The Black Diary of Cinderella Pt. 02

Second part of the story.

Once upon a time – Bruno wrote to Amalia’s mother about dating her daughter in a plausible future. He met her once at young age on a ballroom. He was invited as well as other sultans and castle lords. Since then, he could not stop think about her. Making up plans for a new and rich life for her, starting at 18th birthday. Lots of compliments were used about how much he adored and loved this daughter. His money would ensure her a extravagant life with unique opportunities, etc. What he didn’t say, is that he was primarily out for her unique appearance. Her feet were tinier than any feet he saw on a grown up. The thin body and height made a perfect arch with the feet length. He pictures her walk style from his memory every day since then. He could never take away the idea of ​​having such princess around him every day. A true Cinderella.

However. The mother had other plans for Amalia. She must work and take care of their house, otherwise what benefIts should they have of her. She made clear that nobody with reputation wants to date or marry the Cinderella-sister, once they know her. She does not want to shame her family name for such mistake. Mother does not allow it and asked him to forget it all. After many letters she threatened him, she would lock up her daughter from him. He stopped writing.

However, fate seems to trick the mother. Amalia had a virtual alter-ego, a digital twin, in Metaverse adult chat. Her name is Mizumi, made available 24/7 for AI chat. Few hours a day in average, Amalia spend her time as Mizumi in real life chatting with friends as well as strangers and makes up her virtual space. Bruno happened to hang out in this network, as many others in his position. They even had networks for spreading and typing recommendations and recruits on characters that take luxury dates. Mizumi was not one of this, yet.

Bruno, aka Kimura-Ryo, has found Mizumi based on the character specification of her remarkable bodyy measures. Am’s feet stop growing in early age and has remain unchanged in adulthood, she growth into 164cm as an 18-year-old. The event of that Bruno and Amalia af Klintskoeld aka Cinderella met again, is a pure coincidental. But it happens, without her mother knows it.

Now. It’s time for Mizumis third agreement with Kimura-Ryo.

The first to agreements were accomplished online, with images and a video clip sent over the Metaverse. Now they are few moments away from a real-life roleplay meeting at Hotel Aurora. Amalia prepares for the date by making herself into the Mizumi character wardrobe. She steps into a Mizumi-custom-ordered head-to-toe latex catsuit. It’s made up of basically white color with some transparent strips expose her skin tone. She adds a pretty cat formed latex mask to cover her whole head, except for openings over the eyes. She finalizes by getting on a pair of white colored gloves to her hands.

On top of this, she added pink arm- and leg warmers and fewsizes big pink platform shoes with azure blue details and shoes. A pink colored skirt of latex was added over the catsuit. Finally, her breasts and neck were covered by a pink fluffy boa. This is a copy of her Metaverse-character except for few more colored details. As in the Metaverse, even in real life, it’s Corona safe, identity safe and give purposeful pregnancy control.

Before she left her room, she pulled training pants and a hood shirt over it all to cover it. Not making to much attention, specifically regarding her family. Her latex covered feet snugged nicely to the inline leather material in the shoes. Except for a white covered face and white gloves, anyone would see her as an ordinary girl.

At the Hotel, she was expected at the reception.

– I have a room here, check the name Mizumi. She muffled through the latex and took of the sweatshirt-hood, exposing the latex hood, neck, and cat ears beneath.

– Mizumi? The receptionist asked her. I have a note for you and a packet.

She got a note and a dark blue shoe box printed “FILA” with large red text on a white background. The note had two statements and a card.

– Strange, he said one note, she thinks.

The first message.

“Mizumi, take a Yellow Cab to The Shard in London City, use the card in the elevator. It will take you to your apartment. We see you there at 9 PM. You have some time to prepare yourself with the equipment in the room. PS I appreciate if you put on the shoes in the box now and leave them inside the front door. The heels should point towards the door”.

– The Shard, 9 PM. Ok — that’s 3 hours, Am’ realizes.

– The Shard, where! The receptionist said. Luxury waits for you.

He is quite nice, this guy, she thinks. But why does he pay attention?

The second note appears to be written by someone else, with no sender on it.

“I would love to share 15 minutes with you before you go. If you agree, get into the shoes in the boxand go to the 3rd iPhone charger station at left and hang this note on the wall. PS your receptionist.”

Am’ smiles and gave the receptionist a sharp gaze. He didn’t make a slightest reaction. Obviously, he transcribed the first note from Kimura-Ryo and have me for being a prostituted… Well, let me have some fun before that, she thinks. The paradox makes her excited, a random stranger makes use of her body covered with latex for free, while her date pays tens of thousands of dollars just to lick and adore her with a certain pair of shoes. So are benefits of being a not so ordinary girl in a luxury world. Anonymous in her cosplay, inspired to be the 2nd millennium edition of the kind Cinderella from Disney.

She went over to the charger station, as instructed on the note. But didn’t change the shoes. She waited few minutes, nothing happened. She hangs the note on the wall, nothing happens.

She exams the shoebox. It contains a pair of white/silver twinkling brand newtrainer shoes of brand Fila Disruptors. She took them out and put her own shoes into the box. They did almost not fit into it. Wow – chunky and phreaking cool shoes – she thinks, pointing her left white latex covered foot at them on the floor to get them on. The inline fabrics is rather slippery, she noted.

Obviously, they were also phreaking tight. Her foot doesn’t really go in the shoe.

– Kimura-Ryo! You pay a lot to pain my feet. Lucky you that I like the feeling, in a sort of masochistic way.

She mutters and kicks the heel down into the floor to force the whole foot into the shoe. She grins a bit as the toe’s slams into the front of the shoe. The bondage effect made her aroused, she felt a warm feeling inside, observing the extremely snug fit between her latex covered feet and the inline of the Fila shoe.

She repeated with her right feet. Few seconds later, she felt a sticker placed on her arm. She saw the back of the receptionist. The sticker was typed with the text “follow my back, please”.

She did as instruction said.

Just around the corner, he waited for her at an open door. It was a massage room, ink black except that it was lit by UV. The massage bed covered with white towels, shines of purple by the UV. A couple of items and details on furniture’s did also become purple. Massage oils, towels, clothes hungers etc. The receptionist closed the door After she went inside. Her tiny sporty shoes were also a bit purple in the UV, sparkling from the silver details. Her visible white colored parts of the latex catsuit had a blue/purple tone. The door had a sign that said “When you realize today is massage day” with white text, turned purple in the UV. Quite funny, she thinks, she gets her massage today.. or…

He got undressed, exposing a white pair of boxer shorts, Easy for her to play. He told her to come over, help him off with the boxer shorts.

She got on knee and began massaging his dick with her white latex covered hands, shimmering of purple in the UV light. She played his soft dick towards her latex covered mouth, made it to erection. Naughty you, she said and had his dick pointing towards her head. She went up to lube her latex condom covered crotch from a can labeled “Oil – Almonds added”. Shimmering in purple. She went up on the massage bed on her back, pointing her tiny-shoe-claded feet towards him.

– Come! We already have condom, sort of, she hinted. Smiling.

He pulled down his hard dick horizontally towards her, walking slowly towards her until she felt his dick touched her latex. It went inside like a key in a keyhole. The oil and the latex went incredibly slippery.

– Wow, you are huge, she panted. Are you fully in?

Both moaned and hissed. Her feet noted some pain as she tried to winkle the toes in her arousal. He starts pounding her, hard and almost aggressive. Filling her up in a rhythmic manner. His put hard force on his grip on her legs. She could see the latex formed pits around his fingers.

The receptionist pounds more, harder, and more aggressive.

– Fucking slut, you are so tight and nice. Horny slut! Here are my 24cm! He yelled.

– Fuck, fuck! slut! worthless whore! he panted.

– I am! Do you want my anus? you want my anus, horny boy? Mizumi replied.

If Am’ had a gun or an axe, she would kill him instantly. She just played his game to satisfy her fansies of being in a potentially dangerous situation. After all, just a scream away to have her control back. She is certain that she can make use of him later, to satisfy other domina-related needs.

– My horny horse, let me lube my tight anus to make it more comfortable for you.

– I love your horny ass, whores must stretch their anuses!

She steps down from the massage bed. She approached the massage oil with tiny steps, picked the bottle next to it and filled her anus with one finger topped with gel. The bottle said, “Heating Liniment forMassage”.

– What are you doing? Am’ hear an impatient voice.

– I am opening my backdoor for you. Please fill me — this little glory hole wants its horse!

– Come on! Bend over to the floor, my toy!

She bent over, placed her hands on the floor and felt her anus being stretched as his hard cock sank down into her. He was rude. She felt how his dick steered into her torso, filled her colon. She imagined his point of view, standing behind her. He sees her thin white colored latex legs, calves tucked down into the chunky white plateau shoes. The FILA label clearly visible on the backside of the shoes, shoes that are shorter than the length of his dick. Her pink latex skirt was lifted over to her back. The catsuit clips perfectly over each center of her body. No wrinkles. His dick filled her condom molded anus perfect, looking straight down to the empty vagina molded condom. Almost immediately, the receptionist stopped pounding and stayed with his whole dick inher anus and got orgasm. He moans loudly and loose the control.

– Thanks for the play! I enjoyed it! she shouts and ran out from the room and out from the hotel with the shoebox under her arm. The liniment should have start burn on his dick by now.

Two hours later, Amalia put her card onto the screen, next to the off-white grey wooden door in the scrape of The Shard. A metallic sound Let her know it went unlocked. The screen prompt her to identify herself by put her face in front of a black plate. An image scanner, compare her look with a picture used at time of booking the room. Suddenly, a handle stood out from the door. Kimura-Ryo had used a picture of her from Metaverse as an identifier. It had her with white colored collar with d-rings. A white latex mask covered all the face except opening for the eyes. Amalia’s default Mizumi character and their agreed dress for the date.

She stands on a glossy marble floor in an orange/brown flavor. It’s so clean and shiny that her shoes leave dirt marks on the floor. The room is positioned in the middle of a corridor with approximately 100 meters between each door. Five doors per side. The elevator is on the opposite side of the corridor. A white wood structured label on the door says 15550. Floor 55, the tower. Joanne was excited over what she can expect inside. She put a firm pull to the handle with her left hand, to realize it Continue an opening motion by itself.

She looks down to the pair of chunky white trainers on her feet, specifically chosen by him for this visit. In front of her shoes, the marble floor turn into a thick fur styled blue carpet. She took a step forward.

The apartment went lit in a blended theme, immediately as she comes inside the door. The Westminster Suite at Sangri-La. Half her under-sole hides in the soft furry floor. The silver styled outline on her shoes twinkled in the LED lights from the corridor. Light cables installed at floor along the room-side, shimmering through the carpet in an extravagant way.

A footprint remained on the floor in the corridor, where she stood for a minute. Surprisingly, she could even identify FILA-text, mirrored from her shoes undersole print.

– Cool. Wonder if that’s a part of Kimura-Ryo’s plan too. She mumbled and took a photo with one of her shoes put close to the imprint.

His idea to let her change into the Filas already at Aurora, were obviously a plan to turn him on by knowing that she walks around the city, showing herself into hundreds of public people, bonded to squeeze in too small shoes. Anyway, all of this made her excited. So, he has done it well, so far. After all, she is not an ordinary girl, that choose to get paid for having fun.

Inside, she expects to turn her shoes again. This time to a pair of Van’s Old School, that stood in the hallway, waiting for her. She took off her Fila Disruptor II’s that has embedded her toes since Hotel Aurora. She felt how blood streamed through her feet and tried to wiggle her toes. They were not so happy, for sure, but after a minute or two she could walk almost normally. She places the Disruptors carefully in front of the door. The heels towards the opening, as instructed. She took a photo insole, with the size label clearly visible. She realizes that she hasn’t checked the size. It said EUR32.

– Even a Cinderella can put up with duties, she smiles and said for herself.

Finally, Am’ tuck down her Cinderella-tiny latex covered feet into the Van’s and closed the Velcro. Hard. They snug amazingly well to her feet’s, wondered how that can be. Kimura-Ryo let her feet have space?

Amalia got a bit excited over the luxury provided by the room. She can see over to the roof of Landmark Pinnacle scrape from here. At the dining room she found a white-red Porsche-Design styled bag, which she turned upside down on the overly decorated grand lit bed. The bed were at least 2 meters wide, piles of pillows and Sammeth fabricwith off-white/grey stylish pattern. From the bag, it fell out a couple of stuff.

* dictaphone

* latex hood, no openings, it had a flower inspired pattern in pink all over.

* latex made bondage body nest with pink details

* latex made ancle and wrist cuffs with pink details

* latex made neck cuffs with pink details

* latex panties with molded vaginal and anus vibrator, also pink

* a piece of metallic chain

* a paper with a note

Amalia peeked quickly through the things, nods, and moved it all to a sofa. She read the letter, standing.


Mizumi, I get you some equipment to help you stay anonymous and emphasize the aspects of Mizumi I love.. dear Kimura-Ryo.

ps I hope you like the selection of room. See you at 9PM ds.”

Amalia tried out the Dictaphone and find out it has a built-in voice scrambler, to anonymous the recorded voice. This guy is serious about anonymity, she thinks and rubbed her toes in theincredibly soft and comfortable Van’s. She put on the wrist- and ancle collars. Closed them tight.

After a while, she managed to get into the body nest. It must be custom ordered for her body measures. It clinches perfect and made her a bit harder to move. Finally, she used the chain as a waist belt.

She left the latex panties, unsure about their purpose.

One hour remains until he arrives. This means one additional hour to sweat in her latex. Time for her to leave Amalia, being 100% Mizumi in her roleplay. She’s going to play around for herself in this 100+ square meter apartment, pretend it to be her Mizumi virtual space in Metaverse. For some reason, this apartment is very similar to the style she decorates her Metaverse virtual space.

She fingered on the white no-face latex hood. It had four D-rings attached on a molded collar. It had a place for a lock in the front of the throat. A third layer skin for her head with a locker. A time-based security locker keeps any ideas away about getting rid of the hood from her head. Obviously, it can be ripped apart, but if that would be the case — she’s into a different problem. For a not so ordinary girl, such problems have other solutions.

By the way, she got reminded of the massage room scene. She still has the liniment oil and rests of his sperm in her anus. A visit into the bathroom were necessary. The bathroom is marble covered yellow/gold theme bathroom, obviously luxury. She observed a large bathtub at the center of the room, with a panorama window view out over London. One side of the room filled up with two shows, separated by glass walls. She left the latex hood on the desk with two basins together with her shoes. Went into the shower and rinse of her crotch with some soap from the holder on the wall. A thick golden colored towel sticked gently to her latex when she dries herself from crotch to feet.

She dropped the tower on the floor, jumped few times on it like a kid in a wat puddle. Took her shoes and hood with her.

The panorama windows covered most part of the apartment. Mizumi went over to the room with a large grey cushioned sofa and admire the view for a while. Standing bare feet enclosed in latex. Themsen, London Bridge, Tower of London. Some signs if Hyde park let her wonder how large part of the scrape this apartment cover. Some squeaking sounds appear from her latex when her legs and arms come in cinch with each other and the body. She wonders how many windows where someone may point a telescope to her apartment, for her date to record her. She went over to the telescope which were located close to one of the panorama windows.

The sofa where at least 8-meter wide, turned to the panorama view. A cold store was within reach from where she sat down, contains a sorted selection of whiskey, vodka, and cognac. Mizumi pick a bottle branded as XO, opened, and let it to her mouth through a straw. Not very easy, but she managed. Mizumiemptied the bottle of 22,5cl in a go, together with a pink colored pill from the Porsche bag.

Amalia puts her feet back in the Vans, prepared the time-controlled security lock.

– 3 hours should be perfect, it unlocks at around midnight hour. She thought and pressed the timer-button three times of maximum 24.

Finally, she pulled the white glossy latex hood over her already latex covered head. Her eyes went behind a layer of latex and her sight disappear. Black. She tightens the neck belt and adds the locker. It went closed with a clear click, making her incredibly aroused. Amalia is not an ordinary girl.

She felt backwards over the sofa, lying on her back rubbing herself and moans, making rhythmic moves to her masturbation into orgasm. She stopped. Kept laying without movements. The arousal from the cognac takes over her head and she went soon into a sleep. Covered from fingers and toes to head in latex. The tiny Vans on her feet, pink leg warmers and a thigh high dress, up over her shoulders and sleeps that end at her wrists. Her wrists and ancles were covered by the pink knitted warmers. She placed the third sketch on the sofa. The third of three drawings she painted when they sealed their date.

Now, Mizumi is ready to hit the third and final deal. She feel comfortable and confident over the situation and passed out.


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