The Bisexual Submissive Pt. 06

Nikki woke to the sunlight creeping around the edges of the curtains. She felt disorientated, thinking it odd as the sun didn’t normally shine on her bedroom window. As her eyes adjusted to her waking state, she then realized this wasn’t her bedroom. A sudden panic spread, before she remembered that she was in a hotel, sharing a room and now a bed with her Mistress. Was that the right term? Her Mistress? This weekend was the final trial before they each had to make the decision as to whether they were compatible and whether they each wanted to commit to the fledgling arrangement. What had started as a little harmless online fun had soon taken a serious turn when it became apparent the dominant and the submissive lived just a half hour’s drive apart. But after their first face to face meeting, Nikki had realized her long hidden submissive tendencies, once released, were never going to be easily put back into the bottle. And it seemed the Mistress was taken by the idea of ​​a female subMissive after her years with exclusively male subs.

As she lay staring at the window Nikki’s thoughts turned to her boyfriend and the other complication in the tangled web that was being spun in front of her hopes for the future. Because before she had met her Mistress, Nikki had been serving an online Dom and the price he had demanded for Nikki’s release to be free to serve her Mistress had been the submission of her boyfriend. Worse, if Ryan failed in a month of service, then Nikki’s ownership would revert to the Dom and she would have to end her service to the Mistress. Nikki had already realized the code of conduct between dominants was strong and there was no way her Mistress would object if that is what came to pass.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Nikki rolled onto her back. She had two more days of her weekend trial to go, thinking back to the night before and frightening herself with the memory of how much had happened on that Friday evening. As the bedcovers settled over her body, they served to remind Nikki of her nakedness. Her Mistress had demanded she remain nude in the dominant’s presence and Nikki had given no thought to retrieving her PJs from her bag the night before, even as the Mistress had herself dressed for sleeping.

Nikki glanced to her left and stared at the form of her Mistress, also lying on her back, her chest rising and falling in time with her breathing. Had she really did this? Shared a bed with another woman? She chuckled at the concept. Sharing a bed implied so much sexual activity when the reality was the evening before had been full of sex and the bed had simply provided a prop and a welcome opportunity to recharge their batteries for day two. As Nikki’s mind filled with the memories of what she had been made to do less than 24 hours previously, she felt an urge to move her hand between her legs and touch herself. But she was not allowed to touch without permission and her growing sense of duty as a submissive prevented her from even the slightest movement in that direction. The thoughts also brought the memory of her pussy whipping back into her consciousness and with it, the painful ache in her most private parts. The soothing cream applied by her Mistress had helped but her labia still throbbed and her entire groin felt bruised from the punishment it had received.

Instead of surprisingly pleasing herself, she decided to take the initiative. Since arriving at the hotel the afternoon previously, Nikki had been directed in her every action by her Mistress. Looking at the clock by the side of the bed and deciding it was late enough, Nikki slide out of the bed and made her way quietly around to the side occupied by her dominant. Then she gently lifted the covers from the bottom corner of the huge bed and began to crawl, under the covers, towards her Mistress. She felt the dominant stir and continued her journey, raising her back slightly to lift the covers and make access to her intended destination a little easier to achieve. As she positioned herself directly between her dominant’s legs, she sensed the Mistress moving a little and not wanting to lose the element of surprise completely, she lowered her mouth towards her Mistress’s groin, pleased that the negligee had ridden up and uncovered her Mistress’s sex. Nikki’s first touch that day was as her lips brushed the dominant’s labia. Her tongueue soon followed, gently forcing its way into the unsuspecting vagina and immediately starting a journey in search of the cliporis.

‘Mmmmm, that’s a nice way to start the day little one,’ she heard, somewhat muffled by the covers. Then she felt the covers being pulled away and lowered herself into a more comfortable position as she settled in to give her Mistress the attention she deserved. After a few minutes she felt gentle pressure as the dominant placed her hands on the back of the submissive’s head and Nikki knew her Mistress was pleased with the submissive tAking the initiative.

After the Mistress had climaxed, Nikki lay with her head on the dominant’s thigh, juices drying on her face and the aroma of her Mistress’s arousal in her nostrils. There was no thought or expectation of an orgasm for herself, that was not the mindset of a submissive. The pleasure she had taken from the act she had just performed was reward enough and the closeness she felt to her dominant in that moment served to further strengthen her feelings of submission.

‘Would you go and open the curtains little one,’ the Mistress eventually said. She had been pleasantly surprised that Nikki had taken the initiative. Although the dominant was a very self-confident individual, training another woman in the submissive role was a new experience for her and she was being careful not to push too hard, too soon. The fact Nikki appeared to be fully embracing her lesbian tendencies was not only encouraging her to speed up the training she had planned, it was also awakening similar feelings in the dominant.

Nikki did as she was commanded, pulling back the curtains and leaving just the gauze modesty netting between herself and the outside world. She guessed the time as being around 8am, too early for any of the retail outlets below them to have opened. There were, however, a few people stretching their legs around the small water feature that lay between the bars and coffee shops.

‘Wait kitten,’ the Mistress commanded. With the previous day’s training still fresh in her mind, Nikki immediately adopted the submission position, one of the two she had practiced the previous day. Linking her hands and placing them behind her head, she spread her legs shoulder width apart and bent very slightly at the wait whist pushing her shoulders back to prominently display her breasts.

‘Now take a couple of steps closer to the window please.’ The two steps brought Nikki to within touching distance of the gauze net. She looked across at the hotel that faced them on the other side of the development and noticed a couple of the rooms drawing back their curtains. She saw the people through their windows, though she was too far away to make out faces. As she watched, Nikki thought how often people in hotel rooms pulled back curtains without considering their state of dress. The hotel opposite had no gauze nets, which means the two people she now focused on had literally opened a window onto the world. In one stood a woman, her black bra and panties clearly defined against her much paler skin tones. In the other, what looked quite an athletic male form with a white towel wrapped around his waist. Nikki felt a sense of relief that the gauze provided her some protection given her continued lack of clothing.

Lost in her thoughts, Nikki suddenly sensed her Mistress behind her. Before she had time to react, the Mistress had stepped past her and reached across to the rope pull attached to the gauze. As she pulled, the netting was drawnback and Nikki realized she would soon be fully exposed to the world outside. She marvelled at the fact that less than 24 hours ago she would have panicked and yet now she remained in position, her body exposed, comfortable in the thought that this is what her dominant wanted to do.

‘One more step forward my dear.’ Nikki compiled, immediately.

She was now almost on top of the window and could see the people milling around at ground level clearly. Which means they could see her. As she began to wonder what her dominant had planned, she noticed two middle-aged men standing in conversation, each smoking a cigarette. Suddenly one looked up and then nudged his companion. Both turned to face the hotel and were now staring up at the top floor window. She had clearly been seen by these two strangers. And yet, she still did nothing to cover her modesty, waiting to see if her dominant said anything. Instead, the Mistress stepped behind Nikki and, bringing her face close to the backof the younger woman’s head, she began to speak in hushed tones.

‘Today you will learn that I decide who gets to enjoy your body my dear. By submitting to me, you have accepted that I control your body. I decide who sees it, who touches it and who gets to use it. I will never put you in danger and I will never abuse that control I enjoy. But if you are to be my submissive, you will have to accept that you no longer enjoy some of the privacy ‘normal’ people can expect. The fact you have made no effort to cover your nudity encourages me little one. But there are much stresser tests to come today. I won’t blow you if you decide today is too big a step. If so, tell me.’

‘Yes Mistress. I will try my best to please you.’ Nikki had no idea what to expect but she was determined to go along with as much as she could.

‘Very good. You may move away from the window.’ Nikki did so, turning back to face the bed and taking a few steps. Her Mistress moved ahead of her, towards the chair and occasional table positioned between the bed and the wardrobes.

‘Nadu kitten,’ the Mistress said. Nikki responded to the second of the positions she had been taught, dropping to her knees, spreading her legs and laying her hands on her thighs.

‘I just need to find something….’ As the Mistress spoke, she lifted one of her bags from the wardrobe and set it onto the bed. After a few moments she turned to the occasional table and planted a dildo firmly in the centre. Then she sat in the chair, the hem of her nightgown riding up her thighs.

‘I want you to put on a show for me little one while I tell you what today has in store. I’ve seen you do this on camera, now I want to see it in the flesh.’

‘Yes Mistress,’ Nikki replied. She stood and moved towards the table, looking at the dildo and thinking with surprise that it was quite modest in size. She almost felt disappointed that her Mistress had not sought to test her with something bigger.

‘Do you needlube my dear?’

‘Yes please Mistress,’ came the reply. Stepping back to the bag the Mistress produced some, passing it to the submissive. A little self consciously, Nikki squirted a general amount into her palm and set about rubbing it into the length of the dildo. Satisfied she had done enough she then took another, smaller amount and gently started to rub it into her vagina. As she made contact, she winced.

‘Does it still hurt little one?’ asked the Mistress

‘Yes Mistress, but not as bad as I feared it would.’

‘That’s good to hear,’ the Mistress said, sounding generally pleased.

‘Now, when you are ready, I want you to start pleasure yourself my dear and I will tell you what I have planned for you today.’

Nikki was looking at her Mistress as she spoke. She was now used to being naked in the presence of her dominant and she had already given her Mistress three oral orgasms within the last 24 hours, yet Nikki still felt self consciousness when expectedto perform such an overtly sexual act on herself in front of her Mistress. Last time, when she had been required to do something similar in the comfort of her own living room, the anonymity of performing in front of a camera rather than a real person had made the task so much simpler. This time she felt herself blush as she positioned the tip of the phallus between her labia and lowered herself onto it.

‘All the way down little one,’ the Mistress said as she watched the dildo disappear inside the submissive. As Nikki’s abused and swollen lips touched the table top, the Mistress continued.

‘After breakfast, which I thought we would have up here, I’ve booked you a session in the spa. You’re to go down for 10.30 and ask to see Angelica. I’m told you’ll be there for about two hours. When you come back, I’ll want to see the outfit you brought with you for tonight. If I don’t approve, we will need to go shopping.’

Nikki was quite pleased with what she’d heard so far. A spasession and a shopping trip sounded nice and relaxing. As she became a little more relaxed at the prospect of what the day held in store, she focused more on the phallus and started to enjoy the feeling. Leaning forward, she made sure every penetration included some pressure on her cliporis.

She realized her Mistress had stopped talking. Glancing up, she looked into the dominant’s eyes. Then she realized the Mistress was struggling herself as she watched the submissive fuck the dildo. Pleased that she was providing the entertainment, she increased the speed of her squats.

‘Then we come to this evening my dear,’ the Mistress resumed. ‘We are going out for dinner this evening. I am taking you to meet some old friends of mine. Very dear friends whom I have known for over 20 years. We will be eating at an exclusive restaurant not far from here where they have an excellent chef and some private dining rooms. The six of us will be treated to a superb meal and then you will be theentertainment for the rest of the evening.’

Nikki paused her thrusts. Had she heard that right? Looking up to her Mistress once more, she saw a glint in the dominant’s eyes.

‘You heard correctly little one. These friends are all very busy people. A married couple, a male exec at a big IT company and the female Chief Exec of a national charity. They all enjoy playing with my submissives when we all happen to be local at the same time. Needless to say, I trust them all implicitly. We’ve had this dinner arranged for weeks and when I told them about you they were all keen to meet you.’

Nikki still didn’t understand. Without breaking the rhythm of her thrusts, she asked the question swirling round in her head. ‘Mistress, when you say I am the entertainment, what am I expected to do?’

‘Why, whatever you are told my dear. I give them all the same powers of control over you as I enjoy. You will be their toy for the evening. Whatever you are asked to do, you will do. WitHot question or hesitation. I said this would be a test. It will be the biggest test you are ever likely to face my dear. Are you prepared to give yourself unconditionally to a group of strangers because I have told you that is what you must do?’

Nikki was shocked. From what her Mistress had said a little earlier as she had stood naked in front of the window, she had been expecting something, but not This. Perhaps someone else being invited up to their room. Nikki had even briefly considered the idea of ​​Sally, a hotel employee she had met the day before who had confessed to a submissive streak of her own, being involved. But never in her wildest dreams had she considered the idea of ​​being passed to a group of complete strangers like a piece of meat.

She realized that she had stopped riding the dildo and once more she looked into the eyes of her dominant.

‘You are shocked little one. I can tell. Continue with the dildo, I have more to tell you.’ Nikki resumed her movements, again making sure each downward squat applied pressure to her cliporis. ‘As this is your first time I will be there little one. Everyone will be made aware of your limits and they will all respect your safe word. In fact, for tonight, we will have two. One that means I’m getting close to my limit but I’ll carry on for now and the other that means stop. Do you understand?’

‘Yes Mistress’ the submissive replied.

‘Very good. As I’ve said, this is a test. It’s not one you have to pass at the first attempt. I know some submissives relish the idea of ​​performing for strangers. Others find it more difficult, preferring the closeness of their relationship with their dominant over third party involvement. But you have to understand kitten, that I enjoy showing off my property. Especially to my friends.’

Nikki wasn’t sure what to say. She continued with the dildo as she thought more about exactly what was to be expected of her. It sounded as though they would all expect to have sex with her. But what else would they do. Her thoughts were drawn to some of the things she had seen on Twitter since she had been exploring her submissive tendencies. And one image leaves into her mind. The two men taking her at the same time, one in her pussy and the other in her mouth. Spitroasting. Nikki tried to imagine what it would feel like. She had never even considered the idea in her wildest fansies. But now, her developing submissive character means she saw it in a different context. It was something her Mistress expected of her and therefore something she would accept. She had come round to the idea of ​​doing anything for her Mistress. This was just an extension of that.

Whether it was the thought of what was to come that evening, or the continued rhythm of the dildo invading her vagina she wasn’t sure, but Nikki Suddenly realized she was close to climaxing.

‘Mistress, may I have permission to cum please?’ she asked politely, her gaze upon her Mistresswho had also continued to stimulate herself.

‘No kitten, you may not. I want you to stop what you are doing.’ The submissive compiled immediately, her pussy lips resting on the table and the phallus deep inside her. ‘Now, I want you to take that little thing in your ass my dear.’

‘Mistress?’ The single word forming a question.

‘You heard me little one. I’m going to tell them that Your ass is off limits tonight, but you need to get yourself into the mindset that on nights like this you provide a body for them to play with and three holes for them to fuck. Submission brings with it some wonderfully tender moments but also some situations when the sole focus is satisfying the raw sexual desires of someone, be that your dominant or their chosen proxy. Tonight is the latter. You will be a sex toy that will be used until they are all sated. But right now, we are starting the training of your ass. By the time we have finished, you will be as comfortable offering your ass toYour dominant as you will be opening your legs and offering them your pussy. Do you understand my dear?’

‘I think we are moving a little faster than I’d anticipated Mistress,’ Nikki replied.

‘Which part little one? The plan for this evening or your ass training?’

‘Both Mistress. I sort of expected the thing with my ass, but it’s the part of this that I am most nervous about. Meeting some strangers and being their sex toy, I hadn’t even considered and to be honest, it scares me.’ Nikki was clearly agitated.

‘Do you want to safe word kitten?’ the Mistress asked, her voice suggesting there was room for negotiation.

‘Not yet Mistress. I’m not saying no to my ass being penetrated, it’s just not something I’ve done before and I’m worried it will hurt. But I also understand my role is to please you and that is more important than my pleasure. If you want to use my ass then I have to learn to accept that.’ Nikki was speaking from the heart and hoped her Mistress would understand. ‘The gathering tonight is different. I need more time to think about it. I hope that doesn’t upset you Mistress?’

‘That’s fine little one. Let’s break this up a little. We’ll start with your ass. If you go into the bathroom and look in the cupboard under the sink you will find a little enema kit. Why don’t you go and clean yourself? Then we can get started.’


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