My wife, Lacey, has always been a stay-at-home mom. She loves it, and says that she’d never want to go back to working full-time, like she did before we got married.
She has, however, wanted to take a vacation to visit family overseas, and I haven’t been able to figure out a way to fit that into the budget during the next decade. A few years ago, she had wanted to do the same, and took on a temporary job delivering newspapers for a couple months, to cover the cost of the trip.
My mom is the chatty type, always making conversation with everyone she meets. Recently, while buying something she’d found in a classified ad, the man she was purchasing the item from, asked if she happened to know of anyone looking for work. He explained that his job was taking him away from home quite a lot, and that he needed someone to clean around the house, and take care of the animals on his small farm.
Later, when my mom was visiting us, she casually mentioned it to us. Lacey and I had just been going over our finances, before my mother’s visit, and the man’s request gave her an idea.
“You know… if I took another temporary part-time position, we could afford that vacation, just like last time,” she said.
“Oh, well I could give you his number. He seemed like a nice guy,” offered my mother.
The next day, Lacey called the man, and explained that she’d heard he might be interested in hiring a cleaner and farmhand. He was excited to hear from her, and invited her to drop by that evening when he had arrived home from work, to go over the details and see if it was a good fit.
“He has sheep and chickens that need to be fed, and he’s going to need his house cleaned and laundry washed,” My wife told me, excitedly. “He wants to see me at 7pm tonight. You don’t mind watching the kids while you work if I do this, do you?”
Of course I didn’t; working from home gave me the opportunity to spend a lot more time with my family, and allowing her time to run errands by herself from time-to-time.
The afternoon flew past, and she got ready for her interview. She dressed in a nice dress that had a professional cut, but did nothing to hide the size of her breasts, or the curve of her hips. She put on makeup and did her hair, then prepared to leave for her interview right after an early dinner together.
“I don’t know how long this will take, so put the kids to bed Without me, if I’m not home in time,” she said to me, a tinge of guilt in her voice. “But it’s only this late, because it’s when he’s home; it shouldn’t be this late when I’m actually working for him.”
I told her I completely understand, and that I’d take care of everything. I kissed her goodbye, then instantly regretted it, as I had smeared her lipstick.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry, I don’t usually wear lipstick,” she apologized.
“No worries, but you might want to fix that before you head out,” I said with a grin, motioning to her cheek, where a bit of red was smeared.
After anxiously fixing it up in the bathroom mirror, she waived as she ran out the door, calling “I’m gonna be late!”
She followed the GPS in her phone, and arrived at his house at 6:59.
She jumped out and rushed up the door, ringing the doorbell, then adjusting her dress as she waited for him to answer.
“Ah, you’re right on time, I see,” he said with a smile as he opened the door. He was a tall, muscle man. He looked to be about ten years older than Lacey, and had a kind, friendly demeanour that instantly made Lacey feel at ease.
He lead her inside, then explained, “I live by myself. Along with this farm, I own a trucking company. I recently picked up a contract that requires daily runs to Johnsonville six days a week. One of my drivers had to quit unexpectedly, so I’ve been forced to take over that drive every day. On top of my other responsibility, I just don’t have enough time to take care of my farm and keep the house clean.”
“Wow, I can see how that would be exhausting. What all do you need done?” she asked.
“Well, first off, come with me, and I’ll show you to the barn. But…” he looked at her dress and high-heeled shoes. “You’re gonna need to change into some coveralls.”
“Oh, I wasn’t thinking about that,” she said, horrified that she’d already messed up her interview.
“Not to worry, I actually have clothes for you to wear. Farm work and cleaning will destroy clothing, so I have some here for you to wear while you’re working. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you what I mean.”
She followed him through his house, to a room at the back.
“This is the rear entrance, it’s where I’ll have you come inside,” he motioned to a door to his left. “And this is the dressing room, where you can get changed. There’s a closet with everything you’ll need; just get changed, then come on out and I’ll show you around.”
With that, he left through the rear entrance he’d pointed out, leavingher to explore the changing room.
It was a small room with a benchmark, a shower, and a couple closets. One was open, revealing work clothes that looked appropriate for farm work.
She looked through the closet, picked one that looked like it would fit, when sat down on the benchmark to take her shoes off.
Ten minutes later, she stepped outside, wearing the tan coveralls. They fit her comfortable, and she made They look pretty good. She had also found a pair of rubber work boots in the closet, and wore those as well.
“Oh good, looks like you found something that fits you nicely.
“The barn is right over here.”
He lead her to a large building, then showed her inside. There were several pens containing sheep, a couple goats, and a stack of hay bales. Outside, there was a large chicken coop housing dozens of hens. He showed her how to feed, water, and muck the stalls, then took her back inside.
“Okay, you can change back out of that uniform,” he said. “I can show you what I’ll need inside, in your street clothes.”
She changed quickly, then he gave her the tour of his house. It was spacious and tidy, needing only minimal cleaning.
“I’ll need the animals cared for every day, and the house cleaned and laundry washed once a week,” he explained. “So what do you think, do we have a deal?”
That evening, when she got home, she was bubbled over with excitement. I knew she would enjoy the opportunity to spend time with animals, but I had seriously understood how excited she would be.
“He wants me to start tomorrow,” she explained. “It’ll just be a quick visit to care of the animals. I’ll be doing the cleaning on Fridays.”
During the next week, she was gone about an hour every day, in the late morning. Then when Friday rolled around, she left early, and told me she wasn’t sure how long it would take, but to take care of the kids for her. I kissed her goodbye, and she was off.
She began her day like always, then when it was time to work inside, she went into the changing room. When she got there, she was surprised to find a maid outfit laid out on the benchmark.
“He must be home; that wasn’t there when I got changed this morning,” she said to herself.
The uniform was exactly her size; he must’ve gotten it from the coveralls she wore. It looked like something from a costume shop at first glance, but When she looked closer, she could see that it was a real uniform, made by ACME Uniforms.
“Well… I guess this makes sense, but it’s a little weird,” she mused, then decided to try it out.
It wasn’t difficult to put the uniform on. It was a dress designed to look like it had a built-in corset, with a zipper in the back. The bustierre was made of white lace, and her breasts filled it nicely, showing an eye-catching amount of cleavage. Her shoulders were covered with matching white lace. The skirt flaired out like a tutu, and seemed skimpy to her, but she patted it down and told herself that she was overthinking it. The ensamble was finished out with a pair of matching house-slippers.
She struggled with the zipper, then finally gave up on it, raising it about halfway up her back. “It doesn’t matter,” she told herself. “I just need to get some vacuuming and dusting done while the washinger and dryer run, then I’ll change back to my clothes and be finished.”
She walked out and began her duties, when she was surprised to see him come around a corner behind her.
“Oh, hello, I’m sorry I didn’t see you,” she apologized.
“Nonsense!” he smiled. “I see that zipper gave you some trouble; here, let me help you with it.”
He walked up, and pulled the zipper up tight to her shoulders. She gasped slightly, suddenly realizing how unexpected it was to feel another man so close to her.
He stepped back politely and said “Much better. Let me know if you have any questions on the cleaning,” then stepped into another room.
She completedthe tasks she’d been assigned, without any further interaction with him, until it was time to get changed back into her street clothes. Try as she might, she had no way to reach the zipper on her back, and she started to panic. Finally, she decided to ask him for help.
She found him reading a book in the living room recliner, wearing a bathrobe. His hairy chest was just visible, implying that he wore no shirt underneath.
“E.. excuse me,” she falsed. “Can you please help me with the zipper again?”
“Oh, of course!” he replied, setting his book down on the table next to him.
“Come here,”
She walked close, and he leaned forward in his recliner. She turned around, then realized he wouldn’t be able to reach the zipper either.
“Um… I think you’re going to need to get a little closer,” he laughed good-naturedly. “Just sit on my lap for a second.”
She blushed, but sat down gently on his right knee. He reached up and brushed against her bare neck with his fingers.
“Your hair is very lovely,” he said softly.
“Thank you,” she whispered shyly.
Slowly, painfully slowly, he unzipped the dress until the top of her panties were visible. Still, he didn’t let go of the zipper; she could feel the pressure of his hand pulling it slightly. She blushed deeply.
“Um, are you finished?” she asked, wanting to run back to the changing room.
“Almost,” he answered softly. “I see something you missed, and I was just thinking you should probably take care of it before I undress you.”
She could feel her cheeks burning red hot, as she asked “what do you mean?”
Still keeping her zipper held tightly in his left hand, he reached his right hand across her lap, and pointed at a curio cabinet. “I don’t think that got dusted.”
“Oh!” she said, jumping up quickly. She ran back to the closet and retrieved the dust, then returned to dust the cabinet quickly, feeling very embarrassed over what had just happened.
“Was he coming on to me?!” her mind raced.
As soon as it was finished, she hurried back to the dressing room. Once she was in the safety of the closed room, she sat there for a long moment, thinking.
Finally leaving the room, she walked slowly back out to where he was sitting. He had a laptop in his laptop, and looked up from it as she walked up.
“Um… I don’t know what your intentions were, but I was very uncomfortable with what just happened,” she began.
“Oh, I expected that. But you held in your disappoint very well. Nobody would ever guess that you were uncomfortable, when they watch your performance.”
“My… what?” she asked, confused.
“You know, in the video,” he said matter-of-factly.
“This video, Specifically,” he said, using a remote control to turn his TV on. It was connected to his laptop, and was open to a YooToo video.
To Lacey’s horror, it was a video of her, filmed through the livingroom window. The video was silent, but it was very suggestive; it showed her sitting down on his lap, then blushing and momentarily smiling in embarassment, as he slowly unzipped her dress completely, then reaching his hand around into her lap. It cut off there.
“Would you like to see it again?” he asked. “Or maybe your mother-in-law would?”
She stared in horror at the TV, her mind racing.
“What do you want from me?” she asked, finally.
He smiled. “I just want you to promise me that you’ll keep being the best little maid there is. Like you already are.”
She stood in silence.
“If you decide you won’t be my good little maid, I may just have to share that video. It’s an unlisted video, so nobody can see it without the link, but…” he paused, looking down at his laptop for a moment.
Lacey’s phone split the tension silence with a jingle.
“There, now you can watch it as many times as you like,” he finished.
“Please don’t show that to mother,” she pleaded. She know how my mother would react; it wouldn’t be pretty, and would probably ruin our lives.
“Oh, don’t worry, I have no intention of doing that,” he said in his gentle, calming voice.
“I just want you to know what could happen if you should decide that you don’t want to work here as my maid any longer.”
“Okay, I understand,” she said finally.
“I need a promise,” he said quietly.
“I promise I’ll keep being your good little maid,” she said weakly.
“And you’ll obey my every order,” he prompted.
“Yes,” she said.
“Say it,” he said, a bit more firmly.
“I promise to obey your every order,” she concluded.
“I won’t be home tomorrow, but I’ll probably see you next week some time,” he said, then turned back to his book.
The next week dragged by for Lacey. Caring for his animals always made her feel at peace, but she feared that he would be waiting there to stir up some sort of trouble for her. Her imagination made the potential intEraactions more and more freightening.
On Friday, after caring for the animals, she found a new maid uniform laying on the benchmark. There was a note laying on top; it read “Don’t worry, this one doesn’t have a difficult zipper.”
She picked it up slowly, looking at it with disgust; it wasn’t a professional uniform, like the last one. This uniform was one of those ‘sexy maid’ costumes that would get you arrested if you wore them in public.
She removed the coveralls and her street clothes from under them, then donned the ‘uniform.’ Her panties were clearly visible below the mini skirt, and she had a hard time getting her breasts to stay inside the top. At first, she tried it with her bra on, but it was completely visible, and the uniform clearly wasn’t intended to be destroyed with a bra, so she removed it. After attempting to cover them as much as possible for several minutes, she gave up in frustration, and decided that there was nothing she could do, and got started with thecleaning.
She didn’t see him at all as she cleaned, and she gradually forgot what she was wearing. The work took all of her attention, and she worked herself with it for a few hours, before finally finishing. With a huge feeling of relief, she changed back into her street clothes, and headed home.
The next week went very much the same. She was getting used to the work, and the skimpy uniform didn’t both her as much the second time she wore it.
The next week, after switching uniforms, she bumped into him as she came out of the changing room.
“Oh, hello,” she said.
“Why hello!” he replied with a big smile. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I haven’t had a chance to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work. You’ve really been wonderful.”
“Oh, Thank you,” she blushed.
“The animal pens are the cleanest they’ve ever been, and so is my house. You’ve really done great. I think it’s time I gave you a raise,” he continued.
“Oh!” she said with surprise. “Thank you!” then hurried on to begin her work, feeling quite proud of her accomplishments. She had completely forgotten about the blackmail he was holding over her, and instead was thinking that she rather enjoyed this job, and her boss.
When she went to wash the laundry, she noticed a note, taped to the washing machine. It read “Please wash all of your uniforms with my laundry this week. You may continue cleaning without a uniform. Do not wear your street clothes in my house.”
Suddenly, she was filled with horror. She glanced around, even though she knew she was alone. Nervously, she slowly removed her uniform, and gently set it down on the laundry pile with his clothes.
“Oh, I guess I need to get my coveralls, too,” she said. Without thinking about it, she Walked across the house to the changing room in her panties, picked up her coveralls, and returned to the laundry room. After starting the laundry, she got to work with the vacuuming and dusting.
The rest of the day was uneventful, and she didn’t see her employer again. After the laundry was finished in the dryer, she put his clothes away, then looked at her uniform.
“It hardly covers anything anyway, and it’s not like it’ll make a difference if I’m wearing it now,” she mused, then returned her uniforms to the changing room, and finished the cleaning in her panties.
The next week flew by, but on Thursday, he was there when she arrived to feed the animals.
“Hey, I need to visit with you about something, I’ll follow you out to the barn,” he said, as she arrived. She put on the coveralls and boots quickly, then walked to the barn beside him.
“Three of the ewes are expecting next week,” he said as they walked to one of the sheep pens.
“They need to be checked every couple hours once they get close. Is that something you could do for me?”
“Oh… that’s a lot of driving,” she said hesitantly.
“No, no, that’s not what I mean,” he replied. “I was hoping you’d be available to stay here for the next week or two. I’ve got a comfortable bed, and you know what the house is like; just make yourself at home.”
“I don’t know, I’ll need to visit with my husband about it,” she said hesitantly.
“Totally understandable, that’s why I’m letting you know a week in advance. Let me know your decision by Friday.”
At home later, she approached me, and told me all about the pregnant sheep.
I was taken aback, and told her that I really didn’t like her being away so much, and how much I’d miss her.
“Well, I can come home for meals, I just have to be back there the rest of the time, so that I can watch the animals,” she explained. “I’ll still be home every single day.”
I begrudgingly consented, but made it clear that I didn’t like it.
“Don’t worry about it, then,” she said. “I’ll just tell him no.”
The next day, he was there when she arrived.
“I didn’t expect to see you today,” she said, surprised.
“The delivery schedule got rearranged a bit, so I’ll be around mending fence this week,” he said in his soothing voice.
“Oh, okay. Well, I’m glad I ran into you today, because I talked it over with my husband, and he really didn’t want me to stay here,” she told him.
“Oh no, that’s too bad,” he said. Then in a low voice, he said “It’s an order. Remember your promise?”
For a moment, she felt her heart stop. It was never a question, and she never had any choice in the matter. She HAD to stay at his house to watch his sheep, whether she wanted to or not.
Looking at her rubber workboots, she mumbled “I understand.”
“Good!” he said with a big smile, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be here all weekend, so I can watch They until Monday morning. When you come on Monday, just plan to stay the rest of the week. You don’t need to pack a bag, just wear your uniforms while you’re here. And don’t worry, I’ll pay you well for all the extra time.”
She didn’t see him again for the rest of the week, as he was out working on his acreage.
On the following Monday, he greeted her when she arrived. “They haven’t gone in labor yet, but one of them will soon. Just keep an eye on them.”
“What do I do if they do go into labor?” she asked, suddenly realizing that she had no idea what to do.
“Nothing, just make sure to clean up after them, and check to make sure the ewes and kids are acting healthy. If anything seems wrong, call my vetrinarian.”
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