The Birthday Picnic

The wind blowing past us as we drove with the top down caused my hair to fly out in back of me like long silken ribbons. It was the fifth weekend of spring and the sun was bright and warm. The green of the fields and the budding of trees were wonderful sight for the spirit after the long brown/grayness of winter. Yellows of forsythia and daffodils lined the road in front of houses. I sank back into the cushioned seat and closing My eyes against the sun’s brightness and inhaled deeply the scent of hyacinths. It was the perfect day for a drive in the country and even more perfect for an early birthday picnic. Sir Mike’s birthday was in three days, a work day, so we would celebrate today.

We had driven for over an hour, leaving Massachusetts, onto the winding scene roads of Connecticut, Sir Mike’s home state. He seemed to like to drive. The scene cheering him as much as it did me. During some of the longer silences between conversation I would watch him. He was so relaxed andcasual in light khaki pants and a light blue button front shirt with it’s long sleeves rolled back to mid forearm. Every now and then he would glance over and catch me staring. My eyes would lower from his almost instantly as I felt a heat spread over my cheeks. Without saying a word he would return his eyes to the road, smile and chuckle to himself. Knowing that the chuckle was probably because of something special he had told me he had planned for me, caused me to daydream and wonder.

We turned onto a dirt road that turned into a mere cart trail and became narrower around every turn deeper into the woods, until finally he stopped the car in a densely wooded area where we could no longer drive.

“I want you to stay here and wait,” he said as he got out of the car and opened the trunk. Pulling from the trunk a blanket which he tucked under his arm and a black duffle bag, then closing the trunk he said, “Wait here till you hear me whistle. Then follow the path I am taking.” He turned and disappeared down the shadow covered path.

I sat for a few minutes brushing my wind tangled hair so that it would lay smoothly down my back and shoulders. I got out of the car to stretch my legs. Standing straight and pulling my tummy in slightly and sliding my hands down my body, I smoothed the wrinkles from my strapless sun dress. The dress was made of a medium, almost turquoise blue clingy cotton, the hem of which fell to just above my knees. A gold tone chain belt of interlinking hearts hung midway between my waist and hips, accentuating my curves. As Sir Mike had requested, I wore no under garments or nylons. Ten minutes passed. I sat listening to the birds and looking at animal tracks in the small patches of crystallized snow in spots where the sun could not reach to melt them. “What could be taking him so long?” , I thought. A slight moan escaped my lips and my head shook side to side as my mind once again wandered to what the surprise could be. My nipples perked instantly to attention as I heard a high pitch whistle.

Taking the picnic basket from the back seat, then pausing to remove my sandals, I started barefoot down the narrow rock straight path. The cool soft moss caressed my feet then the roughness of rock jabbed at them. My senses awakened. My heart began to pound with the anticipation of what would be at the end of the path. Another short whistle broke through my thoughts and I answered back.

“I’m coming Sir”

He stood smiling with hands on hips where the end of the path opened to brightness. He took the picnic basket from me and led the way to where he had spread the blanket. It was in the middle of a small open grassy area, about one hundred yards in diameter. The blanket was spread next to a rectangular rock that was about three feet across and maybe two and a half feet from ground to it’s flat top. It almost looked like a stone status of a bale of hay.

“I thought it would make a good table,” he said as he saton the blanket and held his hand to me.

I took his hand and sat next to him. He sat silent for a few minutes as did I, taking in the wonderful scenery from the top of the hill. I felt his eyes on me, and he chuckled lightly as I began to squirm under his gaze.

“I’m not hungry yet” he said. “Please stand up sweet. I want to show you something.”

Rising to my feet, he once again took my hand and led me to the other side of the rock.

“Do you remember me telling you I had a surprise for you?” , he asked.

“Yes, Sir.” I answered as my eyes widened at what was carved into the side of the rock.

“Sweet, please read out loud what is written here,” he commanded with a growing grin.

“It says ‘spanking rock’ Sir,” I answered, as my body began to flush and shake slightly.

He led me back around to the blanket and I noticed there was a steel stake drive into the ground at each of the four corners of the rock.

“Kneel in front of the rock,” he commanded. “Facing it.”

I knelt in front of the rock, my knees touching it. I knelt up straight, not sitting on my feet. I felt him knee behind me, his legs outside of mine as if holding them in a vice. With both of his hands he reached down to the hem of my dress and began to pull it up slowly.

“mmmmmmmmmm, ” he said, “I see you follow orders well.”

He continued to pull the dress off over my head. Cool spring breezes whirled around my warm, naked, excited body. Leaning close he spoke softly into my ear.

“Since we are celebrating my birthday, I have a fitting surprise for you. You are to receive my birthday spankings.”

My body stiffened at the thought and although I hadn’t spoken he said, “That’s right, all fifty of them.”

I felt him back away from me and keep my position, eyes facing forward. I heard the zipper of his duffle bag opening and within seconds he placed a blindfold over my eyes and tied it in back of my head.

“Lay across the top of therock on your stomach, sweet,” he commanded.

I compiled and as I did, he began to tie my hands and my feet one at a time to the steel stakes.

“I thought fifty spankings was the perfect opportunity for you to experience some of the different implementations that may be used,” he explained.

I heard him once again behind me rummaging through his bag. The disappoint of the cold rough rock against my belly and chest were barely noticeable through the anticipation and slight fear that I felt.

“We’ll start with something familiar to you,” he said, as the palm of his right hand contacted my right butt chef and then his left hand to my left button. “One, two, three, four,” he counted, each slap stinging a little more than the last.

When he reached ten he stopped. My ass cheats felt tingly and prickly and as if on fire under the light touch of his palms as he brushed his hands over them in circles.

“Wait here,” he said and then laughed, “as if you have a choice.”/p>

I heard his footsteps walk off to my right. The cold rough rock was becoming a warm rough rock as it gained again my skin whenever I tried to move. What a site I must have been four pointed over a rock naked with my beginning to glow ass up in the air, my short legs spread wide. It seemed like minutes but was perhaps only seconds when he returned.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he said, chuckling to himself. “I had to go cut a switch from one of the young trees. I had to find just the right one that wouldn’t cut into your skin,” he explained while running the end of it over my ass cheeks making them prickle again. “Well, at least I hope not anyway,” he thought out loud.

I began to squirm at the thought of this thin branch cutting into me. He stood behind me and I tensed up as I felt the end of the stick lightly slapping back and forth teasingly against my inner tights. He moved to stand beside me.

“Eleven,” he began to count as the switch contacted both my ass cheeks at once.

He continued to spank me with the switch, deliberate yet controlled. By the time he had reached sixteen my body tried to move away from the singing but was held securely into place. Moving my hips slightly forward only caused my shaken sex to rub against the rough rock. I bit into my lower lip, trying not to cry out as he finished with, “twenty.” He knelt behind me and holding my hips steady in his hands, he began to lick along the lengths of the reddened welted marks from the switch. My body trembled and jerked. Perspiration began to pool in the valley of my cleavage against the rock.

“Dear one are you OK?” , he asked, pulling some of my hair back to see my face.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, my breathing a bit labored and shallow.

“Good girl,” he responded, “then we shall proceed.”

Once again I heard him chuckle from behind me. It was a mischievous evil chuckle. I was amazed at how my body responded to just that chuckle alone. Unfortunately tied over the rock, my ass on fire and singing, yet strangely I was aroused. My hardened nipples felt as though they were drilling into the rock they were pressed against. A breeze blew straight up between my spread legs drying with a cool sensing the wetness between my thighs, teasing my swollen clip. With all that had been going on I hadn’t noticed till then that my body was sexually aroused. I began to focus on the pleasure, and the singing of my bottom turned to a milk tingle. The tingle as well as my focus were replaced in an instant by what felt like tiny hot needs dancing on my ass cheats, first one side then the other as Sir Mike dangled something teasingly over my backside.

“The next ten will be with this flogger, sweet,” his voice breaking the silence.

It felt as if he were taking practice swings. I felt air rush back and forth across my ass yet no contact. The first stinging swat caused me to moan. The Lacey leather tendrils resting on my reddened flesh a few seconds before he removed them quickly and proceeded to the second swat.

“Twenty-one, twenty-two,” he continued the count, as he alternated between my ass cheeks.

The widespread singing of the flogger seemed easier to take than the biting feel of the switch. My clip felt as if it were becoming more engaged with each swat.

“Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five,” he paused for a few seconds then resumed, “twenty-six, twenty-seven.”

I moaned out loud again at twenty-seven. I heard him chuckle and could imagine the smile of pleasure on his face. Sex centted juices ran freely down my inner thighs as he reached thirty. After a slight hesitation I felt another biting type swat.

“Thirty-one,” he counted as I cried out. “This one is a crop,” he commented as he began a quick back and forth swatting of my ass.

Each swat caused me to moan or cry out. After he reached forty, I felt him knee behind me. He kissed each one of my glowing cheats. I heard another sound of a zipper and knew it to be his trousers. I moaned out loud at the sound. My heart pounded wildly.

“You have done so well little one,” he commented. “I’ve decided to give you a treatment for the last ten.”

I felt his hand slide up sideways between my thighs. I felt the wetness spread and then cool with the breeze. I felt two fingers grab, pull, then release my swollen clip. I moaned out loud again, hearing his own moan simulateneous with mine.

“Forty-one,” he counted as the palm of his left hand slapped at my left ass cheek.

Two fingers of his right hand entered my hot creamy sex, pushing deep, as he slapped my ass again.

“Forty-two,” he said as I felt him press closer behind me.

I inhaled deeply then moaned loudly as I felt him push his cock into me. My sealed mound pounded against the rough rock as he moved in and out of me. I began to moan uncontrollably and moved my head from side to side. He resumed slapping my ass cheats, alternating left then right as he fucked me harder and deeper. I heard him moan and chuckle, moan and chuckle as he counted.

“Forty-three, forty-four, forty-five,” he counted.

His breathing became heavy as did mine. I felt him become larger and harder within me with each stroke. I struggled to push back against him but was held tight by the ropes and the stakes. He continued the spanking and the count to forty-nine.

“Please Sir?” , I cried out. “P p please Sir,” I begged for release of the sexual inferno building within me.

He continued to pound himself faster and deeper into me. He moaned and breathlessly tried to speak.

“Oh God,” he cried out. “Yes, sweet yes. Cum for me now!”

With one final slap to my ass he said loudly, “FIFTY!”

In an instant and on command, my body started to shake and tension, shake and tension. A wild tingling went through me to my head, my arms, my fingers and down my legs to my toes as an intense orgasm overtook me.

“Yes, Sir. Oh God Yes Sir,” I cried out as my hot juices covered and flowed over his hardness still pounding into me.

He moaned loudly and pulled his cock out of me, shooting his hot cream over my ass. It feel like a wash of fire over my already burning flesh. He collapsed forward onto me, kissing my back and my neck as he reached down to until my hands.

“You did very well dear one,” he whispered into my ear. “Happy birthday to me,” he excaimed with a chuckle as he removed himself from on top of me. He untied my ankles and helped me to stand and get my “land legs” back.

“NOW I’m hungry!” , he excaimed as he took me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

I laid out and served him the picnic lunch I had prepared. I remained standing to eat my own, so glad he hadn’t ask me to sit.

The sun was moving in and out between light clouds when we packed up our things and made our way back along the path to the car. When we reached the car he opened the trunk to put his duffle bag and blanket into it and pulled out a very soft pillow, which he handed me with a big smile on his face.

“The ride home may be more comfortable if you sit on this,” he said, kissing my cheek.

The slight comfort afforded by the pillow must have been just enough, for it seemed that one moment we were turning onto the main road, and the next I was waking as he pulled the car to a stop in front of my house.

“There is one more thing I wish you to do today,” he said as he kissed me good-bye. “I want you to remember how each one of those things I spanked you with felt. Then I want you to write down your thoughts so that I may read them.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied smiling, then watched as he drove off. This was definitely one picnic I would not forget so soon.


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