female bodybuilders passed out on his mattress on the floor for a while then he got an idea. His camera beeped signalling the end of the video recording. His memory card full he could only count on his brain for a record of what would come next.

Mike took the rope down from the rafters and lay it on the floor. He rolled the three women over into a spoon position. Becky at the back and Vivian at the front. He tied their ankles Together, put one belt around all three and lifted them back onto their feet.

Moments later they came around. Almost instantly a rhythm developed as Becky startedgrinding on the ass of Carol. Vivian, tied to the front of this naked conga line jostled along in time. The three women’s arms flailing around as they tried to rub and grab at each other. The belt under their arms was riding under Vivian’s breasts pushing them up into a bubble like cleavage. Her perfect breasts wobbled and bounced in time with the steam train motion she was locked into driven by the other two women.

Mike couldn’t take much more arousal. He kissed Vivian on the lips and she slapped him. Mike shocked took a step back and she grabbed his cock and slapped his balls hard. Vivian’s grip was like iron as she laughed at Mikes pain. Mike bent down as he tried to release Viv’s grip and she let her left hand go and bit his ear. Viv’ grabbed his balls and circled her pussy with his hard cock. Viv’ let go of his ear and kissed him hard as she ticked her own cliporis with the condom tip on the end of his cock. Releasing his balls Viv’ grabbed his hair and pushed him down intoher pussy. The four of them rocking radically in sync.

Carol started to call out, then Becky then Vivian, climax was hitting all three of them together and hard. Viv’ forced Mike’s face hard into her with her last once of strength. All of them on the very cusp of release, lost consciousness again and slumped into the three-way belt dangling them from the rafter.

Mike got another idea. Releasing the belt and the ankle ropes he spun Vivian upside down. And lashed her arms around Becky. He lashed Becky’s arms around Vivian in a suspended standing ’69’ position.

Mike spends the next five hours fucking and repositioning the three women until he was too exhausted to move them, and the cream had started to give them enough freedom to breath so they were no longer passing out and managed to orgasm together in a massive finale.

The four of them spooning on Mike’s mattress on the floor in his spacious loft apartment. They lay together for a few hours until Mike, wakingfrom a short nap looked over to see the message on his phone.

The next day Bobby Joe woke up in the display window. Still frozen in that see through catsuit. Mike was behind the counter. The shop door opened and Jimmy came in, walked past Bobby Joe without a glance and greeted Mike warmly.

Mike explained there had been a mistake and the cream was proving difficult to pass import rules. Jimmy was typically understanding and Mike walked him to the front of the shop.

They stopped to talk right behind Bobby Joe frozen in the window. Mike rubbed her ass and asked Jimmy to feel the material. Jimmy rubbed Bobby’s hard ass cheek and Mike asked if he liked the suits. He added that Bobby Joe had chosen them and with that Jimmy said that she was very cool.

Bobby Joe tried hard to call out or turn to see them and the effort left her dizzy and light headed her breathing now too shallow to be observed.

Mike said, “You know Jimmy, I think Bobby Joe has a crush on you.”

Jimmy blushed and replied, “I’d never have a chance with her, she’s so cool.”

Mike smiled and said, “I think if she were here, with us right now, she might disagree.”

Jimmy smiled shaking his head and went on his way. Stopping outside the shop to look over the suit Bobby had picked out and the quite nice mannequin he didn’t remember ever seeing before.

Mike said, “Do I need to tell you how wrong it was to take that cream? I guess not, …well outside of near lethal levels of opiates you are stuck there until all the toxins wash out of your system. There is a chance of course that this level won’t be able to leave your system with you lacking the ability to urinate. We’ll see how you go over the next few days OK.”

Giving her ass check a firm little pat for good measure.

The end.


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