The Black Satin Bag

I could feel his hands running up my calves, squeezing slightly as I tensed up.My arms pulled evenly left and right, I could do nothing but wiggle which only served to push my ass further in the air. His fingertips following their original track found my thighs. That pale white flesh seems never touched, now impressed with pink stripes. He didn’t pull my legs apart so much as manipulate them around Some to get his point across. Tonight I would belong to him and having consented to being tied up, I knew or at least thought I knew my fate.

I had participated in some rap fantasy roleplay before, enjoyed the feeling of someone taking control of my pleasure. This started out much the same; hot kisses on my neck, under my ear, sucking gently there before a bite which made me squeal. His hands on my breasts after gently removing my bra. He rolled my nipples and then massaged my tits, then back to rolling. My back arching, him watching the effect of his work then slowly closing until my nipples were compressed between his fingers. Not to the point of pain just surprise and thrill, my legs tightening as I felt myself get wet. I didn’t want him to know how much it had pleased me.

I noticed however that he had become quite excited by the look on my face and the moan that had escaped my lips and betrayed my mouth by letting him know I liked it.I could feel his cock pressed into my tigh and realized that his hardness had instantly increased. Sensing my appreciation he kissed me gently, deeply and loving. His tongue sweetly finding mine, tickling the tip, dancing between my lips and then sliding back into his own mouth.

His hand sliding into the back of my hair, first playing gently before grabbing a fistful. More passwordately than painful he pulled me to him, one sweet kiss on my lips and Then his mouth on my throat. A broad lick as if marking the spot for his teeth to find. The sucking and pressing his tongue against my pulse leading up to his teeth making the smallest pinch into my flesh.Just as I started to cry out he released and began kissing gently again, more on my neck, behind my ear. He turned my face to his and asked me to turn over so he could better get to the back of my neck. I felt my legs go weak, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I let him turn me over.

I looked up at his gentle eyes staring back at me, filled with love and devotion, hiding lust and the thrill of the hunt. I rolled slowly so that my stomach was pressed to the bed feeling the kisses placed on my shoulders and neck start to spread to my spine. Squirming, my ass pushed upward only to feel the weight of his hand pressing down.

“I think I should tie you down”, I heard his voice in my ear.

I turned my face towards his and started to protest. He pressed one finger to my lips as I heard “shhhhh”, escape his lips. Moving his finger quickly from my lips he slide it deep inside my cunt, drenching it in my juices before putting it back up to my lips and then in my mouth. I started greedily sucking at it as he slide it in deeper. I felt like a starved animal tasting food for the first time in weeks. The hunger spreading over my body, my hand started to slide down to touch myself. He grabbed my wrist hard at first he loosened his grip slightly.

“I’m going to tie you down now”, he stated in a very matter of fact tone; leaving me no room for argument.

I lay very still and watched as he moved around gathering items unseen to me from the drawers. He placed them all in a black satin bag, so I would have no time to panic. For what seemed like eternity he moved from place to place before coming back to the bed. Taking my hand gently he placed kisses along my wrist before wrapping the soft braided rope around and through loops forming a love knot to hold me in place. Moving across my body to repeat the act to the other side, he talked softly to me. He reminded me that he loved me, that he would be extremelygentle, that this is the most extensive way to show the love that we feel for one another. Then he began to thread the ends of the rope through the loops of the bed. I watched with wide eyes as they pulled closer together and my arms spread further from my body.

He lifted me up just some to place a large pillow under my lower abdomen, pushing my face some into the bed. I watched from the corner of my eye as he placed a small, red, shiny pillow just below my mouth. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was there for, but found myself convinced that placement was key. He stood back for a minute admiring his masterpiece before finding his way to my legs.

Now having me under him, he pressed hard against me. He put his hands on my wrists making them pull just a little past comfortable as he kissed my neck as promised. The shivers ran all across my body, in corners and across nerve endings I never knew I had.The kisses were deep and wet against my skin, followed by his breath on my skincooling against the fire he had started. Whole mouth kisses behind my ears and on the lobes which he massed with his tongue. I felt fantastic, hot and shivering at the same time.

As he kissed me his hand slide down rubbing my ass, and gently probing between my thighs. I found myself pushing upward, straining against the ropes to better help his fingers find their way inside. Literally grinding myself against his hand, finding Disappointment as he started to withdraw. I didn’t even have time to start setting back down onto the bed when I felt the first singing slap against my butt chef. It was sharp and direct, but received the same hot and shivery response from my body. I cried out loud and yet somehow in a grunt.

He pointed down lovingly at the shiny red cushion and said,”That’s what the pillow is for.”

I glanced down at the place he had pointed just in time to feel the next smack, a little harder just as direct. Just before I was able to cry out I remembered thecushion, and bit down. The soft material filled my mouth and properly muffled my scream.

“Good girl,” as he smiled at my accomplishment. “There will be ten more smokes, try to remember the pillow sweetness.”

His hands once again rubbing the flesh of my ass. Tingly not quite painful, but alive sensings strolled across my skin. Every few minutes he would remove his hand, only to place it back down and restart the massage. Until a point where I relaxed almost completely, enjoying the rubbing. I no longer withdraw the sharp breath in anticipation of the first of the ten smacks.Then he started to kiss my neck again, so gentle. My body once again responding to his dispatch, writing in supreme pleasure and becoming for the next step.

“SMACK”, the first, “SMACK,SMACK”, second and third. The pillow tight between my teeth, I whimpered slightly.

“God, your beautiful.”, he said triumphantly.

I found myself smiling; feeling beautiful and sexy as I waited for what came next. I looked up at him lovingly, noting his hand still in position for the next round. I felt prepared as I turned back towards the bed. I found myself surprised however when he reached down to remove the pillow.

“No honey, this time I want to hear you,” he informed me as he took his place behind me.

He entered me easily despite his size, and yet still I took a deep breath and bit my lip Some. He found his rhythm quickly, pounding against me, forcing my body to come back and slam his. My hands clawing the covers and wishing I still had the shiny red pillow, I started to moan. I felt my body trembling, felt my cunt tightening around his cock pulling him in further. The closer I got the faster he moved, more deliberate each time. My head started to thrash from side to side wildly. I felt the tiny quakes building as he grabbed a handful of my hair and forced himself in further. Driving his point home, there was no stopping my orgasm.

“SMACK,SMACK” the left cheek, “SMACK,SMACK,” the right cheek.

I screamed to him that I was cumming just as he pulled out and delivered the last three of the ten.

“SMACK,SMACK,SMACK”, dead center.

The red prints quickly became striped with white as he came sending ripples through my body one last time. I heard him gasp as he spent the last of himself, the hot sticky liquid painted on my ass. Once again I found myself smiling; feeling beautiful, sexy and complete.


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