I didn’t merely enjoy screwing Missy. I revealed in it, especially since she made no attempt to escape the handscuffs. On the contrary, she seemed to delight in my dominant streak and accept her bonds as a matter of course. She also showed no interest in grabbing her pay.
In fact, her main concern was more about getting me to fuck her in as many different ways as I would take her. She only asked to be let out of the cuffs when it was time to try shower sex. Even then, she slapped them on her own wrists as soon as we were done screwing in there.
“I gather that bondage isn’t a hang-up for you anymore,” I teased her as I pounded her ass, while she bent over the bathroom sink.
“What can I say? You teach me to love it. As a matter of fact, I’m loathe to leave your bed anytime soon. Can I see you again? I mean, after the weekend. I don’t think that we cleared that up. I would love to see you on a frequent basis. I don’t care about your wife. I want to do your bidding. Wecan do threesomes, orgies, glory holes, whatever you want. I think that I like being your sex toy. I am tired of the wimps that I have charged for sex.
“How about this deal? You said something about a friend with benefits earlier. I could be that, but with a twist of bondage. Like I said earlier, I’d be your toy, your willing slave. I’m not the jealous type, and neither are you, from what I can tell. You can have other flings and I could keep turning tricks. Screwing you will make my job a little easier to do for a while. I’m saving up to get out of this business, and then we can both fuck around for the pleasure of it.
“I wasn’t always a hooker, after all. My father turned me into a whore to pay the bills, so I was stuck with it, since I missed college. I’ve tried to go straight, but no one would hire me for a legit job. I’m kind of hoping that I can start a partnership with someone who won’t hold my lack of experience in mainstream work against me. I would have to be thejunior partner, of course,” Missy noted.
“So you’d learn the trade on the job, so to speak. What if I told you that I would be interested in adding you as the third partner with my friend Janine? I think that she would go for it. She is quite enlightened. She’s a lesbian, though, so she might want to sleep with you. We’ve talked about starting our own detective agency, especially since we’re tired of our boss. My wife isn’t too keen on the idea, mainly since she thinks it a risky venture and she doesn’t approve of Janine.
“However, as it happens, we’re toying with the idea of my leaving Nancy and working with her from an apartment that we’ll share as rooms/partners. She needs a new place to stay, and I imagine so do you. How does the idea of being a private detective and living with us sound? I’ll have to discuss it with Janine to confirm, but I am sure that she’ll see the value of a retired prostitute to private investigation. It may take a while before you’re an official gumshoe, but you can still be part of the team. What do you think, Missy?” I floated the notion with her.
“Damn, that sounds great! As for sleeping with your friend, I’ll happily do it. I’ve slept with women before. Hell, we might even have a threesome! Yeah, I know, she’s gay, but what if that’s just what she tells you? Some bisexual women identify as lesbians because they have trouble with recognizing bisexuality. Both teams are so all-or-nothing at times, you know. I’m pretty sure that I’m bi, at any rate, though it took me sleeping with a female client to learn it. Of course, most of what I have learned about my sexuality I have picked up on the job. That’s a rare perk of my profession,” Missy added.
“Alright, then, we’ll talk it over with Janine. I think that it is safe to say that the three of us will have a great time. I just have to divide Nancy, first. Then we can be partners and fuckbuddies,” I concurred, as I rammed Missy’s ass yet again, making her groan with pleasure as well as pain.
“Or the two of them could just move in with us. I like that plan better myself,” a familiar, female voice interrupted me.
I didn’t stop pounding Missy, but I listened carefully for the rest of Nancy’s declaration of intent. I wondered how long she had eavesdropped on us, but I was even more intrigued by the exact nature of her dry remark. She didn’t sound like the wife that I had lived with lately.
“I knew that you were screwing around, but I must admire your temperament in fucking my half-sister on our marriage bed. Yes, she’s my considerably younger sibling from my dad’s equally unfortunate second wife. I can believe the forced prostitution bit. It sounds like something that my father would do. If he had gotten custody of me, he might have done so.
“Well, believe it or not, this is an accidental situation, but I must say that I like it. I’ve always worried about what would happen to Valerie. If you could get my sister out of street prostitution, I would always be in your debt. Sis, I know that you don’t know me well, but I hope to change that now that I know where you are.
“I have been a royal bitch lately, but that’s going to change. Val can take care of your wilder needs, and now that I have less to worry about in that respect, I want to make sure that I don’t lose my fair share of your dick. I’ve Deprived myself of it recently, I am aware of it, but that’s over.
“As for your agency, I’ve thought it over and it makes sense, especially if you can employ my dear sister. I don’t hate Janine, either. I just worried that the lesbian thing might be a pose for her to worm her way into your heart, by seeming less of a threat to me. Maybe’s she a true lezzie. If so, that’s not a problem. If not, then another lucky woman will get to fuck you. I won’t try to stop you from working with her or dating her anymore.
“Basically, I am tired of the bad blood between us. I don’t want to lose you. I certainly don’tWant to make you choose between my sister and me. Perhaps she can teach me how to get past my inhibitions. Clearly, you’re a different sort of man than the one that I married, but I have decided to embrace that. I can’t claim to be faithful myself, after all. Yes, I’ve had an affair, which recently ended. I didn’t notice the signs of your infidelity until after mine, but this let me see that we have a chance to start afresh.
“Val, dear, give your sister a kiss,” Nancy urged her, slipping her some tongue as she did so.
“I think that the four of us will make quite a happy household. Don’t you agree? This will be an opportunity to get closer to my sister. I want us to be lovers, at least the three of us. Maybe Janine will join in, if she likes. Learning that I have a sister by my father has made me question a lot of my beliefs and attitudes, including about you, honey. I’ve been a real priss and prude about something. It’s time for me to grow up before my intolerance and hypocrisy destroys my relationship with both my husband and my sister.
“I’ve learned to forgive my stepmother, Val’s mom, too. She suffered from Dad’s cruelty as well. I can’t forgive him, of course. He never molested me, I admit. He just physically abused me and threatened to throw Mom and me out onto the street, a warning that he finally carried out. I’ve since realized that he hated all women and his malice towards us always consumed any lust or love that he might feel towards any woman. He ended every relationship with a violent rejection of the woman and any children that she might give him. It’s come to the point that I’ve discovered that he’s doing life for attempted murder,” my wife clarified.
“So, wait, you want to share him with me?” Missy wondered, a bit astonished at her good lucky.
“Well, yes. I think that it will make us close. It will give us something in common, to fuck the same man. Possibly, the same woman, too, if you include Janine. Plus, I want to see how this dominance thing goes. If I like it, I might become his slave as well. Besides, I can make sure that the two of you treat each other well. And it can help me get past my fear of Janine. I also like the idea of helping out with the detective agency that Nick wants to start up. So, honey, you’ve been speechless, want do you say? Wouldn’t it be better than dividend and looking for an apartment?” Nancy proposed to me.
Now, I was on the spot, but it wasn’t a tough decision, especially not with both my wife and her equally luscious sister collaborating in a pout. Who could turn down a chance to have both one’s spouse and her submissive sister?
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