The Blindfold

“You will come to the door nude and wearing a blindfold. I will knock twice, and then three times, and you will open the door. You are not to speak. I will come in, and you will be guided to the center of the room, where you will get on your hands and knees. At no time are you allowed to speak. If you do as you are guided, you will be rewarded. If you utter one word, I will leave immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. I will call you when I leave.”

I knew the deep voice on the other end of the phone. Master had been training me for a few months now. It always seemed as if he knew when I had become comfortable with things, and he always knew just how to step it up to the next level. I was trembling slightly as I thought over the instructions he’d just given me. This was going to be a challenge. I would not be able to see. I would not be able to speak. With my senses and my communication restricted this way, I would have to trust him totally, and rely onhim to guide my every movement and response. It would certainly prove to be a test of my focus and my training.

The day passed fretfully for me. It was difficult for me to concentrate on any of the tasks that lay on my desk in front of me. It seemed as though I went through my duties on auto-pilot. His words just kept echoing in my brain…nude…blindfold…you are not to speak….hands and knees…. As the day wore on I got more and more agitated. There was so much I had to do in preparation for his arrival! I had to make sure my house was clean and I had to find a suitable blindfold. I had to shower and I especially had to make sure I was well-shaved–Master liked a clean-shaven pussy. It seemed as though the clock marched so slowly to 5 pm. My co-workers seemed to be taunting me in their cheerfulness. Perhaps This was all part of Master’s plan, to leave me all day to wonder what he would do to me, to tease me by dangling it close in front of me and yet just out of my reach.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, it was 5 pm and time to leave the office. The rush-hour traffic seemed to be far worse than usual, but finally I got home around 5:15. Good. About 45 minutes before he gets off work…pleenty of time to get ready. Luckily I always tended towards neighborness, so there was not much to do to get the house ready. It would take longer to get myself ready. But at least I didn’t have to pick out clothes. Except the blindfold! I rummaged around in the bathroom looking for an old box that I kept my bandanas in. Finally I found it, and pulled out a solid black one. I tried it on to make sure it was suitable, and it proved to be more than up to the task it was about to be drafted for.

As I started the water in the shower, I noticed that I had become strangely calm. I was no longer watching the clock tick away the minutes, teasing me with each second, with nothing for me to do but wait. The waiting was over, and at last I could do something, I could prepare for the evening that lay ahead of me. Inactivity always made me a very important person. As long as there was something for me to do, some task to move me along towards the goal, then I was fine. But I had never been one to idly wait well.

I took my time in the shower, enjoying the warm water and shaving myself very carefully so that all came out nice and smooth. The water felt good as it coursed over my body–very relaxing. When I was satisfied that everything had been done well, I stepped out of the shower and smoothed lotion all over myself. I glanced up at the clock. 5:45. Still time left for any last minute preparations. I lit some candles and put on some music to help me pass the last several minutes. The phone rang.

“One last thing. Put a bottle of baby oil on the table.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Once that was done, I sat down on the couch with the blindfold in my lap. A little bit of trembling was starting to creep back into my body. I was waiting again.I couldn’t tell if I was trembling in anticipation, or nervousness. This was going to be a new experience for me, and my biggest concern was that I would somehow fall short of what Master expected of me tonight. I became lost in my thoughts for several minutes, and was started back to reality when the phone rang again.

“I’ll be there in five minutes.”

Taking a deep breath, I raised the blindfold to my eyes and tied it behind my head. I tested it to make sure it was snug and that it would stay in place. Then, with my world wrapped in darkness, I focused on the music that was playing. I knew the songs well, so I was able to gauge the time. I did fairly well in my estimation, too, because right at what I judged to be about five minutes, I heard Master’s knock at the door.

I got up and felt my way to the door. I took a deep breath, then unlocked the door, opened it, and stepped back. Luckily it was a warm evening, so the air pouring in through the door didn’t chill my naked body. I heard the door close, then the sound of my Master putting something on the couch. I felt a pair of firm hands on my shoulders, turning me around. The hands guided me to the center of my living room, and then put gentle pressure on my shoulders in a signal to get down on my knees. I knew I was to do this from the instructions, so I got down on my knees and then bend forwards so I was completely on hands and knees. The hands left my shoulders and I stayed perfectly still, straining to pick up any hint of sound around me. I tried to control my trembling and breathing as I heard the sounds of undressing behind me.

After a few moments I could hear nothing else. I imagined that my Master had been watching me while he was undressing, and I imagined a smile on his face. I felt strong legs straddle me near my ass, and Felt a cock rubbing against the small of my back as he silently began to dry-hump me. It wasn’t long before I felt him move around to the front of me and pull me up into a full knee. He slapped my face a few times with his cock before putting it to my lips. Instinctively I licked the head for a moment before taking the dick in my mouth and beginning to suck. He buried his hands in my hair and guided my movements and speed. With no sight, I couldn’t look up at him and judge how I was doing. He was being completely silent, offering no sounds at all save his breathing, which was beginning to grow harder and faster. As his cock grow in my mouth, I sucked deeper and harder. I thought I would pleasure him more, and I brought my hand up to his shake. No sooner had I touched it than he took my hand and firmly removed it and dropped it back down to my side. At this point I was worried that I’d angered him, but the rhythm continued uninterrupted.

We spent Several minutes like this, with the thrusts into my mouth slowly becoming deeper and more forceful. I took his thrusts as best I could, sucking hard on his cock and teasing the shaft and thehead with my tongue. I loved my Master’s taste, and the feel of his cock in my mouth as I sucked it. I forgot all about being blindfolded, my focus was completely on sucking him off and giving him pleasure with my mouth. I could hear that his breathing was quite pronounced at this point, and I thought that he was getting close to shooting his load right into my mouth. I sucked harder and teased faster with my tongue, and suddenly the hands in my hair pulled me back and off of him. I felt his cock slapping my face several times, this time followed by his hand. He presented to my lips again, and I took him in and resumed my sucking and teasing. He reached down and took my hand and put it between my legs in a signal for me to finger myself while I sucked him. I had been so focused on him that I hadn’t noticed how horny I was until my fingers touched my wet and swollen pussy. I greedily stroked my lips and clip while I continued to suck him off. It wasn’t too long before he withdraw frommy mouth again and slapped his cock against the sides of my face. He removed my hand from my clip and guided me back down on my hands and knees.

I felt him move around behind me, but at this point he was not touching me. After a moment’s pause, I felt something cold drop onto the small of my back–the baby oil! After letting several drops pour out on me, he began to rub the oil over the small of my back and down my ass. He worked it down into the crack, and I felt his fingers lubing up the hole he was about to invade. He worked his fingers in and out of me a few times, as I began to rock back against his hand. When he was satisfied that I was ready, he slowly began to push his hard cock against my ass. I pushed back against him, hungry to have Master’s cock push deep into my ass. I felt the head poised just at the opening, teasing me for a moment before he began to slowly push into me. He pushed slowly and gently into my tight ass. I couldn’t help but moan, he had such a huge cock and it felt so good to have him pushing deep inside me. It was a little uncomfortable for a moment once he was all the way in, but I felt him struggling my back, which helped me relax into it. He was still for a moment, then he gently began to thrust in and out, and I responded by thrusting my ass back against him.

After a short time he began to thrust faster into me. He pushed my head down to the carpet, and guided me down until I was laying on the floor. He pressed himself on top of me and I could feel how hot and sweaty he was becoming. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and hear that he was breathing very fast and heavy. Other than that, I could hear and see nothing. He pushed so deeply into me in that position that I couldn’t help but moan with almost every thrust. I almost blew everything at one point when he thrust very deeply into me and I began to moan “oh, f…” but lucky I caught myself in time and Master didn’t hear a word from me.

We continued like thisUntil I thought he was just about to cum, then he pulled out of me and paused for a moment. He laid on the floor beside me and guided me into position straddling him. This was challenging to respond to because I could see nothing and had no idea what he wanted until I was nearly on top of him. Once I was in position, I felt his hard cock at the opening of my ass again, and I lowered myself onto it. I leaned back a little and greedily moved up and down on his dick. Again all I had to go by was the depth and speed of his breathing. He wasn’t even offering the slightest sound of a moan. I began to wonder if I wasn’t pleasuring him enough, so I worked faster and deeper on his cock. I placed my hands on his chest to steady me and I felt that he was very hot and sweaty. I leaned forward so that each thrust rubbed my clip against him, and the pleasure of that worked me into a frenzy of movement. After a few moments, he placed his hands over mine and held them very still. Somehow I knew this was a signal to slow down and stop, which I did, and when I did I felt his cock pulsing inside me. He’d shot his load in my ass, and cum completely silently.

We rested and caught our breaths for a minute, then he guided me off of him and laid me on my side on the floor. I heard him get up and leave the room. After a few minutes, I heard him come back into the room and then I heard him putting his clothes back on. I thought to myself that it was almost at an end and soon he’d be removing the blindfold and talking to me, and allowing me to speak in return. When he had his clothes back on, Master gave my ass a good hard smack.

And he opened the door and left…


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