The Bisexual Submissive Pt. 05

As Friday drew closer Nikki became more and more nervous. She was due to meet her Domme for the second time, a little over a week since their first meeting. But whereas the first meeting had been all about Nikki, a birthday present organized by her boyfriend when he had realized the online Mistress Nikki had been messaging actually lived just over half an hour from them, this meeting was to allow Nikki to experience what it would be like to serve as the Domme’s submissive 24×7. Nikki had been given instructions to meet an Uber at her local railway station at 4pm on Friday. The car would take her to a hotel where she would spend the next 48 hours serving as a submissive to her Mistress. And the Mistress had already made it clear the weekend was all about the submissive pleasure the dominant.

Nikki held on the Wednesday evening, having luxurious in a warm bath before running the razor all across her public area as well as under her arms. Her labia had finally recovered from the ordeal suffered at the first meeting, having been pegged, whipped and paddled. Nikki wondered what the second meeting would have in store.

Nikki’s boyfriend, Ryan, wasn’t there to provide comfort or reassurance. He was now serving as a submissive to an online Dom, having committed to try and serve for a month to buy Nikki out of her commitment to the Dom and thereby allowing her to serve the Mistress instead. The Dom had laid down a strict rule of no contact between the two of them until Friday, whereupon Nikki would be under the control of her Mistress and forbidden to have contact with, or even speak to, any other person without her Mistress’s permission.

Whenever her concerns grew too severe, Nikki would try to settle herself by remembering how considerate the Mistress had been at the first meeting. Yes, Nikki had been subjected to whips, crops, paddles and canes, as well as having pegs applied to her nipples and labia, but the Mistress had seemed caring and considerate, doing what she did to raise Nikki’s levels of arousal before delivering the most intense orgasm Nikki had ever experienced. The warning she had received about the coming weekend had made it clear Nikki would need to earn an orgasm and she had no idea what that would involve her doing.

On the Thursday evening Nikki laid out her clothes for the trip. She had been told to make an effort for the Saturday Evening, the implication being that she was free to wear whatever she wanted for the rest of the weekend. But then she thought back to her various video calls with her Mistress, all of which had involved Nikki kneeing naked in front of her camera phone, which made her wonder just how much of the time away would see her allowed the luxury of clothing at all.

Her Saturday outfit was decided. Lying on the bed was her favourite little black dress, a figure-hugging wraparound style that Nikki felt she was just able to get away with. Nikki was 5’8″, with a curvy figure. By her own critical analysis she carried a few pounds more than she would like, but not too many as to make her worry about her weight or step up the limited amount of exercise she did on a regular basis. Next to the dress was her favourite underwear, a lacy black push up bra with solid silk panels covering her areola and the immediate victory and surrounded in every direction by lace that permitted a hint of the voluptuous breasts underneath, with matching knickers that had a solid black silk panel over her public area and lace covering her groin and hips. The wrapround dress fitted tightly under her breasts, accentuating her strongest asset, remained tight across her stomach, hips and backside before ending just above her knees. The bow with which she tied the belt adding a nod to a more feminine image whilst the figure-hugging nature of the dress showed off all her curves and gave a hint of the pleasure that could be obtained from the body underneath. Finishing the outfit were a pair of black heels, not too high as to make her too tall but raising her heels sufficiently to display her calves. It was what Ryan referred to as her ‘knock em dead’ outfit and she looked forward to wearing it for her Mistress.

She had been shopping earlier and bought two other sets of underwear, a turquoise blue combination and a more daring black and red pairing; one for Saturday morning and the other for the Sunday. Nikki had already been instructed to wait naked in the hotel room for her Mistress, so she saw no point in travelling in anything too fancy if it wouldn’t be staying on for long. Then, reflecting, she rummaged through her underwear drawer and pulled out her comfest bra and 7-8 additional pairs of knickers. Nikki had thought back to the period before she had met the Mistress when she had been required to spend Her days with a vibrating egg inside her vagina. The constant presence had made her so wet she had been getting through up to 6 pairs of knickers a day and if there was any prospect of her being denied an orgasm, she didn’t want to be in a permanent state of arousal and run out of dry knickers.

After much delegation over the rest of her wardrobe she had decided to be herself. That would mean traveling in leggings and a T shirt and taking two pairs of jeans, one black and the other blue. A small selection of long and short sleeve Ts and a jumper completed her options. She had no idea what was planned for the sleeping arrangements, or even whether she would have her own room to sleep in but had bought a silky negligee on her shopping trip. After all, she had been instructed to please her Mistress so she wanted to make some effort, especially if there was any chance that she might sleep in the same room.

Finally satisfied at her packing choices, Nikki pulled on some comfy pyjamas and settled into bed with her phone and a mug of tea. She flicked through her Twitter feed, checking the Dom’s account and the new, submissive account that Ryan had been asked to create. Neither gave any hint of what was going on between her boyfriend and his new Master. She took that as a good sign, the Dom had already indicated that any refusal by Ryan to complete a task would bring an end to the arrangement and means that Nikki would have to leave her Mistress and once again serve the Master. After liking a few recent tweets on a submissive theme, Nikki settled down to sleep. It didn’t take long for her to realize sleep was going to prove elusive.

Friday morning passed in a blur and before she knew it Nikki was locking the door of her flat and setting off on the short walk to the railway station to meet the pre-booked Uber. She checked her watch when she arrived. 3.52pm. There were three Ubers queued up on the opposite side of the road to the official taxi rank. She wasn’t sure which was hers and decided to wait until nearer the appointed time. Then, as if it had read her mind, a message appeared on her phone. From her Mistress, quoting just a registration number. Nikki looked up and saw the same registration on the Uber at the back of the queue. She walked confidently across the road and knocked on the passenger window. It powered down and before she could speak the driver said ‘Kay Locke?’

‘That’s me,’ said Nikki, wondering if it was actually the Mistress’s real name. She throw her case across the back seat and then settled herself into the nearside seat, buckling on her seatbelt. She had no idea where the hotel was or where they were going. The car set off and then her phone pinged again.

— Hello kitten. I hope you are looking forward to your weekend. You now have permission to message Ryan for as long as you are in the car. As soon as you arrive at the hotel your communication ban begins. Do you understand?—

— Yes Mistress. I am looking forward to seeing you again later. —

— I’m glad to hear it kitten. Now I hope you have been thinking about some limits for our relationship aswe will be discussing them later. If you haven’t you may need to forget your boyfriend and concentrate on making sure you have a list of things you’re not prepared to let me do to you. —

— Understood Mistress. I will be prepared. —

Nikki had been giving a lot of thought to limits earlier in the week and whilst she had a definite list of hard limits, there were a couple of things that she couldn’t decide on for her soft limit list. So she quickly messaged Ryan to inform him that she was off limits for the weekend, apologising for not being available to speak to him and asking how his first week had gone. She waited, but there was no immediate reply.

As the car headed out of the City Nikki started to think about the one big worry in her mind and how to position it on her list of limits. She wanted Some assurances that she wouldn’t end up naked and humiliated on websites around the world, but at the same time she was quite excited at the thought of a limited amountt of exhibitionism. She thought back to the time Ryan had made her dance naked in front of an open window and the feelings she had when she realized she was being watched. That time there had been little chance of the voyeur being able to take a photo that showed her face and she had enjoyed the feeling of being watched. Then she thought of the things she had done on video calls with Mistress, especially the recent case of masturbating with a dildo. She had no idea if Mistress had recorded those calls for posterity, or a more sinister purpose. Her inclination was to trust this woman she barely knew, but there was still a nagging doubt and fear in her mind that she could be taken advantage of and end up on porn sites for all her relatives and work colleagues to see.

As she turned the dilemma around in her head her phone pinged. A reply from Ryan at last.

— Hi Babe. I’m ok, thanks. I’ve made it through the first few days. Still really nervous about what’s in store but I keep thinking about the big picture and buying your freedom. It’s a shame we won’t be able to discuss things this weekend, but I have more tasks to perform for my Master and it sounds as though Mistress will be keeping you busy. Have fun! Love you, R —

Just as she was about to respond the driver called out ‘Here we are. Excelsior Hotel.’ Nikki quickly typed a few words to Ryan saying she had arrived, then started looking at her home for the next two days. It was a modern hotel, very rectangular and lacking in character, the typical haunt for out-of-town business meetings and not too far from one of the big, national convention centres that was a short taxi ride away. Given it was a Friday night there didn’t seem too many cars in the car park, most of the business customers were on their way home to spend time with their families.

Nikki thanked the taxi driver and pulled her bag out of the car. As she walked towards the entrance, she took a deep breath and psyched herself upone more time. When she crossed the threshold there was no going back.

‘Hi. Good afternoon, I think you should have an envelope there addressed to me. My name’s Kay Locke.’ Nikki spoke as confidently as she could with her insides churning. The petite receptionist turned and looked at the shelf behind her, picked up an envelope and turned with a smile on her face.

‘Yes Miss Locke. Here you are. Are you staying with us this evening?’

‘Err, thanks. I am, yes. My partner checked in earlier and was planning to leave me a key. I’m hoping this is it, with a note of when they’re expecting to be back.’ Nikki spoke as she turned to look for somewhere to put her bag while she opened the envelope.

‘Great, well enjoy your stay. If there is anything you Need any of the team will be pleased to help you,’ the receptionist continued, her smile growing broader.

Nikki smiled back and headed towards what looked like a bar area. She dropped her bag on the first chair she cameto and ripped open the envelope. The plastic key card was there, together with a post-it that had the number 824 written on it and another that had the words ‘Don’t forget your instructions’ in a very neighbor, loopy handwriting. Another deep breath and she picked up her bag, turned and headed for the lifts. She couldn’t remember how many floors there were from the outside view she had of the hotel as she had approached it, but her guess was she was looking for room 24 on floor 8 which was going to be near the top of the hotel.

Nikki’s guess was proved correct. As she entered the lift, she noticed there were 8 floors. Pressing the button marked 8 she looked at the other facilities available. Ground floor — reception, bar & restaurant, business suite. Lower ground — spa and meeting rooms. She cursed herself for not having thought to bring a swimming costume but then told herself to be sensitive; there was no way she would be allowed time off to pamper herself.

The lift bumped to a halt and the doors opened at floor 8. Nikki stepped out and looked at the arrows directing guests to specific room numbers. 801 & 802 were to her left, the rest to her right along a corridor that seemed to run the length of the building. Walking past the early numbers she wondered why, if the hotel wasn’t full, were they using a room that was about as far away from reception as it was possible to get. Then, as the numbers on the doors approached 820, Nikki realized there was a corner at the end of the corridor. Room 822 was the last off the main corridor, though it continued to a fire escape and what she assumed was a separate stairwell behind the door emblazoned with the ‘Emergency Use Only’ sign. As she turned the corner, Nikki realized 823 & 824 were the last two rooms on the floor, side by side on what was an extra part of the building that hadn’t been visible from the car park at the front. Judging by the space between the two doors, they were possible bigger rooms than thoseon the main corridor. Nikki began to wonder if this was one for her and another for her Mistress. She turned away from the doors and looked out of the window that gave her a view of the windows to rooms off the main corridor to her right and open fields to her left, with a motorway just visible in the distance.

Nikki had been carrying the envelope since opening it in the bar below. She moved the key card to her right hand and inserted it into the slot above the door handle. As she opened the door and walked into the room she realized it was bigger than she had expected. Not quite the penthouse but much nicer than the standard business-class rooms she had experienced on a couple of city breaks with Ryan earlier in the year. There was a door immediately to her right, which she assumed was the bathroom. Then as she stepped forwards, the room opened out to her right, revealing a locke area with sofa, coffee table and two armchairs, a TV cabinet and a desk with a selection of plug sockets and computer connections. As she turned and stepped through the locke area, there was an archway through which appeared a huge bedroom. She realized the shape of the room was a U, the narrow locke area at the top of the U providing space for the bathroom before the room opened back up to the bedroom. The bed faced her as she walked in and it was the biggest bed she had ever seen. Another, smaller, seating area featured to the right of the bed, Just a table and two armchairs this time. The room was finished off with mirrored wardrobes running the length of the right-hand wall and a floor to ceiling window to her left.

She walked over to the window and looked through the gauze curtain there to protect the privacy of the occupations of the room. Opposite but a few hundred metres away was another hotel of similar height and between the two buildings a pond, not quite grand enough to be called a lake, with what appeared to be a bar, coffee shop and some sort of fast food outletset around the water’s edge. Obviously catering for the business travellers who want a quick bite and more of their allowance left available for beer was the thought that flashed into Nikki’s head.

Turning back from the window she suddenly remembered her instructions. Taking a quick look at the photo on her phone that the Mistress had sent to her when the weekend was first mentioned as a reminder, she rushed back to the locke area and dropped her bag onto the sofa. Then she sat and undid her boots, pulling them and her socks off. She quickly took off all her remaining clothes, folding them and putting them in her bag. Choosing her position carefully, she knelt on the edge of the locke area with a clear line of sight to the door. Which means when her Mistress entered, the first thing she would see would be her submissive. As she took one final look around to check her positioning, her gaze rested on her bag, which was still on the sofa, and her boots that lay on the floor nearby. A troubled expression crossed her face. ‘Not very tidy,’ she thought. Rising from her kneeing position she moved the bag and her shoes to the bedroom, opening one of the mirrored wardrobes and placing her things inside. As she closed the door, she caught a sight of herself. She stood straight and ran her hands across her breasts. Feeling proud, both of her appearance and the fact she had the courage to go ahead with what lay ahead, she smiled and then returned to the entrance area.

Kneeling in the same position as she had briefly adopted previously, Nikki positioned herself as required, the image of the photo on her phone that she had recently checked springing into her mind. She straightened her back, pushed her shoulders back and then laid her hands, palms up, on her thighs. Looking down, she decided to hold nothing back and spread her tights a little Further apart, cursing as she felt the carpet burn her knees and wishing she had stood to reposition herself. Chest out and legs open, she was completely displayed to whoever walked through the door. Then a sudden panic overtook her. What if room service had forgotten something? She quickly looked around the room, or at least that part she could see from her kneeing position but could see nothing to suggest housekeeping had done anything other than a perfect job of readying the room. She settled back into her position, took another of her deep breaths and waited.

Nikki had been waiting about 20 minutes. At first she had convinced herself that her Mistress was watching her and would arrive as soon as she was in position. It soon became apparent that was not the case. After around five minutes, the position had started to strain her muscles and she had fidgeted slightly, allowing her back and stomach muscles to relax which in turn dropped her frame and made her slouch slightly. Another five minutes passed and her relaxed position became uncomfortable. She again shifted, this time returning to her original position. At attention is how she thought of it.

Throughout her wait Nikki considered the position she was in. Naked, exposed and waiting for an almost complete stranger who would effectively own her for the weekend. It sounded ridiculous but she found herself excited. Her Mistress had yet to arrive and Nikki was already in subspace. The one thought that kept running through her head was to ensure Mistress enjoyed herself. Nikki had no idea what would happen, but she was comfortable with the idea that her body was just another accessory in the room, available for the guest’s use throughout her stay.

As she pictured her Mistress and thought of some of the ways she may be required to serve her, she noticed the air conditioning unit above the door, the gentle hum as it cooled the temperature from the mid to high 20s of the late summer day outside. Only now did she realize that she had positioned herself in a direct line to the air output, the slight chill playing across hernaked breasts and making her already aroused nipples stand to attention. The temperature also played with her pussy. In spreading her tights as far as she was able Nikki had separate her outer labia slightly. She realized she was aroused, her hardened nipples not the only visible sign as she felt the mood between her legs, the cool air lapping around her warm groin.


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