The Bisexual Submissive Pt. 03

This is the final part of Nikki’s story…for now. I may write a following on, but part 3 is intended to bring the initial story to an end. So I’d like to thank those who have inspired me to write this. The naïve innocent new to submission is someone I met on Twitter. She is no longer active having withdrawn to focus her time on her ‘Daddy’ so she will never know how she inspired this story. It was ‘kitten’ who first stoked my imagination over the idea of ​​a female Domme and a female submissive. I am still in touch with the inspiration for Nikki — the real life lady isn’t submissive and isn’t into girls, though I think there may be an exhibitionist in there somewhere. She provided the physical outline as well as some of the lifestyle characteristics. She does know who she is and I am eternally grateful to her for encouraging me to write this. Finally, yes, the Mistress is based on me and no, I’ve never had a woman serve me. And one more thing, the very first mention of female Domme/female sub came from a male sub who submitted to me a while back — thank you Sam.


Nikki was so desperate to have an orgasm. It was almost three weeks since she had agreed to give control of her orgasms to the unknown Mistress who had messaged her through Twitter, almost four weeks since she had last cum. Since her boyfriend had joined in the game and discovered his dominant side, she had lived her life in a constant state of arousal, often subjected to tasks that were designed to stimulate her without offering any form of release. The arrangement was due to come to an end that coming weekend and Nikki had been clinging to the hope that the time with her Mistress in control would end with her being an allowed an orgasm. But it was now Tuesday and her torque showing little sign of ending.

Nikki tried to concentrate on the document she was editing, but the vibrating egg that was inserted in hervagina started up for the third time that morning, this time on the highest setting. She gasped at the shock, surprised that after having wound the egg for almost 10 days non-stop she was still taken aback each time it started up. The egg was being controlled by either her boyfriend Ryan or her Mistress, she knew not which, and was designed to keep her in a permanent state of arousal. Nikki suspected Ryan was in charge as the egg stopped as soon as she had thrown her head back and started to moan, Ryan being within earshot and determined not to let her cum.

Nikki stepped away from the desk she was working at and walked into the bedroom. She went straight to a chest of drawers to the side of the window and took out a clean pair of knickers. Then she stripped off her shorts and peeled the sodden panties from her hips. The egg immediately slipped from her pussy and dropped to the floor between her feet. Sighing, she picked it up and re-inserted it before pulling on the clean knickersand stepping back into her shorts. She throw the wet knickers into the washing basket and returned to her desk. ‘This is ridiculous’ she thought to herself. ‘I’m having to wear panties to keep the egg in place and I have to change them every 2-3 hours I get so wet’.

A little later that morning Ryan brought her a cup of tea, leaning over her back as he placed it to the side of her desk. As he moved back he allowed his hand to gently move her hair from her neck and stroke the skin that lay underneath. Nikki witnessed and throw her head back. Ryan moved his hand down to her right shoulder and then raised his left hand to her other shoulder before starting to gently massage her.

‘Oh that’s wonderful’ she said. ‘Would you like that job full time?’

‘For you, anything’ he replied. ‘Do you have a minute?’

‘Sure’ answered Nikki, ‘as long as you keep doing that while you talk to me’.

‘Remember I said I was arranging a little surprise for your birthday?’

‘Er, yes’ said Nikki. She had hesitated as she remembered he had also said it was a surprise that would carry on the denial theme.

‘Well, it means we’ll be going out tomorrow night. Is that OK? About 7.30?’

‘That’s fine Ryan, where to?’

‘That’s the surprise’ he answered. You’ll find out when we get there….sort of’.

‘Well this sounds a little odd’ Thought Nikki, before asking ‘OK, so what do I need to wear?’

‘It’s nothing fancy, jeans and a shirt will be fine. Probably take a coat as I’m not sure how far it is from the car park to the entrance. Oh, and we should probably have a snack before we go. There’s food but I’m not entirely sure when it will be served’.

‘Fine, well I’ll make sure I’m ready for my surprise then. Tell me, will I be allowed out without this bloody egg between my legs?’

‘I think as it’s your birthday the day after we can make an exception to Mistress’s rules this one time. And I’m sorry it’s not on your birthday but I couldn’t arrange if for Thursday. At least this way you have the chance of two celebrations’.

‘Sounds good. A girl can’t have too many birthday celebrations after all’. Nikki had already started to think what the surprise could be. She remembered seeing a flyer for an interactive theatre event that was visiting and in town. She had mentioned it to Ryan and he’d sounded interested. It involved the audience being invited onto The stage to participate in the play, which had a loose plot but was largely improved by the actors who gave commands and responded to what the audience did and said. The more she thought about it, the more she could see how it was a fit with her submission, being on display and being told what to do. And apparently there was food laid on as part of the performance, but that might explain why Ryan wasn’t sure about timings.

The next day Nikki was ready and waiting by the door just after 7.20. She looked as good as anyone could when working with the directions ‘nothing fancy’, some figure-hugging black jeans and a turquoise top that featured a plunging neckline, accentuating her best assets. Instead of jewellery, Nikki had opted for a black, fabric picker that fitted tightly around her neck. The look was finished off with some ankle boots.

‘You look great, but I’m not sure about the top. It might be showing a bit too much cleavage. How about Your grey one?’ said Ryan as he came to join her. He was wearing blue jeans and a red shirt with a very subtle blue stripe. He had also gone for boots and he was carrying a rucksack.

Nikki hated the grey top Ryan had suggested. She kept meaning to throw it out but every time she held onto it in case they did any re-decorating. She was surprised Ryan was suggesting it for a night out, but he Did know where they were going after all.

‘If you insist, but I don’t think I’m going to turn many heads wearing that. What’s in the bag, baby’ Nikki asked.

‘Oh I’ve just put a jumper in, thought itmight be a good idea as we don’t know exactly what to expect. Do you want to put one in here as well?’

‘Yes, I will. Good thinking’. Nikki walked to the bedroom, changed into the grey top and came back with a blue fleece which she throw to Ryan.

‘Let’s go then. Excited?’ Ryan asked.

‘Well it’s difficult to get too excited when I’ve no idea where we are going’ she replied.

‘I did ask if you’d trust me though. I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this’.

Nikki was by now convinced they were going to the play. But her convictions didn’t last too long when Ryan pointed the car out of the city and took the main road south. Things got even more unclear when he pulled over just before a junction.

‘Nikki, I know I said About you trusting me, but I really mean it now. One of the conditions of where we are going is that you must not know where it is. So I’ve had to agree to bring you there blindfolded’. He reached over to the back seat and picked up his rucksack, from which he took a thin balaclava. He passed it to Nikki and asked her to put it on.

Nikki turned the balaclava around in her hands. It had a mouth hole but no eye openings or space for a nose. She looked from the hood to her boyfriend without saying a word, the puzzled expression on her face speaking volumes.

‘Please trust me with this Nikki. I know it’s all a bit weird but I Really think you are going to enjoy this’.

Nikki’s mind started racing. What on earth was this all about? Where were they going? Why wasn’t Ryan required to wear a blindfold? She had so many questions, she didn’t know where to start and before she could, Ryan then produced some ski goggles from the bag.

‘And these please. The idea is you are completely unable to see and I’ve tried the balaclava — you can see stuff through it’. The goggles had cardboard inserted in place of the glass and thick black duct tape holding it in place. There was no way of seeing anything when they were on.

‘My, the things I do for you. I suppose if I say no you will invoke your rights as my Dom to make me?’ Nikki said with a little indignation in her voice.

‘Yes, that’s about it’ he replied.

So Nikki put the balaclava and the goggles on. They set off again and for the next 15-20 minutes Nikki tried to drift off to sleep as she couldn’t see where they were going. Eventually the car came to a halt and Ryan indicated they had arrived. Nikki went to take off the blindfold but was immediately told to keep it on.

‘We need to get inside before you take it off. Don’t worry, I’ll stay by your side and guide you. You won’t fall or bump into anything’.

Nikki waited for Ryan to open her door and then gingerly edged herself out of the car. She feel vulnerable being unable to see for herself and put her hand out feeling for Ryan. He grasped her forearm and held her as he closed the door and locked the car. Then using her arm as a guide, he moved her in the direction of the building.

Nikki sensed a door being opened and Ryan moving ahead of her, presumably going through the doorway before leading her in. A short flight of stairs followed, with Ryan having to steady Nikki as she tripped over the first step. Then another doorway. Nikki immediately sensed the change in their surroundings. The floor was wooden, she could tell from the noise her boots were making. It sounded as Though they were in a large room from the echoes of the noise of her boots and it felt a little warmer, as though the room was being heated.

Ryan led her forward, then stopped her after a few paces. He took hold of each of Nikki’s arms, which were still by her sides, before shuffling her into what seemed to be a specific position.

‘All will soon be revealed’ he said. ‘Now I want you to do one more thing for me’.

‘OK’ replied Nikki.

‘Raise your hands above your head. Try to reach as high as you can’.

Nikki did what she had been told to do. This whole evening was unexpected and slightly odd, so what was one more strange request from her boyfriend. As she pushed her arms higher, her right hand bumped into something above her. Without any warning she suddenly felt Ryan close to her, his body pressed to hers as he also reached up, taking hold of Nikki’s forearm and fasting something around her wrist.

‘Hey, what’s that?’ she excerpted. Without replying, Ryan grabbed her other wrist and repeated the process.

Nikki tried to pull her arms back down but found she couldn’t. Her arms remained above her head, with each arm pressed against the side of her face and her wrists held closely together. Then she felt Ryan starting to remove the ski goggles. The balaclava soon followed and Nikki squinted as the light invaded her eyes. After a moment of acclimatisation, she was able to take in her surroundings.

She appeared to be in what looked like a dungeon. The walls were all bare brick and the décor, what there was of it, was in black and red. There were two armchairs facing her, either side of a doorway. The chairs were the old-fashioned wing back chairs with red leather covers and wooden legs. To her left was what she recognized as a St David’s Cross, all black, and to her right a rack from which hung a selection of whips, crops and paddles. Nikki looked up to see her wrists circled by Velcro cuffs, from each of which protruded a ring that had been clipped to a metal chain. The chain had been passed over an exposed beam in the ceiling, meaning she couldn’t lower her arms. She drew her gaze back to her boyfriend.

‘What’s all this then….Sir?’ she asked.

‘Your present, my little slut. I’ve borrowed a playroom from a friend of mine who is into heavy duty BDSM photoshots. Hence the secret, he doesn’t want anyone to know where this place is as it gets used for some serious parties at weekends. We are going to have our own little evening of BDSM. Now, first things first, I think you have too many clotheses on’. With that he moved towards one of the armschairs and his rucksack that was lying on the seat. As he turned back to Nikki she saw he was wielding a pair of scissors. Big, heavy duty scissors.

‘I’m so glad I managed to persuade you to switch tops. I’ve never liked this one’ he said, lifting up the bottom of her grey shirt and lining the blades of the scissors in the middle. Without any further Words, he cut quickly up the material until the blades arrived at the neck of the top. The top immediately fell away to each side of her body, her brassiere and its contents in full view. Ryan then paused, looking around for something, before walking off and disappearing through a doorway in front of Nikki.

Nikki used the time alone to consider her pulse. She quite liked the idea of ​​being at his mercy, but she wasn’t sure what he had planned. The whips and crops all looked a bit serious and impact play had never featured in the last few weeks of denial. Ryan then returned, carrying a small stepadder. He placed it in front of Nikki, climbed up and cut from the wrist of her left sleeve down to the neckline of her top, then repeating the process with her right sleeve. With those cuts what remained of the top fell to the floor.

‘I hope I’m getting a new wardrobe for my birthday tomorrow if this is what you think of my current clothes’ Nikki said playfully, looking at her boyfriend.

Ryan said nothing, moving the ladder and stepping forward with the scissors again raised. This time he cut through the two straps of her bra. Nothing happened. The remainder of the bra was sufficiently well fitted as to remain in place supporting her breasts. Ryan moved behind Nikki and she felt his hands on the clap. Suddenly the brassiere fell away, exposing her breasts to the cool air. Nikki shivered slightly, even though the room was indeed heated.

Then Ryan put down the scissors and undid Nikki’s jeans, sliding them slowly down her thighs until they pooled at her ankles. He stopped, pulled off her boots and socks, then pulled the jeans away from her legs. He stood back and admired the view of his girlfriend, bound in place with just her knickers protecting her last strands of modesty.

‘Like what you see?’ she asked him.

‘I haven’t quite finished yet’ he replied, before disappearing out of view behind her. Nikki twisted, trying to look over her shoulder, but failing to see what he was up to. After a few moments she felt a hand on her ankle, quickly followed by a cuff being wrapped around it. The same process then repeated with her second ankle. Then she felt her legs being spread slightly, beyond a comfortable distance apart. Nikki tried to bring her legs back together but her attempt met with resistance. She tried again with the same result, before looking down to see a spreader bar had been attached to the cuffs on each ankle. Then Ryan re-appeared in front of her, picked up the scissors and stepped towards her. By process of elimination Nikki knew what was coming next and sure enough, Ryan hitched the waistband of her panties away from the skin on her hip before cutting through the elastic. He repeated the action on her other hip and then pulled the material forwards. Nikki felt the back of the panties slide across her lips as they were pulled away, leaving her tied, naked and spread open.

Ryan walked back to his rucksack, putting the scissors away and returning with his camera. He fired off a series of shots of Nikki in her prediction, full length and close up, front and rear. Then he returned to the armchair and sat down to look at the images he had just taken, checking on exposure levels and his framing of the pictures.

Nikki shivered. She wasn’t sure if it was from fear or the slight breeze blowing across her exposed skin. She looked up at the chain that ran from the cuffs around her wrists and over the beam in the ceiling, then down at her legs held open by the bar connecting the cuffs around her ankles. She had been positioned in such a way as to ensure her feet were just touching the wooden floor to take some weight off the cuffs on her wrists. She couldn’t place the soles of her feet to the ground, but she wasn’t on tip toe either. Just enough to constantly remind her of her prediction. Not that she could easily forget, given the position she was in and the fact that she was naked.

Vulnerable, exposed and Defenceless. Her gaze moved to the man sitting in the leather armchair to the left of the door. He wasn’t looking at her, his attention taken by the camera he passed from hand to hand. She had just started to think of how she had ended up in this situation when the door began to open.

Nikki did a double take. How could the door be opening when Ryan was sitting in the armchair totally absorbed with his camera and the images he had just taken.

Something didn’t make sense. There was no way he would have involved anyone else in their little game. She tugged at the chain holding her hands above her head and frantically moved her legs hoping she could release herself in some way and protect her modesty. But none of her bindings gave way. Panic started to take hold as the door continued to open. She screamed Ryan’s name at the top of her voice, trying to attract his attention in case he wasn’t aware someone was coming into the room.

Ryan looked up as Nikki screamed. ‘The door’ she shouted.

‘Don’t worry little slut, we have a guest joining us for the fun and games that are about to start’.

Nikki’s brain couldn’t compute what he had just said. Nothing made sense. Who on earth could Ryan have invited to see her naked and exposed in such a way. And what were the ‘fun and games’ he had referred to. She frantically looked around the room again and her gaze locked onto the rack of implements. Was someone about to use some or all of those on her body? She suddenly realized just how vulnerable she was.

But that wasn’t her biggest worry. As the door continued to open Nikki saw the interloper slowly emerge. It was a woman who, if Nikki were to guess, was in her late 40s or early 50s. Short auburn hair ended at just above her neckline. She wore no make up and had an unremarkable figure. Her clothes gave no clue to her identity either, dressed in a very similar manner to the way Nikki had been not 15 minutes ago; ankle boots, jeans and a white shirt with a waistcoat over the top.

Nikki was beside herself, squirming from side to side as she continued to pull her arms and legs in a futile attempt to free herself.

‘Ryan, what’s going on? Who the hell is this? I don’t want to do this anymore. Get me down from here now!’ she screamed.

Ryan ignored her and the mystery woman continued to advance towards Nikki. Then she spoke for the first time.

‘Your boyfriend isn’t going to come to your rescue now kitten. He’s here to record our little adventure for posterity’. As she spoke, she arrivedI’m the Mistress you were chatting to via messages. Here in the flesh’.

With that, Mistress took a step backwards and looked Nikki up and down, savouring the body that was displayed in front of her. Nikki was embarrassed. A complete stranger standing in front of her and she was on display, naked, spread open, every inch of her visible to this woman who was clearly enjoying the view she had.

‘Or rather, it’s you in the flesh. I took the much more modest approach of wearing some clothes. You really are exhaust my darling’. The Mistress was clearly exploring every part of Nikki with her eyes, from the chestnut hair thatwas slightly longer than shoulder length, pooling on her shoulders in her current prediction, to the sculpted lines of her neck, then down to her full breasts that stood proudly from her chest. The Mistress appeared captivated by the sight of Nikki’s breasts, the fullness creating a rounded curve that crossed over the straighter outline of her body formed by her forearm lining up with her armpit, the lower part of her ribcage below her breast and the side of her stomach that curved much more gently that the outline of the breast, before arriving at her hips. Nikki’s areola capped the breasts and completed their shape, copying the full roundness and contradicting the straight lines the rest of her upper body sought to present. The valley of her cleavage pointed down to a wait that was discernible without making her skinny and her hips appeared to have been designed to present her pussy to the viewer, the natural end of the eyes’ journey over the contours of her body. Nikki shuddered as the inspection continued, feeling self-conscious at her nakedness and yet returning again and again to that one word; ‘exquisite’. Then she snapped back to the reality of the moment.

‘What the hell is going on’ yelled Nikki. Looking to the side of her Mistress, Nikki sought to catch the eye of her boyfriend. ‘Ryan, what’s happening?’

Her Mistress stepped forward and returned her hand to Nikki’s cheat, this time pushing Nikki’s head round so that her gaze was focused squarely on her Mistress.

‘Now, now kitten. Surely you’ve realized by now, I’m in charge here not Ryan. I’m your birthday present. Your very considerate boyfriend has organized an evening you will never forget’. With that Mistress lowered her head slightly and kissed Nikki full on the lips. It lasted only a few seconds and yet it had a profound effect on Nikki. The first time she had ever kissed the lips of, or been kissed on the lips by, another woman.

‘Don’t look so worried kitten. Tonight is all about pleasure, though it might also involve a little pain. Your pleasure, my pleasure, why I’m sure even Ryan will experience a little pleasure. But definitely your pain. That’s reserved just for you. We won’t be sharing any of that’.

The Mistress walked around Nikki as she was speaking with the result that as she finished her little monologue she was directly behind Nikki, in the blindspot that Nikki was prevented from seeing as a result of her bonds. Then Nikki felt a hand gently push her hair away from her right ear, before gathering the hair in a bunch at the nape of her neck, the hand creating the tie and forming a sort of ponytail from the hair that had previously covered Nikki’s ear. As Nikki got used to the feel of the hand in her hair, she suddenly felt breath on her neck and Then sensed lips close to her ear.

The Mistress whispered quietly ‘I know this has come as a huge shock to you kitten. If you want, you can say no to this. I persuaded Ryan to go alongwith this plan when I learn your birthday coincided with the end of our little arrangement. Look above the door kitten. See the clock? In a little less than three hours it will be your birthday. Between now and then, you belong to me. Your body, your mind, why even your soul will be mine. I am going to push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed and at the end of that journey, you will be allowed an orgasm. How does that sound kitten? After weeks of denial, you are going to be allowed the orgasm that you crave. All you need do is give yourself to me, completely, for the next few hours. But you can say no. You signed up to a little online fun. You never expected it to become so real and even though your boyfriend thinks you might enjoy this, it doesn’t mean you actually want it. Fantasy and reality are two very different things. So, tell me, do you want me to continue, or would you like me to leave?’

Nikki was captivated. The soft tone of her Mistress’s voice had a hypnotic effortct. As the Mistress waited for an answer, Nikki again drifted into sub-space. She craved the woman’s touch. She desperately wanted the orgasm she had been denied for so long and even though the logical part of her mind said she could say no, go home and orgasm in any way of her choosing, she was suddenly desperate to experience an orgasm at the hands of her Mistress.

Nikki looked the woman in directly in the eyes and whispered ‘Continue please Mistress’.

‘I’m sorry kitten, I didn’t quite hear that. What did you say?’

‘Continue please Mistress’ Nikki said more auditionally.

‘I want you to repeat these words after me. Ryan, you need to record your girlfriend’s consent. Now kitten, I want you to say the following…’

Nikki listened intently and then repeated the words verbatim. ‘I consent to you using me Mistress. My body and mind are yours, do with them what you will’.

The Mistress again advanced to Nikki and kissed her. Longer this time, the kiss electrifying Nikki. As Mistress broke the connection between their lips, Nikki found herself moving her head forwards, almost chasing after her Mistress’s lips in the hope of being allowed one more kiss.

The Mistress chuckled softly as she once more walked behind Nikki. Then she repeated her previous actions, moving Nikki’s hair and whispering gently in her ear. ‘Thank you, kitten. I hope you enjoy what’s to follow. Now, if things get a little too intense, I want you to say the word ‘AMBER’ and we will take a little break. And if you want anything to stop, you use the words ‘RED ZONE’. They are your safe words for tonight. Understood?’

‘Yes Mistress’ replied Nikki.

‘Excellent. For a break, what do you say?’

‘Amber, Mistress’

‘And to stop?’

‘Red zone, Mistress’

‘I think we are going to get along famously kitten. Now, let the games begin’. With those words, the Mistress let go of Nikki’s hair and walked around her subject to stand facing her. The Mistresslifted her right hand and this time pushed it under the hair cascading over Nikki’s shoulders. Her fingers started to gently stroke Nikki’s neck and the trusted up submissive found herself leaning into the touch.

‘I have wanted to do this from the moment I read your tweets kitten. I’d never thought about dominating a woman until I came across you. That naivety and innocent of someone new to their submissive nature. I saw you as a blank canvas on which I could create my vision of the perfect submissive. And when you sent those photos, I found myself longing to touch all these sensitive parts’. As she spoke, Mistress moved her hand to Nikki’s earliest, then to her cheek, her nose and then that part of her neck under her chin. Nikki melted to the touch, feeling exhilarated at the attention she received from this dominant woman before her.

The Mistress stepped closer and started to gently stroke the curves of Nikki’s left breast. ‘Imagine my surprise when your boyfriend let slip the fact we only lived half an hour apart. It felt we were destined to meet kitten, that the stars had aligned to grant my wish to touch this virgin canvas of skin on which I will create my artwork’.

Nikki was again mesmerised by the words she heard and the soft, incessant touch of her Mistress. ‘Now tell me kitten, has your boyfriend ever inflicted any pain on you when you make love?’

‘No, Mistress’. Before the words had left her mouth, Nikki screamed in shock as her Mistress swiftly took the nipple on her left breast between her thumb and forefinger, squeeze sharply.

‘Tonight you will experience pain and pleasure beyond your wildest imagination my darling’. The pressure on her nipple eased and Nikki let out a deep breath as sensing returned. Then almost immediately her Mistress grasped both nipples in the same manner, applying a little less pressure and prompting a sharp intake of breath rather than a scream. Then she slowly increased the pressure while at the same time lifting both breasts by the nipples. Nikki reacted by standing on tiptoe, trying to reduce the weight of her breasts pulling on her nipples. But her Mistress was prepared and continued to raise the height of her hands and the nipples they controlled.

‘My my, what sensitive nipples. I am going to enjoy myself tonight’ her Mistress was made. Nikki said nothing, aware of the fact she had already given this stranger Complete control over her body and taking just a little comfort from the fact she had safe words if she needed them.

‘But enough pain for now. We must remember to balance it with some pleasure’. With that, Mistress let go of the two nipples and watched as Nikki’s breasts fell, before bouncing back to their natural position. Mistress’s hands then went to Nikki’s sides and stroked her hips, before the right hand made its was between Nikki’s legs, the index finger tracing the ridge between Nikki’s outer labia.

‘Well it looks as though you are enjoying this kitten’. As she spoke, her finger dipped into Nikki’s vagina before swiftly being removed and raised to Nikki’s mouth. Involuntarily, Nikki opened her mouth and began to suck on the finger, tasting her arousal and adding to the dampness between her legs.

Her Mistress once more paced behind her, disappearing from view at the point Nikki was unable to turn her head beyond the confines of the two arms that were pulled above her head. Nikki had completely forgotten about the position she was in, but the restriction of her arms suddenly came back into her consciousness and she realized for the first time that her arms were aching.

‘Mistress, please may I be unchained? My body is yours, but my arms are beginning to ache’.

‘Soon kitten, but I haven’t quite finished with you in this position Just yet’. After a momentary pause, Nikki felt a hand struggling her buttock, or more precisely the cream that joined buttock and tigh. Once more the touch electrified her whole body,Knowing that she was powerless to stop this stranger from touching the most intimate parts of her body and yet desperately wanting the connection to be maintained.

‘Now, what shall we do first’. Nikki heard footsteps on the wooden floor and after a few strides the Mistress appeared in her peripheral vision, stepping towards the rack of implements on the wall. Nikki looked over the array of implements with a growing sense of foreboding. How many would she feel the sing of before the evening was through? She looked at the clock above the door. Nine thirty. Still two and a half hours before her birthday and the promise of blissful release. Nikki wasn’t sure she would be able to stand another two minutes of the intensity interaction she had just experienced, let alone another two hours. She heard footsteps once more and turned her head to see her Mistress walking slowly back to her previous position behind the restrained body, noticing that she carried in her hand a riding crop.

Nikki Steeled herself for the first strike of the crop. She had never experienced it previously and was trying to imagine what a small area of ​​leather would feel like on her bare skin when suddenly, without warning, a hand cracked across her the cheek of her ass. She shrieked, more in surprise than pain. It was followed by another, then a third. Her Mistress then applied the same three smokes on her other cheek. This Continued for 2-3 minutes, first one chef then the other receiving three smacks. When her Mistress finished, Nikki felt a warm glow emanating from her buttocks.

‘That’s better, properly warmed up. I’d hate to hurt you too soon kitten. Now are you ready for your first cropping?’

‘Yes Mistress’ she replied immediately.

‘Very good. Now I want you to count kitten. After each stroke you announce the count, say thank you and ask for another. Do you understand?’

‘Yes Mistress’.

As soon as she answered the first blow landed on her right cheek.

‘One. Thank you Mistress. Please may I have another’.

‘Excellent kitten. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?’

‘No Mistress. Thank you Mistress’.

The second blow landed and Nikki raised her head to clearly enunciate ‘Two. Thank you Mistress. Please may I have another’. And so it continued until Mistress had delivered 20 blows to Each buttock. Once Nikki had become accustomed to the initial sing as the leather landed on her skin, she began to enjoy the rhythm and feel of the crop. As her Mistress declared the cropping over, Nikki let out an audible sight.

‘What’s the matter my darling? Did you want me to continue?’

‘Yes Mistress. Please Mistress’ Nikki pleaded. Her Mistress moved round to face her once more. She raised the crop to Nikki’s mouth.

‘Kiss it’.

Nikki immediately pressed her lips to the leather and did as she was commanded. The crop was moved lower, tracing the outline of Nikki’s left breast. She shivered slightly to the touchbut then tried her best to arch her back, offering her breasts to her Mistress. The Mistress grinned and in one quick motion flicked the crop across Nikki’s nipple. The accuracy of her aim was astounding and Nikki cried out as the blow created a shooting pain from her nipple, through her breast and up to her brain. Whereas the blows to her buttocks had been rarely pleasurable, the overriding feeling in her more sensitive nipple was pain. The crop quickly traveled across to her right breast and the pain was repeated, from the nipple it radiated through her breast and escaped as a gasp from her mouth.

The Mistress returned the crop to the gentle stroke motion, this time tracing the outline of her right breast. Then it centred itself, tracing the line of Nikki’s cleavage and then extending down past her navel to her pussy. Nikki was unable to move her legs as they remained tightly bound to the spreader bar, but she wished she had been able to spread them wider and give her Mistress full access to her most private parts. The crop rubbed gently against her lips before continuing its descent, rubbing gently along first one inner thigh and then the other. Nikki throw her head back and moaned softly at the pleasure she took from the gentle care of the crop. Her eyes were closed and she was completely unprepared for what came next.

The Mistress drew back the crop and then taking a full swing, brought the leather quickly up between Nikki’s legs, smacking violently into the uppermost part of her vagina and her cliporis. Nikki’s eyes shot open and she starred straight into the glinting eyes of her Mistress. But she didn’t utter a sound. They held each other’s gaze for what seemed like hours before the Mistress drew back the crop and repeated the blow.

‘You’re not counting kitten’.

‘Sorry Mistress. Two Mistress. Thank you Mistress. May I have another please Mistress’.

‘No kitten, we aren’t playing catch up. Start counting now from zero’.

With that another blow connected sharply between her legs and Nikki began again at one. After the seventh actual blow, with the count reaching five, the Mistress walked away from Nikki towards the rack of implements.

‘That’s enough of that, I have a nasty suicide if I carry on you’ll be getting too close to an orgasm you naughty thing. Am I right?’

‘Yes Mistress. Please carry on Mistress. I am so close’ was Nikki’s reply.

‘Then you need to calm down kitten. Look at the time. We have a long way still to go. And don’t forget, you have to ask permission. Any unauthorised orgasms will result in my most severe punishment being administratored’.

‘Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress’.

‘Now, what shall we choose next?’ Nikki was able to see her Mistress as she hung up the crop and ran her hand across the selection of different implements. There must have been over 30, ranged from wooden and leather paddles of all shapes and sizes to leather floggers and whips.

‘Oh, I almost forgot. Your arms’. The Mistress walked back to Nikki, stood by her side and then gently ran her fingers from Nikki’s elbow down to her armit, first on one arm then the other. Nikki was ticklish and found it impossible not to squirm in her bonds. Her arms felt heavy and were aching, but the mere touch of her Mistress left her feeling so alive.

‘Ryan, why don’t you come over here and get your poor, defenceless girlfriend down from this little prediction she finds herself in’. The Mistress had turned to Ryan, who had been busy taking photos of the two women.

‘Yes, Mistress’ he said, suddenly realising how similar his words sounded to those Nikki had muttered moments before.

As Ryan approached Nikki and reached up to undo the cuffs he whispered to her ‘are you ok, babe?’ Nikki just nodded. She couldn’t find any words to describe how she felt at that moment, exhilarated to be the centre of attention and at the same time nervous of what was to come next.

When her arms were released she lowered them, claping one hand in the other and holding her arms in front of her. The Mistress came closer to Nikki, wrapping her hands around one of Nikki’s aching forearms and gently kneading the muscles.

‘Shake them a little my dear and the blood will soon start flowing again’. Nikki did as she was told. Obeying her Mistress had become second nature now.

‘You can unfasten Your own legs kitten. We won’t be needing the spreader for a while’. Nikki bent to undo the bar from the cuffs, feeling slightly disappointed that she would not be open and at the mercy of her Mistress. She needsn’t have worried.

‘Very good. Now, over to the cross kitten. I have a little game for us to play’. Nikki walked slowly to the cross but then stopped.

‘Which way do you want me Mistress?’

‘Ass facing out kitten. I have plans for that beautiful bottom of yours’. There was a wicked glint in the Mistress’s eye as she spoke.

Nikki positioned heSelf on the cross, noticing that the cuffs she wore were designed to attach to all the equipment in the room, the clips on the four corners of the cross attaching to the rings on the cuffs. Without any words being spoken, Ryan advanced to her and fastened each arm and leg to the securing points on the cross. Nikki was again held open and defenceless in front of her Mistress but this time the cross gave some support to her aching arms. It was at a very slight angle, meaning Nikki was able to lean her body into the leather spokes of the cross for support. It was about a metre from the wall, so without moving her head through 90 degrees, Nikki had no way of knowing what was going on behind her and, by extension, what was about to be done to her. She felt a hand gently struggling her buttocks and know from the softness of the touch that it was her Mistress.

‘Such beautiful skin. It’s almost a shame to mark it. But you are going to carry some stripes from me for the next few days as areminder of our session kitten. Now to our game. I am going to choose three implements from the rack and strike you once with each. You have to guess what that implementation is from a single stroke. Get it right and you will receive five strokes with that instrument. Get it wrong and you receive fifteen. Understood?’

“Yes Mistress. Mistress?’ Nikki repeated the word as a question.

‘Yes kitten, what is it? I hope you aren’t going to complain’.

‘No Mistress, it’s just….I don’t know the names of all the instruments Mistress’.


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