The Blind Domme

My fingers moved quickly across the last of the raised dots.

“Allison” my fingers read “I’ve been looking all over town for you! You have company at home. A young man all the way from New York.

His name is David Noyes. ‘Thank you’ cried Allison and waved her hand. She hurried, and when she reached Beech Street, she ran all the way up the block to her house’”.

My fingers dropped off the page, and I closed “Peyton Place”, my first “naughty” book I’d ordered surprisingly as a girl.

Years ago, hiding it under “Little Women” when I’d gotten it in the mail from Jennie, my roommate at Perkins. “It is such a sexy book, Kyra!” she’d said to me over the phone “Don’t let your Mom find it!”

Not that Mom could read Braille anyway. I laughed thinking about it…

After all, I’d read “Peyton Place” a book from the 1950s, in the seventies, and even then it was tame next to books like “Valley of the Dolls” and whatever Erica Jong was writing..but sadly, those books weren’t in Braille then.

But now, that I can read regular print with my Optacon reader, which scans print and sends electronic impulses back to my index finger in the shape of the letters, I have full access to whatever erotic filter I like…

But my my old favorite is still what it was when I was twelve…the Braille version of “Peyton Place”.

I leaned over and put “Peyton Place” on the coffee table, feeling to make sure it was not going to knock over the coffee that Kevin had brought me.

Then I’d have to whip him. I giggled. On the other side of the room, there was a cought. “Did you want something, Miss Kyra?” I made my voice cold.

“Did I say I did, Gareth? Are you pushing your nose into the corner? You’d better.”

“Yes ma’am.” his voice came, mumbling.

I smiled, and tucked my shirt in a bit, feeling my heavy breasts with the hardening nipples. I thought of poor Gareth, who had been standing naked in the corner all morning.

Gareth owned this house, and keep me on a fat allowance, understanding about my various lovers and the other slaves that I have living here, and all the poor boy wanted was some time with his Miss Kyra!

Gareth works so hard, and much of that time he’s traveling around the world, hoping for some alone time with Miss Kyra…

So the one weekend he gets at home, Miss Kyra makes him stand in the corner!

And last night, when he took me to dinner, he was telling me how much he wanted to take me on a picnic today, how he wanted to take me jewelry shopping, and maybe go to a play.

He’d bought tickets to a good one “The Music Man” and had gotten us front row seats so I could hear well, and possibly sense the actors moving about on the stage.

And I was going to take these tickets and give them to Deroy, my lover and his other girlfriend, Caitlin.

And poor Gareth was consigned to the corner. Balancing two Encyclopaedia Brittanicas under a cup of hot coffee on his head, noless…if he drops it, I’ll hear him, and have another use for mny long white cane.

I could have whipped Gareth, feeling his crotch hardening against my nyloned knees as my hairbrush crashed against his sweaty, wrinkled buttocks again and again…but that would be too much attention.

Gareth must realize that just because he supports me and give me a nice place to live, doesn’t mean he’s going to get Miss Kyra to focus on him all the time.

In a way he reminded me a lot of Basil, the slave boy who kept me in a wonderful cottage at Martha’s Vineyard years ago.

I was just twenty-one, and Basil would work all week in New York, smoking away, getting no relief from the chatity device that held him, and then he’d show up on Fridays.

Getting off the ferry, and gasping at the sight of glorious little me in my bikini. I usually had a darkish tan by June, and would wear a white bikini which, I was told, set my dark skin off.

I don’t know what dark and whiteare like, really…but I know the sound of Basil’s strange gasp as he’d see me, and I’d march right up to him on the dock, towards the voice

“Here Mistress” tapping my long white cane, the stick that has grown progressively longer since I got my first one at age three.

I’d tap my cane, feeling the wood on the dock, hearing other men whispering “There’s that hot blind girl…Jesus, those tits…what’s she see in that loser?”

Money, honey. I’d tap along and finally stop right in front of poor Basil.

I’d hear his heavy breathing and smell that pathetic Brut cologne, and reach right up at chest level and grab one of his nipples through his expensive Brooks Brothers shirt.

Twisting the nipple harshly, before dropping my nails down to flick his crotch, where the penis was straining against the chatity device.

At home, I’d order Basil to strip and bring me a Long Island Iced Tea.

Then we’d adjorn to the bedroom, where he’d set out the ropes, and I’d move around, tying his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, before using my superior tactile sensing-oriented fingers to feel Basil’s entire body…

I’d run my fingers over his Adam’s apple, his broad shoulders, running my hands over his chest, tweaking the nipples again and again.

I’d hear Basil’s breathing getting heavier and faster as my nails marched along his belly, feeling his navel.

I’d smell the sweat pouring down his forehead as my little hands finally reeached his chatity device.

“I don’t know where the key is” I’d say.

“I think I lost it…I can’t see anything, you know.”

I’d hear the mingled sob..and that was ridiculous.

We both knew that I had the key. Finally I’d go into my purse and get the key out and unlock the poor bastard.

I’d have an exaggerated feeling of Basil’s legs, pretending I couldn’t find the chatity device, but finally I’d unlock it, pulling it out from under his legs.

Then I’d feel for my marvelouslubricant and squirt some on my hand and begin my tactile trot across his balls and shake.

Touching the full, throbbing shake, running my fingers carefully across the swelling veins of his engorged penis.

I don’t know whether sighted women are as fascinated with the various bumps and paths surrounding the average penis, which is incredibly covered in lines, veins and wrinkles.

The circularized penis is Not quite as intricate, but it is indeed bulbous, and Basil’s was cut and huge…and I’d rub it carefully, whistling between my teeth, hearing him pant as I moved my long nails up and down the shake oh so carefully.

I generally poison my nails red, as my sister says that’s a good color for me. Red is a good color, gray isn’t…they’re all just words to Kyra.

At some point I’d lean over and carefully rub my nipples across Basil’s chest until he appeared to be begging oh, begging for me to let him cum, and then I’d leave the room for a while.

I really enjoyed spent the entire week torturing poor Basil, and quite often locking him back up again with no orgasm, and sending him back for a long week of chatity in New York.

If he bitched “I didn’t get to cum last week either, and I’m so good to you…” Then I’d have Basil grab his ankles, bent over and lash his bottom with the cane, and not let him visit me for a fortnight.

What a riot that was! Especially since he would be locked in his belt for all that time.

Then there was Jaques, who kept in a cage in his apartment in Monaco…he’d taken me all over Europe in a car, and I hadn’t had to tap around with my cane at all.

I could just be whisked about in Jacques’ limo…or Kent, the rich deaf-mute.

I couldn’t see his hand-signs, and he couldn’t make any noise…all the communication we seemed to have was when he’d thumb to the floor as I whipped his butt cheats.

Or I’d feel his body vibrate as I stimulated his frenum with my expert tactile fingers.

Or Bruce, a while baby who I kept in rustly petticoats, hearing him raise them and pulling down his panties for yet another correction.

What an amazing creativity ran the U.N…what would they think?

Or Mustafa, from the Sudan…who had a dungeon so intricate I would have to move carefully through the tunnels.

I’d be using my facial vision to feel the change in the air pressure between the body and the stone walls before arriving to where Mustafa was cuffed to the ceiling.

Feeling through Mustafa’s rack of whips for a long one with spur ends that would give me that satisfied sound of slashing!

But enough of that…we had visitors coming. My old friend Simone and her novel domme Sheila were going to spend a few days here, and we had to prepare.

“Gareth!” I called. Thump!

“Ow!” I giggled silently. The coffee must’ve fallen on his bare belly as the books dropped on his feet, the poor clumsy thing.

“Gareth, you must prepare…we have visitors coming..but first I think I’m going to have to execute my cane on your buttocks for your clumsiness.”

A long sight. “Yes ma’am.”

An Hour Later

“Jesus, Simone, I haven’t laughed so much in years…since I was at the Castle with you.” Kyra smiled.

“You were a Castle Domme?” Sheila asked in astonishment. “After only a three year internship as a dominatrix in New York State!” Kyra said triumphantly.

“Ky’s title was Lady Grandison, but she was known as Lady Fingers” said Simone with a smile. “She had the power to make any man jump at her touch.”

Kyra snorted, feeling around for her Budweiser.

Kyri’s brother and apparently a slave also, quickly put the can in her hands, and she took a long slug,

She was the most beautiful woman Sheila had ever seen.

Watching Kyra as she convinced enthusiastically with Simone, Sheila was just amazed. That shoulder length sandy hair, clear, luminous though quite blank hazel eyes.

Though Sheila had to admit, Kyra was much better mannered than the blind people who Sheila had been around previously.

Most stared into space as they spoke to you. Not this girl. When you speak to Kyra, she turned her head as if to look at you, though of course, she couldn’t.

“How is the fat old Castle director?” Kyra inquired. “The last time I heard from him, he sent me some begging letter.

It was on tape of course, because he didn’t want Kevin or Gareth reading it to me in their voices.

He was just begging me to come back. Like five years in the Castle wasn’t enough to teach me everything…Simone, don’t you ever want to come back to the States?”

Kyra toyed with her white cane as she spoke.

“I’ve had just about enough of it traveling around here.” Simone replied, touching Kyra’s hand.

Sheila sensed that there was something else between Simone and Kyra-they weren’t just pals.

“I really wish to return to the sunny beaches of the Castle…andmy pathetic husband Stuart.” Simone said.

Kyra snorted.

“Yes of course, Mr. Peanut-I call him that because he always smelled of salty peanuts to me,” explained Kyra in Sheila’s direction.

Dressed in a skintight black tee shirt and cargo pants, Kyra relaxed, chain smoking Lucky Strikes, sipping a beer and laughing at Simone’s sallies.

Sheila noticed that the poor bastard in the corner, naked Gareth.

Gareth kept surprisingly turning and giving Kyra imploring looks, though of course that couldn’t do any good.

Kevin stood by Kyra trying to be as helpful as he could.

“Did you bring me my sandwich, brother dear?” Kyra asked.

Kevin mumbled “I was busy with the beers, but I’ll get it.”

Kyra smiled into space. “You’ve got to learn, Kev. Unzip your pants and take your cock out.”

Kevin’s voice wavevered “Please, I’ll get the sandwich.”

Kyra laughed “You certainly will, after you take your cock out, NOW.”

Kevin unzipped his pants and pulled out a long, hard cock, and Kyra picked up her Lucky Strike, and began stabbing it out on Kevin’s penis.

Kyra held the shake with one lovely hand as she burned Kevin’s cockhead with her cigarette tip in the other.

Then, Kyra neatly picked up Simone’s cup of steaming hot coffee, and had poured a bit of that onto Kevin’s hard cock, to the point that he screamed.

As Kevin held his hands behind his back, gritting his teeth, Kyra felt around and grabbed the tip of Kevin’s penis.

Kyra pinched Kevin’s foreskin several timings with her long fingernails, and he squealed and gasped at the intense pain.

Kyra groped about in front of her, and Simone instinctively handed Kyra her long riding crop, the Licorice Whip, and she landed it five or sx times, hard on Kevin’s shuddering cock…and Kevin cried yet a bit more!

Kyra then reached her slim little wrist into Kevin’s open zippered crotch and grabbed and squeezed Kevin’s balls, as her brother bent over at the stomach and cried.

“That’s amazing, I couldn’t have found them in there without seeing.” Sheila said.

“Oh, I’ve learned to do quite a bit without it as you may guess.” replied the laughing Kyra.

“Now, you can zip back up and go get me my sandwich, as well as the other women’s sandwiches” Kyra told her wedding brother, and laughed hearing Sheila’s gasp.

Apparently Kevin and Kyra were twins…they looked a great deal alike, though of course they weren’t identified.

Kevin was sighted. But there seemed to be a yearning look in Simone’s eyes as she learned towards Kyra. Sheila was mystified by this.

Kyra, enjoying the sensings of a cold brew in one hand and Simone’s pressing fingers in the other, wondered how Simone was going to behave on this visit.

With the new girl, Sheila, here, Simone couldn’t possibly revert to her usual role when she visited Kyra’s house.

But seventeen years before, when Kyra had been a domme in the Castle,Simone had come to her room one night, and in a voice quite different from the usual, regular “Simone tone” she’d said-

“Kyra, I-I saw you when you were domming one of the female clients.

Simone had sounded so hesitant, and Kyra had felt the vibrations of Simone’s face close, but she seemed to be just below Kyra’s head-was she on her knees, Kyra had wondered?

Kyra had smiled, trying to tilt her head down somewhat to the direction of Simone’s voice, and had listened carefully to the way Simone was speaking, and the tone she’d used.

Having always had to depend on only the four senses of hearing, touching, tasting and smell, Kyra had learned early on that people sent messages from the way they said things, that were far more important than what they said.

“I-I just was so took with the way you whipped that girl, and how you twisted her long nipples.”

Simone had stuttered. “I-might have to dominate one of our um, gentle sex one day, and it was good for meto watch, very interesting.”

They’d talked late into the night, and somewhere around three, Simone had asked if she could stay.

Somehow, Simone had worked her way between Kyra’s legs and had performed several hours of expert tongue work on Kyra’s happy pussy, bringing Kyra to several orgasms.

At one point, Kyra had asked Simone if she wanted reciprocity, and Simone had insisted that she’d be happier masturbating.

Kyra had felt Simone drop to the floor and frig herself, Kyra assumed, on her knees.

Simone had shown up night after night, climbing into Kyra’s bed and bringing her to several orgasms before going back to her own room after masturbating herself while sleeping on the floor.

And then Simone had begun cleaning Kyra’s room now and then, when slaveboys weren’t showing up to do it…Kyra wondered what was going on.

A couple of days later, Simone was supposed to bring a Spencer paddle, the thick wooden kind with the holes, to Kyra immmediately for an important session with Senator Panfill.

Simone had been late, and Kyra had made do with a telephone book, she’d heard her father, a Texas police detective says they’d “sweat” truth out of doubts using a book as it didn’t leave marks, and Kyra had adapted that for the Senator.

When Simone showed up an hour late with the paddle, Kyra had laughed and said “Well, you were supposed to bring the Spencer earlier, but we resolved it.”

Simone had snapped at her. “Well, I’m not your service to bring you things on time just because you’re blind…unless you want to punish me…then I supposed I’d have to do as you asked.”

Kyra had felt her way across the room until she’d been right level with Simone, and then she’d reached out and slapped Simone’s face, hard.

“You’ll bring me that Spencer paddle on time next time, and this time I’m going to show you what you get!”

And Simone had stripped, thrown herself over Kyra’s couch, and received a terrificpaddling from her energetic blind friend.

After this, whenever Kyra and Simone hadn’t been busy domming their various slaves, they’d get together so Kyra could give Simone the discipline she craved.

Twisting Simone’s nipples, horsewhipping Simone’s bare butt, cattle-prodding Simone, and generally keeping the other dominatrix jumping.

When, after five years, Kyra had invested her money and decided to leave the Castle and go to Buffalo, NY to live with her brother, Simone had pleaded with her not to go, and then made regular trips to Buffalo, just to get further sessions.

But now Simone seemed some what regular, and it didn’t look like she’d want that from Kyra now…female domination.

Or maybe she would, but Kyra doubted that she wanted to lose face in front of Sheila…it was a mystery!

Sheila was amazed at this scene. Gareth, the fatty slave was still naked and in the corner, sobbing auditory.

Every now and then he would blow his nose into a handkerchief, which she assumed was the only bit of clothing he was allowed.

And Kevin, Kyra’s twin brother was incredibly solidus of his sister.

Running back and forth to get anything she wanted, and being rewarded left and right with cuffs and slaps.

Sheila had never heard of a brother serving his dominant sister before, it seemed a bit incestous, but hell a month ago she knew nothing of female domaination or S/M at all.

“You got it, he eats her out and she manually teas him, just like the others I’ve introduced you to” Simone had said

Simone had also told Sheila tartly in the car. “Kevin actually came to live with Kyra when she came to work at the Castle, and stayed right in her room, never left without her, though (snort) we used to see her whipping his bare ass on the beach.

If she hadn’t been so good at her work, the Castle director never would’ve gone for that, let me tell you.”

“But how did he work, or did she support him?” Sheila asked.There wasn’t much employment at the Castle for guys, as the slaves did almost everything.

Simone had snickered, turning into Kyra’s driveway. “No, Kyra wouldn’t support any man, I don’t think-much less her mealy-mouthed brother.

Kevin is fairly rich, he’s a writer, does those Mike Fish mysteries, you know them.”

Sheila nodded. “Yeah, my dad reads them, there are about fifty of them, real macho stuff.”

Simone had laughed as she’d broken and turned the car off. “Yes, I wonder where Kevin gets that, as he’s the wimpiest creation I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, he just sat at his word processor and typed out all that drive, and sent it off to a publisher in New York, and then he’d receive royalty checks, which of course he signed over to his blind little sister.”

Simone snorded. “He has been her body service since she was a teenager. Pathetic, I think.”

Sheila had heard a tone of irritation, or was it jealousy?

You’d think Simone would be in favorof a rich brother serving his dominant sister, she thinks everything else that goes on like that is so cool, right?

What Sheila didn’t know, was,that that Simone had been Kyra’s slave, which Simone devoutly hoped Sheila would never know.

And Kyra had ordered Simone, who was the ultimate dominatrix, to give Kevin oral sex every year on his birthday.

“Please not that,” Simone had begged of Mistress Kyra at the time.


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